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Cyclic AMP and its dibutyryl derivative inhibit neuronal firing of the labellar sugar sensitive receptor of the blowfly when applied in conjunction with the stimulant sucrose. Furthermore, simultaneous application of aminophylline (phosphodiesterase inhibitor) and sucrose or in combination with cyclic AMP caused a similar depression of the sugar receptors response. In contrast, dibutyryl cyclic GMP elicited an increase in sugar receptor firing when applied with sucrose to the sugar receptor. Either 5′-AMP or 5′-GMP in combination with sucrose had no discernable effect on the sugar receptors response. Different ratio combinations of cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic GMP showed the striking inhibitory effect of cyclic AMP upon the dibutyryl cyclic GMP elicited increases in receptor firing frequency. Therefore, it is suggested that these two nucleotides may be mediating different but complimentary aspects of sugar receptor function in a push-pull manner.  相似文献   

In isolated guinea-pig hepatocytes, dibutyryl cyclic AMP stimulated gluconeogenesis from 2 mM galactose by 25 and 40% respectively. In the presence of 0.5 mM theophylline, cyclic AMP (0.1 mM) increased glucose synthesis from lactate and galactose by 26 and 34% respectively.  相似文献   

Prepubertal rat ovaries were incubated in medium containing the non-utilizable amino acids alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB-14C) or 1-aminocyclo-pentane-carboxylic acid (cycloleucine-14C). The rate of uptake of the two amino acids was studied in the isolated ovaries after different incubation periods. Addition of 5mM cyclic AMP (cAMP) caused a slight stimulation of the AIB-transport but in higher concentrations (10-25 mM) an inhibition was noted. With dibutyrl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) a dose-dependent increase was seen with 0.5-5 mM concentrations with no further effect of higher concentrations. Time course studies were performed with both AIB and cycloleucine in presence of 10 mM dbcAMP and increased uptake values were noted at each time studied (30-240 min). The phosphodiesterase inhibitor aminophyline in lower concentrations did not influence AIB-transport but 5-10 mM caused increased uptake values in the ovaries. The stimulatory action of dbcAMP on amino acid transport was augmented by a low concentration of aminophylline (0.5 mM). Experiments were in addition carried out in the presence of puromycin and under these circumstances it was still possible to enhance amino acid transport by addition of dbcAMP. The results are discussed in relation to earlier reported effects of gonadotropins on ovarian amino acid transport.  相似文献   

A rapid highly sensitive assay for cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase has been devised. After a 5-min incubation, cyclic AMP is readily resolved from 5′-AMP, adenosine, and inosine by ion-exchange thin-layer chromatography on 1.3 × 6.5-cm strips of PEI-cellulose for 7 to 8 min. This procedure combines the accuracy of the standard paper chromatography assay (1) with the speed of ion-exchange resin techniques (2), while surmounting some of the major drawbacks of the other two methods (3). Since chromatography on PEI-cellulose efficiently resolves cyclic GMP, 5′-GMP, and guanosine, this methodology has also been adapted to the measurement of cyclic GMP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Three behavioral tests, spontaneous locomotor activity (SLMA), exploratory behavior (EB) and rotarod performance (RP), a measure of neuromuscular coordination, were used to stuey the interaction of PGE1 (1 mg/kg i.p., 10 min. pretreatment) with DBcAMP (25 mg/kg i.p., 25 min. pretreatment) in mice. A dose-response relationship of PGE1 (0.01-5.0 mg/kg) to SLMA was determined, with a significant decrease in SLMA produced by a dose of 0.1 mg/kg. decreases in SLMA were produced by PGE1 (79%), DBcAMP (41%) and DBcAMP-PGE1 combination (71%). Similar decreases in EB were observed. Although no significant difference between controls and DBcAMP was observed in RP, 52% of mice tested were RP failures following PGE1 and a 100% failure rate was induced by the combination. Mice were treated with a second injection of DBcAMP or PGE1 or the combination 24 hr following the first injection. Behavioral activity of these mice was observed 25 min (DBcAMP) or 10 min (PGE1) after the second dose was administered. A second injection of DBcAMP failed to decrease SLMA and EB from controls; moreover, SLMA began to return towards control levels as early as 2 hr between injections. The second injection of PGE1 or DBcAMP+PGE1 produced the same behavior as that produced by the first injection. On the basis of these results, the relationship of cyclic nucleotides and PGs to behavioral activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical studies employing antibodies against cyclic nucleotides indicate that cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP are localized to distinct subcellular sites. These antibodies, however, cross-react weakly with noncyclic nucleotides (eg. ATP, GTP), and therefore we investigated the speficity of the immunohistochemical technique. Slides of fetal nuclei exposed to gaseous nitrous acid demonstrated reduced immunofluorescence. The slides were then incubated with cyclic and noncyclic nucleotides, and restoration of distinct cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP staining pattern was achieved only with appropriate cyclic nucleotides. Antibodies that were used have a greater affinity for acetylated derivatives of cyclic nucleotides. By using a gas phase technique, tissue slices were acetylated and immunohistochemical staining intensity was compared with the effect of acetylation on antibody affinity for various nucleotides. Acetylation greatly increased affinity of cyclic AMP antibody for cyclic AMP but not other nucleotides, and greatly intensified cyclic AMP staining. Acetylation moderately increased affinity of cyclic GMP antibody for cyclic GMP, and moderately intensified cyclic GMP staining. Conclusion: Both nitrous acid and acetylation studies support the specificity of the immunohistochemical method for cyclic nucleotides.  相似文献   

