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Little is known about the nature of the mucosa-associated immune system within the normal colon, or about the immune response to colon carcinoma. In this study inflammatory cells (ICs) in 14 normal colons and 14 carcinomas were characterized. Overall inflammation, lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, and eosinophils were graded in routine H & E sections. Frozen sections were stained by an immunoperoxidase technique using antibodies to the T cell associated antigens CD2, CD7, CD4, CD8, and T cell receptors αβ and γδ. B cells were identified with CD20, macrophages with CD68, and Class II antigen with anti-HLA DR. Each cell type was semiquantitatively graded in 10 high power fields (HPFs) in the lumenal half (LH) or basal half (BH) of the normal mucosae, and in epithelium or stroma of the carcinomas. In normal colons, ICs were more frequent in LH than in BH. Plasma cells, lymphocytes and monocytes predominated. Subtyping of lymphocytes showed that CD4+ TCR αβ+ T lymphocytes were most numerous in the lamina propria. Lymphocytes within the epithelium were CD8+ T cells. Around carcinomas the overall grade of ICs was 1+ in the majority of cases. Plasma cells, CD4+ and CD8+ cells with the TCR αβ receptor, and macrophages were most frequent. Lymphoid aggregates of both T and B cells were frequent. Conclusions: 1. Normal colon contains a diffuse lumenally oriented population of TCR αβ+ CD4+ T cells, plasma cells, macrophages and class II antigen-expressing cells in the lamina propria. Intraepithelial lymphocytes are of the T suppressor phenotype. CD4+ T cells, macrophages and HLG-DR+ cells predominate in the response to colon carcinomas.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and idiopathic chronic constipation (ICC) are intestinal disorders which disrupt normal colonic motility. Enteric tachykinins are well-recognised to play a role in the motor control of the gut, and increased colonic levels of substance P are seen in IBD, whereas decreased levels have been reported in ICC. In this investigation, we have characterised the tachykinin receptor population of normal human colonic circular smooth muscle and examined any changes that occur in IBD and ICC. The selective tachykinin NK2 receptor agonist, [beta-Ala8]neurokinin A(4-10), caused concentration-dependent contractions in healthy tissues; neither NK1 receptor-selective nor NK3 receptor-selective agonists were contractile. In diseased preparations also, only [beta-Ala8]neurokinin A(4-10) caused contractions with EC50 values similar to health. The maximum contractile responses (Emax), however, were significantly decreased in both forms of IBD but significantly increased in ICC. The muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, carbachol, also caused contractions in diseased tissues, but EC50 and Emax values were not significantly different from health. The differential changes in contractility found in IBD and ICC are specific to NK2 receptors, and may reflect the altered levels of substance P or other tachykinins found in these intestinal disorders.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an immunoinflammatory illness of the gut initiated by an immune response to bacteria in the microflora. The resulting immunopathogenesis leads to lesions in epithelial lining of the colon through which bacteria may infiltrate the tissue causing recurring bouts of diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and malnutrition. In healthy individuals such immunopathogenesis is avoided by the presence of regulatory cells that inhibit the inflammatory pathway. Highly relevant to the search for treatment strategies is the identification of components of the inflammatory pathway that allow regulatory mechanisms to be overridden and immunopathogenesis to proceed. In vitro techniques have identified cellular interactions involved in inflammation-regulation crosstalk. However, tracing immunological mechanisms discovered at the cellular level confidently back to an in vivo context of multiple, simultaneous interactions has met limited success.To explore the impact of specific interactions, we have constructed a system of 29 ordinary differential equations representing different phenotypes of T-cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and epithelial cells as they move and interact with bacteria in the lumen, lamina propria, and lymphoid tissue of the colon.Simulations revealed the positive inflammatory feedback loop formed by inflammatory M1 macrophage activation of T-cells as a driving force underlying the immunopathology of IBD. Furthermore, strategies that remove M1 from the site of infection, by either (i) increasing its potential to switch to a regulatory M2 phenotype or (ii) increasing the rate of reversion (for M1 and M2 alike) to a resting state, cease immunopathogenesis even as bacteria are eliminated by other inflammatory cells.Based on these results, we identify macrophages and their mechanisms of plasticity as key targets for mucosal inflammation intervention strategies. In addition, we propose that the primary mechanism behind the association of PPARγ mutation with IBD is its ability to mediate the M1 to M2 switch.  相似文献   

