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The improved methods for the preparation of valency hybrid hemoglobins, (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 were presented. The (α3+β2+)2 valency hybrid was separated from the solutions of partially reduced methemoglobin with ascorbic acid, by using CM 32 column chromatography. The (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrid was also isolated from hemoglobin solutions, which were partially oxidized with ferricyanide, by chromatography on CM 32 column. These valency hybrid hemoglobins were found to be single on isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Present procedures are very simple and are suitable for the bulk preparation of (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrids.  相似文献   

The preparation and structure–activity relationships (SARs) of potent agonists of the human β3-adrenergic receptor (AR) derived from a 4-aminopiperidine scaffold are described. Examples combine human β3-AR potency with selectivity over human β1-AR and/or human β2-AR agonism. Compound 29s was identified as a potent (EC50=1 nM) and selective (greater than 400-fold over β1- with no β2-AR agonism) full β3-AR agonist with in vivo activity in a transgenic mouse model of thermogenesis.  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that an α1—β2—γ2 gene cluster of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor is located on human chromosome 5q34–q35 and that an ancestral α—β—γ gene cluster probably spawned clusters on chromosomes 4, 5, and 15. Here, we report that the α4 gene (GABRA4) maps to human chromosome 4p14–q12, defining a cluster comprising the α2, α4, β1, and γ1 genes. The existence of an α2—α4—β1—γ1 cluster on chromosome 4 and an α1—α6—β2—γ2 cluster on chromosome 5 provides further evidence that the number of ancestral GABAA receptor subunit genes has been expanded by duplication within an ancestral gene cluster. Moreover, if duplication of the α gene occurred before duplication of the ancestral gene cluster, then a heretofore undiscovered subtype of α subunit should be located on human chromosome 15q11–q13 within an α5—αx—β3—γ3 gene cluster at the locus for Angelman and Prader—Willi syndromes.  相似文献   

α1-Antitrypsin, α2-macroglobulin and low-molecular weight kininogen were isolated from human serum and kallikreins from human urine and saliva.α1-Antitrypsin and α2-macroglobulin inhibited the activity of trypsin in releasing kinin from low-molecular weight kininogen, due to their binding with the enzyme, but did non inhibit or bind with urinary and salivary kallikreins.  相似文献   

α1-Antitrypsin (α1AT), the most abundant proteinase inhibitor circulating in the blood, protects extracellular matrix proteins of the lung against proteolytic destruction by neutrophil elastase. α1AT deficiency predisposes patients to emphysema, juvenile cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Over 90% of clinical cases of severe α1AT deficiency are caused by the Z variant (E342K) of α1AT. The presence of the Z mutation results in misfolding and polymerization of α1AT. Due to its inherent propensity to polymerize there are no reported cases of recombinant Z α1AT production. This has created a major impediment to studying the effect of the Z mutation on α1AT. Here we report our attempts to produce recombinant Z α1AT using both Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris as host systems. Using a range of expression vectors in E. coli we were unable to produce soluble active Z α1AT. Cytosolic expression of the Z α1AT gene in P. pastoris was successful. Monomeric and active recombinant Z α1AT was purified from the yeast cytosol using affinity chromatography and anion exchange chromatography. Biochemical analyses demonstrated that the recombinant Z α1AT has identical properties to its native counterpart purified from plasma of patients homozygous for the Z allele. A recombinant source of pathological Z α1AT will increase the chances of elucidating the mechanism of its polymerization and thus the development of therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Integrin β4subunit is present in association with α6chain on both normal and transformed epithelial cells. Recently α6β4heterodimer was found on the endothelium of medium-sized blood vessels and on immature thymocytes. In this report we show, by Northern blotting, indirect immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting, that β4subunit is expressed also on cells of mesenchymal origin such as fibroblasts, myoblasts, and myotubes. Increased expression of α6β4has been related to the aggressive metastatic phenotype of human and murine carcinomas. The transforming growth factor β1(TGF-β1) has been found to modulate the expression of several integrins and intracellular matrix proteins, as well as to stimulate cell invasion and metastatic potential. To evaluate whether α6β4expression is modulated by TGF-β1, we transfected 3T3 fibroblasts with an expression vector carrying the human TGF-β1cDNA driven by the SV40 early promoter. We observed by indirect immunofluorescence a modification in the subcellular distribution of β4subunit, which acquires a perinuclear localization. This finding suggests this integrin subunit correlates with the cytoskeletal reorganization induced by TGF-β1.  相似文献   

