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The biogeographical relationships between far-separated populations, in particular, those in the mainland and islands, remain unclear for widespread species in eastern Asia where the current distribution of plants was greatly influenced by the Quaternary climate. Deciduous Oriental oak (Quercus variabilis) is one of the most widely distributed species in eastern Asia. In this study, leaf material of 528 Q. variabilis trees from 50 populations across the whole distribution (Mainland China, Korea Peninsular as well as Japan, Zhoushan and Taiwan Islands) was collected, and three cpDNA intergenic spacer fragments were sequenced using universal primers. A total of 26 haplotypes were detected, and it showed a weak phylogeographical structure in eastern Asia populations at species level, however, in the central-eastern region of Mainland China, the populations had more haplotypes than those in other regions, with a significant phylogeographical structure (N ST = 0.751> G ST = 0.690, P<0.05). Q. variabilis displayed high interpopulation and low intrapopulation genetic diversity across the distribution range. Both unimodal mismatch distribution and significant negative Fu’s FS indicated a demographic expansion of Q. variabilis populations in East Asia. A fossil calibrated phylogenetic tree showed a rapid speciation during Pleistocene, with a population augment occurred in Middle Pleistocene. Both diversity patterns and ecological niche modelling indicated there could be multiple glacial refugia and possible bottleneck or founder effects occurred in the southern Japan. We dated major spatial expansion of Q. variabilis population in eastern Asia to the last glacial cycle(s), a period with sea-level fluctuations and land bridges in East China Sea as possible dispersal corridors. This study showed that geographical heterogeneity combined with climate and sea-level changes have shaped the genetic structure of this wide-ranging tree species in East Asia.  相似文献   

为探讨马尾松改良种子园半同胞家系子代的生长变异情况,测定分析了26个家系1 年生苗高、地径和0.5年生、1.5 年生及2.5 年生幼林的树高、地径、胸径、材积和冠幅等生长指标。结果表明,各性状在家系间均存在极显著差异,参试群体的树高、胸径、材积和冠幅的家系遗传力大于0.8,且前三个性状的单株遗传力大于0.4,说明上述性状是遗传力较高的性状。2.5年生材积生长量显著高于普通生产种的优良家系有19个,入选率为73%,树高、胸径和材积的遗传增益分别为2.76%、3.60%和8.49%,与初级种子园混合种和普通生产种相比,其材积分别提高55.28%和218.28%。  相似文献   

Glacial refugia considerably shaped the phylogeographical structure of species and may influence intra-specific morphological, genetic, and adaptive differentiation. However, the impact of the Quaternary ice ages on the phylogeographical structure of North American temperate mammalian species is not well-studied. Here, we surveyed ∼1600 individuals of the widely distributed woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) using mtDNA control region sequences to investigate if glacial refugia contributed to the phylogeographical structure in this subspecies. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction, a median-joining network, and mismatch distributions supported postglacial expansions of woodland caribou from three glacial refugia dating back to 13544–22005 years. These three lineages consisted almost exclusively of woodland caribou mtDNA haplotypes, indicating that phylogeographical structure was mainly shaped by postglacial expansions. The putative centres of these lineages are geographically separated; indicating disconnected glacial refugia in the Rocky Mountains, east of the Mississippi, and the Appalachian Mountains. This is in congruence with the fossil record that caribou were distributed in these areas during the Pleistocene. Our results suggest that the last glacial maximum substantially shaped the phylogeographical structure of this large mammalian North American species that will be affected by climatic change. Therefore, the presented results will be essential for future conservation planning in woodland caribou.  相似文献   

