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Summary The cloned isocitrate lyase structural gene of Aspergillus nidulans (acuD) was shown to hybridize under reduced stringency conditions to unique sequences in genomic DNA digests of the basidiomycete fungus Coprinus cinereus. A gene library of C. cinereus was constructed in the lambda replacement vector L47 and screened for sequences hybridizing to the A. nidulans gene. A recombinant phage was isolated which contained the hybridizing sequence on a 5.6-kb BamHI fragment. This fragment was subcloned into pUC13 to give plasmid pHIONA1 and shown to contain a functional C. cinereus isocitrate lyase gene (acu-7) by transformation of an acu-7 mutant. Direct selection for Acu+ transformants was not possible because of the toxicity of the acetate selection medium. Acu+ transformants were obtained as cotransformants by transforming an acu-7 trp-1 double mutant, having mutations in both the isocitrate lyase and tryptophan synthetase structural genes, with a plasmid containing the trp-1 gene and either pHIONA1 or the original lambda clone. Up to 47.5% of the selected Trp+ transformants were cotransformed to Acu+. A physical analysis of 40 Acu+ transformants showed that the acu-7 gene had integrated at non-homologous and often multiple sites in the genome. Meiotic stability of the integrated gene was demonstrated by genetic crosses.  相似文献   

The A mating factor of Coprinus cinereus determines compatibility in mating by regulating part of a developmental sequence that leads to dikaryon formation. The A genes that trigger development encode two different classes of homeodomain proteins, and for a successful mating, a protein of one class, HD 1, must interact with a protein of the other class, HD 2. In this report we show that C. cinereus A genes that encode HD 2 proteins, a2-1 and b2-1, can elicit A-regulated development in the heterologous host C. bilanatus. Transformation rates were very low, suggesting that the genes were poorly transcribed. The fact that the HD 2 genes are functionally expressed implies successful heteromultimeric association of putative DNA-binding proteins coded by the two Coprinus species. This interaction was sufficient to satisfy the need for different A factors in the formation of a fertile C. bilanatus dikaryon, but fertile dikaryons were more readily produced in matings with the a2-1 gene transformants. The C. cinereus A genes, b1-1 and d1-1, which encode HD1 proteins, were either not expressed or their proteins were non-functional in C. bilanatus. These experiments raise some interesting questions regarding HD1–HD2 protein interactions.  相似文献   

Four recessive primordiumless mutants from anAmut Bmut strain ofCoprinus cinereus were crossed with wild-type strain. Segregation analysis of F1-progeny and complementation test showed that these mutations were controlled by 4 single recessive genes. All these genes were unlinked to both theA andB factors.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the influence of DNA form and size on the arrangement and genomic location of transforming DNA sequences in the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus. Protoplasts with either single or double mutations in the tryptophan synthetase (TRPI) gene were transformed with cloned copies of this gene which contained only a single DNA strand, contained a specific single nick within the C. cinereus sequences (4.8 kb), contained a specific double-strand break, or contained an additional 35 kb of flanking genomic sequences. Gene replacement events were recovered when each DNA type was used. However, none of these substrates offers a substantial improvement in transformation or targeting frequency when compared to supercoiled circular DNA, which has allowed recovery of both gene replacements as well as homologous insertions in 5 % of the transformants analyzed. The frequency of transformants carrying tandem insertions with multiple copies of the transforming DNA was reduced when single-stranded DNA was used, and increased when DNA containing double-strand breaks was used. These results have important implications for the efficient design of targeted transformation and co-transformation experiments.  相似文献   

ThePLC1 gene of the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae has been discovered to encode a homolog of mammalian phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC). Five temperature-sensitiveplc1 mutants were isolated by in vitro mutagenesis with subsequent plasmid shuffling. All of the amino acid substitutions that caused a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype were located in the X or the Y region, both of which are conserved among PLC isoenzymes. The PLC activity of all products of mutantplc1 genes was dramatically lower than that of the wild-type product, indicating that PLC activity itself is important for cell growth. At the restrictive temperature,plc1 mutant cells ceased growth at random times during the cell cycle, a result that suggests thatPLC1 is required at several or all stages of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A sporeless mutant dikaryon, completely defective in sporulation, was isolated from mycelial protoplasts of Pleurotus eryngii mutagenized by UV irradiation. Newly established dikaryons between one component monokaryon from the mutant, and 12 different wild type monokaryons from 3 other wild type dikaryons, all exhibited the sporeless phenotype, whereas those between the other monokaryon and the same wild type monokaryons all produced normal fruiting bodies. These results indicated that the sporeless mutation was induced in one of two nuclei of the mutant and was dominant. In the wild type basidia, the pattern of nuclear behavior during sporulation corresponded to the pattern C nuclear behavior as defined by Duncan and Galbraith. Cytological observation revealed that in the sporeless mutant meiosis was blocked at the meta-anaphase I in most basidia and hence basidiospores and sterigmata were not produced. Although fruiting bodies of the sporeless mutant showed a somewhat leaning growth, their gross morphology and its fruiting body productivity were comparable to that of the original wild type strain. Based on these results, it was considered that the sporeless mutant could serve as a potential material in breeding of sporeless P. eryngii commercial strains.  相似文献   

