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Abstract Monocytes from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients have an increased heterogeneity of phenotype and function. In a study of 120 HIV patients we have demonstrated that they have normal monocyte differential counts but that with progression of the disease an increasing proportion of monocytes show phenotypic and functional evidence for activation or maturation. A proportion of the monocytes are larger, with increased expression of CD11b, HLA-DR, CD45 and CD16. Concomitantly there was increased expression of TNF-α, high constitutive synthesis of PGE2 and high plasma IL-6 levels. This suggested that there exist a more dynamic situation of recuitment, activation and maturation of peripheral blood monocytes driven by HIV infection which results in a broader phenotypic profile.  相似文献   

The importance of phosphonoamidate prodrugs (ProTides) of acyclic nucleoside phosphonate (ANPs) is highlighted by the approval of Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate for the treatment of HIV and HBV infections. In the present paper we are reporting an expedient, one-pot, two-steps synthesis of allyl phosphonoamidates and diamidates that offers a time saving strategy when compared to literature methods. The use of these substrates in the cross metathesis reactions with alkenyl functionalised thymine and uracil nucleobases is reported. ANPs prodrugs synthesized via this methodology were evaluated for their antiviral activities against DNA and RNA viruses. It is anticipated that the use of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1-napthyl as aryloxy moiety is capable to confer antiviral activity among a series of otherwise inactive uracil ProTides.  相似文献   

Dengue type 2 virus infection in human peripheral blood monocyte cultures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dengue type 2 virus (D2V) infection in cultured human monocytes was studied. D2V permissiveness of the monocytes was enhanced when the cells were inoculated with D2V in the presence of either polyclonal or type-specific monoclonal anti-dengue antibody. The enhancement of D2V permissiveness mediated by the antibodies was more clearly demonstrated when the monocytes had been treated with trypsin before virus inoculation, though treatment of the cells with trypsin alone decreased D2V permissiveness. The enhancement of infection by type-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibody suggests that the D2V particles possess at least two antigenic determinants closely associated with virus infectivity. Infectious center assays revealed that the infection enhancement in the presence of the antibodies was due primarily to an increase in the number of D2V-infected cells, and that only a small proportion of the monocyte population supported D2V replication. The virus-permissive monocytes did not bear HLA-DR antigens on their cell surface. The presence of nonadherent lymphocytes in the monocyte cultures before D2V inoculation did not affect the D2V permissiveness of the monocytes. Treatment of cultured monocytes with the synthetic adjuvants N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine (MDP) and its lipophilic derivative, [B30]-MDP, did not significantly affect the D2V permissiveness of the cells.  相似文献   

Synthetic polymeric constructions (SPCs) including the consensus sequence of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) surface envelope glycoprotein gp120 V3 loop (GPGRAF) blocked the fusion between HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected cells and CD4+ uninfected cells. A structure-activity relationship study using V3 SPC analogs showed that the most efficient inhibitor of cell fusion was an eight-branched SPC with the hexapeptide motif GPGRAF (i.e., [GPGRAF]8-SPC). N-terminal acetylation or incorporation of D-amino acids in the GPGRAF sequence of this SPC resulted in significant loss of activity. Analogs with fewer than six residues in the motif (i.e., GPGRA or GPGR), as well as SPCs with a nonrelevant sequence, did not inhibit cell fusion, demonstrating the high specificity of the antifusion activity. [GPGRAF]8-SPC, which was not toxic to CEM cells at concentrations of up to 50 microM, inhibited 50% of HIV-1(LAI) replication in these cells at a concentration of 0.07 microM. Moreover, [GPGRAF]8-SPC inhibited the infection of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by several HIV-1 and HIV-2 isolates, including laboratory strains [HIV-1(LAI), HIV-1(NDK), and HIV-2(ROD)], and fresh primary isolates, including two zidovudine-resistant HIV-1 isolates and two HIV-2 isolates obtained from infected individuals. The multibranched peptide also inhibited infection of human primary macrophages by the highly cytopathic macrophage-tropic isolate HIV-1(89.6). The antiviral activity of [GPGRAF]8-SPC was not related to a virucidal effect, since preincubation of HIV-1 with the peptide did not affect its infectious titer. This result is in agreement with the concept that the multibranched peptide mimics a part of the V3 loop and thus interacts with the host cell. The therapeutic properties of synthetic multibranched peptides based on the V3 loop consensus motif should be evaluated in HIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef enhances virus replication in both primary T lymphocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages. This enhancement phenotype has been linked to the ability of Nef to modulate the activity of cellular kinases. We find that despite the reported high-affinity interaction between Nef and the Src kinase Hck in vitro, a Nef-Hck interaction in the context of HIV-1-infected primary macrophages is not detectable. However, Nef binding and activation of the PAK-related kinase and phosphorylation of its substrate could be readily detected in both infected primary T lymphocytes and macrophages. Furthermore, we show that this substrate is a complex composed of the recently characterized PAK interacting partner PIX (PAK-interacting guanine nucleotide exchange factor) and its tightly associated p95 protein. PAK and PIX-p95 appear to be differentially activated and phosphorylated depending on the intracellular environment in which nef is expressed. These results identify the PIX-p95 complex as a novel effector of Nef in primary cells and suggest that the regulation of the PAK signaling pathway may differ in T cells and macrophages.  相似文献   

