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The effects of oxamyl applied to the seedbed and growing partially resistant potatoes in controlling potato pale cyst-nematode, Globodera pallida, were assessed in eleven field experiments on sandy, peaty and silty loam soils in England from 1986 to 1988. Standardised procedures allowed valid comparisons to be made between data from the three experiments in 1987 and from the seven experiments in 1988. In soil moderately or heavily infested with G. pallida, oxamyl frequently increased tuber yields of susceptible cv. Désirée and of partially resistant potatoes and lessened crude nematode increase (Pf/Pi) significantly at some sites but not at others. Although 2.8 kg oxamyl ha“1 often increased tuber yields significantly, it was significantly less effective than 5.6 kg in controlling G. pallida at one site and at another site G. pallida increased more than in untreated plots. Potatoes partially resistant to G. pallida were more effective that oxamyl in controlling nematode increase at some sites but not at others. Combined use of oxamyl and partially resistant potatoes was generally more effective in controlling G. pallida than either measure alone. As measured by a ‘control coefficient’ (weight of tubers over 40mm diameter (t ha“1) 4-crude nematode increase (Pf/Pi)), the most effective integrated control of G. pallida was obtained by growing cvs Glenna, Morag or Santé in soil treated with 5.6 kg oxamyl ha-1.  相似文献   

Seven trials conducted over four years on sites naturally infested with the white potato cyst nematode established that potato clones bred for resistance to Globodera pallida allowed significantly less nematode multiplication than conventional cultivars under field conditions. Nematode multiplication was inversely related to initial infestation level. The nematicide, aldicarb, significantly reduced nematode multiplication. However, nematode multiplication on nematicide treated susceptible cultivars was greater than on untreated partially resistant clones, indicating that resistance may offer more effective control of G. pallida than chemical treatment. Integration of host plant resistance and nematicide treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Speed of emergence of juveniles from cysts in potato root diffusate (PRD) in vitro differed between Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida and between populations within each species. Early emergence in vitro was slower in most populations of G. pallida than in most populations of G. rostochiensis. Fewer G. rostochiensis juveniles emerged from 4 or 6 month old than from 4 yr old cysts. More G. rostochiensis emerged in solutions of sodium metavanadate at concentrations of 10-2 and 10-3 M than in PRD and as many G. pallida emerged in the same solutions as in PRD. In plots of bare fallowed sandy loam, emergence of G. pallida was stimulated by 10--3 M sodium metavanadate. The emergence of two populations of C. pallida in PRD was stimulated by the addition of benomyl at 0.1 ppm (3.4 × 10--7 m). In microplots, cv. Cara potatoes grown for 8 wk decreased four populations of G. pallida by up to 93%. During a 4 wk period in PRD, more than 20 juveniles per gravid female emerged from five of 25 populations of G. pallida. In root observation boxes in which cv. Désirée was grown, oxamyl applied to the top 15 cm of a peaty loam soil greatly increased G. pallida in soil 1545 cm deep. In another peaty loam, but not in a sandy loam, the same treatment appeared to increase the nematode in soil 15–30 cm deep. Oxamyl incorporated in the uninfested top 15 cm of all three soils largely prevented nematode increase from juveniles migrating upwards from untreated heavily infested soil 15–30 cm deep. These experiments suggest that inadequate control of G. pallida increase on susceptible potatoes by an oximecarbamate nematicide of short persistence, such as oxamyl, is primarily due to the slow rate of juvenile emergence in most populations of G. pallida, with a second generation and the upward migration of juveniles from deeper untreated soil later in the growing season as potential contributory factors.  相似文献   

