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Rhodobacter sphaeroides sigma(E) is a member of the extra cytoplasmic function sigma factor (ECF) family, whose members have been shown to regulate gene expression in response to a variety of signals. The functions of ECF family members are commonly regulated by a specific, reversible interaction with a cognate anti-sigma factor. In R.sphaeroides, sigma(E) activity is inhibited by ChrR, a member of a newly discovered family of zinc containing anti-sigma factors. We used gel filtration chromatography to gain insight into the mechanism by which ChrR inhibits sigma(E) activity. We found that formation of the sigma(E):ChrR complex inhibits the ability of sigma(E) to form a stable complex with core RNA polymerase. Since the sigma(E):ChrR complex inhibits the ability of the sigma factor to bind RNA polymerase, we sought to identify amino acid substitutions in sigma(E) that altered the sensitivity of this sigma factor to inhibition by ChrR. This analysis identified single amino acid changes in conserved region 2.1 of sigma(E) that either increased or decreased the sensitivity of sigma(E) for inhibition by ChrR. Many of the amino acid residues that alter the sensitivity of sigma(E) to ChrR are located within regions known to be important for interacting with core RNA polymerase in other members of the sigma(70) superfamily. Our results suggest a model where solvent-exposed residues with region 2.1 of sigma(E) interact with ChrR to sterically occlude this sigma factor from binding core RNA polymerase and to inhibit target gene expression.  相似文献   

Light-induced carotenogenesis in Myxococcus xanthus is under the control of the carQRS operon. CarQ, a proposed extracytoplasmic (ECF) RNA polymerase sigma factor, is required for expression of the operon and the carC gene that encodes phytoene dehydrogenase. CarR, an inner membrane protein in Escherichia coli, is essential for carQRS promoter inactivation in the dark. CarS is required for the light-dependent expression of the promoter of the carB gene cluster that encodes the rest of the structural genes for carotenogenesis. Regulation of carQRS is dependent on the stoichiometry of CarQ and CarR. Increasing the copy number of carQ over carR led to constitutive carotenogenesis, as did loss of translational coupling between carQ and carR. The severity of the constitutive phenotype depended on the distance between the uncoupled genes. When expressed in M. xanthus, a CarR:β-galactosidase fusion protein disappeared in the light. We propose that anti-sigma factor CarR sequesters CarQ to the membrane in the dark, but, in the light, loss of CarR leads to release of the sigma factor.  相似文献   

Both ThyA and ThyX proteins catalyze the transfer of the methyl group from methylenetetrahydrofolate (CH(2) H(4) -folate) to dUMP, forming dTMP. To estimate the relative steady state expression levels of ThyA and ThyX, Western blot analysis was performed using ThyA or ThyX antiserum on total protein from the wild-type, ΔthyX, and thyX-complemented strains of Corynebacterium glutamicum. The level of ThyA decreased gradually during the stationary growth phase but that of ThyX was maintained steadily. Whereas the expression level of ThyA in a ΔsigB strain was comparable to that of the wild-type, the level of ThyX was significantly diminished in the deletion mutant and was restored to that of the wild-type in the complemented strain, indicating that the level of ThyX was regulated by SigB. Growth of the C.?glutamicum ΔsigB strain was dependent upon coupling activity of dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) with ThyA for the synthesis of thymidine, and thus showed sensitivity to the inhibition of DHFR by the experimental inhibitor, WR99210-HCl. These results suggested that the relative levels of ThyA and ThyX differ in response to different growth phases and that SigB is necessary for maintenance of the level of ThyX during transition into the stationary growth phase.  相似文献   

The extracytoplasmic function sigma factor σ(T) is the master regulator of general stress response in Caulobacter crescentus and controls the expression of its paralogue σ(U). In this work we showed that PhyR and NepR act, respectively, as positive and negative regulators of σ(T) expression and function. Biochemical data also demonstrated that NepR directly binds σ(T) and the phosphorylated form of PhyR. We also described the essential role of the histidine kinase gene CC3474, here denominated phyK, for expression of σ(T)-dependent genes and for resistance to stress conditions. Additionally, in vivo evidence of PhyK-dependent phosphorylation of PhyR is presented. This study also identified a conserved cysteine residue (C95) located in the periplasmic portion of PhyK that is crucial for the function of the protein. Furthermore, we showed that PhyK, PhyR and σ(T) regulate the same set of genes and that σ(T) apparently directly controls most of its regulon. In contrast, σ(U) seems to have a very modest contribution to the expression of a subset of σ(T)-dependent genes. In conclusion, this report describes the molecular mechanism involved in the control of general stress response in C. crescentus.  相似文献   

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