The meiotic spindles of Phallus impudicus had a similar ultrastructure to those seen in other basidiomycetes. After meiosis the basidal apex differentiated to form a number of broadly based protuberances which subsequently developed into basidiospores (up to 9 per basidium). The nuclei then underwent a post-meiotic mitosis within the cytoplasm of each basidiospore. After this mitosis one nucleus remained in the basidiospore and a complete septum developed at the base. The significance of this arrangement of meiosis, spore production and post-meiotic mitosis is discussed with respect to the taxonomy and life cycle of this unusual basidiomycete.  相似文献   

We have identified the seven genes that constitute the A43 mating-type factor of Coprinus cinereus and compare the organisation of A43 with the previously characterised A42 factor. In both, the genes that trigger clamp cell development, the so-called specificity genes, are separated into and loci by 7 kb of noncoding sequence and are flanked by homologous genes -fg and -fg. The specificity genes are known to encode two classes of dissimilar homeodomain (HD1 and HD2) proteins and have different allelic forms which show little or no cross-hybridisation. By partial sequencing we identified a divergently transcribed HD1 (a1-2) and HD2 (a2-2) gene in the A43 locus. a2-2 failed to elicit clamp cell development in three different hosts, suggesting that it is non-functional. a1-2 elicited clamp cells in an A42 host that has only an HD2 gene (a2-1) in its locus, thus demonstrating that the compatible A mating interaction is between an HD1 and an HD2 protein. The A43 locus contains three specificity genes, the divergently transcribed HD1 and HD2 genes b1-2 and b2-2 and a third HD1 gene (d1-1) that was shown by hybridisation and transformation analyses to be functionally equivalent to d1-1 in A42. An untranscribed footprint of a third A42 HD1 gene, c1-1, was detected between the A43 b2-2 and d1-1 genes by Southern hybridisation.  相似文献   

Two transport systems for glucose were detected: a high affinity system with a Km of 27 μM, and a low affinity system with a Km of 3.3 mM. The high affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 26 μM), 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 19 μM), d-glucosamine (Km = 652 μM), d-fructose (Km = 2.3 mM) and l-sorbose (Km = 2.2 mM). All sugars were accumulated against concentration gradients. The high affinity system was strongly or completely inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin, 2,4-dinitrophenol and sodium azide. The system had a distinct pH optimum (7.4) and optimum temperature (45°C). The low affinity system transported glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Km = 7.5 mM), and 3-O-methylglucose (Km = 1.5 mM). Accumulation again occurred against a concentration gradient. The low affinity system was inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide, quercetin and 2,4-dinitrophenol, but not by sodium azide. The rate of uptake by the low affinity system was constant over a wide temperature range (30–50°C) and was not much affected by pH; but as the pH of the medium was altered from 4.5 to 8.9 a co-ordinated increase in affinity for 2-deoxy-d-glucose (from 52.1 mM to 0.3 mM) and decrease in maximum velocity (by a factor of five) occurred. Both uptake systems were present in sporelings germinated in media containing sodium acetate as sole carbon source. Only the low affinity system could initially be demonstrated in glucose-grown tissue, although the high affinity system was restored by starvation in glucose-free medium. The half-time for restoration of high affinity activity was 3.5 min and the process was unaffected by cycloheximide. Addition of glucose to an acetate-grown culture inactivated the high affinity system with a half-life of 5–7.5 s. Addition of cycloheximide to an acetate-grown culture caused decay of the high affinity system with a half-life of 80 min. Regulation is thus thought to depend on modulation of protein activity rather than synthesis, and the kinetics of glucose, 2-deoxy-d-glucose and 3-O-methylglucose uptake would be consistent with there being a single carrier showing negative co-operativity.  相似文献   

