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Alan M. Jones  Peter H. Quail 《Planta》1989,178(2):147-156
We have undertaken a study of the structure of the amino-terminal domain of the phytochrome polypeptide purified from Avena sativa L. Amino-acid sequencing was used to indentify arginine 52 as the precise location of a conformation-specific cleavage of phytochrome by subtilisin. The location of the epitopes for a class of monoclonal antibodies designated type 2 has been shown to be located between approx. 10 and 20 kilodaltons (kDa) from the amino terminus. These two new spatial markers, in addition to the chromophore and another epitope recognized by type 1 monoclonal antibodies and located within 6 kDa from the amino terminus, have been used to map the locations of several new protease-accessible sites along the polypeptide. After extensive digestion of phytochrome with subtilisin, a stable spectrally-active group of peptides remains. Within this group is a 16-kDa chromopeptide which, either alone or as part of an assemblage of peptides, elutes from a size-exclusion column under nondenaturing conditions at a volume consistent with a molecular mass of 35–40 kDa. This group of peptides has an absorbance spectrum similar to the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) and is red/far-red photoreversible between this and a photobleached form. These data indicate that this group of peptides still retains the principal structural requisites for Pr-chromophore-protein interactions and for photoreversibility, but not for Pfr (far-red-absorbing phytochrome)-chromophore-protein interactions. It is uncertain if these structural requisites reside exclusively on the 16-kDa chromopeptide or result from an assemblage of these peptides. However, we have excluded any role for an adjacent 14-kDa fragment (approximately residues 50 to 200) in the observed spectral properties since it can be selectively removed without any effect on the photoreversibility.Abbreviations Da dalton - Mr relative molecular mass - Pr, Pfr red and far-red-absorbing forms of phytochrome, respectively - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis This work was presented, in part, at the XVI Yamada Conference on Phytochrome and Plant Photomorphogenesis, Okazaki, Japan, October 1986  相似文献   

Peter J. Watson  Harry Smith 《Planta》1982,154(2):121-127
The results reported in this paper provide strong evidence to support the belief that the small percentage of phytochrome recovered in low-speed centrifugation pellets, when prepared in the absence of divalent cations after various in vivo irradiations, is not simply a manifestation of non-specific co-precipitation of soluble phytochrome.The far-red reversibility of the observed near-doubling of phytochrome pelletability after in vivo red irradiation indicates that phytochrome pelletability in the absence of divalent cations is a phytochrome-controlled response. The characteristics of the pelleted phytochrome indicate a strong, hydrophobic interaction with membranes. A tentative proposal to explain the observed characteristics of the association of phytochrome with membranous material in the absence of divalent cations after different in vivo irradiations has been put forward.Abbreviations Pfr phytochrome in the far-red light absorbing form - Pr phytochrome in the fat-red light absorbing form - Ptot total phytochrome - R red light irradiation - FR far-red light irradiation  相似文献   

L. R. Fox 《Planta》1977,135(3):217-223
Killer, a substance extracted from stem tissue of etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. v. Alaska), interacts specifically with the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) in vitro in a temperature-independent, rapid, stoichiometric fashion to cause a loss of phytochrome photoreversibility. The chromatographic, solubility, and spectral properties of partially purified fractions indicate that Killer is a cyclic, unsaturated molecule containing ionizible hydroxyl groups; its molecular weight is unknown, although probably low. Possible mechanisms by which the Killer-phytochrome interaction results in the loss of photoreversibility are discussed.I=Fox, 1975  相似文献   