The α-subunit of an abundant chick gizzard integrin was isolated ([12.], J. Biol. Chem. 262, 17,189–17,199) and fragmented by proteolytic digestion. The N-terminal sequences of the intact polypeptide and of several internal peptides were determined and were found to be highly homologous to the mammalian integrin α1-subunit. Monoclonal antibodies to the chick integrin β1-chain react on immunoblots with the gizzard integrin β-subunit ([28.], J. Biol. Chem. 265, 14,561–14,565). The chain composition of the abundant chick gizzard integrin is therefore α1β1. Polyclonal antibodies to the avian integrin α1-subunit block attachment of embryonic gizzard cells to human and chick collagen IV completely and inhibit attachment to mouse Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor laminin partially. In ELISA-style receptor assays, the isolated α1β1 integrin bound to human and chick collagen IV and to mouse EHS tumor and chick heart laminin. While the binding to collagen IV was abolished by removal of divalent cations, the binding to laminin was not sensitive to EDTA under the conditions used. Collagen I bound the isolated avian α1β1 integrin only weakly. As collagen IV was the only extracellular matrix protein for which a consistent, divalent cation-dependent, binding to the avian α1β1 integrin could be demonstrated in both cellular and molecular assays we suggest that it is a preferred ligand for this integrin.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix receptors on ductus arteriosus smooth muscle cells (SMC) must enable the cells to migrate through both interstitial and basement membrane matrices to form intimal mounds during postnatal ductus closure. We examined the role of β1 and β3 integrin receptors on SMC adhesion and migration. Using a new assay to measure cell migration, we found that lamb ductus arteriosus SMC attach to and migrate over surfaces coated with fibronectin (FN), laminin (LN), vitronectin (VN), and collagens I (I) and IV (IV). Blocking antibodies, specific to different integrin complexes, showed that SMC adhesion to FN, LN, I, and IV depended exclusively on functioning β1 integrins with little, if any, contribution by the αvβ3 integrin; on the other hand, cell migration over these substrates depended to a large extent on the αvβ3 receptor. Immunofluorescent staining demonstrated that during the early phase of SMC migration, the β1 integrins organized rapidly into focal plaques that, with time, gradually covered the cell's basal surface; on the other hand, the β3 receptor remained concentrated at all times at the cell's margins. Ligand affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation techniques identified a unique series of β1 integrins binding to each matrix component: FN (α5β1, α3β1, αvβ1), LN (α1β1, α7β1), VN (αvβ1), I (α1β1, α2β1), and IV (α1β1). In contrast, the β3 integrin, αvβ3, bound to all the substrates tested: FN, LN, VN, I, and IV. The results indicate that β1 and β3 integrins may play different roles in attachment and migration as SMC move through the vascular extracellular matrix to produce obliteration of the ductus arteriosus lumen.  相似文献   

