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Oseltamivir is routinely used worldwide for the treatment of severe influenza A virus infection, and should drug-resistant pandemic 2009 H1N1 viruses become widespread, this potent defense strategy might fail. Oseltamivir-resistant variants of the pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus have been detected in a substantial number of patients, but to date, the mutant viruses have not moved into circulation in the general population. It is not known whether the resistance mutations in viral neuraminidase (NA) reduce viral fitness. We addressed this question by studying transmission of oseltamivir-resistant mutants derived from two different isolates of the pandemic H1N1 virus in both the guinea pig and ferret transmission models. In vitro, the virus readily acquired a single histidine-to-tyrosine mutation at position 275 (H275Y) in viral neuraminidase when serially passaged in cell culture with increasing concentrations of oseltamivir. This mutation conferred a high degree of resistance to oseltamivir but not zanamivir. Unexpectedly, in guinea pigs and ferrets, the fitness of viruses with the H275Y point mutation was not detectably impaired, and both wild-type and mutant viruses were transmitted equally well from animals that were initially inoculated with 1:1 virus mixtures to naïve contacts. In contrast, a reassortant virus containing an oseltamivir-resistant seasonal NA in the pandemic H1N1 background showed decreased transmission efficiency and fitness in the guinea pig model. Our data suggest that the currently circulating pandemic 2009 H1N1 virus has a high potential to acquire drug resistance without losing fitness.Oseltamivir resistance was rare until 2008, when resistant seasonal H1N1 viruses were found circulating in the general Scandinavian population (15). Soon after, studies from other countries in Europe also reported the isolation of oseltamivir-resistant viruses, and eventually, oseltamivir resistance was recognized as a global phenomenon (9, 27). Prior to 2008, resistant viruses were primarily isolated from patients with nonresponsive influenza virus infections or from infected patients who received a low-dose prophylaxis regiment prior to symptom onset. At the time, these resistant isolates accounted for 1% of the circulating H1N1 virus. Drug resistance mutations were identified during oseltamivir development, including a histidine-to-tyrosine mutation at position 275 (H275Y) in N1 neuraminidase (NA). This mutation in particular was shown to attenuate virus growth and pathology in ferrets (17). Additionally, oseltamivir-resistant viruses with a nearby mutation in N2 neuraminidase transmitted less efficiently than oseltamivir-sensitive viruses in the guinea pig transmission model (4). Surprisingly, the seasonal 2008 H1N1 viral isolates that spread around the world had the same tyrosine mutation, which was previously associated with iatrogenic infections and attenuation. Furthermore, epidemiological studies concluded that this resistant virus developed independently of drug selection, suggesting that compensatory adaptations allowed an attenuating mutation to become permissible (3, 18). The ability of resistant 2008 isolates to perform on par with nonresistant 2008 isolates in growth curves, in mean plaque size, and in a transmission model was recently confirmed (2). Currently, 99% of seasonal H1N1 viruses are oseltamivir resistant; however, the prevalence of these viruses is very low due to replacement by a novel reassortant H1N1 virus (6, 8). This novel reassortant was originally identified in Mexico by doctors concerned about a jump in the number of influenza cases during the month of March in 2009 (7). Later referred to as swine-origin influenza virus, novel H1N1 virus, or 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus, this virus would continue to efficiently transmit around the world, even during the summer months of the northern hemisphere. Its robust transmission was later confirmed in aerosol transmission models, in which 86% of ferrets and 100% of guinea pigs exposed to infected animals contracted pandemic influenza (22, 28, 31). Oseltamivir was used broadly during the outbreak, treating those with complications and prophylactically treating close contacts of confirmed cases. The use of oseltamivir in this manner provided ample opportunity for oseltamivir-resistant viruses to develop. More than 225 cases of oseltamivir-resistant infections have been confirmed from the beginning of the pandemic, including four incidents of suspected aerosol transmission (21, 32, 33). Fortunately, these clinical isolates never progressed into stable transmission in the general public. This study seeks to evaluate if introducing the H275Y mutation into the pandemic 2009 H1N1 virus attenuates virus replication in vitro or in vivo using the guinea pig model and the ferret model to test aerosol transmission efficiency. Furthermore, this study evaluates if a reassortant between the circulating novel H1N1 virus and seasonal neuraminidase (NA) forms a well-adapted, resistant virus capable of efficient transmission.Currently, oseltamivir is the drug of choice for treating novel H1N1 complications and outpatient prophylaxis. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the in vitro replication and transmission phenotypes of oseltamivir-resistant novel H1N1 viruses to understand why broad oseltamivir resistance has not occurred or whether we should expect it to occur in the future.  相似文献   