The emergence of a multidrug-resistant HIV-1 strain and the toxicity of anti-HIV-1 compounds approved for clinical use are the most significant problems facing antiretroviral therapies. Therefore, it is crucial to find new agents to overcome these issues. In this study, we synthesized a series of new oxoquinoline acyclonucleoside phosphonate analogues (ethyl 1-[(diisopropoxyphosphoryl)methyl]-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylates 3a-3k), which contained different substituents at the C6 or C7 positions of the oxoquinoline nucleus and an N1-bonded phosphonate group. We subsequently investigated these compounds' in vitro inhibitory effects against HIV-1-infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The most active compounds were the fluoro-substituted derivatives 3f and 3g, which presented excellent EC(50) values of 0.4±0.2 μM (3f) and 0.2±0.005 μM (3g) and selectivity index values (SI) of 6240 and 14675, respectively.  相似文献   

Apoptosis has been indicated as a mechanism of T cell depletion in HIV-infected subjects and useful in monitoring disease progression. We investigated for the presence of apoptotic T lymphocytes in 130 HIV subjects in various stages of disease by the newly developed cell permeant DNA dye Apostain. Blood was collected in EDTA, lysed in buffered ammonium chloride, fixed in freshly prepared 1% paraformaldehyde and stored in aliquots at -80 degrees C. Samples were thawed and double stained with FITC conjugated-CD3 monoclonal antibody and Apostain. Flow cytometry was then performed and T cells gated on a CD3 versus side scatter dot plot. Normal samples treated in the same manner served to establish the boundary separating non-apoptotic from apoptotic cells. There was no statistically significant association between the proportion of subjects with detectable apoptotic cells and CDC clinical categories A, B and C at the time of admission to the study, although a trend toward a lower apoptotic rate in category A (A= 29%, B=40% and C=41%) was noticed. Conversely, CDC T cell categories 2 and 3 contained significantly higher proportions of Apostain positive patients (1=6%, 2=32% and 3=49%, P=0.072, by chi(2) test). Most importantly, Apostain test identified subjects at risk of disease progression during a 3.5-7 months follow-up in CDC category B and 2 (P=0.008 and P=0.0003, by Fisher's exact test, respectively). A similar, albeit not statistically significant trend was observed also in the other categories. Not requiring extensive manipulation of fresh samples nor cumbersome culture techniques, Apostain test appears suitable for identifying HIV subjects at higher risk of disease progression in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Macrophages are major reservoirs of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the tissues of infected humans. As monocytes in the peripheral blood do not show high levels of infection, we have investigated the expression of HIV in T-cell-activated, differentiated macrophages. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from HIV-seropositive individuals and stimulated with antigens or mitogens, and the nonadherent fraction was removed. Macrophages were cultured alone for 2 weeks, and HIV expression was assessed. Results from p24 antigen capture assays demonstrated that the presence of autologous T cells and concanavalin A or autologous T cells and allogeneic cells for the initial 24 h of culture induced HIV expression in 35 of 47 (74%) HIV-seropositive patients tested. The macrophage monolayers could be immunostained with anti-HIV antibodies to reveal discrete infectious centers, indicating that complete virus replication was occurring in the macrophages and that infection of adjacent cells was mediated by cell-cell contact. Time course studies of the interval of coculture of the adherent and nonadherent cells indicated that 24 h (but not 2 h) was sufficient for induction of HIV in the macrophages. Direct contact between the adherent cells and activated T cells was required as well. Since the presence of autologous T cells also appeared to be necessary, induction of HIV expression in macrophages may be genetically restricted. HIV-seronegative nonadherent cells were able to induce HIV expression in macrophages from HIV-seropositive donors, demonstrating that the virus originated in the monocytes and was reactivated in the context of a classic T-cell-mediated immune reaction. The high percentage of monocytes from HIV-seropositive donors which can be induced to replicate HIV by activated T cells suggests that infection of monocytes may be critical to the pathogenesis of this lentivirus infection.  相似文献   