Diversification patterns and demography of montane species are affected by Pleistocene climate fluctuations. Empirical cases from the Qinling Mountains (QM) region, which is a major biogeographic divider of East Asia, are few. We used DNA sequence data of the complete mitochondrial ND2 gene to detect effects of the Pleistocene glaciations on phylogeographic profiles of a frog species, Feirana taihangnica, which is endemic to the QM. Four distinct lineages consisting of seven sublineages were revealed. The strongest signal of biogeographical structure (F ct = 0.971, P < 0.01) was found when populations were grouped according to these seven sublineages. One narrow secondary contact zone was detected in the middle QM between the lineage from middle QM and the lineage from eastern QM. Coalescent simulations indicated that this species colonized the QM region by a stepping-stone model. Divergences among lineages had likely been influenced by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the late Miocene-to-late Pleistocene, as well as by the Pleistocene climatic cycles. Coalescent simulations also suggested that F. taihangnica populations have persisted through the Pleistocene glacial periods in multiple refugia across the QM region. Demographic analyses indicated that all lineages, except the lineage in the Funiu Mountains, have been experienced postglacial expansion of population size and distribution range. In conclusion, Pleistocene climate fluctuations and tectonic changes during the late Miocene-late Pleistocene have profoundly influenced the phylogeography and historical demography of F. taihangnica.  相似文献   

以浙江省淳安县姥山林场的6×6半双列遗传交配设计的三代测定幼林为对象,分析幼林期(2、3和5 a)的生长性状的遗传参数和育种值,及2 a生时生物量的累积与分配。结果表明,马尾松幼林期不同杂交组合间的树高、地径、冠幅和活枝数均存在显著的遗传差异,且生物量在2 a生亦存在显著的遗传差异。杂交组合2 a生的地上生物量占植株总生物量的87.17%。幼林期生长性状以树高的增长量最大,5 a生较2 a生增长了4.23倍。采用综合育种值法,依据预测的树高(H)育种值为主,结合地径(D0)和2 a生茎干生物量(Bs)指标的配合选择方式,以入选率20%优选出杂交组合分别为22×44、33×22、40×44。以5 a生时树高、地径的单株育种值为依据,2%的入选率优选出16个单株,其树高、地径、冠幅及活枝数平均增益分别为1.07 m、1.58 cm、0.32 m和4.67个。  相似文献   

M. T. Hamblin  C. F. Aquadro 《Genetics》1997,145(4):1053-1062
We have analyzed nucleotide sequence variation at the Glucose dehydrogenase (Gld) locus from four populations of Drosophila melanogaster from four continents. All four population samples show a significant reduction in silent variation compared to the neutral expectation. The levels of silent variation across all four populations are consistent with the predictions of the background selection model; however, Zimbabwe has a remarkably low level of variation. In the face of dramatically reduced silent polymorphism, an amino acid variant, leading to the common allozyme polymorphism at Gld, remains in low to intermediate frequency in all non-African samples. In the Chinese population sample, the ratio of replacement to silent variation is significantly elevated compared to the neutral expectation. The difference in patterns of variation across these population samples suggests that selection on Gld (or the Gld region) has been different in the Chinese population than in the other three.  相似文献   



The taxonomic distinctiveness of Ascaris lumbricoides and A. suum, two of the world''s most significant nematodes, still represents a much-debated scientific issue. Previous studies have described two different scenarios in transmission patterns, explained by two hypotheses: (1) separated host-specific transmission cycles in highly endemic regions, (2) a single pool of infection shared by humans and pigs in non-endemic regions. Recently, A. suum has been suggested as an important cause of human ascariasis in endemic areas such as China, where cross-infections and hybridization have also been reported. The main aims of the present study were to investigate the molecular epidemiology of human and pig Ascaris from non-endemic regions and, with reference to existing data, to infer the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships among the samples.


151 Ascaris worms from pigs and humans were characterized using PCR-RFLP on nuclear ITS rDNA. Representative geographical sub-samples were also analysed by sequencing a portion of the mitochondrial cox1 gene, to infer the extent of variability at population level. Sequence data were compared to GenBank sequences from endemic and non-endemic regions.

Principal Findings

No fixed differences between human and pig Ascaris were evident, with the exception of the Slovak population, which displays significant genetic differentiation. The RFLP analysis confirmed pig as a source of human infection in non-endemic regions and as a corridor for the promulgation of hybrid genotypes. Epidemiology and host-affiliation seem not to be relevant in shaping molecular variance. Phylogenetic and phylogeographical analyses described a complex scenario, involving multiple hosts, sporadic contact between forms and an ancestral taxon referable to A. suum.