建立新甲型H1N1流感病毒小鼠致死模型,为研究致病性、宿主适应性以及疫苗保护性提供动物模型,并寻找病毒在适应宿主过程中影响毒力和适应性的关键位点。将新甲型H1N1流感病毒A/四川/SWL1/2009 H1N1在小鼠中连续传15代,各代次毒株均在MDCK细胞上增殖后进行测序,根据序列分析结果选择6个传代毒株感染小鼠,连续监测14 d体重和死亡情况;并对第14代和15代病毒在噬斑实验纯化后克隆和测序分析。原代病毒不致死BABL/C小鼠,经动物体内连续传代适应宿主动物后,其毒力增强,具体表现为所选的6个传代毒株中第7、11、15代毒株可以100%致死试验小鼠;分析这6个传代毒株的全基因组表明这些毒株的部分氨基酸位点发生突变。新甲型H1N1流感病毒经小鼠体内连续传代后,建立了小鼠致死模型,病毒毒力增强可能与某些氨基酸位点的改变有关。  相似文献   

The emergence of the pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus in humans and subsequent discovery that it was of swine influenza virus lineages raised concern over the safety of pork. Pigs experimentally infected with pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus developed respiratory disease; however, there was no evidence for systemic disease to suggest that pork from pigs infected with H1N1 influenza would contain infectious virus. These findings support the WHO recommendation that pork harvested from pandemic influenza A H1N1 infected swine is safe to consume when following standard meat hygiene practices.  相似文献   

Although the ferret model has been extensively used to study pathogenesis and transmission of influenza viruses, little has been done to determine whether ferrets are a good surrogate animal model to study influenza virus reassortment. It has been previously shown that the pandemic 2009 H1N1 (H1N1pdm) virus was able to transmit efficiently in ferrets. In coinfection studies with either seasonal H1N1 or H3N2 strains (H1N1s or H3N2s, respectively), the H1N1pdm virus was able to outcompete these strains and become the dominant transmissible virus. However, lack of reassortment could have been the result of differences in the cell or tissue tropism of these viruses in the ferret. To address this issue, we performed coinfection studies with recombinant influenza viruses carrying the surface genes of a seasonal H3N2 strain in the background of an H1N1pdm strain and vice versa. After serial passages in ferrets, a dominant H1N2 virus population was obtained with a constellation of gene segments, most of which, except for the neuraminidase (NA) and PB1 segments, were from the H1N1pdm strain. Our studies suggest that ferrets recapitulate influenza virus reassortment events. The H1N2 virus generated through this process resembles similar viruses that are emerging in nature, particularly in pigs.  相似文献   

