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甘蓝型油菜BnCOP1基因编码区全长cDNA的克隆与功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析拟南芥、豌豆、番茄和水稻的COP1 (constitutively photomorphogenic 1) 的cDNA序列, 运用RT-PCR和改进的基因组步行 (genome walking) 技术相结合的方法, 首次从甘蓝型油菜中克隆到油菜 BnCOP1编码区cDNA的全长序列, 其全长2 034 bp, 编码677个氨基酸. 同源 性分析表明, 其编码的氨基酸序列与拟南芥的同源性高达94%. 对BnCOP1编 码序列(cDNA)演绎出的氨基酸序列分析表明, 其编码的蛋白包含有N端的 环形锌指结合域(ring finger zinc binding domain, RING)、中间的卷曲 螺旋形结构域(coiled-coil domain, coiled-coil ), 7个C端的WD-40重复 序列(WD-40 repeats, WD-40)的功能域. 半定量RT-PCR和实时荧光定量PCR 分析该基因在油菜中的表达模式,结果显示, BnCOP1在甘蓝型油菜的各个组 织器官中均有表达,其中在花中的表达明显高于在根、叶、茎、果荚及子叶 和胚轴中,暗示该蛋白可能与开花途径相关. 过表达BnCOP1的转基因拟南芥 植株在高度、主茎的直径和叶片大小上都呈现出比野生型弱小的表型, 表 明BnCOP1抑制了拟南芥光形态建成从而影响了植物的生长发育.  相似文献   

Expression of a Low-Temperature-Induced Protein in Brassica napus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
BN28 is a low-temperature-induced, boiling-soluble protein in Brassica napus. We used antibodies raised against a recombinant BN28 to examine the expression of this protein in cold-acclimating plants and to investigate its relationship to plant freezing tolerance. Changes in the steady-state levels of BN28 protein appear to lag several days behind those of the mRNA. BN28 is first detected on immunoblots after approximately 8 d of exposure to low temperature, and thereafter levels remain stable while plants are maintained at 4[deg]C. Radiolabeling studies indicate that BN28 is synthesized at a relatively low rate. A decline in protein levels is observed soon after returning plants to control temperatures, and little or no protein can be detected after 7 d of deacclimation. The disappearance of the protein precedes a loss in freezing tolerance, suggesting that BN28 is not involved in maintaining plasma membrane integrity. Expression of BN28 is observed primarily in leaves and appears to be low-temperature specific. Quantitative analysis indicated that BN28 accumulates to approximately 82.7 pmol mg-1 total protein in cold-acclimated leaves. This concentration is similar to that reported for two group 2 late-embryogenesis-abundant-like proteins.  相似文献   

丙酮酸羧化酶(PEP)是控制油菜蛋白质/油脂含量比例的一个种子的含油量.本研究利用PCR法从甘蓝型油菜花油5号(H045)克隆了PEP基因片段,并与载体pBI121-B构建了反义PEP基因的种子特异性植物表达载体,通过激光微束穿刺法将其转化到甘蓝型油菜中,目前已获得了转基因植株.  相似文献   

拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)AtTTG1作为WD40重复转录因子存在于细胞核中,对表皮毛形成、花青素合成和储藏物质积累等具有重要调节作用。该研究从甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus)品种秦优7号中克隆获得了BnTTG1-1基因的全长CDS序列,对其进行了烟草(Nicotiana benthamiana)叶片细胞的亚细胞定位研究,检测了BnTTG1-1在油菜(B.campestris)中的时空表达模式,并比较分析了BnTTG1-1对多个生物学过程的影响作用。结果表明,BnTTG1-1定位于烟草叶片细胞的细胞核中,推测其作为转录因子发挥调节作用。BnTTG1-1广泛存在于油菜营养组织和发育的种子中。在突变体ttg1-13背景下,异源表达BnTTG1-1基因能够完全恢复该突变体的多个表型,如无表皮毛形成和花青素合成、种皮呈黄色、种子脂肪酸和储藏蛋白含量高以及在种子萌发和幼苗形态建成过程中对高葡萄糖和高盐胁迫耐受力差等。由此可知,甘蓝型油菜BnTTG1-1与拟南芥AtTTG1在植物生长发育的多个生物学过程中具有类似的功能。  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering of the pathways of lipid biosynthesis has generated transgenic oilseed crops with enhanced levels of specialty fatty acids of Industrial value. Stearic acid, a 18:0 saturated fatty acid, is one such important fatty acid. Stearoylacyl carrier protein (stearoyl-ACP) desaturase (EC catalyzes the first desaturation step in seed oil biosynthesis and converts stearoyl-ACP to oleoyl-ACP. We have cloned the complete coding region of the gene for this enzyme in Brassica juncea. Based on the sequence information of the gene in B. napus, 27-mer forward and reverse primers were designed each of which incorporated a Sal I restriciton site at the end. The primers were used to fish out the desaturase gene from B. juncea genome by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR product conformed to the average size of the coding region of the gene in B. napus. The PCR product was cloned in the pGem-T vector. The cloning was reconfirmed by restriction enzyme analysis and by PCR of the recombinant plasmid. The potential use of this gene in molecular farming of designer oilseed brassicas is discussed.  相似文献   