These results suggest the existence of homogenizing gene flow between the two taxa, which appear to be variants of a single polytypic species. This conclusion has implications on the systematics, transmission and control programs relating to ascariasis.  相似文献   

基于Windows的核酸序列分析软件的开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着基因组计划的发展和基因分离技术的不断提高,大量的DNA序列需要进行分析以获得有用的生物学信息。然而当前开发的大多数序列分析软件或者使用功能比较单一,或者价格比较昂贵,不能很好的满足日常工作的需要。利用流行的Visual Basic语言进行核酸序列分析软件的开发,编制的BioXM软件能够满足包括翻译、ORF查找、序列联配、酶切位点分析、引物辅助设计、序列排列格式化、序列格式转换、载体序列去除等需要,达到了满意的应用效果。  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences within the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) region were targeted to delineate genetic variability among eight Alternaria species that cause economically important diseases in crops. The rDNA regions of Alternaria species comprising of rRNA genes and the ITS regions were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic relationship based on the rDNA sequences and PCR-RFLP of amplified rDNA sequences clustered eight species of Alternaria into three major groups. A. macrospora and A. helianthi accumulated wide genetic variations and are distantly related to rest of the six species which formed two major groups. Group I comprised of three species viz., A. dianthicola, A. brassicae and A. citri, while group II had A. longipes, A. porri and A. alternata. Incorporation of unique stretches of nucleotides and single nucleotide substitutions within relatively conserved ITS1 and ITS2 regions led to clustering of the members of Alternaria species in each group. The divergent sequences within the ITS regions can be employed to design species-specific PCR primer for use in molecular diagnostics.  相似文献   



The degradation of DNA represents one of the main issues in the genetic analysis of archeological specimens. In the recent years, a particular kind of post-mortem DNA modification giving rise to nucleotide misincorporation (“miscoding lesions”) has been the object of extensive investigations.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To improve our knowledge regarding the nature and incidence of ancient DNA nucleotide misincorporations, we have utilized 6,859 (629,975 bp) mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences obtained from the 5,350–5,100-years-old, freeze-desiccated human mummy popularly known as the Tyrolean Iceman or Ötzi. To generate the sequences, we have applied a mixed PCR/pyrosequencing procedure allowing one to obtain a particularly high sequence coverage. As a control, we have produced further 8,982 (805,155 bp) mtDNA sequences from a contemporary specimen using the same system and starting from the same template copy number of the ancient sample. From the analysis of the nucleotide misincorporation rate in ancient, modern, and putative contaminant sequences, we observed that the rate of misincorporation is significantly lower in modern and putative contaminant sequence datasets than in ancient sequences. In contrast, type 2 transitions represent the vast majority (85%) of the observed nucleotide misincorporations in ancient sequences.


This study provides a further contribution to the knowledge of nucleotide misincorporation patterns in DNA sequences obtained from freeze-preserved archeological specimens. In the Iceman system, ancient sequences can be clearly distinguished from contaminants on the basis of nucleotide misincorporation rates. This observation confirms a previous identification of the ancient mummy sequences made on a purely phylogenetical basis. The present investigation provides further indication that the majority of ancient DNA damage is reflected by type 2 (cytosine→thymine/guanine→adenine) transitions and that type 1 transitions are essentially PCR artifacts.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess nucleotide variation at a non-coding chloroplast DNA region in Olea species, to evaluate their phylogenetic relationships within the Olea genus and, more particularly, to clarify the relationships between cultivated olive (O. europaea) and the other taxa of section Olea. The analysis was made on an intergenic region between the trnT (UGU) and trnL (UAA) 5' exon, within a large single copy region of the chloroplast genome. Site-specific primers were used to amplify the region by PCR. This sequence analysis was applied to the same array of Olea species as assayed by Lumaret et al. (2000[16]) using cpDNA RFLPs, thus making it possible to compare phylogenetic relationships analysed at two complementary levels of cpDNA variation. On the 666 bp aligned sequence, 8 different haplotypes were defined, with 9 single nucleotide mutations, a different length of a poly-T region and an indel for O. paniculata. Haplotypes were shared by the species pairs O. europaea-O.laperrinei, O. maroccana-O. cerasiformis, O. capensis-O. lancea and O. africana-O.indica. Phylogenetic analyses of these data distinguished four groups: the species Olea capensis and O. lancea, which both belong to subgenus Ligustroides, the Olea forms from southeast Africa, those from Asia and the taxa of northwest Africa and the Mediterranean Basin, which include olive crop. The results are consistent with those previously found using cpDNA RFLPs, with some minor differences observed within each group. They constitute further evidence to clarify the phylogeny of Olea.  相似文献   

