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We have studied the heterogeneity of the microtubule-associated tau proteins using tau-specific antibodies and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to tau proteins recognize five bands in cow brain microtubule proteins run on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels, with apparent molecular weights between 56,000 and 66,000. Immunoblots of cow brain microtubules separated on two-dimensional gels, using nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis in the first dimension and SDS-gel electrophoresis in the second, reveal that greater than 30 isoforms of tau exist. The tau proteins vary in pI from 6.5 to 8.5, with the higher-molecular-weight forms being more acidic. The microheterogeneity of tau is not induced by cycling of microtubules, because two-dimensional immunoblots of tau from total brain are almost identical to those of tau from cycled tubules. Adult rat brain tau, which appears as three doublet bands on SDS gels, also exhibits considerable isoelectric heterogeneity, as does tau from 7-day-old rats, which appears as only one band on SDS gels. After dephosphorylation of cow brain tau with alkaline phosphatase, the highest-molecular-weight band disappears on SDS gels. On two-dimensional gels, the number of tau variants decreases by more than half after dephosphorylation, and the more basic species increase greatly in intensity. Preliminary experiments with tau labeled in vivo with 32PO4 also indicate that the more acidic tau proteins are the more highly phosphorylated forms. Thus, isoelectric heterogeneity of tau proteins exists at all ages and is due, at least in part to differences in the state of phosphorylation of tau isoforms.  相似文献   

Abstract: The microtubule-associated protein τ is found primarily in neuronal tissues and is highly enriched in the axon. It promotes microtubule assembly in vitro and stabilizes microtubules in cells. To study how τ protein might be involved in the unique features of axonal microtubules, we have analyzed the effect of E. coli -synthesized τ protein using an in vitro centrosome-mediated microtubule regrowth assay over a wide range of τ/tubulin ratios. We report that microtubule assembly promoted by τ protein exhibits characteristic changes dependent on the τ/tubulin ratio. Above a threshold level, nucleation of new microtubules is favored over growth of existing ones, τ isoform variation does not change this phase transition in microtubule assembly. We discuss how τ might participate in the elaboration of axonal morphology based on our results and present evidence that the phase transition from microtubule growth to nucleation is critical for axonal development.  相似文献   

Abstract: Much indirect evidence suggests that the interconnections of actin microfilaments with the microtubule system are mediated by microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). In this study we provide new data to support the interaction of a specific tubulin-binding domain on τ with actin in vitro. In actin polymerization assays, the synthetic peptide VRSKIGSTENLKHQPGGG, corresponding to the first repetitive sequence of τ protein, increased turbidity at 320 nm in a dose-dependent fashion. A salient feature of the τ peptide-induced assembly process is the formation of a large amount of actin filament bundles, as revealed by electron microscopic analysis. An increase in the τ peptide concentration resulted in a proportional increase in the bundling of actin filaments. It is interesting that a gradual decrease of pH within the range 7.6–4.7 resulted in a higher effect of τ peptide in promoting bundles of actin filaments. A similar pH-dependent effect was observed for τ protein-induced bundling. An analysis of the mechanisms that operate in the peptide induction of actin filament bundles suggests the involvement of electrostatic forces, because the neutralization of ɛ-aminolysyl residues by selective carbamoylation resulted in a complete loss of the peptide induction of actin bundles. The data suggest that a τ repetitive sequence (also found in MAP-2 and MAP-4) containing a common tubulin binding motif may constitute a functional domain on τ for the dynamics of the interconnections between actin filaments and microtu-bules.  相似文献   

