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目的:研究Rictor基因对胚胎发育过程中胎肝造血的影响。方法:利用Cre-LoxP基因敲除系统,特异性在小鼠内皮(VEC-Cre)和造血(Vav1-Cre)系统敲除Rictor基因;通过流式细胞术分析特异敲除Rictor基因后小鼠胚胎第15 d胎肝中的各系细胞比例的变化,并进一步分析造血干细胞的变化。结果:利用VEC-Cre和Vav1-Cre小鼠敲除Rictor基因后,胎肝中各系细胞比例均有所减少,B细胞比例的减少较为明显,造血干细胞比例也明显减少。结论:Rictor基因敲除损害胎肝组织中造血干细胞的产生和各系细胞的分化。  相似文献   

Lissencephaly is an inherited developmental disorder in which neuronal migration is impaired. A type of lissencephaly associated with cerebellar hypoplasia (LCH) was diagnosed in a commercial flock of Spanish Churra sheep. The genotyping of 7 affected animals and 33 controls with the OvineSNP50 BeadChip enabled the localization of the causative mutation for ovine LCH to a 4.8-Mb interval on sheep chromosome 4 using genome-wide association and homozygosity mapping. The RELN gene, which is located within this interval, was considered a strong positional and functional candidate because it plays critical roles in neuronal migration and layer formation. By performing a sequencing analysis of this gene’s specific mRNA in a control lamb, we obtained the complete CDS of the ovine RELN gene. The cDNA sequence from an LCH-affected lamb revealed a deletion of 31 bp (c.5410_5440del) in predicted exon 36 of RELN, resulting in a premature termination codon. A functional analysis of this mutation revealed decreased levels of RELN mRNA and a lack of reelin protein in the brain cortex and blood of affected lambs. This mutation showed a complete concordance with the Mendelian recessive pattern of inheritance observed for the disease. The identification of the causal mutation of LCH in Churra sheep will facilitate the implementation of gene-assisted selection to detect heterozygous mutants, which will help breeders avoid at-risk matings in their flocks. Moreover, the identification of this naturally occurring RELN mutation provides an opportunity to use Churra sheep as a genetically characterized large animal model for the study of reelin functions in the developing and mature brain.  相似文献   

Alkaptonuria is often diagnosed clinically with episodes of dark urine, biochemically by the accumulation of peripheral homogentisic acid and molecularly by the presence of mutations in the homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase gene (HGD). Alkaptonuria is invariably associated with HGD mutations, which consist of single nucleotide variants and small insertions/deletions. Surprisingly, the presence of deletions beyond a few nucleotides among over 150 reported deleterious mutations has not been described, raising the suspicion that this gene might be protected against the detrimental mechanisms of gene rearrangements. The quest for an HGD mutation in a proband with AKU revealed with a SNP array five large regions of homozygosity (5–16 Mb), one of which includes the HGD gene. A homozygous deletion of 649 bp deletion that encompasses the 72 nucleotides of exon 2 and surrounding DNA sequences in flanking introns of the HGD gene was unveiled in a proband with AKU. The nature of this deletion suggests that this in-frame deletion could generate a protein without exon 2. Thus, we modeled the tertiary structure of the mutant protein structure to determine the effect of exon 2 deletion. While the two β-pleated sheets encoded by exon 2 were missing in the mutant structure, other β-pleated sheets are largely unaffected by the deletion. However, nine novel α-helical coils substituted the eight coils present in the native HGD crystal structure. Thus, this deletion results in a deleterious enzyme, which is consistent with the proband’s phenotype. Screening for mutations in the HGD gene, particularly in the Middle East, ought to include this exon 2 deletion in order to determine its frequency and uncover its origin.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR扩增亚麻种子(Linum usitatissimum Linn)FAD3B基因,构建不同启动子的两种重组真核表达载体pIRES-AcGFP-CMV-FAD3B和pIRES-AcGFP-CAG-FAD3B,通过qRT-PCR检测转基因细胞中FAD3B基因的表达水平.以不同过表达水平的转基因细胞为试验对象,评价9种候选内参基因ACTB、GAPDH、18S rRNA、UXT、PPP1R11、RPS15A、SF3A1、EEF1A2和HMBS的稳定性.根据GeNorm、NornFinder和BestKeeper 3种统计学算法得到的稳定性值对基因进行排序.结果显示,内参基因稳定性的综合排序为PPP1R11>EEF1A2>1 8S rRNA>RPS15A>GAPDH>HMBS>UXT>ACTB>SF3A1,其中PPP1R11和EEF1A2是最稳定的内参基因.稳定内参的选择可以更加准确地校正基因的表达水平,从而为阐述基因的功能奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