A new technique is described for establishing different numbers of the potato cyst-nematode Globodera rostochiensis in field soil, which leaves the soil homogeneous in nutrient status. Field plots established in this way were used to compare yield losses in four potato cultivars (Maris Piper, Pentland Crown, Pentland Dell and Désirée) associated with different numbers of G. rostochiensis. Over the range of 7.4 to 148.4 eggs g-1 soil at planting, yield losses were 18.7% (Maris Piper), 53.2% (Désirée), 55.7% (Pentland Crown) and 63.5% (Pentland Dell). Similar results were obtained in another experiment on the same field in a different year using only lightly and heavily infested plots. Treating the seedbed soil with oxamyl before planting prevented significant injury to potatoes by G. rostochiensis but increased the yield of Pentland Dell and perhaps Désirée (but not Maris Piper or Pentland Crown) more than expected from nematode control alone. Treating heavily infested soil with such a nematicide cannot therefore be recommended as part of a valid procedure for establishing lightly and heavily infested plots for comparing tolerances of attack by potato cyst-nematodes in a range of potato genotypes. In peaty loam soils moderately or heavily infested with G. pallida, oxamyl at 5.6 kg a.i. ha-1 incorporated into the seedbed before potatoes were planted generally increased tuber yields, though the effects varied considerably with the cultivar grown. Increase of G. pallida in these soils was controlled better by growing potatoes bred for resistance to it (ZB 35 – 29, Caxton, Santé, Morag, 11233 ab 22, Fingal, A27/23, Cromwell). Increase of G. pallida on susceptible cultivars varied greatly and Romano increased G. pallida no more than the resistant Morag. G. pallida is probably controlled best in peaty loam by growing a resistant cultivar in soil treated with a granular (non-fumigant) nematicide.  相似文献   

The two species of the potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera pallida and G rostochiensis are the most problematic pests of the potato crop in the UK. There are no commercially available cultivars with full resistance to G. pallida and both crop rotation and granular nematicides are less effective at controlling this species than G. rostochiensis. In situations of very high PCN levels it may be possible to reduce populations and yield losses by using an autumn application of the soil fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) followed by a spring application of a granular nematicide. Two field experiments were done to look at the integration of methods for the control of PCN. The Common Field experiment (G. rostochiensis infested) compared the use of 1,3-D with the granular nematicides aldicarb, oxamyl and fosthiazate when growing the susceptible cv. Estima. The Four Gates experiment (infested with both PCN species but mainly G rostochiensis) compared the performance of cv. Santé (partially resistant to G. pallida, fully resistant to G. rostochiensis) with that of the susceptible cv. Estima when treated with 1,3-D and oxamyl at full and half-rates. The results of the experiments show that an integrated approach to nematode control on heavily infested sites, including granular and fumigant nematicides and cultivar resistance, can lead to significant decreases in nematode population densities and reduce yield losses. An economic evaluation of the experiments modelled the gross margins from the different nematicide treatments. In Common Field, the highest gross margins were achieved with the combined use of fumigant and granular nematicides. In Four Gates, there was a clear economic benefit for both cultivars from the use of 1,3-D. In this experiment, oxamyl was of economic value to Estima but not to Sante and full-rate oxamyl was of more benefit than half-rate to Estima.  相似文献   

The distribution of potato cyst-nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida was surveyed in two widely separated fenland potato farms in Eastern England. Evidence was obtained of the suppression of G. rostochiensis and increase of G. pallida populations when Maris Piper and other potatoes with the same gene (H1) for resistance to G. rostochiensis are grown. Numbers of G. rostochiensis and/or G. pallida in the soil could not be related directly to recent potato cropping histories of the fields. Identification of the two species of Globodera by the presence and colour of females on the roots of Désirée, Maris Piper, Cromwell (A27/20) and A25/11 potatoes were confirmed by agarose gel isoelectric focussing of general proteins. Cromwell exhibited little or no resistance to G. pallida at Woodwalton. A25/11 was more resistant to this species at Woodwalton but was susceptible to G. rostochiensis. The results of these surveys emphasise the need for carefully planned and integrated control programmes based on the use of resistant cultivars of potato, crop rotations and appropriate nematicide use to combat the growing problem of G. pallida, especially in organic soils.  相似文献   