Abstract: To study the phosphorylation state of τ in vivo, we have prepared antisera by immunizing rabbits with synthetic phosphopeptides containing phosphoamino acids at specific sites that are potential targets for τ protein kinase II. Immunoblot experiments using these antisera demonstrated that τ in microtubule-associated proteins is phosphorylated at Ser144 and at Ser315. Almost all τ variants separated on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were phosphorylated at Ser144 and nearly one-half of them at Ser315. Phosphorylation at Ser144 and at Thr147 of τ isolated from heat-stable brain extracts was shown to be developmentally regulated, with the highest level of phosphorylation found at postnatal week 1. In vitro phosphorylation of τ by τ protein kinase I, a kinase responsible for abnormal phosphorylation of τ found in paired helical filaments of patients with Alzheimer's disease, was enhanced by prior phosphorylation of τ by τ protein kinase II. Thus, we suggest that τ protein kinase II is indirectly involved, at least in part, in the regulation of the phosphorylation state of τ in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: Microtubule-associated protein τ is abnormally hyperphosphorylated and aggregated in affected neurons of Alzheimer disease brain. This hyperphosphorylated τ can be dephosphorylated at some of the abnormal phosphorylated sites by purified protein phosphatase-1, 2A, and 2B in vitro. In the present study, we have developed an assay to measure protein phosphatase activity toward τ-1 sites (Ser199/Ser202) using the hyperphosphorylated τ isolated from Alzheimer disease brain as substrate. Using this assay, we have identified that in normal brain, protein phosphatase-2A and 2B and, to a lesser extent, 1 are involved in the dephosphorylation of τ. The K m values of dephosphorylation of the hyperphosphorylated τ by protein phosphatase-2A and 2B are similar. The τ phosphatase activity is decreased by ∼30% in brain of Alzheimer disease patients compared with those of age-matched controls. These findings suggest that a defect of protein phosphatase could be the cause of the abnormal hyperphosphorylation of τ in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

Two abnormal entities of 69 and 130 kDa, immunologically related to the microtubule-associated tau proteins, are present in the hippocampus and the frontal cortex of the Alzheimer brain, which contain a large number of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), but are absent in the cerebellum, which does not contain these structures. Epitope mapping with antibodies spanning domains present in the N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal tau sequence demonstrated that the 69- and 130-kDa entities belong to the tau family. Both the 69- and the 130-kDa proteins were found in an insoluble form and were the major tau species present in purified NFTs. A procedure was devised that allowed us to prepare from Alzheimer hippocampi two NFT fractions differing in size (20 and 3 microns), both of which contained the tau entities of 130 and 69 kDa.  相似文献   

Lewy bodies are cytoskeletal inclusions associated with neuronal injury and death in idiopathic Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The chemical composition of the 8-10-nm fibrils of the Lewy body is unknown, although they are related to both normal cytoskeletal elements and paired helical filaments of Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles. From the Lewy body-rich cerebral cortex of patients with diffuse Lewy body disease we have isolated intact Lewy bodies using a high salt buffer/nonionic detergent gradient centrifugation procedure and extracted the constitutive fibrils with urea and sodium dodecyl sulfate. Urea/detergent-resistant Lewy body fibrils were solubilized with formic acid and found to contain a single protein band of 68 kDa, which was not found in identically prepared normal brain homogenates. The Lewy body derived-polypeptide was recognized on immunoblots by a polyclonal antibody that reacted with both the 68-kDa neurofilament subunit and the microtubule-associated protein tau. The 68-kDa Lewy body protein was not labeled by the monoclonal antibody tau-1 despite prior in vitro enzymatic dephosphorylation. We conclude that the detergent-insoluble component of the cortical Lewy body fibril shares epitopes with neurofilament and tau and may be a posttranslationally modified derivative of either neurofilament or tau with substantially altered biochemical and immunologic properties.  相似文献   