The initial wave of swine-origin influenza A virus (pandemic H1N1/09) in the United States during the spring and summer of 2009 also resulted in an increased vigilance and sampling of seasonal influenza viruses (H1N1 and H3N2), even though they are normally characterized by very low incidence outside of the winter months. To explore the nature of virus evolution during this influenza “off-season,” we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of H1N1 and H3N2 sequences sampled during April to June 2009 in New York State. Our analysis revealed that multiple lineages of both viruses were introduced and cocirculated during this time, as is typical of influenza virus during the winter. Strikingly, however, we also found strong evidence for the presence of a large transmission chain of H3N2 viruses centered on the south-east of New York State and which continued until at least 1 June 2009. These results suggest that the unseasonal transmission of influenza A viruses may be more widespread than is usually supposed.The recent emergence of swine-origin H1N1 influenza A virus (pandemic H1N1/09) in humans has heightened awareness of how the burden of morbidity and mortality due to influenza is associated with the appearance of new genetic variants (5) and of the genetic and epidemiological determinants of viral transmission (8). The emergence of pandemic H1N1/09 is also unprecedented in recorded history as it means that three antigenically distinct lineages of influenza A virus—pandemic H1N1/09 and the seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 viruses— currently cocirculate within human populations.Although the presence of multiple subtypes of influenza A virus may place an additional burden on public health resources, it also provides a unique opportunity to compare the patterns and dynamics of evolution in these viruses on a similar time scale. Indeed, one of the most interesting secondary effects of the current H1N1/09 pandemic has been an increased vigilance for cases of influenza-like illness and hence an intensified sampling of seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 viruses during the typical influenza “off-season” (i.e., spring-summer) in the northern hemisphere. Because the influenza season in the northern hemisphere generally runs from November through March, with a usual peak in January or February, influenza viruses sampled outside of this period are of special interest.The current model for the global spatiotemporal dynamics of influenza A virus is that the northern and southern hemispheres represent ecological “sinks” for this virus, with little ongoing viral transmission during the summer months (9). In contrast, more continual viral transmission occurs within the tropical “source” population (13) that is most likely centered on an intense transmission network in east and southeast Asia (10). However, the precise epidemiological and evolutionary reasons for this major geographic division, and for the seasonality of influenza A virus in general, remain uncertain (1, 4). Evidence for this “sink-source” ecological model is that viruses sampled from successive seasons in localities such as New York State do not usually form linked clusters on phylogenetic trees, indicating that they are not connected by direct transmission through the summer months (7). Similar conclusions can be drawn for the United States as a whole and point to multiple introductions of phylogenetically distinct lineages during the winter (6), followed by complex patterns of spatial diffusion (14). However, despite the growing epidemiological and phylogenetic data supporting this model, it is also evident that there is relatively little sequence data from seasonal influenza viruses that are sampled from April to October in the northern hemisphere. Hence, it is uncertain whether extended chains of transmission can occur during this time period, even though this may have an important bearing on our understanding of influenza seasonality.To address these issues, we examined the evolutionary behavior of seasonal H1N1 and H3N2 viruses as they cocirculated during a single time period—(late) April to June 2009—within a single locality (New York State). Not only are levels of influenza virus transmission in the northern hemisphere usually very low during this time period, but in this particular season the human host population was also experiencing the emerging epidemic of pandemic H1N1/09.  相似文献   

目的建立甲型流感病毒H3N2感染的雪貂动物模型。方法按实验要求筛选出流感抗体反应阴性的雪貂,经兽用氯胺酮轻度麻醉后进行滴鼻感染H3N2流感病毒株A/Brisbane/10/07,设立两个稀释度106和107 TCID50,每个稀释度接种3只雪貂,感染后第5天安乐处死。感染前采集鼻甲骨活检,感染后1~5 d鼻甲骨活检检测病毒载量,每天记录雪貂一般临床变化。处死时取雪貂肺、肝、脾、小肠、脑组织作病毒滴度检测,肺组织做病理检查。结果 106和107TCID50的H3N2病毒分别感染雪貂,没有雪貂死亡。雪貂感染后都出现一过性的体温升高,体重的下降,流涕、打喷嚏等症状。在鼻甲骨活检物中可测到病毒载量,肠组织可分离到病毒。肺组织以轻度性间质性肺炎为主要病理变化。结论雪貂感染H3N2病毒株A/Brisbane/10/07后,临床表现、病毒学、分子生物学、病理学方面的检测都可以证实雪貂感染H3N2病毒动物模型已建立,其中106 TCID50病毒滴度的是一个建立感染动物模型比较合适的剂量。  相似文献   



