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The ventral nerve cord in the family Carabidae (considered in the widest sense! exhibits variations in the degree of fusion of thoracic and abdominal ganglia. There are usually three discrete thoracic ganglia and between one and seven discrete abdominal ganglia, the number differing between tribes. Of the 44 tribes and 177 species examined, 38 tribes contained species showing no differences in the degree of ventral nerve cord consolidation. However, the remaining six tribes showed variations in the degree of ventral nerve cord consolidation between genera (Lebiini, Cychrini, Nebriini, Scaritini, Licinini and Brachinini), whilst one genus showed variations between species (Leistus, Nebriini). No variation in ventral nerve cord consolidation was observed in conspecifics. The degree of ventral nerve cord consolidation is inversely proportional to overall body length. With respect to phylogeny, the degree of consolidation of the nerve cord docs not consistently support the traditional Carabinae-Harpalinae subfamily division. However, the Harpalinae always have four or less discrete abdominal ganglia (with the sole exception of the Broscinij, whilst the Carabinae exhibit almost the whole range of variations. Thus the Harpalinae (or the major pari of it) may be a monophyletic group, but this is not true of the Carabinae. Trends in the degree of ventral nerve cord consolidation for the various tribes were noted, and phylogenetic implications were evaluated wherever possible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Dose-response curves are presented for the diuretic activity in aqueous extracts of brain, retrocerebral complex, and ventral nerve cord ganglia from Acheta domesticus . Diuretic activity is highest in extracts of brain and corpora cardiaca. In comparison with such extracts, those of the suboesophageal ganglia and thoracic ganglia I-III produce truncated responses, whilst abdominal ganglia 1–4 show evidence of an inhibition of the diuretic response at high doses. ED50 values, obtained from Hill plots, are similar for extracts of brain, corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, and abdominal ganglia, but are 3–4 times higher for extracts of suboesophageal and thoracic ganglia.
Separation of aqueous extracts of corpora cardiaca by reversed-phase HPLC yields a number of fractions which stimulate fluid secretion in isolated tubules. Diuretic activity in these fractions is destroyed by treatment with Pronase E, and on this basis is identified as peptidic. In general, diuretic activity is found in the same RP-HPLC fractions prepared from aqueous extracts of brain, suboesophageal ganglia, thoracic ganglia I-III, and abdominal ganglia 1–4.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of FMRFamide immunoreactive neurones in the ventral nerve cord of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, is described. These neurones are found only in the suboesophagael and thoracic ganglia, although immunoreactive processes are found in the neuropils of the abdominal ganglia. Many of these neurones also react with an antiserum raised against bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP), but this antiserum also reveals another population of cells in the abdominal ganglia. The staining obtained with the BPP antiserum is blocked by preabsorption of the antiserum with FMRFamide; the converse is not true: FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity is not suppressed by preincubation with BPP. These results suggest that there are at least two endogenous peptide antigens in the locust nerve cord: one is found in cells of the suboesophageal and thoracic ganglia, and the other is found in cells of the abdominal ganglia.  相似文献   

In this study, the condensation of the three thoracic and 11 abdominal segmental ganglia to form a prothoracic and central nerve mass during embryogenesis is described. During katatrepsis, many changes occur in the organization of these ganglia; this study suggests that some of these changes are caused by mechanical forces acting on the ventral nerve cord at this time. The ventral nerve cord begins its anterior migration and coalescence ten hours after katatrepsis and is completed 63 hours later. The central ganglion is made up of the meso- and metathoracic ganglia and seven abdominal ganglia. Intrasegmental median cord nuclei are shown to form glial elements in the median sagittal plane of the neuropile and in the longitudinal connectives. Intersegmental median cord neuroblasts migrate into the posterior gangliomeres but, apparently, degenerate soon after katatrepsis. Lateral cord cells bordering on the neuropile form a glial investment that surrounds this fiber tract region. Peripheral lateral cord cells are shown to form the cells of the outer ganglionic sheath, the perineurium.  相似文献   

Serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons were mapped in the larval, prepupal, pupal, and adult ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the beetle, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The alterations of the shape of these neurons during metamorphosis were analysed. The stage-specific interindividual variability of the examined serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons is low. Serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons of the abdominal and thoracic ganglia behave differently during metamorphosis. Only in thoracic ganglia was an obvious change in the pattern of serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons observed. The shape of the dendritic trees of serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons varies in thoracic., but not in abdominal ganglia. During postlarval development, new emerging neurons that react with the anti-serotonin antibody are found only in the thoracic ganglia. Serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons are serially homologous in the larval ventral nerve cord. The basic organization of the serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons is maintained up to the adult stage. Some aspects of the metamorphosis of the nervous system are discussed with respect to the transformation of the set of immunoreactive neurons from larval to adult stage. The results are compared to those obtained in the study of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in cockroaches, dipterans and locusts.  相似文献   

