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D A Cumming 《Glycobiology》1991,1(2):115-130
The discovery, development, production and clinical application of recombinant glycoproteins for therapeutic administration in humans has been, and continues to be, an area of intensive scientific and medical effort. This effort has engendered considerable interest in the biological and therapeutic implications of post-translational modifications, particularly the most elaborated and sophisticated of these, protein glycosylation. As a result, numerous studies have appeared in the literature, especially within the past few years, which have greatly expanded our understanding of the biology of protein glycosylation. This review seeks to summarize these studies, illustrating that protein glycosylation, by modulating numerous biological attributes, is of central import in defining the utility of recombinant therapeutics.  相似文献   

Process changes are inevitable in the life cycle of recombinant monoclonal antibody therapeutics. Products made using pre- and post-change processes are required to be comparable as demonstrated by comparability studies to qualify for continuous development and commercial supply. Establishment of comparability is a systematic process of gathering and evaluating data based on scientific understanding and clinical experience of the relationship between product quality attributes and their impact on safety and efficacy. This review summarizes the current understanding of various modifications of recombinant monoclonal antibodies. It further outlines the critical steps in designing and executing successful comparability studies to support process changes at different stages of a product's lifecycle.  相似文献   

The glycosylation pattern of a humanized anti-EGFR×anti-CD3 bispecific single-chain diabody with an Fc portion (hEx3-scDb-Fc) produced by recombinant Chinese hamster ovary cells was evaluated and compared with those of a recombinant humanized anti-IL-8 antibody (IgG1) and human serum IgG. N-Linked oligosaccharide structures were estimated by two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. No sialylation was observed with purified hEx3-scDb-Fc and the anti-IL-8 antibody. From the analysis of neutral oligosaccharides, approximately more than 90% of the N-linked oligosaccharides of hEx3-scDb-Fc and the anti-IL-8 antibody were alpha-1,6-fucosylated. The galactosylated biantennary oligosaccharides comprise over 40% of the total N-linked oligosaccharides in both hEx3-scDb-Fc and the anti-IL-8 antibody. The fully galactosylated biantennary oligosaccharides from hEx3-scDb-Fc and the anti-IL-8 antibody accounted for only 10% of the N-linked; however, more than 20% of the N-linked oligosaccharides were fully galactosylated biantennary oligosaccharides in human serum IgG. The glycosylation pattern of hEx3-scDb-Fc was quite similar to that of the anti-IL-8 antibody.  相似文献   

Tailor-made antibody therapeutics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Therapeutic antibodies represent one of the fastest growing areas of the pharmaceutical industry. There are currently 18 monoclonal antibodies in the market that have been approved by the FDA and over 150 in clinical developments. Driven by innovation and technological developments, scientists have gone beyond the traditional antibody molecules. Antibodies have been engineered in a variety of ways to meet the challenges posed by different biological settings. Described in this review is an abridged account of the different ways antibodies have been tailored to make them efficient drug molecules.  相似文献   

部分重组蛋白药物存在半衰期短的缺陷,临床给药频率高,且大多为注射给药,严重影响患者使用依从性。长效重组蛋白药物是近年来生物技术药物发展的重要趋势之一。对蛋白分子进行改造或修饰,延长重组蛋白药物的半衰期,实现长效以减少给药频率主要通过4种方式:化学修饰、构建突变体、蛋白融合、糖基化修饰。针对上述4种长效化方式及已上市相关产品进行了综述。展望未来,紧跟国外先进技术和质量标准发展,进一步提高国产长效重组蛋白药物质量水平,推进国内相关产品标准升级,推动创新长效重组蛋白药物开发及专利布局是未来几年国内该领域的发展方向。  相似文献   