Genes, diet and inflammatory bowel disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) arises in part from a genetic predisposition, through the inheritance of a number of contributory genetic polymorphisms. These variant forms of genes may be associated with an abnormal response to normal luminal bacteria. A consistent observation across most populations is that any of three polymorphisms of the Caspase-activated recruitment domain (CARD15) gene are more prevalent in IBD patients as compared with unaffected controls. Similar aberrant responses to bacteria are associated with variants in Autophagy-related 16-like 1 (ATG16L1) and human defensin (HBD-2, -3 and -4) genes. The defective bacterial signal in turn leads to an excessive immune response, presenting as chronic gut inflammation in susceptible individuals. Inconsistent population reports implicate the major histocompatability complex (MHC), that encodes a number of human leukocyte antigens (HLA), MHC class I chain-related gene A (MICA) or cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). Toll-like receptors encoded by the TLR4 or TLR9 genes may also play a role. Recent whole genome scans suggest that a rare variant in the interleukin-23 receptor (IL23R) gene may actually protect against IBD. Other implicated genes may affect mucosal cell polarity (Drosophila discs large homologue 5, DLG5) or mucosal transporter function (sodium dependent organic cation transporters, SLC22A4 and SLC22A5). A variant in ABCB1 (ATP-binding cassette subfamily B member 1) may be especially associated with increased risk of UC. While pharmacogenetics is increasingly being used to predict and optimise clinical response to therapy, nutrigenetics may have even greater potential. In many cases, IBD can be controlled through prescribing an elemental diet, which appears to act through modulating cytokine response and changing the gut microbiota. More generally, no single group of dietary items is beneficial or detrimental to all patients, and elimination diets have been used to individualise dietary requirements. However, recognising the nature of the genes involved may suggest a more strategic approach. Pro- or prebiotics will directly influence the microbial flora, while immunonutrition, including omega-3 fatty acids and certain polyphenols, may reduce the symptoms of gut inflammation. The expression of gut transporters may be modulated through various herbal remedies including green tea polyphenols. Such approaches would require that the gene of interest is functioning normally, other than its expression being up or down-regulated. However, new approaches are being developed to overcome the effects of polymorphisms that affect the function of a gene. A combination of human correlation studies with experimental models could provide a rational strategy for optimising nutrigenetic approaches to IBD.  相似文献   

Histochemical and radioautographic studies of normal human fetal colon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R Lev  D Orlic 《Histochemistry》1974,39(4):301-311

Studies in recent years have identified a pivotal role of the cytokine IL-23 in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD: Crohn´s disease, ulcerative colitis) and colitis-associated colon cancer. Genetic studies revealed that subgroups of IBD patients have single nucleotide polymorphisms in the IL-23R gene suggesting that IL-23R signaling affects disease susceptibility. Furthermore, increased production of IL-23 by macrophages, dendritic cells or granulocytes has been observed in various mouse models of colitis, colitis-associated cancer and IBD patients. Moreover, in several murine models of colitis, suppression of IL-12/IL-23 p40, IL-23 p19 or IL-23R function led to marked suppression of gut inflammation. This finding was associated with reduced activation of IL-23 target cells such as T helper 17 cells, innate lymphoid cells type 3, granulocytes and natural killer cells as well as with impaired production of proinflammatory cytokines. Based on these findings, targeting of IL-23 emerges as important concept for suppression of gut inflammation and inflammation-associated cancer growth. Consistently, neutralizing antibodies against IL-12/IL-23 p40 and IL-23 p19 have been successfully used in clinical trials for therapy of Crohn´s disease and pilot studies in ulcerative colitis are ongoing. These findings underline the crucial regulatory role of IL-23 in chronic intestinal inflammation and colitis-associated cancer and indicate that therapeutic strategies aiming at IL-23 blockade may be of key relevance for future therapy of IBD patients.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) arises in genetically susceptible individuals as a result of an unidentified environmental trigger, possibly a hitherto unknown bacterial pathogen. Twenty-six clinical isolates of Sutterella wadsworthensis were obtained from 134 adults and 61 pediatric patients undergoing colonoscopy, of whom 69 and 29 respectively had IBD. S. wadsworthensis was initially more frequently isolated from IBD subjects, hence this comprehensive study was undertaken to elucidate its role in IBD. Utilizing these samples, a newly designed PCR was developed, to study the prevalence of this bacterium in adult patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). Sutterella wadsworthensis was detected in 83.8% of adult patients with UC as opposed to 86.1% of control subjects (p = 0.64). Selected strains from IBD cases and controls were studied to elicit morphological, proteomic, genotypic and pathogenic differences. This study reports Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) appearances and characteristic MALDI-TOF MS protein profiles of S. wadsworthensis for the very first time. SEM showed that the bacterium is pleomorphic, existing in predominantly two morphological forms, long rods and coccobacilli. No differences were noted in the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry proteomic analysis. There was no distinct clustering of strains identified from cases and controls on sequence analysis. Cytokine response after monocyte challenge with strains from patients with IBD and controls did not yield any significant differences. Our studies indicate that S. wadsworthensis is unlikely to play a role in the pathogenesis of IBD. Strains from cases of IBD could not be distinguished from those identified from controls.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, much has been learned regarding the role of various cytokines in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Several cytokine 'knockout' models in mice have been shown to develop colitis, while alterations in the production of various cytokines has been documented in human Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In recent years, attempts have been made to treat these diseases through modulation of cytokine production or action. This review focuses on the cytokines that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. The evidence for and against a role for particular cytokines in intestinal inflammation is reviewed, as is the experimental and clinical data suggesting that cytokines are rational targets for the development of new therapies.  相似文献   