Copper(I) complexes with {Cu(μ2-S)N}4 and {Cu(μ3-S)N}12 core portions of butterfly-shaped or double wheel architectures have been isolated in the reaction of Cu(I) with the Schiff base ligand C6H4(CHNC6H4S)2, “iso-abt”, under different conditions. containing the tetranuclear electroneutral complex is formed by the reaction of CuI in acetonitrilic solution and recrystallization from DMF, whereas containing dodecanuclear wheels is accessible starting from CuBF4. Complexes 2 and 4 represent the first examples of cyclic complexes with the same overall stoichiometry but different ring sizes. The ligand induces two different coordination environments around copper(I) by switching between μ2- and μ3-sulfur bridging modes.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of chymotrypsin- and methylamine-treated negatively stained human α2-macroglobulin have been determined by weighted back projection from electron microscope data. Projections of the reconstructions show good concordance with two-dimensional averages of both stained and frozen-hydrated molecules. The reconstructions reveal that the H-shaped front projection of the molecule is related to the smaller ellipsoidal end view by a rotation of 90° about the crossbar (minor axis) of the H. This finding is in agreement with tilt studies. The reconstruction of the α2-macroglobulin-methylamine reveals an hour-glass shaped void which is filled by the two proteinase molecules in the reconstruction of α2-macroglobulin-chymotrypsin. Protein plugs which appear to block the exterior entrances to the cavity may function to prevent access of proteins to the encapsulated proteinase and serve to block its escape. Extensive thresholding of each reconstruction leaves a “backbone” consisting of two side-by-side rod-like structures, suggesting that this is the arrangement of the two protomeric units which form the molecule. Both structures show some departure from the expected symmetry. The asymmetries are robust features of the reconstructions and may reflect structurally asymmetric features of the transformation from the native to the chymotrypsin-treated form of the molecule.  相似文献   

The mammalian γ subunit family consists of a minimum of 12 members. Analysis of the amino acid sequence conservation suggests that the γ subunit family can be divided into three distinct subclasses. The division of the γ subunit family into these classes is based not only on amino acid homology, but also to some extent on functional similarities. In the present study, two new members of the γ subunit family, the γ11 and γ14 subunits, are identified and characterized in terms of their expression and function. The γ11 and γ14 subunits are most closely related to the γ1 subunit and share similar biochemical properties, suggesting their inclusion in class I. However, despite their close phylogenetic relationship and similar biochemical properties, the γ1, γ11, and γ14 subunits exhibit very distinct expression patterns, suggesting that class I should be further subdivided and that the signaling functions of each subgroup are distinct. In this regard, the γ11 and γ14 subunits represent a new subgroup of farnesylated γ subunits that are expressed outside the retina and have functions other than phototransduction.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent calcium channel (VDCC) in skeletal muscle probably plays a key role in transducing membrane charge movement to the calcium release channel. We report here that the expression of VDCC α1 and α2 mRNAs is developmentally regulated in differentiating C2Cl2 myogenic cells. The α1 mRNA is not detectable in the myoblast form of C2Cl2 cells while its expression is induced 20-fold in differentiated myotubes. In contrast, the α2 mRNA is weakly expressed in myoblasts but is also induced upon myogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activators are implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases such as inflammatory diseases and cancer. Beside their serine-protease activity, these agents trigger signaling pathways involved in cell migration, adhesion and proliferation. We previously reported a role for the sphingolipid pathway in the mitogenic effect of plasminogen activators, but the signaling mechanisms involved in neutral sphingomyelinase-2 (NSMase-2) activation (the first step of the sphingolipid pathway) are poorly known. This study was carried out to investigate how urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) activates NSMase-2. We report that uPA, as well as its catalytically inactive N-amino fragment ATF, triggers the sequential activation of MMP-2, NSMase-2 and ERK1/2 in ECV304 cells that are required for uPA-induced ECV304 proliferation, as assessed by the inhibitory effect of Marimastat (a MMP inhibitor), MMP-2-specific siRNA, MMP-2 defect, and NSMase-specific siRNA. Moreover, upon uPA stimulation, uPAR, MT1-MMP, MMP-2 and NSMase-2 interacted with integrin αvβ3, evidenced by co-immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry experiments. Moreover, the αvβ3 blocking antibody inhibited the uPA-triggered MMPs/uPAR/integrin αvβ3 interaction, NSMase-2 activation, Ki67 expression and DNA synthesis in ECV304. In conclusion, uPA triggers interaction between integrin αvβ3, uPAR and MMPs that leads to NSMase-2 and ERK1/2 activation and cell proliferation. These findings highlight a new signaling mechanism for uPA, and suggest that, upon uPA stimulation, uPAR, MMPs, integrin αvβ3 and NSMase-2 form a signaling complex that take part in mitogenic signaling in ECV304 cells.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is an angioproliferative disease characterized by proliferation of neoplastic cells (spindle cells) mixed with endothelial and inflammatory cells. In this study we evaluated the role of the adhesive glycoprotein, fibronectin (FN) and its receptor α5β1 (FNR), and the proto-oncogene bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic protein. Significantly decreased serum levels of FN were noted in HIV-1-infected patients with KS, whereas serum levels of FNR were significantly increased in the same patients. Furthermore, increased FNR expression was observed on CD4 cells from KS patients. Serum levels of bcl-2 protein were significantly decreased in asymptomatic seropositive patients, whereas HIV-1-infected patients with KS showed increased serum levels of bcl-2. These results provide further information about interaction between integrins and the extracellular matrix and bcl-2 protein that can support cell survival either of neoplastic cells or endothelial and inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