Peter J. Watson  Harry Smith 《Planta》1982,154(2):128-134
Phytochrome in the far-red light absorbing form (Pfr) was observed to disappear in vivo more rapidly from the non-cation-requiring pelletable phytochrome population than from the supernantant phytochrome population of oat seedlings given an increasing dark incubation after red irradiation. The amount of pelletable phytochrome in the red light absorbing form (Pr) remained relatively stable while supernatant Pr was lost. These observations indicated that supernant Pfr was subject to loss during the incubation, while pelletable Pfr was subject to both dark reversion and loss.During the incubation, the ability of far-red irradiation to reverse the red-induced increase in phytochrome pelletability was lost, with kinetics similar to those of the loss of pelletable Pfr.Far-red reversibility of the red-induced increase in coleoptile elongation correlated with the change intotal Pfr in both supernatant and pelletable phytochrome populations, but with the change in the ratio of Pfr to total phytochrome only in the pelletable phytochrome population.The possible significance of these results is discussed with reference to the action of phytochrome in the photocontrol of physiological growth responses.Abbreviations Pfr phytochrome in the far-red light absorbing form - Pr phytochrome in the red absorbing form - Ptot total phytochrome  相似文献   

Seven monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been prepared to phytochrome from green oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Garry) leaves. One of these MAbs (GO-1) cross-reacts with apoprotein of the phytochrome that is most abundant in etiolated oat shoots as assessed by immunoblot assay of fusion proteins expressed in Escherichia coli. The epitope for this MAb is located between amino acids 618 and 686 in the primary sequence of type 3 phytochrome (Hershey et al. 1985, Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 8543–8559), which is one of the predominant phytochromes in etiolated oats. Three other MAbs (GO-4, GO-5, GO-6) immunoprecipitate phytochrome isolated from green oat leaves, as evaluated by photoreversibility assay. GO-1, GO-4, GO-5 and GO-6 are therefore directed to phytochrome. While evidence obtained with the other three MAbs (GO-2, GO-7, GO-8) strongly indicates that they are also directed to phytochrome, this evidence is not as rigorous. Recognition of antigen by any of these seven MAbs is not significantly reduced by periodate oxidation, indicating that their epitopes probably do not include carbohydrate. All but GO-1 bind either very poorly or not at all the phytochrome that is abundant in etiolated oat shoots. These data reinforce earlier observations made with antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oats, indicating (1) that the phytochromes that predominate in etiolated and green oats differ immunochemically and (2) that phytochrome preparations from green oat leaves contain very little of the phytochrome that is abundant in etiolated shoots. An hypothesis that these two immunochemically distinct phytochromes form heterodimers in vitroAbbreviations Da Dalton - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - HA hydroxyapatite - Ig immunoglobulin - MAb monoclonal antibody - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate is supported by comparison of immunoblot data obtained with conventionally purified phytochrome from etiolated oats to that expressed as fusion protein in E. coli. This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (contract DE-AC-09-81SR10925 to L.H.P.). We thank Dr. Lyle Crossland and Ms. Sue Kadwell for their assistance in the construction of the cDNA clones, and Dr. Gyorgy Bisztray for providing us with clone pCBP3712. Dr. Phillip Evans and Dr. Russell Malmberg kindly provided MAbs 4F3, 6F12 and 8C10, as well as a corresponding antigen preparation. The excellent technical assistance of Mrs. Donna Tucker and Mrs. Danielle Neal is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A. M. Jose 《Planta》1977,137(3):203-206
Membrane-bound phytochrome and ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase EC activity extracted from hypocotyl hooks of etiolated Phaseolus aureus Roxb. were both separated from solute proteins by gel filtration on Sepharose C1-2B. The amount of phytochrome detected in the membrane fraction was very small and was not significantly increased by red irradiation (in vivo or in vitro). Membrane-bound ATPase activity was modulated in vitro by the phytochrome in the membrane fraction, being lower after red light than after far-red light. This effect was potentiated by a preliminary light reaction which occurred only in vivo and, in continuous red light, required 60 to 90 s at 25°C. Thus a two minute, in vivo, red irradiation reduced membrane-bound ATPase activity to about half that of the etiolated state. Subsequently bound-ATPase activity was determined by the form of phytochrome (Pr or Pfr) irrespective of whether established in vivo or in vitro. These results indicate that binding or release (of enzyme, cofactors or inhibitors) is not involved in phytochrome modulation of enzyme activity in the membrane fraction.Abbreviations R red light - F far red light - Pr inactive form of phytochrome (max=660 nm) - Pfr active form of phytochrome (max=730 nm) - MOPS N-morpholino-3-propansulphonic acid  相似文献   