Rat and human fetal brain τ were probed with a panel of monoclonal antibodies (tau-1, AT8, 8D8, RT97, SMI31, SMI34) that distinguish between paired helical filament (PHF)-τ of Alzheimer's disease and normal adult brain τ. These antibodies discriminate between normal and PHF-τ because their epitopes are phosphorylated in PHF-τ. Although only one molecular isoform of τ was shown to be expressed in fetal brain, two fetal τ species could be distinguished on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the slower migrating species was recognized by all of the PHF-τ-specific antibodies. Moreover, this immunoreactivity was shown to be phosphorylation dependent. Our observations suggest that the abnormal phosphorylation of τ in Alzheimer's disease may be the result of reactivation of pathways governing the phosphorylation of τ in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: Neuronal hybrid ND 7/23 cells, which display sensorylike properties, develop neurites when cultured in the presence of either dibutyryl cyclic AMP plus nerve growth factor (DBcAMP + NGF) or retinoic acid or a phorbol ester derivative, although they express only trace amounts of the microtubule-associated τ proteins and low levels of microtubule-associated protein 2c (MAP2c). Nondifferentiated ND cells transfected with τ cDNAs did not develop neurites, whereas very short cell processes were formed in MAP2c-transfected cells. τ and MAP2 antibodies labeled microtubule bundles displayed in a ring array underneath the surface of the transfected cells and short microtubules starting from the cell center. After differentiation in the presence of DBcAMP + NGF, the same bundle organization was observed in the transfected cells. In addition, τ and MAP2 antibodies stained a short section of the formed neurites. These data demonstrate that the expression of τ protein is not sufficient to induce neurite extension and that other proteins induced by morphogens are more important to initiate morphological differentiation of this cell line.  相似文献   

Abstract: Paired helical filaments isolated from the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease are composed of a major protein component, the microtubule-associated protein termed τ, together with other nonprotein components, including heparan, a glycosaminoglycan, the more extensively sulfated form of which is heparin. As some of these nonprotein components may modulate the assembly of τ into filamentous structures, we have analyzed the ability of the whole τ protein or some of its fragments to self-assemble in the presence of heparin. Different τ fragments, all of them containing some sequences of the tubulin-binding motif, can assemble in vitro into filaments. We have also found formation of polymers with the 18-residue-long peptide corresponding to the third tubulin-binding motif of τ. This suggests that the ability of τ for self-assembly could be localized in a short sequence of amino acids present in the tubulin-binding repeats of the τ molecule.  相似文献   

Abstract: τ protein kinase I (TPKI) phosphorylates τ and forms paired helical filament epitopes in vitro. We studied temporal expression and histochemical distribution of τ phosphoserine epitopes at sites known to be phosphorylated by TPKI. Antibodies directed against phosphorylated Ser199 (anti-PS 199) or phosphorylated Ser396 (C5 or anti-PS 396) were used. TPKI is abundantly expressed in the young rat brain and the highly phosphorylated juvenile form of τ occurs in the same period. The activity peak of TPKI coincided with the high level of phosphorylation of Ser199 and Ser396 in juvenile τ at around postnatal day 8. By immunohistochemistry on the hippocampus and neocortex of 3–11-day-old rats, phosphorylated Ser396 was found in young axonal tracts and neuropil, where TPKI immunoreactivity was also detected. TPKI and phospho-Ser199 immunoreactivities were also detected in the perikarya of pyramidal neurons. TPKI immunoreactivity had declined to a low level and phosphorylated serine immunoreactivities were undetectable in the sections of adult brain. These findings implicate TPKI in paired helical filament-like phosphorylation of juvenile form of τ in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: A synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 226–240 (E9 peptide) of human τ, which contains an Lys-Ser-Pro motif, was used to raise a polyclonal antibody. The antibody, E9, was 10-fold less reactive with phospho-E9 peptide than with native E9 peptide. E9 antibody was used to study the extent of phosphorylation in a modified form of τ (PHF-τ) that is found in Alzheimer's disease brain and is incorporated into paired helical filaments (PHFs). E9 immunolabeled Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary tangles and abnormal neurites in brain sections intensely, with increased immunoreactivity detected after pretreatment of sections with phosphatase. On immunoblots and ELISA, E9 reacted with PHF-τ and recombinant human τ but not with the high and middle molecular weight neurofilament proteins. Phosphatase treatment of PHF-τ improved the E9 immunoreactivity by 30–50%. Dephosphorylated high but not middle molecular weight neurofilament protein became reactive with E9. These results indicate that <50% of the PHF-T is phosphorylated in the subregion corresponding to residues 226–240 of τ and suggest that the phosphorylation of this region may not be essential for PHF formation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Axonal transport of microtubule-associated protein τ was studied in the motor fibers of the rat sciatic nerve 1–4 weeks after labeling of the spinal cord with [35S]methionine. As 60–70% of low molecular weight τ in this system was found to be insoluble in 1% Triton-containing buffer, labeled proteins in 6-mm consecutive nerve segments were first separated into Triton-soluble and insoluble fractions. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting with anti-tau antibody confirmed the presence of τ among labeled, transported proteins in both fractions. Isoform composition of labeled τ was similar to that of bulk axonal τ, the most acidic species with apparent molecular mass of 66 kDa being the major component. Transport profiles obtained by measuring radioactivities associated with this major isoform showed that soluble and insoluble τ were transported at different rates. Insoluble τ, which contained the majority of τ-associated radioactivity, was transported at 1.7 mm/day in slow component a (SCa), whereas soluble τ was transported faster, at 3 mm/day, corresponding to the rate of slow component b (SCb). Cotransport of insoluble τ with insoluble tubulin in SCa suggests its association with stable microtubules.  相似文献   