The 2009 influenza pandemic and shortages in vaccine supplies worldwide underscore the need for new approaches to develop more effective vaccines.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We generated influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) containing proteins derived from the A/California/04/2009 virus, and tested their efficacy as a vaccine in mice. A single intramuscular vaccination with VLPs provided complete protection against lethal challenge with the A/California/04/2009 virus and partial protection against A/PR/8/1934 virus, an antigenically distant human isolate. VLP vaccination induced predominant IgG2a antibody responses, high hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) titers, and recall IgG and IgA antibody responses. HAI titers after VLP vaccination were equivalent to those observed after live virus infection. VLP immune sera also showed HAI responses against diverse geographic pandemic isolates. Notably, a low dose of VLPs could provide protection against lethal infection.


This study demonstrates that VLP vaccination provides highly effective protection against the 2009 pandemic influenza virus. The results indicate that VLPs can be developed into an effective vaccine, which can be rapidly produced and avoid the need to isolate high growth reassortants for egg-based production.  相似文献   

The pandemic influenza virus (2009 H1N1) was recently introduced into the human population. The hemagglutinin (HA) gene of 2009 H1N1 is derived from “classical swine H1N1” virus, which likely shares a common ancestor with the human H1N1 virus that caused the pandemic in 1918, whose descendant viruses are still circulating in the human population with highly altered antigenicity of HA. However, information on the structural basis to compare the HA antigenicity among 2009 H1N1, the 1918 pandemic, and seasonal human H1N1 viruses has been lacking. By homology modeling of the HA structure, here we show that HAs of 2009 H1N1 and the 1918 pandemic virus share a significant number of amino acid residues in known antigenic sites, suggesting the existence of common epitopes for neutralizing antibodies cross-reactive to both HAs. It was noted that the early human H1N1 viruses isolated in the 1930s–1940s still harbored some of the original epitopes that are also found in 2009 H1N1. Interestingly, while 2009 H1N1 HA lacks the multiple N-glycosylations that have been found to be associated with an antigenic change of the human H1N1 virus during the early epidemic of this virus, 2009 H1N1 HA still retains unique three-codon motifs, some of which became N-glycosylation sites via a single nucleotide mutation in the human H1N1 virus. We thus hypothesize that the 2009 H1N1 HA antigenic sites involving the conserved amino acids will soon be targeted by antibody-mediated selection pressure in humans. Indeed, amino acid substitutions predicted here are occurring in the recent 2009 H1N1 variants. The present study suggests that antibodies elicited by natural infection with the 1918 pandemic or its early descendant viruses play a role in specific immunity against 2009 H1N1, and provides an insight into future likely antigenic changes in the evolutionary process of 2009 H1N1 in the human population.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Zhang Q  Gao Y  He X  Kong H  Jiang Y  Guan Y  Xia X  Shu Y  Kawaoka Y  Bu Z  Chen H 《Journal of virology》2012,86(18):9666-9674
Animal influenza viruses pose a clear threat to public health. Transmissibility among humans is a prerequisite for a novel influenza virus to cause a human pandemic. A novel reassortant swine influenza virus acquired sustained human-to-human transmissibility and caused the 2009 influenza pandemic. However, the molecular aspects of influenza virus transmission remain poorly understood. Here, we show that an amino acid in hemagglutinin (HA) is important for the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic virus (2009/H1N1) to bind to human virus receptors and confer respiratory droplet transmissibility in mammals. We found that the change from glutamine (Q) to arginine (R) at position 226 of HA, which causes a switch in receptor-binding preference from human α-2,6 to avian α-2,3 sialic acid, resulted in a virus incapable of respiratory droplet transmission in guinea pigs and reduced the virus's ability to replicate in the lungs of ferrets. The change from alanine (A) to threonine (T) at position 271 of PB2 also abolished the virus's respiratory droplet transmission in guinea pigs, and this mutation, together with the HA Q226R mutation, abolished the virus's respiratory droplet transmission in ferrets. Furthermore, we found that amino acid 271A of PB2 plays a key role in virus acquisition of the mutation at position 226 of HA that confers human receptor recognition. Our results highlight the importance of both the PB2 and HA genes on the adaptation and transmission of influenza viruses in humans and provide important insights for monitoring and evaluating the pandemic potential of field influenza viruses.  相似文献   