Mucus hypersecretion occurs as a consequence of the Th2 immune response in epithelia, yet it was not previously known whether the degree of O-glycosylation was modulated under such conditions. A colonic carcinoma cell line LS174T was used to assess the effect of interleukin (IL)-4 on the mRNA levels of eight pp-GalNAc-Ts. A three- to four-fold increase in pp-GalNAc-T1, T4, and T7 levels was observed. Lysates of untreated or IL-4-treated cells were examined for their ability to transfer GalNAc residues onto a peptide corresponding to the tandem repeat portion of human MUC2. The number of incorporated GalNAc residues was greater after incubation with lysates of IL-4-treated cells than with lysates of untreated cells. Mucin-like large glycoproteins secreted by IL-4-treated cells had higher binding capacity to PNA and VVA-B(4) than those secreted by untreated cells. The results indicated that IL-4-treated LS174T cells are able to produce mucins with a higher degree of O-glycosylation than untreated counterparts.  相似文献   

Intestinal inflammation is controlled by various immunomodulating cells, interacting by molecular mediators. Neuropeptides, released by enteric nerve cells and neuroendocrine mucosa cells, are able to affect several aspects of the general and intestinal immune system, with both pro- as well as anti-inflammatory activities. In inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) there is both morphological as well as experimental evidence for involvement of neuropeptides in the pathogenesis. Somatostatin is the main inhibitory peptide in inflammatory processes, and its possible role in IBD is discussed.  相似文献   

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general term to describe inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD affects approximately 1 in 200 individuals and exerts a significant health and quality of life burden on patients. Surgical intervention can be curative in ulcerative colitis but there is currently no cure for Crohn's disease. Since this is the case, and the fact that patients are often diagnosed at a young age, IBD exerts a significant financial burden on the health care system, and society as a whole.The underlying pathology of IBD is complex and involves a combination of genetic, environmental and microbial factors. Regardless of the underlying causes of the condition, this disease is universally characterized by disruption to the protective epithelial barrier separating the intestinal lumen above from the mucosal immune system below. Once this barrier becomes compromised a sequence of events ensues, that can occur in repetitive cycles to ensure long-term and serious damage to the gut.The role of hypoxia and hypoxia-dependent signalling pathways are increasingly appreciated to play a role in the physiology and pathophysiology of the intestine. The intestinal epithelium normally exists in a state of physiological hypoxia, with additional tissue hypoxia a feature of active inflammatory disease. Furthermore, recent pre-clinical animal studies have clearly supported the rationale for pharmacologically manipulating the oxygen-sensitive hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway in models of IBD. Thus, this review will discuss the contribution of hypoxia sensitive pathways in the pathology of IBD. Finally we will discuss the emerging evidence for manipulation of hypoxia-sensitive pathways in the treatment of IBD.  相似文献   

Histochemical studies of epithelial cell glycoproteins in normal rat colon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two general classes of glycoproteins have been identified in the colonic epithelial cells of the Sprague Dawley rat. Glycoproteins belonging to the first of these classes contain sialic acids both with and without side chain o-acyl substituents, abundant o-sulphate ester and 'neutral sugars' (hexose, 6-deoxyhexose or N-acetyl hexosamine residues) with oxidisable vicinal diols and are located in the goblet cells of the descending colon and in goblet cells populating the upper halves of the crypts of the ascending colon. In the descending colon, the sulphosialoglycoproteins in the goblet cells in the base of the crypts contain sialic acids without side chain o-acyl substituents. It appears that as these cells migrate up the crypts, there is o-acylation of the side chains of the sialic acids of the glycoproteins and an increase in the quantity of 'neutral sugars' without a corresponding increase in sialic acid. Glycoproteins with similar properties to those of the goblet cells of the upper halves of the crypts of the descending colon, but containing less sulphate, are found in the goblet cells of the upper half of the crypts of the ascending colon. The second general class of glycoproteins contain sialic acids all, or almost all of which, are substituted at position C8 and only relatively small quantities of sulphate. They are located in the mucous cells of the descending colon, the deep crypt secretory cells of the ascending colon and the columnar absorptive cell brush border.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