Uptake of potassium (K) and 86rubidiumlabelled potassium (86Rb) by sub-hypocotyl hook sections of Phaseolus aureus L. was inhibited by red light. The effect was reversible with far red light. Using short exposures of high irradiance the effect on 86Rb-labelled K uptake was observed after 5 min. The response showed no specificity for a particular anion. Uptake of 86Rb-labelled K by sections cut immediately below the cotyledons was enhanced by red light after 10 min incubation and was also far red reversible. These results are interpreted as a rapid phytochrome-induced change in membrane properties resulting in modified K uptake.Abbreviations P Phytochrome - Pr red absorbing form of P - Pfr far red absorbing form of P - R red light - F far red light  相似文献   

S. Grombein  W. Rüdiger  R. Hampp 《Planta》1978,141(3):273-277
Phytochrome was determined in etiolated laminae of Avena sativaL. either without pretreatment or after 5 min of red irradiation followed by different periods of darkness (0–24 h). At given intervals laminae were homogenized and phytochrome was determined spectrophotometrically in the total homogenate and in purified etioplasts and mitochondria. Enhanced specific activity of phytochrome was found in all fractions after the irradiation in comparison to dark controls. Phytochrome destruction was observed in all fractions at the beginning of the subsequent dark period. Whereas the homogenate and the mitochondrial fraction showed a continuous destruction so that phytochrome reached a level far below that in etiolated plants, the phytochrome level in the plastid fraction reacheda minimum at 2 h with a subsequent increase beyond the dark level. This increase was most pronounced between 4 and 8 h after the red irradiation. The results are discussed in terms of the destruction and possible de novo synthesis of phytochrome that may be different in mitochondria and plastids.Abbreviations Ptot total phytochrome - Pr red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

A method is described for the extraction of phytochrome from chlorophyllous shoots of Avena sativa L. Poly(ethyleneimine) and salt fractionation are used to reduce chlorophyll and to increase the phytochrome concentration sufficiently to permit spectral and immunochemical analyses. The phototransformation difference spectrum of this phytochrome is distinct from that of phytochrome from etiolated shoots in that the maximum in the red region of the difference spectrum is shifted about 15 nm to a shorter wavelength. Immunochemical probing of electroblotted proteins (Western blotting), using a method sensitive to 50 pg, demonstrates the presence of two polypeptides in green tissue that bind antiphytochrome antibodies: a predominant species with a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 118000 and a lesser-abundant 124000-Mr polypeptide. Under nondenaturing conditions all of the 124000-Mr species is immunoprecipitable, but the 118000-Mr species remains in the supernatant. Peptide mapping and immunochemical analysis with monoclonal antibodies show that the 118000-Mr species has structural features that differ from etiolated-oat phytochrome. Mixing experiments show that these structural differences are intrinsic to the molecular species from these two tissues rather than being the result of post-homogenization modifications or interfering substances in the green-tissue extracts. Together the data indicate that the phytochrome that predominates in green-tissue has a polypeptide distinct from the well-characterized molecule from etiolated tissue.Abbreviations and symbols Ig immunoglobulin - Mr relative molecular mass - Pfr, Pr far-red-absorbing and red-absorbing forms of phytochrome respectively - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - max R , max FR maxima of the phototransformation difference spectrum in the red and far-red region  相似文献   

Roy W. Curtis 《Planta》1978,141(3):311-314
The active portion of the visible spectrum which is required for malformin to produce leaves which are resistant to dark abscission from cuttings of Phaseolus aureus is red light. Abscission resistance was partially to almost completely lost by far irradiation prior to dark incubation. Although Ethrel, an ethylene releasing compound, stimulated dark abscission of resistant and control leaves, resistance was not lost because control leaves always abscised at a greater rate. The participation of phytochrome in the induction of abscission resistance by malformin is indicated.Abbreviations Pfr far-red absorbing form of the phytochrome system - R red radiation - FR far-red radiation - D dark  相似文献   