While few children and young adults have cross-protective antibodies to the pandemic H1N1 2009 (pdmH1N1) virus, the illness remains mild. The biological reasons for these epidemiological observations are unclear. In this study, we demonstrate that the bulk memory cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) established by seasonal influenza viruses from healthy individuals who have not been exposed to pdmH1N1 can directly lyse pdmH1N1-infected target cells and produce gamma interferon (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). Using influenza A virus matrix protein 1 (M158-66) epitope-specific CTLs isolated from healthy HLA-A2+ individuals, we further found that M158-66 epitope-specific CTLs efficiently killed both M158-66 peptide-pulsed and pdmH1N1-infected target cells ex vivo. These M158-66-specific CTLs showed an effector memory phenotype and expressed CXCR3 and CCR5 chemokine receptors. Of 94 influenza A virus CD8 T-cell epitopes obtained from the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB), 17 epitopes are conserved in pdmH1N1, and more than half of these conserved epitopes are derived from M1 protein. In addition, 65% (11/17) of these epitopes were 100% conserved in seasonal influenza vaccine H1N1 strains during the last 20 years. Importantly, seasonal influenza vaccination could expand the functional M158-66 epitope-specific CTLs in 20% (4/20) of HLA-A2+ individuals. Our results indicated that memory CTLs established by seasonal influenza A viruses or vaccines had cross-reactivity against pdmH1N1. These might explain, at least in part, the unexpected mild pdmH1N1 illness in the community and also might provide some valuable insights for the future design of broadly protective vaccines to prevent influenza, especially pandemic influenza.Since its first identification in North America in April 2009, the novel pandemic H1N1 2009 (pdmH1N1) virus has been spreading in humans worldwide, giving rise to the first pandemic in the 21st century (13, 18). The pdmH1N1 virus contains a unique gene constellation, with its NA and M gene segments being derived from the Eurasian swine lineage while the other gene segments originated from the swine triple-reassortant H1N1 lineage. The triple-reassortant swine viruses have in turn derived the HA, NP, and NS gene segments from the classical swine lineage (20). The 1918 pandemic virus gave rise to both the seasonal influenza H1N1 and the classical swine H1N1 virus lineages (41). Evolution in different hosts during the subsequent 90 years has led to increasing antigenic differences between recent seasonal H1N1 viruses and swine H1 viruses (42). Thus, younger individuals have no antibodies that cross neutralize pdmH1N1, while those over 65 years of age are increasingly likely to have cross-neutralizing antibodies to pdmH1N1 (10, 25).Currently available seasonal influenza vaccines do not induce cross-reactive antibodies against this novel virus in any age group (10, 25). In animal models, it has been shown that pdmH1N1 replicated more efficiently and caused more severe pathological lesions than the current seasonal influenza virus (28). However, most patients with pdmH1N1 virus infection show a mild illness comparable to seasonal influenza (9, 42). The incidence of severe cases caused by pdmH1N1 was not significantly higher than that caused by human seasonal influenza viruses (43). These findings imply that seasonal influenza A virus-specific memory T cells preexisting in previously infected individuals may have cross-protection to this novel pdmH1N1.Cross-reactivity of influenza A virus-specific T-cell immunity against heterosubtypic strains which are serologically distinct has been demonstrated (5, 29, 33, 47). Humans who have not been exposed to avian influenza A (H5N1) virus do have cross-reactive memory CD4 and CD8 T cells to a wide range of H5N1 peptides (33, 47). More recently, one study also showed that some seasonal influenza A virus-specific memory T cells in individuals without exposure to prior pdmH1N1 infection can recognize pdmH1N1 (24). However, the results in most of these studies were determined by the gamma interferon (IFN-γ) responses to influenza virus peptides. Although the recalled IFN-γ response is commonly used to detect memory CD4 and CD8 T cells, the activated T cells that bind major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-presented peptide are not necessarily capable of lysing the target cells (6). In addition, the peptides, but not the whole virus, may not be able to fully represent the human cross-response against the virus as a whole. Therefore, in addition to cytokine production, the demonstration of direct antigen-specific cytotoxicity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) against both peptide-pulsed and virus-infected target cells is needed for better understanding of human CTL responses against pdmH1N1 virus.In this study, using bulk memory CTLs and epitope-specific CTLs established by seasonal influenza A viruses and epitope-specific peptide from healthy individuals, respectively, we evaluated their cross-cytotoxicity and cytokine responses to pdmH1N1. We also examined the expression of chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR5, which could help CTLs to migrate to the site of infection. In addition, to understand whether the seasonal influenza vaccines have benefit for people who have not been exposed to pdmH1N1, we further examined the ability of seasonal influenza vaccines to induce the conserved M158-66 epitope-specific CTLs in HLA-A2-seropositive healthy individuals.  相似文献   