A group of six dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neurons of the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) of locusts was studied with neuroanatomical and electrophysiological techniques. The neurons are located posteriorly in the SOG and have axons that descend into the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord, some as far as the terminal abdominal ganglion. Within thoracic ganglia the neurons have profuse dendritic ramifications in many neuropiles, including ventral sensory neuropiles. Based on their projection patterns three different morphological types of neurons can be distinguished. These neurons receive excitatory inputs through sensory pathways that ascend from the thoracic ganglia and are activated by limb movements. They may be involved in the modulation of synaptic transmission in thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

Abstract The ventral nerve cord of adult Chrysomeloidea exhibits variation in the degree of fusion of the meso-and metathoracic ganglia. similar variation occurs also in the ganglia ofthe abdominal chain, and in the single or double connectives between them. In adult Chrysomeloidea (and Curculionoidea) there never seem to be more than five separate abdominalganglia, the first two being more or less fused to the metathoracic ganglion and the lasttwo more or lessconnate; the supposed primitive condition is retained in some Cerambycidae. Trends toward the fusion of aditional abdominal ganglia appear in several differentlines in Chrysomelidae (and in Cerambycidae), and in more than one line a conditiones is reached in which only the ganglion in the third abdominal segmetn remains free. Structures possibly representing 'perisynmpathetic organs' have been observed in a few of the seventy-eight European and Indian species studied. systematic and phylogenetic conclusions are drawwn.  相似文献   

Brain, corpora cardiaca (CC)-corpora allata (CA) complex, suboesophageal ganglion, thoracic and abdominal ganglia of adults, larvae and embryos of Locusta migratoria have been immunohistochemically screened for gastrin cholecystokinin (CCK-8(s]-like material. In adult, numerous immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibres are located, with a marked symmetry, in various parts of the brain and throughout the ventral nerve cord. In the median part of the brain, cell bodies belonging neither to cellular type A1 nor A2 (following Victoria blue-paraldehyde fuchsin staining) are immunopositive; their processes terminate in the upper protocerebral neuropile. In lateral parts of the brain, external cell bodies send axons into CC and some up to CA, other internal have processes which terminate in the neuropile of the brain. Two of these latter cells react also with methionine-enkephalin antiserum. In the ventral nerve cord, in addition to numerous perikarya, immunoreactive arborizations terminate in the neuropile or in close association with the sheath, at the dorsal part of all ganglia. This CCK-8(s) distribution pattern is observed only at the two last larval instars, but is precociously detected in the abdominal nerve cord of embryos, one day before hatching.  相似文献   

The reorganization of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) during metamorphosis of M. quadrifasciata was observed to be characterized by shortening of connectives and subsequent fusion of the 2nd and 3rd thoracic and the 1st abdominal ganglia. Also, the 5th to 7th abdominal ganglia came into very close contact. These changes were accompanied by increasing levels of endogenous ecdysteroids, as determined by a radioimmunoassay. Incubation of VNC in the presence of 5 microg 20-hydroxyecdysone, caused significant shortening of connectives in the thoracic region, but not in the abdomen, evidencing a segment-specific response to this hormone. Cell death in the ventral ganglia was revealed by transmission electron microscopy and TUNEL-reaction. Detection of labeled cells in the region where contiguous ganglia come into close contact suggests that programmed cell death is involved in ganglionic fusion.  相似文献   

