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The aim of this study was to determine and to compare fatty acids occurring in lipopolysaccharides (LPS) isolated from B. thetaiotaomicron and B. fragilis strains of different origin. Lipopolysaccharides of three B. thetaiotaomicron strains and four B. fragilis strains were isolated by phenol-water extraction according to the procedure of Westphal and Jann (1965). Water-phase LPS fractions were then treated with nucleases and purified by ultracentrifugation as described by Gmeiner (1975). Fatty acid methyl esters, obtained by methanolysis of LPS, were analysed in gas-liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GLC-MS). Trimethylsilylated hydroxyl groups of fatty acid methyl esters were identified with GLC-MS using a method of selective ion monitoring (SIM). Lipopolysaccharides of B. thetaiotaomicron and B. fragilis strains contained long-chain (15-18 carbon atoms) fatty acids. The broad spectrum of simple long-chain and branched-chain fatty acids as well as 3-hydroxy fatty acids were detected. The main fatty acid of analyzed bacterial species was 3-hydroxy-hexadecanoic acid (3OH C16:0). Several 3-hydroxy fatty acids were detected in LPS of examined strains. Fatty acids occurring in LPS of B. thetaiotaomicron and B. fragilis strains appeared to be qualitatively similar. Quantitative differences in fatty acids composition of lipopolysaccharides isolated from strains of different origin were observed.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharides from four Bacteroides fragilis strains: one nonenterotoxigenic (NTBF) and three enterotoxigenic (ETBF), and from three B. thetaiotaomicron strains were extracted by hot phenol-water method and purified. B. fragilis enterotoxin was prepared according to the procedure of van Tassell et al. (1992). The influence of the examined toxins on the expression of adhesion molecules: ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin on HMEC-1 (human dermal microvascular endothelial cells) was assayed in ELISA test with monoclonal antibodies. Four concentrations of toxins were applied: 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 (micrograms/ml). Endothelial cells were activated for 24 hours (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression) and for 4 hours (E-selectin expression). The coloured product of immunoenzymatic reaction was measured by reading the absorbance at wavelength 492 nm. Two controls were performed in each experiment: with resting HMEC-1 and E. coli O55:B5 LPS (Sigma, USA). Bacteroides fragilis and B. thetaiotaomicron lipopolysaccharides stimulated three adhesion molecules under investigation. Their activity was comparable, but weaker than the activity of E. coli O55:B5 LPS. ICAM-1 was the most stimulated molecule. B. fragilis enterotoxin induced two adhesion molecules: VCAM-1 and E-selectin demonstrating weaker stimulatory activity than E. coli LPS. Stimulation of adhesion molecules on vascular endothelial cells should be considered to be a biological activity of B. fragilis and B. thetaiotaomicron endotoxins and B. fragilis enterotoxin.  相似文献   

多形拟杆菌对糖尿病模型小鼠的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究多形拟杆菌(BT)干预糖尿病模型小鼠后对血糖、体重和C肽的影响。方法 (1)用四氧嘧啶(200 mg/kg腹腔注射)制备糖尿病模型小鼠,并分成四组:空白组(n=10)、空白给菌组(n=10)、四氧嘧啶糖尿病模型组(n=11)和模型给菌组(n=11),15 d。(2)BHI血琼脂培养基培养ATCC 29148标准菌株,比浊法测定混悬菌液数量。(3)用多形拟杆菌菌液干预空白给菌组和模型给菌组小鼠,观察15 d中四组小鼠的体重、空腹血糖水平的变化;实时荧光定量PCR测定小鼠肠道内多形拟杆菌的数量;运用酶联免疫法(ELISA)测定血清中C肽的水平。结果 (1)给予菌悬液后,空白给菌组与空白组相比,BT在第3天就可以定植并维持到第15天。与模型组相比,模型给菌组在第15天时可以定植;(2)线性回归相关性分析显示,肠道内多形拟杆菌与体重呈负性相关(r=-0.70,P0.05);与空腹血糖(FPG)呈正性相关(r=0.71,P0.05);与C肽呈负性相关(r=-0.62,P0.05);与胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)呈正性相关(r=0.55,P0.05);与胰岛素分泌指数(HOMA-IS)呈负性相关(r=-0.43,P0.05)。结论 (1)外源性灌胃给予多形拟杆菌可以在肠道内定植。(2)肠道内多形拟杆菌的数量变化与糖尿病有相关性。  相似文献   