2009 pandemic influenza A/H1N1 (A(H1N1)pdm09) was first detected in the United States in April 2009 and resulted in a global pandemic. We conducted a serologic survey to estimate the cumulative incidence of A(H1N1)pdm09 through the end of 2009 when pandemic activity had waned in the United States.


We conducted a pair of cross sectional serologic surveys before and after the spring/fall waves of the pandemic for evidence of seropositivity (titer ≥40) using the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. We tested a baseline sample of 1,142 serum specimens from the 2007–2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), and 2,759 serum specimens submitted for routine screening to clinical diagnostic laboratories from ten representative sites.


The age-adjusted prevalence of seropositivity to A(H1N1)pdm09 by year-end 2009 was 36.9% (95%CI: 31.7–42.2%). After adjusting for baseline cross-reactive antibody, pandemic vaccination coverage and the sensitivity/specificity of the HI assay, we estimate that 20.2% (95%CI: 10.1–28.3%) of the population was infected with A(H1N1)pdm09 by December 2009, including 53.3% (95%CI: 39.0–67.1%) of children aged 5–17 years.


By December 2009, approximately one-fifth of the US population, or 61.9 million persons, may have been infected with A(H1N1)pdm09, including around half of school-aged children.  相似文献   

Resistance of influenza A viruses to neuraminidase inhibitors can arise through mutations in the neuraminidase (NA) gene. We show here that a Q136K mutation in the NA of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus confers a high degree of resistance to zanamivir. Resistance is accompanied by reduced numbers of NA molecules in viral particles and reduced intrinsic enzymatic activity of mutant NA. Interestingly, the Q136K mutation strongly impairs viral fitness in the guinea pig transmission model.  相似文献   

The declaration of the human influenza A pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (H1N1/09) raised important questions, including origin and host range [1], [2]. Two of the three pandemics in the last century resulted in the spread of virus to pigs (H1N1, 1918; H3N2, 1968) with subsequent independent establishment and evolution within swine worldwide [3]. A key public and veterinary health consideration in the context of the evolving pandemic is whether the H1N1/09 virus could become established in pig populations [4]. We performed an infection and transmission study in pigs with A/California/07/09. In combination, clinical, pathological, modified influenza A matrix gene real time RT-PCR and viral genomic analyses have shown that infection results in the induction of clinical signs, viral pathogenesis restricted to the respiratory tract, infection dynamics consistent with endemic strains of influenza A in pigs, virus transmissibility between pigs and virus-host adaptation events. Our results demonstrate that extant H1N1/09 is fully capable of becoming established in global pig populations. We also show the roles of viral receptor specificity in both transmission and tissue tropism. Remarkably, following direct inoculation of pigs with virus quasispecies differing by amino acid substitutions in the haemagglutinin receptor-binding site, only virus with aspartic acid at position 225 (225D) was detected in nasal secretions of contact infected pigs. In contrast, in lower respiratory tract samples from directly inoculated pigs, with clearly demonstrable pulmonary pathology, there was apparent selection of a virus variant with glycine (225G). These findings provide potential clues to the existence and biological significance of viral receptor-binding variants with 225D and 225G during the 1918 pandemic [5].  相似文献   