H. Akashi 《Genetics》1995,139(2):1067-1076
Patterns of codon usage and ``silent'''' DNA divergence suggest that natural selection discriminates among synonymous codons in Drosophila. ``Preferred'''' codons are consistently found in higher frequencies within their synonymous families in Drosophila melanogaster genes. This suggests a simple model of silent DNA evolution where natural selection favors mutations from unpreferred to preferred codons (preferred changes). Changes in the opposite direction, from preferred to unpreferred synonymous codons (unpreferred changes), are selected against. Here, selection on synonymous DNA mutations is investigated by comparing the evolutionary dynamics of these two categories of silent DNA changes. Sequences from outgroups are used to determine the direction of synonymous DNA changes within and between D. melanogaster and Drosophila simulans for five genes. Population genetics theory shows that differences in the fitness effect of mutations can be inferred from the comparison of ratios of polymorphism to divergence. Unpreferred changes show a significantly higher ratio of polymorphism to divergence than preferred changes in the D. simulans lineage, confirming the action of selection at silent sites. An excess of unpreferred fixations in 28 genes suggests a relaxation of selection on synonymous mutations in D. melanogaster. Estimates of selection coefficients for synonymous mutations (3.6 <|N(e)s| < 1.3) in D. simulans are consistent with the reduced efficacy of natural selection (|N(e)s| < 1) in the three- to sixfold smaller effective population size of D. melanogaster. Synonymous DNA changes appear to be a prevalent class of weakly selected mutations in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The regulation of cleavage plane orientation is one of the key mechanisms driving epithelial morphogenesis. Still, many aspects of the relationship between local cleavage patterns and tissue-level properties remain poorly understood. Here we develop a topological model that simulates the dynamics of a 2D proliferating epithelium from generation to generation, enabling the exploration of a wide variety of biologically plausible cleavage patterns. We investigate a spectrum of models that incorporate the spatial impact of neighboring cells and the temporal influence of parent cells on the choice of cleavage plane. Our findings show that cleavage patterns generate “signature” equilibrium distributions of polygonal cell shapes. These signatures enable the inference of local cleavage parameters such as neighbor impact, maternal influence, and division symmetry from global observations of the distribution of cell shape. Applying these insights to the proliferating epithelia of five diverse organisms, we find that strong division symmetry and moderate neighbor/maternal influence are required to reproduce the predominance of hexagonal cells and low variability in cell shape seen empirically. Furthermore, we present two distinct cleavage pattern models, one stochastic and one deterministic, that can reproduce the empirical distribution of cell shapes. Although the proliferating epithelia of the five diverse organisms show a highly conserved cell shape distribution, there are multiple plausible cleavage patterns that can generate this distribution, and experimental evidence suggests that indeed plants and fruitflies use distinct division mechanisms.  相似文献   



Molluscs are the most diverse marine phylum and this high diversity has resulted in considerable taxonomic problems. Because the number of species in Canadian oceans remains uncertain, there is a need to incorporate molecular methods into species identifications. A 648 base pair segment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene has proven useful for the identification and discovery of species in many animal lineages. While the utility of DNA barcoding in molluscs has been demonstrated in other studies, this is the first effort to construct a DNA barcode registry for marine molluscs across such a large geographic area.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study examines patterns of DNA barcode variation in 227 species of Canadian marine molluscs. Intraspecific sequence divergences ranged from 0–26.4% and a barcode gap existed for most taxa. Eleven cases of relatively deep (>2%) intraspecific divergence were detected, suggesting the possible presence of overlooked species. Structural variation was detected in COI with indels found in 37 species, mostly bivalves. Some indels were present in divergent lineages, primarily in the region of the first external loop, suggesting certain areas are hotspots for change. Lastly, mean GC content varied substantially among orders (24.5%–46.5%), and showed a significant positive correlation with nearest neighbour distances.