Globodera pallida is a parasitic root cyst nematode of potato, which causes reduction of crop yield and quality in infested fields. Field populations of G. pallida containing mixtures of pathotypes Pa2 and Pa3 (Pa2/3) are currently most relevant for potato cultivation in middle Europe. Genes for resistance to G. pallida have been introgressed into the cultivated potato gene pool from the wild, tuber bearing Solanum species S. spegazzinii and S. vernei. Selection of resistant genotypes in breeding programs is hampered by the fact that the phenotypic evaluation of resistance to G. pallida is time consuming, costly and often ambiguous. DNA-based markers diagnostic for resistance to G. pallida would facilitate the development of resistant varieties. A tetraploid F1 hybrid family SR-Gpa segregating for quantitative resistance to G.␣pallida was developed and evaluated for resistance to G. pallida population ‘Chavornay’. Two subpopulations of 30 highly resistant and 30 susceptible individuals were selected and genotyped for 96 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers tagging 12 genomic regions on 10 potato chromosomes. Seven SNPs were found significantly linked to the nematode resistance, which were all located within a resistance ‘hotspot’ on potato chromosome V. A haplotype model for these seven SNPs was deduced from the SNP patterns observed in the SR-Gpa family. A PCR assay ‘HC’ was developed, which specifically detected the SNP haplotype c that was linked with high levels of nematode resistance. The HC marker was only found in accessions of S.␣vernei. Screening with the HC marker 34 potato varieties resistant to G. pallida pathotypes Pa2 and/or Pa3 and 22 susceptible varieties demonstrated that the HC marker was highly diagnostic for presence of high levels of resistance to G. pallida pathotype Pa2/Pa3.Amirali Sattarzadeh and Ute Achenbach contributed equally to the work  相似文献   

In field trials Cara, Brio, Maris Piper and Pentland Javelin were consistently more tolerant of damage by Globodera rostochiensis yielding more than Corsair, Pentland Dell, Maris Anchor and Maris Peer, in untreated, heavily infested soil and giving the smallest increases to nematicide treatment. No yield or growth differences were found between plants in untreated and nematicide treated plots at a nematode-free site. The most tolerant cultivars all had a gene (H1) for resistance to G. rostochiensis derived from Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena and in soil infested with G. pallida the tolerance of at least one resistant cultivar (Maris Piper) appeared to be lessened. However, some resistant cultivars were comparatively intolerant, even to G. rostochiensis. Early cultivars were generally less tolerant than late maturing cultivars but there were exceptions. Amongst cultivars with resistance derived from Solanum vernei the early cultivar Guardian was more tolerant than the main crop cultivar Corsair. The effect on the yield of several cultivars of a range of densities of G. rostochiensis, produced either by applying different rates of a nematicide or by cropping in the previous year, was examined at two sites. The results indicated that the slope of the regression for yield in relation to nematode density was less for tolerant than intolerant cultivars. At sites infested with G. rostochiensis Maris Piper was found to be consistently more tolerant than Pentland Crown.  相似文献   

A range of potato cultivars and clones was grown at three sites infested with Globodera pallida in each of four years (1983 – 1986). Comparison of yields from nematicide treated plots with those of untreated plots provided estimates of yield losses due to G. pallida. The proportional yield losses were calculated for each genotype at each site as a measure of nematode tolerance. There were significant differences between genotypes with regard to tolerance of damage by G. pallida. There were also significant interactions between the different genotypes and the sites and years, but the interactions between years and genotypes represented only a small proportion of the observed variation. The interactions between sites and years indicate that not all of the genotypes behaved consistently between sites and years. The extent of yield losses caused by the nematodes varied significantly between sites. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to potato breeding programmes and assessing resistance and tolerance to G. pallida.  相似文献   

Potatoes were grown in soil infested with Verticillium dahliae and Heterodera rostochiensis and treated with methyl bromide, aldicarb or benomyl. Successive crops were grown in subsequent years on the same plots but without further treatment. Largest yields in the year of treatment were from plots fumigated with methyl bromide but in the second crop benomyl-treated plots yielded most. Neither methyl bromide nor aldicarb affected yields from trie third crop. After lifting the first crop, soil from plots treated with methyl bromide or benomyl contained less V. dahliae than that from plots receiving aldicarb or nothing. Soil was also less infective after the second crop following methyl bromide fumigation, but not the third. Plots treated with methyl bromide or aldicarb contained many fewer H. rostochiensis than untreated plots after the first crop, slightly less after the second and equal numbers after the third crop. H. rostochiensis were also fewer in benomyl-treated plots than in untreated after the first crop, but, surprisingly, were fewest after the second crop. The increased yield after applying benomyl to soil seems to depend more on its effect on H. rostochiensis than on V. dahliae. Fumigating with methyl bromide decreased common scab and black scurf on progeny tubers but increased infections by Oospora pustulans.  相似文献   