A genomic bank was constructed in Escherichia coli HB101, consisting of DNA fragments from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron strain 489 inserted within the vector pBR322. By screening on complex medium containing blue dextran, 10 stable dextranase-positive (Dex+) clones were isolated. Seven groups of Dex+ inserts were identified on the basis of their restriction maps and hybridization responses. Dextanase activity of the recombinant clones was weak, and was revealed on the selection medium after 15 days. Subcloning of a Sau3AI partially digested 3.2-kb insert in the expression vector pDR720 greatly enhanced dextranse activity on blue dextran plates in one clone, but the delay remained unaltered. This suggested that the enzyme was released by cell lysis. Expression of this 0.7-kb subcloned insert was dependent on the promoter region of tryptophan operon carried by pDR720.  相似文献   

Species of Bacteroides fragilis group bacteria are the most prevalent pathogens and have the highest resistance rates to antimicrobial agents among anaerobic bacteria. Infections due to these micro-organisms often originate from patient's own intestinal microbiota. The objective of the study was to determine and compare the susceptibility profiles of clinical and intestinal B. fragilis and B. thetaiotaomicron strains against certain antimicrobials. Isolates were identified by conventional methods and API-20 A. Susceptibility tests were performed according to recommendations of NCCLS (M 11-A4) agar dilution methods. Beta-lactamase production was determined with nitrocefin discs. Forty-five clinical isolates (33 B. fragilis and 12 B. thetaiotaomicron) were from following sites: blood (n:8), intra-abdominal abscess (n:7), soft tissue (n:26), and miscellaneous foci of infection (n:4). Fifty B. fragilis and 60 B. thetaiotaomicron isolates from intestinal microbiota of individuals with no history of antimicrobial treatment within last 30 days were also examined. Beta-lactamase production was detected in 93% of clinical and 99% of intestinal isolates. The organisms including intestinal isolates were uniformly susceptible to metronidazole. The MIC90s of other antibiotics and resistance rates of all clinical isolates to those antibiotics were as follows: 256 microg/mL (93%) for ampicillin, 128 microg/mL (13%) for piperacillin, 64 microg/mL (11%) for cefoxitin, 1 microg/mL (2%) for amoxicillin-clavulanate, 0.5 microg/mL (2%) for imipenem, >256 microg/mL (36%) for clindamycin, 8 microg/mL (2%) for chloramphenicol. Intestinal isolates demonstrated similar resistance rates and MIC90s. Metronidazole, imipenem, amoxicillin-clavulanate seem to be effective drugs against these bacteria in Turkey.  相似文献   

A cloned xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 was transferred by conjugation into the colonic species Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides uniformis by using the Escherichia coli-Bacteroides shuttle vector pVAL-1. The cloned gene was expressed in both species, and xylanase specific activity in crude extracts was found to be at least 1400-fold greater than that found in the B. ruminicola strain. Analysis of crude extract proteins from the recombinant B. fragilis by SDS-PAGE demonstrated a new 60,000 molecular weight protein. The xylanase activity expressed in both E. coli and B. fragilis was capable of degrading xylan to xylooligosaccharides in vitro. This is the first demonstration that colonic Bacteroides species can express a gene from a ruminal Bacteroides species.  相似文献   

Bacteroides fragilis is generally believed to be stimulated by bile. Although B. fragilis is rarely found in the human duodenum, it is relatively frequent in gall bladder infections. To investigate this paradox, the growth of B. fragilis in the human bile in both health and disease was studied, and compared with the effect of bovine and porcine bile. B. fragilis was stimulated by the bovine bile and inhibited by the porcine bile. The normal human bile was either bacteriostatic or inhibitory whereas bile from cholelithiatic patients, in 50% of cases, stimulated the growth of B. fragilis. This explains the relative prevalence of B. fragilis in cholelithiatic cholecystitis patients although it is not a resident flora of the duodenum.  相似文献   

脆弱拟杆菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脆弱拟杆菌是定殖于哺乳动物肠道中的共生菌,同时也是临床感染病例中常见的条件致病菌。本文从致病及益生特性两大方面综述脆弱拟杆菌的研究现状,着重讨论了脆弱拟杆菌作为潜在益生菌在预防和治疗糖尿病及免疫性疾病中所起的重要作用,从而为筛选及应用益生脆弱拟杆菌菌株提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