The reaction of TiCl4 with Li2[(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2] in toluene at room temperature afforded a mixture of cis- and trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] in a molar ratio of 1/2 after recrystallization. The complex trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] was hydrolyzed immediately by the addition of water to THF solutions to give trans-[(TiCl2)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] as a solid insoluble in all organic solvents, whereas hydrolysis of cis-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] under different conditions led to the dinuclear μ-oxo complex cis-[(TiCl2)2)(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] and two oxo complexes of the same stoichiometry [(TiCl)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}]2(μ-O)2 as crystalline solids. Alkylation of cis- and trans-[(TiCl3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] with MgCIMe led respectively to the partially alkylated cis-[(TiMe2Cl)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] and the totally alkylated trans-[(TiMe3)2{(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}] compounds. The crystal and molecular structure of the tetranuclear oxo complex [(TiCl)2(μ-O){(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2}]2(μ-O)2 was determined by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The α1 subunit genes encoding voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are members of a gene family. We have used human brain cDNA probes to localize the neuronal isoform genes CACNL1A4 (α1A), CACNL1A5 (α1B), and CACNL1A6 (α1E) to 19p13, 9q34, and 1q25-q31, respectively, using fluorescence in situ hybridization on human chromosomes. These genes are particularly interesting gene candidates in the pathogenesis of neuronal disorders. Although genetic disorders have been linked to loci 9q34 and 19p13, no genetic disease related to Ca2+ signaling defects has yet been linked to these loci.  相似文献   

The attachment of primary rat hepatocytes and fibroblasts to collagen type I is mediated by non-RGD-dependent β1 integrin matrix receptors. In this report we describe a novel 96-well microtiter plate assay for the quantification of fibroblast-mediated contraction of floating collagen type I gels. Fetal calf serum and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), but not transforming growth factor-β1, stimulated primary rat heart fibroblasts and normal human diploid fibroblasts (AG 1518) to contract collagen gels to less than 10% of the initial gel volume within a 24-h incubation period. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies directed to the rat hepatocyte integrin β1-chain inhibited the PDGF-stimulated collagen gel contraction. The inhibitory activity on contraction of the anti-β1 integrin IgG could be overcome by adding higher doses of PDGF. The contraction process was not blocked by anti-fibronectin IgG nor by synthetic peptides containing the tripeptide Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD), in concentrations that readily blocked fibroblast attachment to fibronectin-coated planar substrates. Autologous fibronectin or control peptides containing the tripeptide Arg-Gly-Glu were without effect. Immunofluorescence microscopy on fibroblasts grown within collagen gels revealed a punctate distribution of the β1 integrin and a lack of detectable levels of endogenously produced fibronectin. Collectively these data suggest a role for integrin collagen receptors with affinity for collagen fibers, distinct from the previously described RGD-dependent fibronectin receptors, in the fibronectin-independent PDGF-stimulated collagen gel contraction process.  相似文献   

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