Proteolytic fragments were obtained by limited proteolysis of 124-kDa (kilodalton) phytochrome from etiolatedAvena sativa using trypsin, endoproteinase-Lys-C, endoproteinase-Glu-C and subtilisin. The fragments were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, blotted onto activated glass-fiber sheets and investigated by amino-acid sequencing in a gas-phase sequencer. Determination of N-terminal sequences in three to six Edman degradation steps allowed the exact localization of the fragments within the published entire amino-acid sequence of 124-kDaAvena phytochrome (H.P. Hershey, R.F. Barker, K.B. Idler, J.L. Lissemore, P.H. Quail (1985), Nucleic Acids Res.13, 8543–8559). From the knowledge of the exact sites for preferred proteolytic cleavage of undenatured phytochrome, conclusions on the conformation of the phytochrome protein were drawn. Sites of preferred cleavage are considered to be freely exposed to the environment whereas potential cleavage sites which are resistant to proteolysis over a long time are considered to be localized in the interior of the native phytochrome. Two different sites which are exposed in the far-red-absorbing form but not in the red-absorbing form of phytochrome are localized at amino-acid residues 354 and 753, respectively. The N-terminal region which is exposed only in the red-absorbing form stretches only as far as amino-acid residue 60.Abbreviations kDa kilodalton - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Dedicated to Professor W. Rau on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

Peter J. Watson  Harry Smith 《Planta》1982,154(2):115-120
Supernatant and resuspended pellet samples from a centrifugation of homogenised, etiolated oat seedlings were prepared and assayed spectrophotometrically for phytochrome in the presence and absence of added calcium carbonate (CaCO3) particles under a variety of conditions. At a constant sample thickness, in the absence of CaCO3, increasing sample concentration had no significant effect on the expected phytochrome reading. In the presence of CaCO3, however, as sample concentration increased, the phytochrome reading was less than, expected more so in resuspended pellet samples than in supernatant samples. At a constant sample concentration in the absence of CaCO3, increasing sample thickness gave no significant difference from the excepted phytochrome reading in supernatant samples, but led to a slight increase over the expected phytochrome reading in resuspended pellet samples. In the presence of CaCO3, increasing sample thickness led to a drop from the expected phytochrome reading in both sample types, but more so in resuspended pellet samples. These findings show that the use of CaCO3 as an aid to spectrophotometric phytochrome assay can lead to large artifacts in the instrument reading and that its use should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

V. Speth  V. Otto  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1986,168(3):299-304
We have analysed the intracellular localisation of phytochrome in oat coleoptile cells by electron microscopy and confirm and extend light-microscopical findings of previous authors. We used indirect immuno-labeling with polyclonal antibodies against 60-KDa phytochrome from etiolated oat seedlings, and a gold-coupled second antibody, on ultrathin sections of LR-white-embedded material. In dark-grown seedlings, phytochrome-labeling is distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm. Organelles and membranes are not labeled. After photoconversion of the red-absorbing form of phytochrome to the far-red absorbing form (Pfr) (5-min red light; 660 nm), the label is sequestered uniquely in electron-dense areas within the cytoplasm. These areas are irregularly shaped, are often located in the vicinity of the vacuole, are not surrounded by a membrane, exclude cellular organelles and ribosomes and are not found in dark-grown material; an immediate 5-min farred light pulse after the red light does not cause these structures to disappear. After a dark period of 3–4 h following red-light irradiation, these electron-dense structures disappear together with any specific labeling. We suggest a Pfr-induced aggregation of an unknown, phytochrome-binding protein or proteins.Abbreviations Pr and Pfr phytochrome in its red and far-red absorbing form, respectively  相似文献   