目的研究人体肠道内的多形拟杆菌对肥胖大鼠的减肥作用。方法从人体肠道中提取、分离和鉴定1株多形拟杆菌。建立高能饲料诱发的大鼠肥胖模型,给大鼠灌胃多形拟杆菌菌液,25 d后观察大鼠体重及肠道内多形拟杆菌的数量变化。结果灌胃多形拟杆菌菌液的给药组的大鼠体重与灌胃生理盐水的模型组相比,增长慢(P〈0.05),差异有显著性,且体内拟杆菌数量多于模型组,差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论提示多形拟杆菌菌液对肥胖大鼠有一定的减肥作用。  相似文献   

Members of the Bacteroides fragilis group are indigenous to the human and animal intestinal microbiota and they are responsible for several endogenous infections. Enterotoxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF) has been associated with acute diarrhea in children and farm animals. Immunodeficient patients are more predisposed to different opportunistic infections, including anaerobic infections. In this study, 130 stool samples were analysed from 56 immunodeficient and 74 healthy children. Enterotoxin production was detected by cytotoxicity assay on HT-29 cells and by PCR. B. fragilis sensu strictu was prevalent in both groups and ETBF species was detected from a single stool sample belonged to an immunodeficient child with AIDS.  相似文献   

The oxidation-reduction (redox) of the environment characterizes the Bacteroides fragilis pathogenic potential. Previously, using 3D confocal laser scanning microscopy, the bacteria prepared from cultures grown under oxidizing conditions (Eh(7)ca. + 100 mV) were able to penetrate into Hela cell monolayers. In contrast, when grown under reducing conditions (Eh(7)ca. - 60 mV), there were no bacteria evident within Hela cells. The influence of the anaerobe/aerobe environmental flux during the process of the anaerobe infection could be significant. In B. fragilis peritonitis, this may depend on the occurrence of aerobiosis as opposed to anaerobiosis. To this end, three clinical B. fragilis strains, two infectious and one non-infectious, were grown under oxidizing and reducing conditions; then, the outer membrane protein expressions derived from these strains were assessed, following sarcosyl extraction and SDS-PAGE. The differences between the protein profiles from these strains when cultured under oxidizing and reducing conditions were found to be statistically significant for the two infectious strains, but not for the non-infectious strain. OMP profiles under aerobic conditions compared to anaerobic conditions exhibited products with a range of apparent molecular weights suggestive of unique participation in the interaction with the host cell.  相似文献   

Far-UV irradiation of Bacteroides fragilis cells under anaerobic conditions resulted in the induction of a new 95,000-molecular-weight protein and the increased synthesis of two proteins with molecular weights of 90,000 and 70,000. The latter two proteins were synthesized in small amounts in unirradiated cells. The induction of a 37,000- to 40,000-molecular-weight protein was not observed in irradiated B. fragilis cells. Caffeine, which affected the survival of irradiated B. fragilis cells and reduced host cell-mediated UV reactivation, specifically inhibited the induction of the 95,000-, 90,000-, and 70,000-molecular-weight proteins. Sodium arsenite did not affect the induction of the three inducible proteins or the survival of irradiated B. fragilis cells.  相似文献   

The Bacteroides fragilis conjugal plasmid pBFTM10 contains two genes, btgA and btgB, and a putative oriT region necessary for transfer in Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli. The BtgA protein was predicted to contain a helix-turn-helix motif, indicating possible DNA binding activity. DNA sequence analysis of the region immediately upstream of btgA revealed three sets of inverted repeats, potentially locating the oriT region. A 304-bp DNA fragment comprising this putative oriT region was cloned and confirmed to be the functional pBFTM10 oriT by bacterial conjugation experiments using E. coli and B. fragilis. btgA was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli, and the purified protein was used in electrophoretic mobility shift assays, demonstrating specific binding of BtgA protein to its cognate oriT. DNase I footprint analysis demonstrated that BtgA binds apparently in a single-stranded fashion to the oriT-containing fragment, overlapping inverted repeats I, II, and III and the putative nick site.  相似文献   