Protein glycosylation is a very important quality attribute of any biopharmaceutical product as it affects the efficacy, serum half-life, and antigenicity of a molecule. The present expression hosts commercially utilized for a recombinant glycoprotein production generally cannot produce a desired and uniform glycan composition and generally exhibit non-human glycans that can lead to unwanted side effects. The authors provide a comprehensive review of various approaches which can be implemented to minimize the glycan heterogeneity for the production of the desired protein with improved glycoforms. The authors also describe that the industry standard expression systems such as mammalian, insect, and yeast are glycoengineered to produce human-like glycan composition of a recombinant product. This review summarizes the recent technologies used for the improvement of the glycan composition of the biotherapeutics, focusing largely on the selection of an appropriate expression host, glycoengineering, and upstream process optimization to control protein glycosylation and thus enhanced biological activity with fewer side effects. Here, we also suggest various approaches such as host and clone selection to achieve expected glycosylation in a recombinant protein. The cell culture, biochemical, and physical process parameters play a key role in the manufacturing of the desired glycoform of a therapeutic protein. Hence, these components are to be considered very carefully while developing such glycoproteins. Also, glycoengineering of production host to modulate the protein glycosylation is also recommended in the present review.


A wide variety of full-size monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and therapeutics derived from alternative antibody formats can be produced through genetic and biological engineering techniques. These molecules are now filling the preclinical and clinical pipelines of every major pharmaceutical company and many biotechnology firms. Metrics for the development of antibody therapeutics, including averages for the number of candidates entering clinical study and development phase lengths for mAbs approved in the United States, were derived from analysis of a dataset of over 600 therapeutic mAbs that entered clinical study sponsored, at least in part, by commercial firms. The results presented provide an overview of the field and context for the evaluation of on-going and prospective mAb development programs. The expansion of therapeutic antibody use through supplemental marketing approvals and the increase in the study of therapeutics derived from alternative antibody formats are discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies constitute the most rapidly growing class of human therapeutics and the second largest class of drugs after vaccines. The generation of potent antibody therapeutics, which I review here, is an iterative design process that involves the generation and optimization of antibodies to improve their clinical potential.  相似文献   

Probabilities of success (POS) play a key role in determining the distribution of resources by both investors and the pharmaceutical industry. Resources such as time, money and personnel are more likely to be directed toward programs in categories with acceptable rates of success. What is considered acceptable may, of course, vary between companies and other decision-makers. With the increased focus on development of antibody therapeutics, it is important for stakeholders to understand the utility, and limitations, of POS values such as cumulative approval success rates and clinical phase transition probabilities. A key point is that cumulative approval success rates are derived from data for only those candidates with known fates (either approved or terminated), but clinical phase transition probability calculations include data on the status of all candidates.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation is arguably the paramount post-translational modification on recombinant glycoproteins, and highly cited in the literature for affecting the physiochemical properties and the efficacy of recombinant glycoprotein therapeutics. Glycosylation of human immunoglobulins follows a reasonably well-understood metabolic pathway, which gives rise to a diverse range of asparagine-linked (N-linked), or serine/threonine-linked (O-linked) glycans. In N-linked glycans, fucose levels have been shown to have an inverse relationship with the degree of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, and high mannose levels have been implicated in potentially increasing immunogenicity and contributing to less favorable pharmacokinetic profiles. Here, we demonstrate a novel approach to potentially reduce the presence of high-mannose species in recombinant human immunoglobulin preparations, as well as facilitate an approximate 100% replacement of fucosylation with arabinosylation in Chinese hamster ovary cell culture through media supplementation with D-arabinose, an uncommonly used mammalian cell culture sugar substrate. The replacement of fucose with arabinose was very effective and practical to implement, since no cell line engineering or cellular adaptation strategies were required. Arabinosylated recombinant IgGs and the accompanying reduction in high mannose glycans, facilitated a reduction in dendritic cell uptake, increased FcγRIIIa signaling, and significantly increased the levels of ADCC. These aforementioned effects were without any adverse changes to various structural or functional attributes of multiple recombinant human antibodies and a bispecific DVD-Ig. Protein arabinosylation represents an expansion of the N-glycan code in mammalian expressed glycoproteins.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development and termination of nebacumab (Centoxin®), a human IgM monoclonal antibody (mAb) drug frequently cited as one of the notable failures of the early biopharmaceutical industry. The non-approval of Centoxin in the United States in 1992 generated major concerns at the time about the future viability of any mAb therapeutics. For Centocor, the biotechnology company that developed Centoxin, the drug posed formidable challenges in terms of safety, clinical efficacy, patient selection, the overall economic costs of health care, as well as financial backing. Indeed, Centocor's development of the drug brought it to the brink of bankruptcy. This article shows how many of the experiences learned with Centoxin paved the way for the current successes in therapeutic mAb development.  相似文献   