Mast-seeding behaviour was monitored in 18 populations of eight species of the African cycad genus Encephalartos between 1988 and 1991. The coefficient of variation (V) in annual cone production for each population ranged between 88 and 200, indicating large fluctuations in reproductive effort between years. Data were collected to determine whether mast-seeding reduced levels of predispersal seed predation by satiating seed predators in mast years and whether it resulted in a reproductive advantage over plants which reproduced more frequently. Masting intensity was greatest in those populations in which individual plants suffered the highest levels of predispersal seed predation in years when only a few plants produced seeds. The principal seed predators were two congeneric weevil species, Antliarhinus zamiae and A. signatus, which develop exclusively on cycad seeds. The lowest intensity of mast-seeding was recorded for cycad populations with low levels of seed predation and in which A. zamiae and A. signatus occurred only in low numbers or were entirely absent. Larger seed crops appeared to result in lower levels of seed predation by A. zamiae and A. signatus in four populations of E. altensteinii, and differences in seed crop size accounted for 48–66% of variation in levels of seed predation in populations of five cycad species. In one population of E. altensteinii, lower levels of seed predation in plants reproducing periodically resulted in a reproductive advantage over plants reproducing more frequently. These results are consistent with the predator satiation hypothesis. However, in most cycad populations, numbers of seed predators did not appear to decrease significantly after a period of 2–8 years between reproductive episodes and, in two of three populations examined, periodic reproduction did not increase the number of seeds surviving to dispersal over a 4-year period. These results are interpreted to mean that periodic reproduction has not evolved in response to selection imposed by seed predators, but that selection may favour those plants which experience lower levels of seed predation by coning in synchrony with the majority of plants in the population.  相似文献   

Red light controls cell elongation in seedlings of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in a far-red-reversible manner (Nick and Furuya, 1993, Plant Growth Regul. 12, 195–206). The role of gibberellins and microtubules in the transduction of this response was investigated in the rice cultivars Nihon Masari (japonica type) and Kasarath (indica type). The dose dependence of mesocotyl elongation on applied gibberellic acid (GA3) was shifted by red light, and this shift was reversed by far-red light. In contrast, coleoptile elongation was found to be independent of exogenous GA3. Nevertheless, it was inhibited by red light, and this inhibition was reversed by far-red light. The content of the active gibberellin species GA1 and GA4 was estimated by radio-immunoassay. In the mesocotyl, the gibberellin content per cell was found to increase after irradiation with red light, and this increase was far-red reversible. Conversely, the cellular gibberellin content in japonica-type coleoptiles did not exhibit any significant light response. Microtubules reoriented from transverse to longitudinal arrays in response to red light and this reorientation could be reversed by subsequent far-red light in both the coleoptile and the mesocotyl. This movement was accompanied by changes in cell-wall birefringence, indicating parallel reorientations of cellulose deposition. The data indicate that phytochrome regulates the sensitivity of the tissue towards gibberellins, that gibberellin synthesis is controlled in a negative-feedback loop dependent on gibberellin effectiveness, and that at least two hormone-triggered signal chains are linked to the cytoskeleton in rice.Abbreviations D darkness - FR far-red light - GA3 gibberellic acid - GC-SIM gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring - R red light This work was supported by a grant of the Human Frontier Science Organization to P.N. Advice and organizational support by Prof. M. Furuya (Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory, Hatoyama, Japan) and Prof. N. Murofushi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan) is gratefully acknowledged. Seeds of both rice cultivars were kindly provided by Dr. O. Yatou (Institute for Radiation Breeding, Hitachi-Ohmiya, Japan), and the antiGA1 Me-antiserum for the radio-immunoassays by Dr. I. Yamaguchi (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Japan).  相似文献   

A. Lecharny 《Planta》1979,145(5):405-409
The elongation of the fourth internode of fully green Chenopodium polyspermum L. is modulated by far-red light (FR) given in addition to the main light period. Two different types of organs are responsible for the photoreception of FR producing the end-of-day effect; the stem and the leaves situated just above and below the reacting internode. Photoreversibility can be obtained within certain limits in the two organs. Evidence is presented which shows that in the fully green plant there is an interorgan reaction whose primary reaction is the photoconversion of phytochrome.Abbreviations and Symbols D darkness - FR far red light - R red light - P phytochrome - PFR phytochrome in the FR absorbing form - 9+15 D (or light treatment) photoperiod of a 9 h main light period followed by 15 h of D (or light treatment)  相似文献   