First publishedSeptember 5, 2001; 10.1152/ajpcell. 00048.2001.Intestinalstrictures are frequent in Crohn's disease but not ulcerative colitis.We investigated the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-isoforms by isolated and cultured primary human intestinalmyofibroblasts and the responsiveness of these cells and intestinalepithelial cells to TGF- isoforms. Normal intestinal myofibroblastsreleased predominantly TGF-3 and ulcerative colitismyofibroblasts expressed both TGF-1 andTGF-3, whereas in myofibroblast cultures from fibroticCrohn's disease tissue, there was significantly lower expression ofTGF-3 but enhanced release of TGF-2.These distinctive patterns of TGF- isoform release were sustainedthrough several myofibroblast passages. Proliferation of Crohn'sdisease myofibroblasts was significantly greater than that ofmyofibroblasts derived from normal and ulcerative colitis tissue. Incontrast to cells from normal and ulcerative colitis tissue,neutralization of the three TGF- isoforms did not affect theproliferation of Crohn's disease intestinal myofibroblasts. Studies onthe effect of recombinant TGF- isoforms on epithelial restitutionand proliferation suggest that TGF-2 may be the least effective of the three isoforms in intestinal wound repair. In conclusion, the enhanced release of TGF-2 but reducedexpression of TGF-3 by Crohn's disease intestinalmyofibroblasts, together with their enhanced proliferative capacity,may lead to the development of intestinal strictures.


《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(5):583-590
Background and aimsPatients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer than the general population. Genome-wide association studies have identified and replicated several loci associated with risk of IBD; however, it is currently unknown whether these loci are also associated with colon cancer risk.MethodsWe selected 15 validated SNPs associated with risk of either Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or both in previous GWAS and tested whether these loci were also associated with colon cancer risk in a two-stage study design.ResultsWe found that rs744166 in STAT3 was associated with colon cancer risk in two studies; however, the direction of the observation was reversed in TP53 mutant tumors possibly due to a nullification of the effect by mutant p53. The SNP, which lies within intron 1 of the STAT3 gene, was associated with lower expression of STAT3 mRNA in TP53 wild-type, but not mutant, tumors.ConclusionsThese data suggest that the STAT3 locus is associated with both IBD and cancer. Further understanding the function of this variant in relation to TP53 could possibly explain the role of this gene in autoimmunity and cancer. Furthermore, an analysis of this locus, specifically in a population with IBD, could help to resolve the relationship between this SNP and cancer.  相似文献   

Functional activity of multidrug resistance (MDR) markers (total activity of ABC-transporters, P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) activities) in human colon adenocarcinoma and normal mucosa was examined. Functional activity of ABC-transporters was revealed in all colon tumors and in 70% of normal mucosa samples investigated. Expression of Pgp and MRP functional activity was determined in about 50% and 70% of colon tumors respectively. Pgp+MRP+ phenotype was determined in 36% of normal mucosa and adenocarcinoma samples. Expression of Pgp+MRP- phenotype was practically the same in normal mucosa and tumors (in 10 and 18% of samples respectively). Pgp-MRP+ phenotype was revealed two times more often in tumors than in mucosa--in 36 and 18% respectively. On the contrary, Pgp-MRP- phenotype was detected more rarely in tumors than in mucosa (in 10 and 36% of samples respectively). Transporters different from Pgp and MRP were also determined in some tumors and normal mucosa. At the patients with expression of Pgp function in normal mucosa the activity of the transporter was revealed in 25% of tumor samples only. On the contrary, at the patients with expression of MRP function in normal mucosa the activity of the transporter was revealed in 70% of tumor samples. At the patients with no expression of Pgp or MRP activity in normal mucosa the function of the transporters in tumors was determined in 60% and 70% of samples respectively. It is concluded that functional activity of various ABC-transporters (Pgp, MRP and other different from Pgp and MRP) is expressed in human colon adenocarcinoma; expression of ABC-transporters functional activity in normal mucosa does not predict MDR phenotype of the tumor.  相似文献   

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