A Novel Mutation of the Fibrillin Gene Causing Ectopia Lentis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ectopia lentis (EL), a dominantly inherited connective tissue disorder, has been genetically linked to the fibrillin gene on chromosome 15 (FBN1) in earlier studies. Here, we report the first EL mutation in the FBN1 gene confirming that EL is caused by mutations of this gene. So far, several mutations in the FBN1 gene have been reported in patients with Marfan syndrome (MFS). EL and MFS are clinically related but distinct conditions with typical manifestations in the ocular and skeletal systems, the fundamental difference between them being the absence of cardiovascular involvement in EL. We report a point mutation, cosegregating with the disease in the described family, that displays EL over four generations. The mutation changes a conserved glutamic acid residue in an EGF-like motif, which is the major structural component of the fibrillin and is repeated throughout the polypeptide. In vitro mutagenetic studies have demonstrated the necessity of an analogous glutamic acid residue for calcium binding in an EGF-like repeat of human factor IX. This provides a possible explanation for the role of this mutation in the disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Pharmacological inhibition of Hsp90 is an exciting option for cancer therapy. The clinical efficacy of Hsp90 inhibitors is, however, less than expected. Binding of the co-chaperone p23 to Hsp90 and induced overexpression of anti-apoptotic proteins Hsp70 and Hsp27 are thought to contribute to this outcome. Herein, we report that the natural product gedunin may provide a new alternative to inactivate the Hsp90 machine. We show that gedunin directly binds to p23 and inactivates it, without overexpression of Hsp27 and relatively modest induction of Hsp70. Using molecular docking and mutational analysis, we mapped the gedunin-binding site on p23. Functional analysis shows that gedunin inhibits the p23 chaperoning activity, blocks its cellular interaction with Hsp90, and interferes with p23-mediated gene regulation. Cell treatment with gedunin leads to cancer cell death by apoptosis through inactivation of p23 and activation of caspase 7, which cleaves p23 at the C terminus. These results provide important insight into the molecular mechanism of action of this promising lead compound.  相似文献   

Our conditional VHL knockout (VHL-KO) mice, having VHL gene deletion induced by tamoxifen, developed severe hypoglycemia associated with disproportionately increased storage of PAS-positive substances in the liver and resulted in the death of these mice. This hypoglycemic state was neither due to impaired insulin secretion nor insulin receptor hypersensitivity. By focusing on insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which has a similar effect on glucose metabolism as the insulin receptor, we demonstrated that IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) protein expression in the liver was upregulated in VHL-KO mice compared to that in the mice without VHL deletion, as was the expression of glucose transporter (GLUT) 1. The interaction of the receptor for activated C kinase (RACK) 1, which predominantly binds to VHL, was enhanced in VHL-KO livers with IGF-IR, because VHL deletion increased free RACK1 and facilitated the IGF-IR-RACKI interaction. An IGF-IR antagonist retarded hypoglycemic progression and sustained an euglycemic state. These IGF-IR antagonist effects on restoring blood glucose levels also attenuated PAS-positive substance storage in the liver. Because the effect of IGF-I on HIF-1α protein synthesis is mediated by IGF-IR, our results indicated that VHL inactivation accelerated hepatic glucose storage through the upregulation of IGF-IR and GLUT1 and that IGF-IR was a key regulator in VHL-deficient hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Mice are among the most valuable model animal species with an enormous amount of heritage in genetic modification studies. However, targeting genes in mice is sometimes difficult, especially for small genes, such as microRNAs (miRNAs) and targeting genes in repeat sequences. Here we optimized the application of TALEN system for mice and successfully obtained gene targeting technique in mice for intergenic region and series of microRNAs. Microinjection of synthesized RNA of TALEN targeting each gene in one cell stage of embryo was carried out and injected oocytes were transferred into pseudopregnant ICR female mice, producing a high success rate of the targeted deletion of miRNA genes. In our condition, TALEN RNA without poly(A) tail worked better than that of with poly(A) tail. This mutated allele in miRNA was transmitted to the next generation, suggesting the successful germ line transmission of this targeting method. Consistent with our notion of miRNAs maturation mechanism, in homozygous mutant mice of miR-10a, the non- mutated strand of miRNAs expression was completely diminished. This method will lead us to expand and accelerate our genetic research using mice in a high throughput way.  相似文献   

Protoplast transformation is an important technique for establishing a mutation library and determining gene function for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and other plant pathogenic fungi. In this study, we determined the effect of various conditions on preparation of protoplasts for transformation. These conditions included the age of the culture providing the hyphae to be digested; enzyme composition, buffer solution and concentration; and digestion time and temperature. The optimum conditions for preparing protoplasts were as follows: 10 ml of enzyme solution (1.5% lysing enzyme in 0.8 m mannitol and citric acid‐sodium citrate buffer) reacting with 0.1 g of hyphae (cultured for 36 h) at 30°C for 2.5 h. The transformation efficiency was 60–85 transformants per microgram of DNA. In addition, an expression vector for gene complementation was constructed, and an additional dominant selectable marker (neomycin) was demonstrated. To verify the reliability of the expression vector, we constructed and transformed the complementation vector of Shk1 for gene complementation based on the Shk1 deletion mutant △Shk1. The results showed that the expression level and biological phenotypes of Shk1 were restored in the complementary strain △Shk1+Shk1. The techniques and procedures described will improve our ability to study gene function in S. sclerotiorum and are likely applicable to other plant pathogens.  相似文献   

