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Microarrays to characterize single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provide a cost-effective and rapid method (under 24 h) to genotype microbes as an alternative to sequencing. We developed a pipeline for SNP discovery and microarray design that scales to 100's of microbial genomes. Here we tested various SNP probe design strategies against 8 sequenced isolates of Bacillus anthracis to compare sequence and microarray data. The best strategy allowed probe length to vary within 32–40 bp to equalize hybridization free energy. This strategy resulted in a call rate of 99.52% and concordance rate of 99.86% for finished genomes. Other probe design strategies averaged substantially lower call rates (94.65–96.41%) and slightly lower concordance rates (99.64–99.80%). These rates were lower for draft than finished genomes, consistent with higher incidence of sequencing errors and gaps. Highly accurate SNP calls were possible in complex soil and blood backgrounds down to 1000 copies, and moderately accurate SNP calls down to 100 spiked copies. The closest genome to the spiked strain was correctly identified at only 10 spiked copies. Discrepancies between sequence and array data did not alter the SNP-based phylogeny, regardless of the probe design strategy, indicating that SNP arrays can accurately place unsequenced isolates on a phylogeny.  相似文献   

DNA microarray technology, originally developed to measure the level of gene expression, has become one of the most widely used tools in genomic study. The crux of microarray design lies in how to select a unique probe that distinguishes a given genomic sequence from other sequences. Due to its significance, probe selection attracts a lot of attention. Various probe selection algorithms have been developed in recent years. Good probe selection algorithms should produce a small number of candidate probes. Efficiency is also crucial because the data involved are usually huge. Most existing algorithms are usually not sufficiently selective and quite a large number of probes are returned. We propose a new direction to tackle the problem and give an efficient algorithm based on randomization to select a small set of probes and demonstrate that such a small set of probes is sufficient to distinguish each sequence from all the other sequences. Based on the algorithm, we have developed probe selection software RandPS, which runs efficiently in practice. The software is available on our website (http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/ approximately cindy/RandPS/RandPS.htm). We test our algorithm via experiments on different genomes (Escherichia coli, Saccharamyces cerevisiae, etc.) and our algorithm is able to output unique probes for most of the genes efficiently. The other genes can be identified by a combination of at most two probes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microbial diversity is still largely unknown in most environments, such as soils. In order to get access to this microbial 'black-box', the development of powerful tools such as microarrays are necessary. However, the reliability of this approach relies on probe efficiency, in particular sensitivity, specificity and explorative power, in order to obtain an image of the microbial communities that is close to reality. RESULTS: We propose a new probe design algorithm that is able to select microarray probes targeting SSU rRNA at any phylogenetic level. This original approach, implemented in a program called 'PhylArray', designs a combination of degenerate and non-degenerate probes for each target taxon. Comparative experimental evaluations indicate that probes designed with PhylArray yield a higher sensitivity and specificity than those designed by conventional approaches. Applying the combined PhyArray/GoArrays strategy helps to optimize the hybridization performance of short probes. Finally, hybridizations with environmental targets have shown that the use of the PhylArray strategy can draw attention to even previously unknown bacteria.  相似文献   

Most current microarray oligonucleotide probe design strategies are based on probe design factors (PDFs), which include probe hybridization free energy (PHFE), probe minimum folding energy (PMFE), dimer score, hairpin score, homology score and complexity score. The impact of these PDFs on probe performance was evaluated using four sets of microarray comparative genome hybridization (aCGH) data, which included two array manufacturing methods and the genomes of two species. Since most of the hybridizing DNA is equimolar in CGH data, such data are ideal for testing the general hybridization properties of almost all candidate oligonucleotides. In all our data sets, PDFs related to probe secondary structure (PMFE, hairpin score and dimer score) are the most significant factors linearly correlated with probe hybridization intensities. PHFE, homology and complexity score are correlating significantly with probe specificities, but in a non-linear fashion. We developed a new PDF, pseudo probe binding energy (PPBE), by iteratively fitting dinucleotide positional weights and dinucleotide stacking energies until the average residue sum of squares for the model was minimized. PPBE showed a better correlation with probe sensitivity and a better specificity than all other PDFs, although training data are required to construct a PPBE model prior to designing new oligonucleotide probes. The physical properties that are measured by PPBE are as yet unknown but include a platform-dependent component. A practical way to use these PDFs for probe design is to set cutoff thresholds to filter out bad quality probes. Programs and correlation parameters from this study are freely available to facilitate the design of DNA microarray oligonucleotide probes.  相似文献   