We live in a hostile environment but are protected by the innate and adaptive immune system. A major component of the latter is mediated by antibody molecules that bind to pathogens, with exquisite specificity, and the immune complex formed activates cellular mechanisms leading to the removal and destruction of the complex. Five classes of antibody are identified; however, the IgG class predominates in serum and a majority of monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics are based on the IgG format. Selection within the antibody repertoire allows the generation of (mAb) having specificity for any selected target, including human antigens. This review focuses on the structure and function of the Fc region of IgG molecules that mediates biologic functions, within immune complexes, by interactions with cellular Fc receptors (FcγR) and/or the C1q component of complement. A property of IgG that is suited to its use as a therapeutic is the long catabolic half life of ~21days, mediated through the structurally distinct neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn). Our understanding of structure/function relationships is such that we can contemplate engineering the IgG-Fc to enhance or eliminate biologic activities to generate therapeutics considered optimal for a given disease indication. There are four subclasses of human IgG that exhibit high sequence homology but a unique profile of biologic activities. The FcγR and the C1q binding functions are dependent on glycosylation of the IgG-Fc. Normal human serum IgG is comprised of multiple glycoforms and biologic activities, other than catabolism, varies between glycoforms.  相似文献   

The glycan moiety of human recombinant gonadotrophins (r-hFSH, r-hLH, and r-hCG) produced in CHO cell lines has been characterized by a combination of chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques, including both matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray. Two glycan mapping methods have been developed for the three gonadotrophins that allow separation of the glycans according to either their charge or sialylation level or their antennarity. A method was also developed for r-hCG that permits the complete resolution of the N-glycan from the O-glycan species. Whereas the structure found for the N-glycans of the gonadotrophins was in agreement with the complex type model, the structure for an O-glycan of r-hCG, not yet described, has been unambiguously determined using nanoelectrospray ion trap mass spectrometry. Using these two glycan mapping methods, the high level of batch-to-batch consistency achieved for the glycosylation of the three recombinant gonadotrophins in commercial production has been shown. These data demonstrate the tight control that can be achieved in the manufacturing of complex recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins, which is a prerequisite to the delivering of a guaranteed dose of drug from vial to vial, and in turn to ensuring the clinical efficacy of the product.  相似文献   

Recent experience has helped to clarify the best ways to use monoclonal antibodies to solve clinical problems. For example, imaging based on tumor antigens, rather than tumor size, will permit early detection of cancer and accurate staging. Blocking receptor—ligand interactions may permit therapeutic intervention in cell growth or function but activity may depend on the choice of an antiligand or antireceptor strategy. Humanized antibodies will achieve greater intensity and duration of therapy, while allowing repeat administration in chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Production of recombinant protein therapeutics in cultivated mammalian cells   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Wurm FM 《Nature biotechnology》2004,22(11):1393-1398
Cultivated mammalian cells have become the dominant system for the production of recombinant proteins for clinical applications because of their capacity for proper protein folding, assembly and post-translational modification. Thus, the quality and efficacy of a protein can be superior when expressed in mammalian cells versus other hosts such as bacteria, plants and yeast. Recently, the productivity of mammalian cells cultivated in bioreactors has reached the gram per liter range in a number of cases, a more than 100-fold yield improvement over titers seen for similar processes in the mid-1980s. This increase in volumetric productivity has resulted mainly from improvements in media composition and process control. Opportunities still exist for improving mammalian cell systems through further advancements in production systems as well as through vector and host cell engineering.  相似文献   

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