The 2009/2010 pandemic influenza virus (H1N1pdm) contains an avian-lineage PB2 gene that lacks E627K and D701N substitutions important in the pathogenesis and transmission of avian-origin viruses in humans or other mammals. Previous studies have shown that PB2-627K is not necessary because of a compensatory Q591R substitution. The role that PB2-701N plays in the H1N1pdm phenotype is not well understood. Therefore, PB2-D701N was introduced into an H1N1pdm virus (A/New York/1682/2009 (NY1682)) and analyzed in vitro and in vivo. Mini-genome replication assay, in vitro replication characteristics in cell lines, and analysis in the mouse and ferret models demonstrated that PB2-D701N increased virus replication rates and resulted in more severe pathogenicity in mice and more efficient transmission in ferrets. In addition, compared to the NY1682-WT virus, the NY1682-D701N mutant virus induced less IFN-λ and replicated to a higher titer in primary human alveolar epithelial cells. These findings suggest that the acquisition of the PB2-701N substitution by H1N1pdm viruses may result in more severe disease or increase transmission in humans.  相似文献   



The Influenza A pandemic H1N1 2009 (H1N1pdm) virus appeared in India in May 2009 and thereafter outbreaks with considerable morbidity and mortality have been reported from many parts of the country. Continuous monitoring of the genetic makeup of the virus is essential to understand its evolution within the country in relation to global diversification and to track the mutations that may affect the behavior of the virus.


H1N1pdm viruses were isolated from both recovered and fatal cases representing major cities and sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses of six concatenated whole genomes and the hemagglutinin (HA) gene of seven more isolates from May-September 2009 was performed with reference to 685 whole genomes of global isolates available as of November 24, 2009. Molecular characterization of all the 8 segments was carried out for known pathogenic markers.


The first isolate of May 2009 belonged to clade 5. Although clade 7 was the dominant H1N1pdm lineage in India, both clades 6 and 7 were found to be co-circulating. The neuraminidase of all the Indian isolates possessed H275, the marker for sensitivity to the neuraminidase inhibitor Oseltamivir. Some of the mutations in HA are at or in the vicinity of antigenic sites and may therefore be of possible antigenic significance. Among these a D222G mutation in the HA receptor binding domain was found in two of the eight Indian isolates obtained from fatal cases.