DNA chips have proven to be effective tools in detecting gene expression levels. Compared with DNA chips using complementary DNA as probes, oligonucleotide microarrays using oligonucleotides as probes have attracted great attention because of their well known advantages. The design of gene-specific probes for each target is essential to the development of oligonucleotide microarrays. We have previously reported the development of a probe design software termed Mprobe 1.0. Here, we present a new version of this software, termed Mprobe 2.0. Several new features are included in Mprobe 2.0. Firstly, a paradox-based sequence database management system has been developed and integrated into the software, which consequently allows interoperability with sequences in GenBank, EMBL, and FASTA formats. Secondly, in contrast to setting a fixed threshold for the secondary structure of probes in Mprobe 1.0 and other related software, Mprobe 2.0 employs a different method. After parameters such as GC type, probe melting temperature and GC contents have been evaluated, candidate probes are sorted by the free energy from high to low value, followed by specificity analysis. Thirdly, Mprobe 2.0 provides users with substantial parameter options in the visual mode. Mprobe 2.0 possesses an easier interface for users to manage sequences annotated in different formats and design the optimal probes for oligonucleotide microarrays and other applications. AVAILABILITY: The program is free for non-commercial users and can be downloaded from the web page http://www.biosun.org.cn/mprobe/ CONTACT: Wuju Li (wujuli@yahoo.com or liwj@nic.bmi.ac.cn).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Dilution design (Mixed tissue RNA) has been utilized by some researchers to evaluate and assess the performance of multiple microarray platforms. Current microarray data analysis approaches assume that the quantified signal intensities are linearly related to the expression of the corresponding genes in the sample. However, there are sources of nonlinearity in microarray expression measurements. Such nonlinearity study in the expressions of the RNA mixtures provides a new way to analyze gene expression data, and we argue that the nonlinearity can reveal novel information for microarray data analysis. Therefore, we proposed a statistical model, called proportion model, which is based on the linear regression analysis. To approximately quantify the nonlinearity in the dilution design, a new calibration, beta ratio (BR) was derived from the proportion model. Furthermore, a new adjusted fold change (adj-FC) was proposed to predict the true FC without nonlinearity, in particular for large FC. RESULTS: We applied our method to one microarray dilution dataset. The experimental results indicated that, to some extent, there are global biases comparing with the linear assumption for the significant genes. Further analysis of those highly expressed genes with significant nonlinearity revealed some promising results, e.g. 'poison' effect was discovered for some genes in RNA mixtures. The adj-FCs of those genes with 'poison' effect, indicate that the nonlinearity can be also caused by the inherent feature of the genes besides signal noise and technical variation. Moreover, when percentage of overlapping genes (POG) was used as a cross-platform consistency measure, adj-FC outperformed simple fold change to show that Affymetrix and Illumina platforms are consistent. AVAILABILITY: The R codes which implements all described methods, and some Supplementary material, are freely available from http://www.utdallas.edu/~ying.liu/BetaRatio.htm  相似文献   

C-banding techniques detect the presence of constitutive heterochromatin, which is usually located in centromeric regions of chromosomes in the majority of analysed species. The common method for C-banding used over the last 30 years involves treatment with a mild alkali barium hydroxide 5% Ba(OH)2 at 50 degrees C for 5-15 min and subsequent incubation in salt solution (2 x SSC at 60 degrees C for 1 h). We here present a new, easy and reliable technique for C-banding, which basically involves heat denaturation of chromosomal DNA in the presence of formamide and incubation in 2 x SSC at room temperature.  相似文献   



The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains a diverse collection of bacteria, most of which are unculturable by conventional microbiological methods. Increasingly molecular profiling techniques are being employed to examine this complex microbial community. The purpose of this study was to develop a microarray technique based on 16S ribosomal gene sequences for rapidly monitoring the microbial population of the GI tract.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide microarrays in microbial diagnostics   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Oligonucleotide microarrays offer a fast, high-throughput alternative for the parallel detection of microbes from virtually any sample. The application potential spreads across most sectors of life sciences, including environmental microbiology and microbial ecology; human, veterinary, food and plant diagnostics; water quality control; industrial microbiology, and so on. The past two years have witnessed a rapid increase of research in this field. Many alternative techniques were developed and validated as seen in 'proof-of-concept' articles. Publications reporting on the application of oligonucleotide microarray technology for microbial diagnostics in microbiology driven projects have just started to appear. Current and future technical and bioinformatics developments will inevitably improve the potential of this technology further.  相似文献   

There has been an explosion of interest in microarray technologies that allow the quantification of whole-genome RNA expression data. The apparent correlation of expression profiles with clinically relevant parameters such as disease outcome has raised expectations with respect to the clinical usefulness of the data generated. Yet the accuracy and biological relevance of these data remain contentious, even in basic research applications. Therefore, numerous issues related to format, quality, validation and interpretation remain to be resolved before microarray profiling can become a diagnostic tool of clinical relevance for routine work.  相似文献   