The increase of 35 English field populations of potato cyst-nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and/or G. pallida) was measured on Désirée, Maris Piper, Caxton (A25/11), Cromwell (A27/20) and clone 11233 ab 22 in pots of sandy, silty or peaty loam soil. Désirée was susceptible to all populations tested and, as in field soils, the final population (Pf) was inversely related to the initial population of potato cyst-nematode eggs (Pi) in the soil. Maris Piper and Cromwell were resistant to all G. rostochiensis populations, with one possible exception. Maris Piper was susceptible to all G. pallida populations. Caxton was susceptible to some and fairly resistant to other populations of G. rostochiensis, indicating the existence either of two biotypes within the one pathotype (Rol) as yet encountered in Britain, or the existence of an additional pathotype. Caxton and Cromwell were fairly resistant to G. pallida. Clone 11233 ab 22 was only moderately resistant to both species. Resistance to potato cyst-nematode increase varied considerably, especially in Caxton (to G. rostochiensis) and in 11233 ab 22 (to both species). Oxamyl greatly reduced the increase of G. rostochiensis populations on Désirée potatoes, with the notable exception of one population but it generally had much less effect on G. pallida populations, regardless of soil type. The difference in effect on the two species may be due to a longer period of hatching in G. pallida than in G. rostochiensis and also perhaps to a second generation in G. pallida.  相似文献   

Laboratory, pot and field experiments investigated the effects of the fungus Zygorrhynchus moelleri on the growth of potato and on the reproduction of the potato cyst nematodes (PCN), Globodera pallida and G rostochiensis. Preliminary laboratory tests showed that Z. moelleri growth was favoured by temperatures and pH ranges commonly present in field soils. The fungus colonised potato roots in vitro and in compost or field soil. It also stimulated in vitro root growth of three potato cultivars. In pot experiments Z. moelleri stimulated potato growth, particularly in the presence of PCN attack. In field plots infested with a mixture of G pallida and G. rostochiensis, tuber yields were not increased after application of the fungus but, in G pallida‐infested plots, yields were significantly increased after drills were inoculated with Z. moelleri. The application of Z. moelleri had no apparent effects on nematode reproduction. Factors influencing the interactions between Z. moelleri, potato and potato cyst nematodes are discussed and the potential role of the fungus as a plant growth promoter in organic potato production considered.  相似文献   

Improving resistance durability involves to be able to predict the adaptation speed of pathogen populations. Identifying the genetic bases of pathogen adaptation to plant resistances is a useful step to better understand and anticipate this phenomenon. Globodera pallida is a major pest of potato crop for which a resistance QTL, GpaVvrn, has been identified in Solanum vernei. However, its durability is threatened as G. pallida populations are able to adapt to the resistance in few generations. The aim of this study was to investigate the genomic regions involved in the resistance breakdown by coupling experimental evolution and high‐density genome scan. We performed a whole‐genome resequencing of pools of individuals (Pool‐Seq) belonging to G. pallida lineages derived from two independent populations having experimentally evolved on susceptible and resistant potato cultivars. About 1.6 million SNPs were used to perform the genome scan using a recent model testing for adaptive differentiation and association to population‐specific covariables. We identified 275 outliers and 31 of them, which also showed a significant reduction in diversity in adapted lineages, were investigated for their genic environment. Some candidate genomic regions contained genes putatively encoding effectors and were enriched in SPRYSECs, known in cyst nematodes to be involved in pathogenicity and in (a)virulence. Validated candidate SNPs will provide a useful molecular tool to follow frequencies of virulence alleles in natural G. pallida populations and define efficient strategies of use of potato resistances maximizing their durability.  相似文献   