为获得转基因克隆牛的供体细胞,采用组织块贴附培养的方法分离培养牛胎儿皮肤成纤维细胞,经2~3次传代纯化,绘制生长曲线,分别分析体外传代培养10代以内和20代以上细胞的核型特征。分别采用800、900、1000V/cm和1、5、10、15和20ms的参数组合,将线性化的带有新霉素抗性和绿色荧光蛋白双重筛选标记的人胰岛素原乳腺特异表达载体pNEI电穿孔转入体外培养的牛胎儿成纤维细胞,经800μg/mLG418筛选2周,继续以300μg/mLG418扩大培养2~3代,取部分筛选后的细胞进行PCR检测结果表明,体外培养的牛胎儿成纤维细胞生长旺盛,体外传代20次后核型未发生改变;转染后24~48h在荧光镜下检测各组均可观察到绿色荧光表达,筛选后各组克隆形成数以900V/cm和5ms组最多;PCR检测得到了预期条带,说明目的基因已经成功导入。分离得到的牛胎儿耳成纤维细胞有可能作为体细胞核移植的供体,进行转基因克隆研究。  相似文献   

The chromosomal program of meiotic prophase, comprising events such as laying down of meiotic cohesins, synapsis between homologs, and homologous recombination, must be preceded and enabled by the regulated induction of meiotic prophase genes. This gene regulatory program is poorly understood, particularly in organisms with a segregated germline. We characterized the gene regulatory program of meiotic prophase as it occurs in the mouse fetal ovary. By profiling gene expression in the mouse fetal ovary in mutants with whole tissue and single-cell techniques, we identified 104 genes expressed specifically in pre-meiotic to pachytene germ cells. We characterized the regulation of these genes by 1) retinoic acid (RA), which induces meiosis, 2) Dazl, which is required for germ cell competence to respond to RA, and 3) Stra8, a downstream target of RA required for the chromosomal program of meiotic prophase. Initial induction of practically all identified meiotic prophase genes requires Dazl. In the presence of Dazl, RA induces at least two pathways: one Stra8-independent, and one Stra8-dependent. Genes vary in their induction by Stra8, spanning fully Stra8-independent, partially Stra8-independent, and fully Stra8-dependent. Thus, Stra8 regulates the entirety of the chromosomal program but plays a more nuanced role in governing the gene expression program. We propose that Stra8-independent gene expression enables the stockpiling of selected meiotic structural proteins prior to the commencement of the chromosomal program. Unexpectedly, we discovered that Stra8 is required for prompt down-regulation of itself and Rec8. Germ cells that have expressed and down-regulated Stra8 are refractory to further Stra8 expression. Negative feedback of Stra8, and subsequent resistance to further Stra8 expression, may ensure a single, restricted pulse of Stra8 expression. Collectively, our findings reveal a gene regulatory logic by which germ cells prepare for the chromosomal program of meiotic prophase, and ensure that it is induced only once.  相似文献   

Efficient BLG-Cre Mediated Gene Deletion in the Mammary Gland   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Using the phage P1-derived Cre/loxP recombination system, we have developed a strategy for efficient mammary tissue specific inactivation of floxed genes. Transgenic mice were generated which express Cre DNA-recombinase under the control of the mammary gland specific promoter of the ovine beta- lactoglobulin (BLG) gene. To test the specificity of Cre mediated recombination, we crossed these mice to animals harbouring a floxed DNA ligase I allele. We show that the BLG-Cre construct specifies mammary specific gene deletion, and furthermore that it is temporally regulated, predominantly occurring during lactation. We fully characterised the extent of gene deletion in one line (line 74). In this strain the virgin gland is characterised by low levels (7%) of Cre mediated deletion, whereas 70–80% of cells within the lactating mammary gland have undergone recombination. Immunohisto-chemistry and indirect in situ PCR were used respectively to demonstrate that both Cre protein and Cre activity were evenly distributed throughout the population of secretory epithelial cells. The level of background recombination in non-mammary tissues was found to be 1.1%, irrespective of mammary gland developmental status. Crossing the transgenic BLG-Cre strain described here to mice harbouring other floxed alleles will facilitate the functional analysis of those genes during differentiation and development of the mammary gland.  相似文献   

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