Systematic photometric studies are presented to analyze the thermal denaturation behaviour with and without formamide of metaphase chromosome suspensions in comparison to DNA solutions. Temperature dependent hyperchromicity measurements at 256 nm and 313 nm were performed using an appropriately designed computer-controlled photometer device. Due to an upright optical axis, this allowed absorbance measurements with negligible sedimentation effects not only for solutions of pure DNA, but also for particle suspensions of isolated metaphase chromosomes. This device has a temperature resolution of +/- 0.5 degrees C and an optical sensitivity of 10(-3) to 10(-4) optical density. For calf thymus DNA the reduction of the melting point with the increase of formamide in the solution was measured at pH 7.0 and pH 3.2. The good correlation of the theoretical approximation to experimental data indicated the suitability of the apparatus to quantitatively describe DNA conformation changes induced by thermal denaturation. For metaphase chromosome preparations of Chinese hamster culture cells, absorbance changes were measured between 20 degrees C and 95 degrees C with a temperature gradient of 1 degrees C/min. These measurements were performed at pH 7.0 and at pH 3.2. The denaturation profiles (= first derivative of the absorbance curve) resulted in a highly variable peak pattern at 256 nm and 313 nm indicating complex conformation changes. A statistical evaluation of the temperature values of the peak maxima resulted in temperature ranges typical for chromosomal conformation changes during thermal treatment. Especially the range of highest temperature values was independent from pH modifications. For pH 3.2 the influence of formamide on the denaturation behaviour of metaphase chromosome preparations was analyzed. In contrast to pure DNA solutions, a reduction of the "melting point" (i.e. the maximum temperature at which a conformation change takes place) was not found. However, the denaturation behaviour depended on the duration of formamide treatment before the measurement.  相似文献   

Construction methodologies for cDNA microarrays lack the ability to determine array integrity prior to hybridization, leaving the array itself a source of uncontrolled experimental variation. We solved this problem through development of a three-color cDNA array platform whereby printed probes are tagged with fluorescein and are compatible with Cy3 and Cy5 target labeling dyes when using confocal laser scanners possessing narrow bandwidths. Here we use this approach to: (i) develop a tracking system to monitor the printing of probe plates at predicted coordinates; (ii) define the quantity of immobilized probe necessary for quality hybridized array data to establish pre-hybridization array selection criteria; (iii) investigate factors that influence probe availability for hybridization; and (iv) explore the feasibility of hybridized data filtering using element fluorescein intensity. A direct and significant relationship (R2 = 0.73, P < 0.001) between pre-hybridization average fluorescein intensity and subsequent hybridized replicate consistency was observed, illustrating that data quality can be improved by selecting arrays that meet defined pre-hybridization criteria. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our three-color approach provides a means to filter spots possessing insufficient bound probe from hybridized data sets to further improve data quality. Collectively, this strategy will improve microarray data and increase its utility as a sensitive screening tool.  相似文献   

A fluorescent analogue of antibiotic actinomycin D, 7-aminoactinomycin D (7AAMD), which is widely used in molecular biology, was shown by steady-state, polarization, and phase fluorescent spectroscopy to bind primarily in the unwound regions of DNA with concomitant increase in its emission intensity. The maximum emission intensity of 7AAMD is observed for denatured DNA. Thus, 7AAMD may serve as a good indicator of DNA unwinding, denaturation, and fragmentation.  相似文献   

The errors of probe diagnostics of the resting or slow-moving plasma of Q-machines or dc discharges are shown to lie typically within a range of ±(20–30)%. Problems of probe diagnostics of RF plasma and modern approaches to their solving are considered. The objectivity of probe diagnostics of RF plasma is established by the mutual agreement between the electron energy distribution functions measured in the same experiment using the Langmuir probes and the method of relative intensities of spectral lines.  相似文献   

Microfluidic lab-on-a-chip for microbial identification on a DNA microarray   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A lab-on-a-chip for the rapid identification of microbial species has been developed for a water monitoring system. We employed highly parallel DNA microarrays for the direct profiling of microbial populations in a sample. For the integration and minimization of the DNA microarray protocols for bacterial identification, rRNA was selected as a target nucleotide for probe:target hybridization. In order to hybridize target rRNA onto the probe oligonucleotide, intact rRNA extracted fromE. coli rRNA was fragmented via chemical techniques in the lab-on-a-chip platform. The size of fragmented rRNA was less than 400 base pairs, which was confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The fragmented rRNA was also labeled using fluorescent chemicals. The lab-on-a-chip for fragmentation and labeling includes a PDMS chaotic mixer for efficient mixing, operated by flow pressure. In addition, the fragmented rRNA was hybridized successfully on a DNA microarray with sample recirculation on a microfluidic platform. Our fragmentation and labeling technique will have far-reaching applications, which require rapid but complicated chemical genetic material processing on a lab-on-a-chip platform.  相似文献   

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