Calcineurin dephosphorylated microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and tau factor phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-dependent and Ca2+, calmodulin-dependent protein kinases from the brain. Tubulin, only phosphorylated by the Ca2+, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, served as substrate for calcineurin. The concentrations of calmodulin required to give half-maximal activation of calcineurin were 21 and 16 nM with MAP2 and tau factor as substrates, respectively. The Km and Vmax values were in ranges of 1-3 microM and 0.4-1.7 mumol/mg/min, respectively, for MAP2 and tau factor. The Km value for tubulin was in a similar range, but the Vmax value was lower. The peptide map analysis revealed that calcineurin dephosphorylated MAP2 and tau factor universally, but not in a site-specific manner. The autophosphorylated Ca2+, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase was not dephosphorylated by calcineurin. These results suggest that calcineurin plays an important role in the functions of microtubules via dephosphorylation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Antibody Ab262 was raised against a synthetic τ peptide (SKIGSTENLK, amino acids 258–267 of τ, termed Ser262 peptide). The antibody was more reactive with Ser262 peptide and unphosphorylated τ than a related phosphopeptide [SKIGS(P)TENLK, termed P-Ser262 peptide] and τ phosphorylated by a partially purified kinase, glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) 3β. Ab262 reacted poorly with a peptide having the sequence DRVQSKIGSLD (amino acids 348–358). Treatment of P-Ser262 peptide or GSK 3β phosphorylated τ with alkaline phosphatase increased Ab262 immunoreactivity, indicating that Ab262 is a reagent useful for studying τ phosphorylation at the Ser262 residue. The Ab262 immunoreactivity was detected in τ from normal brains and Alzheimer paired helical filament (PHF-τ) and in PHFs. Alkaline phosphatase treatment had no effect on the Ab262 immunoreactivity of normal τ and PHF-τ but altered the Tau-1 and PHF-1 immunoreactivities. τ proteins from rat brains at 3 and 8 h postmortem exhibited 5 and 19%, respectively, more Ab262 immunoreactivity than τ from fresh tissues. In comparison, rat τ at 8 h postmortem was 40% more immunoreactive with Tau-1. The results suggest that Ser262 is not a major phosphorylation site in vivo. Moreover, there is little or no difference between PHF-τ and normal τ in the extent of phosphorylation at Ser262.  相似文献   

The microtubule-associated protein tau, which stimulates the assembly of alpha-beta tubulin heterodimers into microtubules, is abnormally phosphorylated in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain and is the major component of paired helical filaments. In the present study, the levels of tau and abnormally phosphorylated tau were determined in brain homogenates of AD and age-matched control cases. A radioimmuno-slot-blot assay was developed, using a primary monoclonal antibody, Tau-1, and a secondary antibody, antimouse 125I-immunoglobulin G. To assay the abnormally phosphorylated tau, the blots were treated with alkaline phosphatase before immunolabeling. The levels of total tau were about eightfold higher in AD (7.3 +/- 2.7 ng/micrograms of protein) than in control cases (0.9 +/- 0.2 ng/micrograms), and this increase was in the form of the abnormally phosphorylated protein. These studies indicate that the abnormal phosphorylation--not a decrease in the level of tau--is a likely cause of neurofibrillary degeneration in AD.  相似文献   

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