The effects of recombinant gp120 on the proliferative responses and cytokine production by normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were investigated. gp120 inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion the anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (MAb)- and concanavalin A-induced proliferative responses. The production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-4 was diminished by gp120 in the anti-CD3- and concanavalin A-stimulated cultures. In unstimulated PBMC, gp120 induced the production of considerable amounts of IL-10, gamma interferon, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. The gp120-induced reduction in the proliferative responses of PBMC was at least partially reversed by the addition of IL-2, anti-CD28 MAb, or transfectants expressing CD80, CD86, or CD40 but not with exogenous IL-4. Also, a neutralizing anti-IL-10 MAb reversed the inhibitory effect of gp120 on the proliferative responses whereas exogenous IL-10 further enhanced this inhibitory effect. These findings indicate that IL-10 plays an important role in the inhibitory effect of gp120 on PBMC proliferation. The ratio of CD3+CD4+ to CD3+CD8+ T cells was the same in gp120-treated and untreated cell cultures. No apoptosis in these two T-cell populations was observed. However, the number of activated CD3+CD4+ T cells and CD3+CD8+ T cells, as judged by CD25, CD69, and HLA-DR expression, was consistently reduced. gp120 induced the expression of IL-10 in the monocyte/macrophage population, and therefore gp120 also reduced the proliferative responses of CD4+ T-cell-depleted PBMC. Taken together, our observations point to the importance of the cytokine pattern changes and, in particular, the role of IL-10 (produced by the monocytes) in the inhibitory effect of gp120. This mechanism of gp120-induced immunosuppression, if operative in vivo, could contribute to the depressed immune responses associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection and thus have important implications for immunotherapeutic strategies to slow down disease progression in AIDS.  相似文献   

It is well documented that several cell surface molecules of T lymphocytes are altered by immune activation. We previously reported that feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection induces a reduction in CD8beta chain expression of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) in cats. In this study, we performed three-color flow-cytometric analysis for activation-associated cell surface molecules (CD2, CD11a, CD45RA-like and major histocompatibility complex antigen class II (MHC II)) and light scatters (cellular size and complexity) to examine whether phenotypic changes also occurred in CD4(+) PBLs in addition to CD8(+) PBLs, of five FIV-infected cats and one uninfected cat. It was shown that (i) CD8alpha(+) PBLs, but not CD4(+) PBLs, had a distinct subpopulation with increased CD11a expression accompanying a reduced CD8beta chain and increased intracellular granules (ii) CD8alpha(+) PBLs, but not CD4(+) PBLs, expressed CD45RA-like antigen with diverse expression levels and (iii) MHC II expression was greater in CD8alpha(+) PBLs than CD4(+) PBLs, and the CD8beta chain reduction was correlated with the MHC II decrease within CD8alpha(+) PBLs. These results suggest that FIV infection induces phenotypically heterogeneous subpopulations in CD8(+) PBLs, including activated phenotypes, rather than in CD4(+) PBLs.  相似文献   