Potato cultivars with different degrees of resistance to Globodera pallida (PCN) were trialled at three infested sites in 1983, 1984 and 1985. These trials were primarily intended to assess the effects of PCN damage on the yield of tubers and consequently the sites chosen had high initial population densities of G. pallida. The population density of G. pallida was determined from samples taken both pre-planting and post-harvest and results showed that there were significant differences between the clones in the nematode multiplication rates. Although actual rates of multiplication varied between sites the relative differences between clones were maintained across sites. Under the susceptible control cultivars the populations generally increased even in the presence of nematicide. The partially resistant clones gave best control, as measured by nematode multiplication, at the sites with the highest initial population densities but gave good control at all sites when treated with nematicide irrespective of initial population density. The role of partial resistance in integrated control systems and the effectiveness of nematicides against G. pallida is discussed.  相似文献   

Six cultivars of potato (Santé, Morag, Paladin, Glenna and Fingal bred for resistance to both potato cyst-nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) and Valiant bred for resistance to G. pallida alone) were exposed to 28 English populations of G. pallida and eight English populations of G. rostochiensis in pots. Susceptible cv. Désirée potatoes served as controls for all 36 populations. Inoculum (Pi) was 12000 eggs in cysts per 400ml pot of soil. Average increase of G. rostochiensis (Pf/Pi) on cv. Désirée was 23.5 but on cvs Sante, Glenna and Fingal it was < 1.0 and on cv. Morag it was 2.2. In contrast, cvs Paladin and Valiant were susceptible (average Pf/Pi = 17.4 and 26.5, respectively). Against G. pallida populations, average Pf/Pi for cv. Désirée was 21.7; on cvs Paladin, Santé and Glenna it was 2.9, 2.6 and 2.4, respectively; cvs Morag and Fingal were less resistant (7.4 and 5.6, respectively) and cv. Valiant was quite susceptible (11.0). Resistance to the different populations of G. pallida and G. rostochiensis varied but for the most resistant cultivars (Santé, Glenna and Paladin) the variation was usually small. The value of the six resistant cultivars studied to the integrated control of potato cyst-nematodes in England and the genetic diversity of the nematode populations to which they were exposed are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The attractiveness of pitfall traps baited with a synthetic host volatile attractant to colonizing adult Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) was evaluated in a field setting. 2 Significantly more postdiapause, colonizing adult L. decemlineata were captured in baited than unbaited pitfall traps. 3 The potential for this synthetic kairomone to enhance the efficacy of trap cropping as a management tool was evaluated by comparing conventionally managed plots with like‐sized plots bordered by either attractant‐treated trap crop or untreated trap crop. 4 More postdiapause, colonizing adults, egg masses and small larvae were present in attractant‐treated trap crops than in untreated trap crops. 5 There were no significant differences in egg mass and small larvae densities between plots bordered by attractant‐treated trap crops and conventionally managed plots, but there were significantly fewer large larvae and adult beetles in conventionally managed plots. 6 Plant canopy area of conventionally managed plots was significantly greater than in plots bordered by either type of trap crop. 7 Yields for conventionally managed plots and plots bordered by attractant‐treated trap crops did not differ, and less insecticide (44%) was applied to plots bordered by attractant‐treated trap crops.  相似文献   

Six potato trials, two in each of three years, were conducted in collaboration with the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service (ADAS) at sites infested with potato cyst nematodes (G. pallida Pa 2/3). The trials were part of a selective screen to identify PCN tolerant and intolerant clones with each trial consisting of four blocks divided into nematicide treated and untreated sub-blocks. A range of partially resistant and susceptible material was assessed for yield losses due to PCN damage to the roots and for the effect on the foliage by comparison between the nematicide treated and untreated areas. The relationships between the foliage symptoms, untreated yields, treated yields, proportional yield loss, initial PCN population and the post-harvest PCN population levels are examined. Significant correlation coefficients were obtained between foliage symptoms and yield of clones in PCN infected soil and also between foliage symptoms with percentage yield loss due to PCN infestation. The conclusions were that the assessment of PCN damage to foliage vigour/development can contribute positively to a more accurate identification of tolerant or intolerant potato genotypes.  相似文献   