Abstract A neuraminidase-encoding gene nanH of Bacteroides fragilis strain YCH46 was cloned into the cosmid vector pHC79. The nanH gene was subcloned from the cosmid and was located within a 2.2-kb Xho I- Kpn I fragment. Southern hybridization experiments demonstrated that the gene was present as a single copy on the bacterial chromosome. Neuraminidase activity expressed in the initial Escherichia coli clone was approximately 3600-fold lower than that expressed in B. fragilis YCH46. However, when nanH was transferred from E. coli to B. uniformis by mobilization of a shuttle plasmid, the transconjugant expressed 1100-fold higher activity than the E. coli donor did. These results suggest that modes of nanH expression in E. coli and Bacteroides are heterologous.  相似文献   

The toxicity of B. thetaiotaomicron lipopolysaccharides and capsular antigen to 11-day-old chicken embryos was examined. CELD50 (chicken embryo LD50) of these preparations were determined. All examined preparations showed the lethal activity for chicken embryos. The toxicity of lipopolysaccharides was much higher than the toxicity of capsular antigen.  相似文献   

Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt) is a human colonic symbiont that degrades many different complex carbohydrates (glycans), the identities and amounts of which are likely to change frequently and abruptly from meal‐to‐meal. To understand how this organism reacts to dynamic growth conditions, we challenged it with a series of different glycan mixtures and measured responses involved in glycan catabolism. Our results demonstrate that individual Bt cells can simultaneously respond to multiple glycans and that responses to new glycans are extremely rapid. The presence of alternative carbohydrates does not alter response kinetics, but reduces expression of some glycan utilization genes as well as the cell's sensitivity to glycans that are present in lower concentration. Growth in a mixture containing 12 different glycans revealed that Bt preferentially uses some before others. This metabolic hierarchy is not changed by prior exposure to lower priority glycans because re‐introducing high priority substrates late in culture re‐initiates repression of genes involved in degrading those with lower priority. At least some carbohydrate prioritization effects occur at the level of monosaccharide recognition. Our results provide insight into how a bacterial glycan generalist modifies its responses in dynamic glycan environments and provide essential knowledge to interpret related metabolic behaviour in vivo.  相似文献   

Previous studies of starch utilization by the gram-negative anaerobe Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron have demonstrated that the starch-degrading enzymes are cell associated rather than extracellular, indicating that the first step in starch utilization is binding of the polysaccharide to the bacterial surface. Five transposon-generated mutants of B. thetaiotaomicron which were defective in starch binding (Ms-1 through Ms-5) had been isolated, but initial attempts to identify membrane proteins missing in these mutants were not successful. We report here the use of an immunological approach to identify four maltose-inducible membrane proteins, which were missing in one or more of the starch-binding mutants of B. thetaiotaomicron. Three of the maltose-inducible proteins were outer membrane proteins (115, 65, and 43 kDa), and one was a cytoplasmic membrane protein (80 kDa). The genes encoding these proteins were shown to be clustered in an 8.5-kbp segment of the B. thetaiotaomicron chromosome. Two other loci defined by transposon insertions, which appeared to contain regulatory genes, were located within 7 kbp of the cluster of membrane protein genes. The 115-kDa outer membrane protein was essential for utilization of maltoheptaose (G7), whereas loss of the other proteins affected growth on starch but not on G7. Not all of the proteins missing in the mutants were maltose regulated. We also detected two constitutively produced proteins (32 and 50 kDa) that were less prominent in all of the mutants than in the wild type. Both of these were outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The influence of metronidazole on the level of expression of adhesion molecules ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin on the surface of vascular endothelial cells activated with B. fragilis endotoxins and enterotoxin was examined. Three enterotoxigenic (ETBF) strains and one nonenterotoxigenic (NTBF) strain were used for lipopolysaccharide extraction. Enterotoxin was prepared from the culture supernatant of the reference B. fragilis ATCC 43858 strain. Expression of adhesion molecules on vascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1 cell line) was determined after their stimulation with bacterial compounds at the concentration of 10 micrograms/ml in the presence of metronidazole at the concentration of 4 micrograms/ml. Endothelial cells were activated for 4 hours (E-selectin expression) and for 24 hours (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression). Adhesion molecules were detected in immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) with mouse, monoclonal antibodies against human ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin. The results of experiments suggest, that metronidazole enhances the expression of examined adhesion molecules on endothelial cells. This antimicrobial agent causes some changes in the expression of endothelial ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin stimulated by B. fragilis endotoxins and enterotoxin.  相似文献   

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