The majority of the 13 Indian isolates grouped in the globally most widely circulating H1N1pdm clade 7. Further, correlations of the mutations specific to clade 7 Indian isolates to viral fitness and adaptability in the country remains to be understood. The D222G mutation in HA from isolates of fatal cases needs to be studied for pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Influenza viruses resistant to antiviral drugs emerge frequently. Not surprisingly, the widespread treatment in many countries of patients infected with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) viruses with the neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors oseltamivir and zanamivir has led to the emergence of pandemic strains resistant to these drugs. Sporadic cases of pandemic influenza have been associated with mutant viruses possessing a histidine-to-tyrosine substitution at position 274 (H274Y) in the NA, a mutation known to be responsible for oseltamivir resistance. Here, we characterized in vitro and in vivo properties of two pairs of oseltaimivir-sensitive and -resistant (possessing the NA H274Y substitution) 2009 H1N1 pandemic viruses isolated in different parts of the world. An in vitro NA inhibition assay confirmed that the NA H274Y substitution confers oseltamivir resistance to 2009 H1N1 pandemic viruses. In mouse lungs, we found no significant difference in replication between oseltamivir-sensitive and -resistant viruses. In the lungs of mice treated with oseltamivir or even zanamivir, 2009 H1N1 pandemic viruses with the NA H274Y substitution replicated efficiently. Pathological analysis revealed that the pathogenicities of the oseltamivir-resistant viruses were comparable to those of their oseltamivir-sensitive counterparts in ferrets. Further, the oseltamivir-resistant viruses transmitted between ferrets as efficiently as their oseltamivir-sensitive counterparts. Collectively, these data indicate that oseltamivir-resistant 2009 H1N1 pandemic viruses with the NA H274Y substitution were comparable to their oseltamivir-sensitive counterparts in their pathogenicity and transmissibility in animal models. Our findings highlight the possibility that NA H274Y-possessing oseltamivir-resistant 2009 H1N1 pandemic viruses could supersede oseltamivir-sensitive viruses, as occurred with seasonal H1N1 viruses.  相似文献   

The swine-origin pandemic A(H1N1)2009 virus, A(H1N1)pdm09, is still circulating in parts of the human population. To monitor variants that may escape from vaccination specificity, antigenic characterization of circulating viruses is important. In this study, a hybridoma clone producing human monoclonal antibody against A(H1N1)pdm09, designated 5E4, was prepared using peripheral lymphocytes from a vaccinated volunteer. The 5E4 showed viral neutralization activity and inhibited hemagglutination. 5E4 escape mutants harbored amino acid substitutions (A189T and D190E) in the hemagglutinin (HA) protein, suggesting that 5E4 recognized the antigenic site Sb in the HA protein. To study the diversity of Sb in A(H1N1)pdm09, 58 viral isolates were obtained during the 2009/10 and 2010/11 winter seasons in Osaka, Japan. Hemagglutination-inhibition titers were significantly reduced against 5E4 in the 2010/11 compared with the 2009/10 samples. Viral neutralizing titers were also significantly decreased in the 2010/11 samples. By contrast, isolated samples reacted well to ferret anti-A(H1N1)pdm09 serum from both seasons. Nonsynonymous substitution rates revealed that the variant Sb and Ca2 sequences were being positively selected between 2009/10 and 2010/11. In 7,415 HA protein sequences derived from GenBank, variants in the antigenic sites Sa and Sb increased significantly worldwide from 2009 to 2013. These results indicate that the antigenic variants in Sb are likely to be in global circulation currently.  相似文献   

H5N1 influenza viruses pose a pandemic threat but have not acquired the ability to support sustained transmission between mammals in nature. The restrictions to transmissibility of avian influenza viruses in mammals are multigenic, and overcoming them requires adaptations in hemagglutinin (HA) and PB2 genes. Here we propose that a further restriction to mammalian transmission of the majority of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses may be the short stalk length of the neuraminidase (NA) protein. This genetic feature is selected for when influenza viruses adapt to chickens. In our study, a recombinant virus with seven gene segments from a human isolate of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic combined with the NA gene from a typical chicken-adapted H5N1 virus with a short stalk did not support transmission by respiratory droplet between ferrets. This virus was also compromised in multicycle replication in cultures of human airway epithelial cells at 32°C. These defects correlated with a reduction in the ability of virus with a short-stalk NA to penetrate mucus and deaggregate virions. The deficiency in transmission and in cleavage of tethered substrates was overcome by increasing the stalk length of the NA protein. These observations suggest that H5N1 viruses that acquire a long-stalk NA through reassortment might be more likely to support transmission between humans. Phylogenetic analysis showed that reassortment with long-stalk NA occurred sporadically and as recently as 2011. However, all identified H5N1 viruses with a long-stalk NA lacked other mammalian adapting features and were thus several genetic steps away from becoming transmissible between humans.  相似文献   

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