DNA barcoding is an effective tool for the identification of Canadian marine molluscs and for revealing possible cases of overlooked species. Some species with deep intraspecific divergence showed a biogeographic partition between lineages on the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific coasts, suggesting the role of Pleistocene glaciations in the subdivision of their populations. Indels were prevalent in the barcode region of the COI gene in bivalves and gastropods. This study highlights the efficacy of DNA barcoding for providing insights into sequence variation across a broad taxonomic group on a large geographic scale.  相似文献   

Population and family samples of two morphological forms (mutant and normal with respect to dorsal color) of parthenogenetic lizard species Darevskia armeniaca were examined by means of DNA fingerprinting using M13 mini- and (GACA) n and (TCC) n microsatellite DNA markers. The morphological forms examined were characterized by clonally inherited, species-specific patterns of the DNA markers, which were different from the species-specific DNA fingerprints of the other parthenogenetic species of the genus Darevskia (D. dahli, D. unisexualis, and D. rostombekovi). The mean index of similarity (S) obtained for a sample of 36 individuals from three isolated populations using three types of DNA markers was 0.966. This was similar to those observed in D. dahli (0.962) (P > 0.05), but higher than that in D. unisexualis (0.950) (P < 0.05) and D. rostombekovi(0.875) (P < 0.01). Inheritance of M13 minisatellite and (TCC) n microsatellite DNA markers in the F1 offspring of parthenogenetic lizards was examined. It was shown that variability and clonal diversity of the fingerprint phenotypes observed in the populations and families of D. armeniaca could be at least partly explained by RFLP mutations in microsatellite repeats.  相似文献   

Zurawski G  Clegg MT  Brown AH 《Genetics》1984,106(4):735-749
Analysis of a 2175-base pair (bp) SmaI-HindIII fragment of barley chloroplast DNA revealed that rbcL (the gene for the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase) and atpB (the gene for the beta subunit of ATPase) are transcribed divergently and are separated by an untranscribed region of 155-166 bp. The rbcL mRNA has a 320-residue untranslated leader region, whereas the atpB mRNA has a 296- to 309-residue leader region. The sequence of these regions, together with the initial 113 bp of the atpB-coding region and the initial 1279 bp of the rbcL-coding region, is compared with the analogous maize chloroplast DNA sequences. Two classes of nucleotide differences are present, substitutions and insertions/deletions. Nucleotide substitutions show a 1.9-fold bias toward transitions in the rbcL-coding region and a 1.5-fold bias toward transitions in the noncoding region. The level of nucleotide substitutions between the barley and maize sequences is about 0.065/bp. Seventy-one percent of the substitutions in the rbcL-coding region are at the third codon position, and 95% of these are synonymous changes. Insertion/deletion events, which are confined to the noncoding regions, are not randomly distributed in these regions and are often associated with short repeated sequences. The extent of change for the noncoding regions (about 0.093 events/bp) is less than the extent of change at the third codon positions in the rbcL-coding region (about 0.135 events/bp), including insertion/delection events. Limited sequence analysis of the analogous DNA from a wild line ( Hordeum spontaneum) and a primitive Iranian barley (H. vulgare) suggested a low rate of chloroplast DNA evolution. Compared to spinach chloroplast DNA, the barley rbcL-atpB untranslated region is extremely diverged, with only the putative rbcL promoters and ribosome-binding site being extensively conserved.  相似文献   

黑石顶自然保护区马尾松种群呼吸量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了粤西黑石顶自然保护区马尾松林中马尾松种群的呼吸量。根据马尾松的特点 ,利用便携式CID-51 0光合系统与自制呼吸装置 ,分别测定了叶和各非同化器官不同径级的呼吸速率。在确定非同化器官直径频度分布函数和建立呼吸速率与径级的相互关系基础上 ,计算出单株林木各器官的呼吸量与林木大小的关系 ,最后结合“每木调查”推算出种群的总呼吸量。结果表明 :马尾松种群的全年呼吸量为 57.868t· CO2 hm- 2 a- 1 其中干、枝、根、叶分别为吸量为 4 .4 49,4 .695,6.868,4 1 .855t· CO2 hm- 2 a- 1 ,叶所占比例最高 ,约为总量的 72 .33% ,其他器官各约为 7.69%~ 1 1 .87%。  相似文献   

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