Recordings of maximum running speeds and maximum horizontal pulling (= pushing) forces have been obtained for 72 species of cursorial and fossorial ground beetles (Carabidae: Coleoptera) belonging to 19 tribes and 12 supertribes. Fore leg, pro- and meso-femoral and tibial and mid leg measurements have also been made and all these parameters have been correlated with body lengths. It was found that those species (mainly Carabinae group I, i.e. Nebriini, Notiophilini, Loricerini, Elaphrini, Cicindelini) with relatively long, slender pro-and mesofemora, long pro - and mesotibiae and small meso-coxal articulations were faster runners (i.e. sprinters) but weaker horizontal pushers. In contrast, species (mainly Carabinae group II, i.e. Broscini, Trechini, Pogonini, Bembidiini, Patrobini, Pterostichini, Zabrini, Callistini, Oodini, Licinini, Harpalini) with relatively short, broad pro-femora, short (slender) mesofemora, short pro– and mesotibiae, and larger meso-coxal articulations were stronger horizontal pushers but were slower runners. Carabinae group III (Scaritini), however, which have very short, narrow pro- and mesofemora, very short pro- and mesotibiae, and large meso-coxal articulations were found to be very strong horizontal pushers but very slow (relatively) runners.
The Carabini (including Cychrini), however, resemble Carabinae group II in their running and pushing abilities although their legs are structurally similar to those of Carabinae group I (i.e. relatively long and slender with small meso–coxal articulations). In fact, species of Carabini are fast walkers, their prey is generally slow moving (i.e. slugs, snails and caterpillars) and they hunt in restrictive habitats such as weed patches, meadows or woodland grass which produce a considerable amount of environmental resistance. Most Carabini have a heavy, powerful body which seems to be well adapted to overcoming this resistance.  相似文献   

The escape system of the American cockroach is both fast and directional. In response to wind stimulation both of these characteristics are largely due to the properties of the ventral giant interneurons (vGIs), which conduct sensory information from the cerci on the rear of the animal to type A thoracic interneurons (TIAs) in the thoracic ganglia. The cockroach also escapes from tactile stimuli, and although vGIs are not involved in tactile-mediated escapes, the same thoracic interneurons process tactile sensory information. The response of TIAs to tactile information is typically biphasic. A rapid initial depolarization is followed by a longer latency depolarization that encodes most if not all of the directional information in the tactile stimulus. We report here that the biphasic response of TIAs to tactile stimulation is caused by two separate conducting pathways from the point of stimulation to the thoracic ganglia. Phase 1 is generated by mechanical conduction along the animal's body cuticle or other physical structures. It cannot be eliminated by complete lesion of the nerve cord, and it is not evoked in response to electrical stimulation of abdominal nerves that contain the axons of sensory receptors in abdominal segments. However, it can be eliminated by lesioning the abdominal nerve cord and nerve 7 of the metathoracic ganglion together, suggesting that the relevant sensory structures send axons in nerve 7 and abdominal nerves of anterior abdominal ganglia. Phase 2 of the TIAs tactile response is generated by a typical neural pathway that includes mechanoreceptors in each abdominal segment, which project to interneurons with axons in either abdominal connective. Those interneurons with inputs from receptors that are ipsilateral to their axon have a greater influence on TIAs than those that receive inputs from the contralateral side. The phase 1 response has an important role in reducing initiation time for the escape response. Animals in which the phase 2 pathway has been eliminated by lesion of the abdominal nerve cord are still capable of generating a partial startle response with a typically short latency even when stimulated posterior to the lesion. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Brain, corpora cardiaca (CC)-corpora allata (CA) complex, suboesophageal ganglion, thoracic and abdominal ganglia of adults, larvae and embryos of Locusta migratoria have been immunohistochemically screened for gastrin cholecystokinin (CCK-8(s))-like material. In adult, numerous immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibres are located, with a marked symmetry, in various parts of the brain and throughout the ventral nerve cord. In the median part of the brain, cell bodies belonging neither to cellular type A1 nor A2 (following Victoria blue-paraldehyde fuchsin staining) are immunopositive; their processes terminate in the upper protocerebral neuropile. In lateral parts of the brain, external cell bodies send axons into CC and some up to CA, other internal have processes which terminate in the neuropile of the brain. Two of these latter cells react also with methionine-enkephalin antiserum. In the ventral nerve cord, in addition to numerous perikarya, immunore-active arborizations terminate in the neuropile or in close association with the sheath, at the dorsal part of all ganglia.This CCK-8(s) distribution pattern is observed only at the two last larval instars, but is precociously detected in the abdominal nerve cord of embryos, one day before hatching.  相似文献   

Upon isolation, abdomens of adult female house crickets (Acheta domesticus) produced abdominal and ovipositor movements characteristic of normal oviposition. Oviposition behaviour was thus released even in reproductively mature or immature virgins where under normal conditions it was never observed. Decapitation was not sufficient to release oviposition behaviour but transection of the ventral nerve cord between the thorax and the abdomen of immobilized females evoked the response. These observations indicate that the motor programmes for certain components of the oviposition sequence reside in the abdominal ganglia. Moreover, the prerequisite circuitry for ovipositional posturing of the abdomen and ovipositor appears to be functional prior to sexual maturity and insemination, primed by mating, and subject to inhibition by the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