Six potato cultivars with different levels of resistance to the white potato cyst nematode (PCN) Globodera pallida Pa2 were grown for three seasons in field plots to which G. pallida Pa2 cysts had been introduced earlier. There were two planting times, corresponding to early and maincrop commercial planting times, and two initial PCN population densities, high and low. The effect of cultivar on PCN population density was far greater than the effect of planting time or initial nematode population. The final PCN populations for the cultivars Ilam Hardy, Wha, 4696A(2), Sovereign, D40/6 and V390 were 151, 74, 27, 1.4, 0.2 and 0.06 eggs per g of soil respectively. It is concluded that resistant potato cultivars can be very effective in controlling G. pallida Pa2 in the field.  相似文献   

The potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, is one of the most important pests of potato worldwide. Owing to regulatory considerations and potential environmental impact, control options for this nematode are becoming increasingly limited. Solanum sisymbriifolium and biological control agents offer viable alternative options for controlling G. pallida. Therefore, experiments were conducted to determine the effect of the nematode trap crop S. sisymbriifolium, alone or in combination with the biocontrol agents Trichoderma harzianum or Plectosphaerella cucumerina, on population decline of G. pallida. Experiments were conducted for three different ‘cropping systems’: potato (Solanum tuberosum), S. sisymbriifolium, or soil only (fallow), each followed by a potato crop. Soil was amended with P. cucumerina, T. harzianum or left unamended, and then infested with nematodes at a rate of five eggs g?1 of soil. After 16 weeks in the greenhouse, plants were removed and the soil containing cysts was refrigerated at 4°C for 8 weeks, and then planted to potato. Cysts of G. pallida were counted after an additional 16‐week period. The Pf/Pi of G. pallida was significantly reduced by 99% in potato following S. sisymbriifolium compared to both the potato‐following‐fallow and the potato‐following‐potato treatments. Amendment of soil with T. harzianum significantly reduced Pf/Pi of G. pallida by 42–47% in the potato‐following‐potato but not in either the potato‐after‐fallow nor in the potato‐after‐S. sisymbriifolium cycles which supports evidence that the plant species may play a role in the biocontrol activity of this fungus. Addition of the fungus P. cucumerina resulted in a 64% decrease in Pf/Pi in the potato‐following‐fallow in one experiment, and an 88% decrease in Pf/Pi in potato‐following‐potato but the decrease in Pf/Pi was not consistent over all experiments. However, both biocontrol fungi resulted in lower numbers of progeny cysts after an initial 16‐week incubation with potato. To look at the effect of varied population density of the nematode on efficacy of S. sisymbriifolium to reduce G. pallida populations, potato, S. sisymbriifolium, or barley were planted into soil infested with G. pallida at rates of 5, 20 or 40 eggs g?1 soil applied as cysts (20, 80 or 160 cysts pot?1). After 16 weeks, numbers of cysts produced in each treatment were determined for each infestation rate. No new cysts were recovered from either S. sisymbriifolium or barley treatments, confirming that neither plant is a host for G. pallida. High numbers of cysts were recovered with potato. Soil from each treatment (containing original cysts and newly‐formed cysts when present) were then planted with potato. After an additional 16 weeks, few cysts were found in the potato‐after‐ S. sisymbriifolium treatments regardless of initial infestation rate. When potato followed barley, numbers of cysts were similar to those found after a single cycle of potato, indicating that the barley crop had no effect on the survival of initial inoculum. Overall, these results suggest that S. sisymbriifolium has potential to significantly reduce G. pallida populations, and also that the cropping system (i.e. the sequence of non‐host and host plants) may play a significant role in the efficacy of fungal biological control agents.  相似文献   

A small genomic library from DNA of G. pallida population Delmsen (pathotype 3) was constructed. A number of clones were tested as hybridization probes with 21 G. pallida and 6 G. rostochiensis populations. The two species were easily distinguished by their hybridization patterns. A total of 32 RFLP markers were identified which permitted the differentiation of all G. pallida populations. By means of cluster analysis of the RFLP data the genetic distances between the 21,G. pallida populations were calculated and a dendrogram was constructed. The arrangement of the 21 G. pallida populations in the dendrogram suggests a partial correlation between genetic distance and virulence according to biological pathotyping.  相似文献   

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