The isolated rabbit pancreas responds to the hormone cholecystokinin-pancreozymin and its C-terminal peptide with increases in protein secretion and in paracellular permeability. Dibutyryl cyclic GMP competitively inhibits these responses to the C-terminal octapeptide, but with different sensitivity. In low concentrations dibutyryl cyclic GMP lowers only the increase in the paracellular permeability, whereas in high concentrations it inhibits both the protein secretion and the permeability increase. The effect can be explained by assuming competition between dibutyryl cyclic GMP and the hormone at the level of the pancreozymin receptors.  相似文献   

The isolated rabbit pancreas responds to the hormone cholecystokinin-pancreozymin and its C-terminal peptide with increases in protein secretion and in paracellular permeability. Dibutyryl cyclic GMP competitively inhibits these responses to the C-terminal octapeptide, but with different sensitivity. In low concentrations dibutyryl cyclic GMP lowers only the increase in the paracellular permeability, whereas in high concentrations it inhibits both the protein secretion and the permeability increase. The effect can be explained by assuming competition between dibutyryl cyclic GMP and the hormone at the level of the pancreozymin receptors.  相似文献   

We have studied the variations of endogenous cyclic AMP levels in thyroid cells cultured over a period of 7 days in several conditions: in the presence of thyroid-stimulating hormone or dibutyryl cyclic AMP which both promote the aggregation of isolated cells into follicles, and in their absence when cells develop as a typical monolayer. In follicle-forming cells, the cyclic AMP level was found to rise during the first day of culture, then to fall rapidly. In monolayer-forming cells, the cyclic AMP content slightly increases attaining the same level as found in other cells at the fourth day, which remains stable till the seventh day. We have investigated the response of these cells cultured in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP retain the capability of increasing their cyclic AMP concentration whereas monolayer-forming cells do not preserve this quality of thyroid cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the variations of endogenous cyclic AMP levels in thyroid cells cultured over a period of 7 days in several conditions: in the presence of thyroid-stimulating hormone or dibutyryl cyclin AMP which both promote the aggregation of isolated cell into follicles, and in their absence when cells develop as a typical monolayer. In follicle-forming cells, the cyclic AMP level was found to rise during the first day of culture, then to fall rapidly. In monolayer-forming cells, the cyclic AMP content slightly increases attaining the same level as found in other cells at the fourth day, which remains stable till the seventh day. We have investigated the response of these cells to the acute effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone: only cells cultured in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP retain the capability of increasing their cycli AMP concentration whereas monolayer-forming cells do not preserve this quality of thyroid cells.  相似文献   