Allopolyploidization, where two species come together to form a new species, plays a major role in speciation and genome evolution. Transfer RNAs (abbreviated tRNA) are typically 73–94 nucleotides in length, and are indispensable in protein synthesis, transferring amino acids to the cell protein synthesis machinery (ribosome). To date, the regularity and function of tRNA gene sequence variation during the process of allopolyploidization have not been well understood. In this study, the inter-tRNA gene corresponding to tRNA amplification polymorphism method was used to detect changes in tRNA gene sequences in the progeny of interspecific hybrids between Brassica rapa and B. oleracea, mimicking the original B. napus (canola) species formation event. Cluster analysis showed that tRNA gene variation during allopolyploidization did not appear to have a genotypic basis. Significant variation occurred in the early generations of synthetic B. napus (F1 and F2 generations), but fewer alterations were observed in the later generation (F3). The variation-prone tRNA genes tended to be located in AT-rich regions. BlastN analysis of novel tRNA gene variants against a Brassica genome sequence database showed that the variation of these tRNA-gene-associated sequences in allopolyploidization might result in variation of gene structure and function, e.g., metabolic process and transport.  相似文献   

利用激光微束穿刺法将杀虫蛋白基因导入油菜的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用激光微束照射油菜子叶柄,将来自苏云金杆菌的杀虫蛋白(Insecticidalcrystalprotein,ICP)基因导入油菜细胞中,经植株再生和卡那霉素筛选,获得了转基因植株。对转基因植株进行了PCR检测和饲虫实验,发现转基因植株为PCR扩增阳性,某些植株表现出了较强的抗虫性。实验结果表明外源抗虫基因已被整合到油菜基因组并得到了表达。  相似文献   

Lee K  Huang AH 《Plant physiology》1991,96(4):1395-1397

A cDNA for a protein similar to human immunodeficiency virusTat binding protein was isolated from an anther cDNA libraryof Brassica rapa. RNA in situ analysis in flower buds showedthat the gene for this cDNA was specifically expressed in thetapetum and middle layer of anthers and pollen. (Received February 15, 1997; Accepted May 28, 1997)  相似文献   

侯丙凯  陈正华 《遗传》2001,23(1):39-40
向细胞核导入外源基因的核转化技术是植物基因工程的主要方法。然而,外源基因表达效率低,表达不稳定,基因易失活和因随机插入而造成的位置效应等是该方法不足之处。而且,由于外源基因可随花粉扩散,细胞核转化体的生物安全性问题已在全球范围内引起世人的关注和担忧。将外源基因导入叶绿体基因组有望克服细胞核转化中存在的某些弊端。油菜作为世界上重要的油料作物,其叶绿体遗传转化研究还未见报道。本研究从苏云金芽孢杆菌克隆得到野生型杀虫晶体蛋白基因,构建了用于油菜叶绿体定点转化的植物表达载体,并用基因枪法将杀虫蛋白基因导入油菜,…  相似文献   

Gene transferability from transgenic rapeseed to various subspecies and varieties of Brassica rapa was assessed in this study. Artificial crossability was studied in 118 cultivars of 7 B. rapa subspecies and varieties with the transgenic rapeseed GT73 (Brassica napus) as the pollen donor. On average 5.7 seeds were obtained per pollination, with a range from 0.05 to 19.4. The heading type of B. rapa L. showed significantly higher crossability than non-heading types of B. rapa. The spontaneous outcrossing rate between B. rapa (female) and the transgenic rapeseed Ms8 × Rf3 (B. napus) (male) ranged from 0.039 to 0.406%, with an average of 0.19%. The fertilization process and the development of the hybrid seeds as shown by fluorescent staining techniques indicated that the number of adhered pollens on the stigma was reduced by 80%, the number of pollen tubes in the style was reduced by 2/3 and the fertilization time was delayed by over 20 h when pollinated with the transgenic rapeseed Ms8 × Rf3 in comparison with the bud self-pollination of B. rapa as control. About 10–70% of the interspecific hybrid embryos were aborted in the course of development. Some seeds looked cracked in mature pods, which showed germination abilities lower than 10%. The spontaneous outcrossing rates were much lower than the artificial crossability, and their survival fitness of the interspecific hybrid was very low, indicating that it should be possible to keep the adventitious presence of the off-plants under the allowed threshold, if proper measures are taken.  相似文献   

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