Summary Production of sex pheromone in several species of moths has been shown to be under the control of a neuropeptide termed pheromone-biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN). We have produced an antiserum to PBAN from Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and used it to investigate the distribution of immunoreactive peptide in the brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex and its associated neurohemal structures, and the segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. Immunocytochemical methods reveal three clusters of cells along the ventral midline in the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG), one cluster each in the presumptive mandibular (4 cells), maxillary (12–14 cells), and labial neuromeres (4 cells). The proximal neurites of these cells are similar in their dorsal and lateral patterns of projection, indicating a serial homology among the three clusters. Members of the mandibular and maxillary clusters have axons projecting into the maxillary nerve, while two additional pairs of axons from the maxillary cluster project into the ventral nerve cord. Members of the labial cluster project to the retrocerebral complex (corpora cardiaca and cephalic aorta) via the nervus corpus cardiaci III (NCC III). The axons projecting into the ventral nerve cord appear to arborize principally in the dorsolateral region of each segmental ganglion; the terminal abdominal ganglion is distinct in containing an additional ventromedial arborization in the posterior third of the ganglion. Quantification of the extractable immunoreactive peptide in the retrocerebral complex by ELISA indicates that PBAN is gradually depleted during the scotophase, then restored to maximal levels in the photophase. Taken together, our findings provide anatomical evidence for both neurohormonal release of PBAN as well as axonal transport via the ventral nerve cord to release sites within the segmental ganglia.Abbreviations A aorta - Br-SOG brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex - CC corpus cardiacum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PLI PBAN-like immunoreactivity - TAG terminal abdominal ganglion - VNC ventral nerve cord  相似文献   

Three groups of giant fibers are found in the cockroach ventral nerve cord. A latero-dorsal group (dorsal GIs), a latero-ventral group (ventral GIs) and a medio-ventral group. The morphology of all three groups of fibers within the thoracic ganglia is described. The morphology of the dorsal and ventral GI pathways in the abdominal and suboesophageal ganglia is also described. The projection patterns of the neurons in each ganglion are remarkably similar which suggests a common function. When motorneurons 5rl (depressor) and 6Br4 (levator) are stained simultaneously with the dorsal and ventral GI groups, some branches from both motor and giant neurons converge. The branching of the remaining medio-ventral group of fibers and their proximity to areas receiving motorneuronal input suggests that these are the small diameter axons described by Dagan and Parnas (1970).  相似文献   

Serotonin-like immunoreactivity was mapped using an antiserotonin antibody in wholemounts of the ventral nerve cord from dragonfly nymphs (Epitheca sp. and Pachydiplax longipennis). In both species, an immunoreactive cell ventral to each connective tract and an immunoreactive median cell cluster on the ganglion ventral surface were found in the unfused abdominal ganglia. Axon(s) from the median cell cluster branch in the anterior unpaired median nerve. Posterolaterally, in all of the ganglia examined, two or more intensely immunoreactive, bilaterally symmetric pairs of neurons were seen. Comparison of these posterolateral neurons, which appear to be serially homologous, with similar antiserotonin immunoreactive neurons described in other insects suggests that these neuron pairs may have cross-species homology as well.  相似文献   

【目的】揭示绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum腹神经节的组成结构。【方法】采用免疫组织化学染色方法,利用突触蛋白抗体对绿盲蝽成虫的腹神经节进行免疫标记,激光共聚焦扫描显微镜扫描照相获得原始数据,用图像分析软件进行标记,构建三维结构模型。【结果】绿盲蝽成虫腹神经节位于腹神经索的末端,与其前方的后胸神经节和中胸神经节紧密融合,形成后部神经节。与脑和胸神经节类似,腹神经节由周围的细胞体和内部的神经髓构成。腹神经节的神经纤维束主要包括位于腹侧的两条纵向神经连索和向两侧发出的9束神经纤维。9束神经纤维连接着9个神经原节,即富含突触联系的神经髓。这些神经原节紧密融合,无明显的边界,最后两节形成膨大的末端腹神经节。两侧的神经原节由横向的神经连锁连接起来。腹神经节外周的细胞体数量较多,排列紧密,大小一致,仅在前端背侧中间和后端腹侧中间位置分别有2个和5个体积较大的细胞体。【结论】本研究结果明确了绿盲蝽腹神经节的结构,为进一步研究昆虫的行为调控及神经系统发育和演化奠定一定的形态学基础。  相似文献   