The capacity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelopes to transduce signals through chemokine coreceptors on macrophages was examined by measuring the ability of recombinant envelope proteins to mobilize intracellular calcium stores. Both HIV and SIV envelopes mobilized calcium via interactions with CCR5. The kinetics of these responses were similar to those observed when macrophages were treated with MIP-1beta. Distinct differences in the capacity of envelopes to mediate calcium mobilization were observed. Envelopes derived from viruses capable of replicating in macrophages mobilized relatively high levels of calcium, while envelopes derived from viruses incapable of replicating in macrophages mobilized relatively low levels of calcium. The failure to efficiently mobilize calcium was not restricted to envelopes derived from CXCR4-utilizing isolates but also included envelopes derived from CCR5-utilizing isolates that fail to replicate in macrophages. We characterized one CCR5-utilizing isolate, 92MW959, which entered macrophages but failed to replicate. A recombinant envelope derived from this virus mobilized low levels of calcium. When macrophages were inoculated with 92MW959 in the presence of MIP-1alpha, viral replication was observed, indicating that a CC chemokine-mediated signal provided the necessary stimulus to allow the virus to complete its replication cycle. Although the role that envelope-CCR5 signal transduction plays in viral replication is not yet understood, it has been suggested that envelope-mediated signals facilitate early postfusion events in viral replication. The data presented here are consistent with this hypothesis and suggest that the differential capacity of viral envelopes to signal through CCR5 may influence their ability to replicate in macrophages.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell viral transfer facilitates the spread of lymphotropic retroviruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV), likely through the formation of "virological synapses" between donor and target cells. Regarding HIV replication, the importance of cell contacts has been demonstrated, but this phenomenon remains only partly characterized. In order to alter cell-to-cell HIV transmission, we have maintained cultures under continuous gentle shaking and followed viral replication in this experimental system. In lymphoid cell lines, as well as in primary lymphocytes, viral replication was dramatically reduced in shaken cultures. To document this phenomenon, we have developed an assay to assess the relative contributions of free and cell-associated virions in HIV propagation. Acutely infected donor cells were mixed with carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled lymphocytes as targets, and viral production was followed by measuring HIV Gag expression at different time points by flow cytometry. We report that cellular contacts drastically enhance productive viral transfer compared to what is seen with infection with free virus. Productive cell-to-cell viral transmission required fusogenic viral envelope glycoproteins on donor cells and adequate receptors on targets. Only a few syncytia were observed in this coculture system. Virus release from donor cells was unaffected when cultures were gently shaken, whereas virus transfer to recipient cells was severely impaired. Altogether, these results indicate that cell-to-cell transfer is the predominant mode of HIV spread and help to explain why this virus replicates so efficiently in lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

《Research in virology》1990,141(2):217-224
To look for possible defects in cells of the monocyte/macrophage system, blood monocytes from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were cultured on hydrophobic Teflon for 7 days and their ability to differentiate into mature macrophages in the presence of serum was followed. The following parameters were studied as indicative of successful terminal maturation: (1) the expression of maturation-associated antigens (transferrin receptor, surface transferrin, the BA-2 antigen, MAX antigens), (2) the disappearance of the MOP15 antigen, and (3) a more than 20-fold increase in intracellular ferritin concentration. It was found that the patients′ blood monocytes did not differentiate in vitro but rather remained immature precursor cells. If the same holds true in vivo, the results could indicate that the pathophysiology of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may be, to a large extent, linked with the functional consequences of this impaired monocyte-to-macrophage maturation.  相似文献   

Physiological microenvironments such as blood, seminal plasma, mucosal secretions, or lymphatic fluids may influence the biology of the virus-host cell and immune interactions for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Relative to media, physiological levels of human plasma were found to enhance the infectivity of HIV-1 primary isolates in both phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and monocyte-derived macrophages. Enhancement was observed only when plasma was present during the virus-cell incubation and resulted in a 3- to 30-fold increase in virus titers in all of the four primary isolates tested. Both infectivity and virion binding experiments demonstrated a slow, time-dependent process generally requiring between 1 and 10 h. Human plasma collected in anticoagulants CPDA-1 and heparin, but not EDTA, exhibited this effect at concentrations from 90 to 40%. Furthermore, heat-inactivated plasma resulted in a loss of enhancement in peripheral blood mononuclear cells but not in monocyte-derived macrophages. Physiological concentrations of human plasma appear to recruit additional infectivity, thus increasing the infectious potential of the virus inoculum.  相似文献   

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