Both dcAMP and theophylline are known to promote lipolysis in vitro by increasing intracellular cAMP. Although theophylline stimulates FFA mobilization in vivo as well, a report of low circulating FFA levels in the rat given dcAMP suggested that dcAMP may inhibit lipolysis in the intact animal. To explore this possibility, a comparison of the in vitro and in vivo lipolytic effects of theophylline and dcAMP was made in the young dog. Circulating glycerol and FFA levels rose following the administration of theophylline. While glycerol and FFA fell slightly in puppies given dcAMP, only the FFA change was significant. Epinephrine infusions given alone produced sustained elevations of glycerol and FFA. When theophylline was given in conjunction with ongoing epinephrine infusions, plasma glycerol and FFA levels remained high. On the other hand, epinephrine-stimulated lipolysis was markedly inhibited by dcAMP, as shown by pronounced falls of glycerol and FFA from the elevated levels found with epinephrine alone. In vitro studies involving fragments of puppy adipose tissue reveal that epinephrine, theophylline, and dcAMP promoted glycerol release. In contrast to the in vivo observations, lipolysis was also stimulated by combinations of both epinephrine and theophylline as well as by epinephrine and dcAMP. Thus, theophylline stimulates lipolysis in vitro and in vivo in the puppy. In contrast, dcAMP stimulates lipolysis in vitro but inhibits this action in the intact animal. This important difference in the two pharmacologic agents suggests the need for caution when using them in in vivo studies involving the action of cAMP.  相似文献   

1. Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and N-6-2'-O-dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate decrease the initial entry rate and the steady-state uptake of p-aminohippurate and uric acid by rabbit kidney cortex slices. 2. N-6-2'-O-Dibutyryl adenosine 3'-5'-monophosphate inhibits the tubular transport of p-aminohippurate competitively. 3. Isoproterenol, known to increase cyclic nucleotide concentration of the cortical tubules by activation of adenyl cyclase, decreases p-aminohippurate transport. Antidiuretic hormone which is known to stimulate only medullary adenyl cyclase has no effect on p-amino-hippurate uptake by cortical slices. 4. Theophylline, which inhibits cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and, therefore, enhances the cellular accumulation of endogenous cyclic nucleotide, depresses p-aminohippurate transport.  相似文献   

The effects of verapamil, a calcium antagonist, on lipolysis in isolated rat adipocytes were studied. Verapamil (100 microM) potentiated lipolysis due to dibutyryl cyclic AMP (Bt2cAMP) at submaximal concentrations, with or without extracellular Ca2+. Lipolysis due to 0.5 mM-Bt2cAMP was potentiated by verapamil in a dose-dependent manner up to 200 microM, whereas at concentrations higher than 100 microM the stimulatory effect of verapamil was progressively diminished with or without extracellular Ca2+. Verapamil showed only an inhibitory effect on lipolysis due to adrenaline (0.1-10 microM) or 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX; 25-200 microM). The stimulatory effect of verapamil on lipolysis due to Bt2cAMP was not blocked by alpha-adrenergic antagonists. These results suggest (i) that verapamil has a biphasic effect on lipolysis due to Bt2cAMP and only an inhibitory effect on that due to adrenaline or IBMX, and (ii) that extracellular Ca2+ or alpha-adrenergic receptors are not involved in the action of verapamil.  相似文献   

Methods are described for measuring phosphodiesterases for cGMP and cAMP in the range of activity yielding 10−12 to 10−8 mol of product. The 5′-GMP formed is measured by conversion to GDP with guanylate kinase. Amounts of GDP greater than 10−10 mol are measured directly with an enzyme system which results in stoichiometric oxidation of NADH. This is either determined by the decrease in fluorescence or the excess NADH is destroyed with acid and the NAD+ measured by its fluorescence in strong NaOH. With smaller amounts of GDP, sensitivity is amplified 1000-fold with the succinic thiokinase-pyruvate kinase cycle. In the case of cAMP diesterase, larger amounts of 5′-AMP are measured in the same way as 5′-GMP, except that adenylate kinase is substituted for guanylate kinase. With smaller amounts, the 5′-AMP is converted to ATP, and sensitivity is amplified with the adenylate kinase-pyruvate kinase cycle. As little as 20 ng dry weight of average brain is sufficient for accurate assay of the diesterase activity toward either cAMP or cGMP. When there is danger of significant destruction of AMP or GMP by tissue 5′-nucleotidase, this is prevented by adding GMP to the cAMP reagent, AMP to the cGMP reagent, or 5′-UMP to either reagent.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in rabbit blastocysts.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of both nucleotides were significantly higher in Day-6 than in Day-5 blastocysts but the ratio of cAMP to cGMP changed from 0.5 to 1.5.  相似文献   

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