Summary Crustacean cardioactive peptide-immunoreactive neurons occur in the entire central nervous system of Locusta migratoria. The present paper focuses on mapping studies in the ventral nerve cord and on peripheral projection sites. Two types of contralaterally projecting neurons occur in all neuromers from the subesophageal to the seventh abdominal ganglia. One type forms terminals at the surface of the thoracic nerves 6 and 1, the distal perisympathetic organs, the lateral heart nerves, and on ventral and dorsal diaphragm muscles. Two large neurons in the anterior part and several neurons of a different type in the posterior part of the terminal ganglion project into the last tergal nerves. In the abdominal neuromers 1–7, two types of ipsilaterally projecting neurons occur, one of which gives rise to neurosecretory terminals in the distal perisympathetic organs, in peripheral areas of the transverse, stigmata and lateral heart nerves. Four subesophageal neurons have putative terminals in the neurilemma of the nervus corporis allati II, and in the corpora allata and cardiaca. In addition, several immunoreactive putative interneurons and other neurons were mapped in the ventral nerve cord. A new in situ whole-mount technique was essential for elucidation of the peripheral pathways and targets of the identified neurons, which suggest a role of the peptide in the control of heartbeat, abdominal ventilatory and visceral muscle activity.Abbreviations AG abdominal ganglia - AM alary muscle - AMN alary muscle nerve - CA corpus allatum - CC corpus cardiacum - dPSO distal perisympathetic organ - LHN lateral heart nerve - LT CCAP-immunoreactive lateral tract - NCA nervus corporis allati - NCC nervus corporis cardiaci - NM neuromer - PMN paramedian nerve - PSO perisympathetic organ - SOG subesophageal ganglion - VDM ventral diaphragm muscles - VNC ventral nerve cord  相似文献   

Summary By use of antisera raised against synthetic pigment-dispersing hormone (PDH) of Uca pugilator and FMRFamide, the distribution of immunoreactive structures in the central nervous system (CNS) of Carcinus maenas and Orconectes limosus was studied by light microscopy. In both species, a total of 10–12 PDH-positive perikarya occur amongst the anterior medial, dorsal lateral and angular somata of the cerebral ganglion (CG). In C. maenas, one PDH-perikaryon was found in each commissural ganglion (COG) and several more in the thoracic ganglion. In O. limosus, only four immunopositive perikarya could be demonstrated in the ventral nerve cord, i.e., two somata in the anterior and two in the posterior region of the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG). PDH-immunoreactive tracts and fiber plexuses were present in all central ganglia of both species, and individual axons were observed in the connectives. FMRFamide-immunoreactivity was studied in O. limosus only. Neurons of different morphological types were found throughout the entire CNS, including numerous perikarya in the anterior medial, anterior olfactory, dorsal lateral and posterior cell groups of the CG. Four perikarya were found in the COG, six large and numerous smaller ones in the SOG, and up to eight cells in each of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia. In each ganglion, the perikarya form fiber plexuses. Axons from neurons belonging to the CG could be traced into the ventral nerve cord; nerve fibers arising from perikarya in the SOG appeared to project to the posterior ganglia. In none of the structures examined colocalization of PDH- and FMRF-amide-immunoreactivity was observed.Dedicated to Prof. K.-E. Wohlfarth-Bottermann on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Antisera were raised against leucokinin IV, a member of the leucokinin peptide family. Immunohistochemical localization of leucokinin immunoreactivity in the brain of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea revealed neurosecretory cells in the pars intercerebralis and pars lateralis, several bilateral pairs of interneurons in the protocerebrum, and a group of interneurons in the optic lobe. Several immunoreactive interneurons were found in the thoracic ganglia, while the abdominal ganglia contained prominent immunoreactive neurosecretory cells, which projected to the lateral cardiac nerve. The presence of leucokinins in the abdominal nerve cord was confirmed by HPLC combined with ELISA. Leucokinin-immunoreactive neurosecretory cells were also found in the pars intercerebralis of the cricket Acheta domesticus and the mosquito Aedes aegypti, but not in the locust Schistocerca americana or the honey bee Apis mellifera. However, all these species have leucokinin-immunoreactive neurosecretory cells in the abdominal ganglia. The neurohemal organs innervated by abdominal leucokinin-immunoreactive cells were different in each species.  相似文献   

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