The spectral properties of peptides generated from etiolated-Avana, 124-kDa (kilodalton) phytochrome by endogenous protease(s) have been studied to assess the role of the amino-terminal and the carboxyl-terminal domains in maintaining the proper interaction between protein and chromophore. The amino-terminal, 74-kDa chromopeptide, a degradation product of the far-red absorbing form of the pigment (Pfr), is shown to be spectrally similar to the 124-kDa, undegraded molecule. The minimum and maximum of the difference spectrum (Pr-Pfr) are 730 and 665 nm, respectively, and the spectral-change ratio is unity. Also, like undegraded, 124-kDa phytochrome, the 74-kDa peptide exhibits minimal dark reversion. These data indicate that the 55-kDa, carboxyl-terminal half of the polypeptide does not interact with the chromophore and may not have a role in the structureal integrity of the amino-terminal domain. The 64-kDa chromopeptide can be generated directly from the 74-kDa species by cleavage of 10 kDa from the amino terminus upon incubation of this species as Pr. Accompanying this conversion are changes in the spectral properties, namely, a shift in the difference spectrum minimum to 722–724 nm and a tenfold increase in the capacity for dark reversion. These data indicate that the 6–10 kDa, amino-terminal segment continues to function in its role of maintaining proper chromophore-protein interactions in the 74-kDa peptide as it does in the undegraded molecule. Conversely, removal of this segment upon proteolysis to the 63-kDa species leads to aberrant spectral properties analogous to those observed when this domain is lost from the full-length, 124-kDa molecule, resulting in the 118/114-kDa degradation products. The data also show that photoconversion of the 74-kDa chromopeptide from Pfr to Pr exposes proteolytically susceptible sites in the same way as in the 124-kDa molecule. Thus, the separated, 74-kDa amino-terminal domain undergoes a photoinducible conformational change comparable to that in the intact molecule.Abbreviations and symbols Da dalton - Pfr far-red-absorbing from of phytochrome - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - FR lar-red light - A r/A fr spectral change ratio - max FR peak maximum (nm) of Pfr absorbance  相似文献   

Every year birdwatchers throughout Europe record the arrival of a considerable number of vagrants from the eastern Palaearctic. We analysed the occurrence of such vagrants in Central Europe of the genera Phylloscopus, Turdus and Zoothera in Central Europe. Our results revealed that the occurrence of a species depended on total population size, but not on body size. Furthermore, the occurrence of species in Central Europe increased with distance between the breeding range and wintering range, but the distance between the breeding range and Europe had no effect. These results indicate that the migratory restlessness of species determines whether an East Asian species arrives in Europe. Overall, our data support the hypothesis that the migratory program determines vagrancy.  相似文献   

The effects of continuous red and far-red light and of brief light pulses on the growth kinetics of the mesocotyl, coleoptile, and primary leaf of intact oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings were investigated. Mesocotyl lengthening is strongly inhibited, even by very small amounts of Pfr, the far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome (e.g., by [Pfr]0.1% of total phytochrome, established by a 756-nm light pulse). Coleoptile growth is at first promoted by Pfr, but apparently inhibited later. This inhibition is correlated in time with the rupturing of the coleoptile tip by the primary leaf, the growth of which is also promoted by phytochrome. The growth responses of all three seedling organs are fully reversible by far-red light. The apparent lack of photoreversibility observed by some previous investigators of the mesocotyl inhibition can be explained by an extremely high sensitivity to Pfr. Experiments with different seedling parts failed to demonstrate any further obvious interorgan relationship in the light-mediated growth responses of the mesocotyl and coleoptile. The organspecific growth kinetics, don't appear to be influenced by Pfr destruction. Following an irradiation, the growth responses are quantitatively determined by the level of Pfr established at the onset of darkness rather than by the actual Pfr level present during the growth period.Abbreviation Pfr far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

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