We have isolated 37 radiation-sensitive mutants of the basidiomyceteCoprinus cinereus. Each mutation is recessive, and the collection defines at least ten complementation groups for survival of gamma irradiation. Four complementation groups define the genesrad3, rad9, rad11 andrad12, which are required both for survival of gamma irradiation and for meiosis. Mutants in each of these four groups fail to complete meiosis and produce mushrooms with greatly reduced numbers of viable spores. Propidium iodide staining of meiotic nuclei showed a characteristic terminal appearance for each mutant: few cells of any of the meiotic mutants progress beyond prophase I, and both condensation and fragmentation or dispersal of meiotic chromatin are frequently observed. Scanning electron micrographs showed that the meiotic mutants make varying numbers (0–6) of basidiospore initials and that few of these initials develop into mature spores. When initials are present they are always symmetrically arrayed on the basidium, regardless of initial number. In quantitative measurements of gamma ray sensitivity, double mutants of every tested combination ofrad3, rad9, rad11 andrad12 consistently showed the same gamma ray sensitivity as the more sensitive single mutant parent of the cross. Therefore, these four genes are in the same pathway for the repair of gamma radiation damage, and this pathway also represents one or more functions essential for meiosis.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced the Escherichia coli K-12 ppsA gene. The ppsA gene codes for PEP synthase, which converts pyruvate into phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), an essential step in gluconeogenesis when pyruvate or lactate are used as a carbon source. The open reading frame consists of 792 amino acids and shows homology with other phosphohistidine-containing enzymes that catalyze the conversion between pyruvate and PEP. These enzymes include pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinases from plants and Bacteroides symbiosus and Enzyme I of the bacterial PEP:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system.  相似文献   

【目的】筛选H~+_-ATPase活性降低的植物乳杆菌突变菌,比较其与亲本菌基因表达水平的差异,进一步探索H~+_-ATPase的调控机制。【方法】利用硫酸新霉素诱变、筛选突变菌,并对亲本菌(ZUST)和突变菌(ZUST-1、ZUST-2)进行生长、产酸能力及H~+_-ATPase活性的测定。分别提取亲本菌和突变菌的基因组DNA,扩增H~+_-ATPase全部编码基因并测序。通过荧光定量PCR对H~+_-ATPase全部编码基因进行相对定量分析。【结果】突变菌的生长和产酸能力均低于亲本菌,突变菌ZUST-1和ZUST-2的H~+_-ATPase活性比亲本菌分别降低了10.1%和28.8%。突变菌ZUST-1和ZUST-2的atp A基因均有22个位点发生突变,而ZUST-2的atp C基因有6个位点发生突变。突变菌ZUST-1和ZUST-2的atp A在对数期基因表达水平分别比亲本菌ZUST下调了41.1%和35.7%,在稳定期分别下调了43.6%和14.2%;ZUST-1的atp C基因在对数期的表达水平比ZUST略高,在稳定期比ZUST上调了30%,而ZUST-2的atp C基因未表达。【结论】突变菌H~+_-ATPase活性减弱会导致其全部编码基因在稳定期表达水平上调(除ZUST-2的atp C不表达外),而且atp A和atp C基因突变导致的基因表达水平的差异是影响H~+_-ATPase活性的主要因素,此研究结果为进一步研究植物乳杆菌中H~+_-ATPase的调控机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Monokaryons of Coprinus cinereus constitutively form small spores (oidia) in the aerial mycelium. Some strains also produce large, inflated single cells (chlamydospores) at the agar/air interface, and hyphal aggregates (hyphal knots) that can develop into sclerotia. Monokaryons show various reactions upon transformation with heterologous A mating type genes. Production of oidia in such A-activated transformants is repressed in the dark and induced by blue light. Five of six monokaryons tested following transformation with A genes showed induced production of hyphal knots and sclerotia in the dark, and at least three strains showed enhanced chlamydospore production in the dark. Continuous incubation under blue light inhibited formation of hyphal knots, sclerotia and chlamydospores in both competent monokaryons and in A-activated transformants. On artificial medium and on a 12 h light/12 h dark regime, A-activated transformants of one distinct monokaryon (218) formed fruit-body primordia that were arrested in development before karyogamy. Our studies show that A mating type genes control all major differentiation processes in Coprinus, but whether developmental processes can proceed depends on the genetic background of the strain. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase of Neurospora crassa is a dimeric protein composed of two identical subunits, each possessing three separate domains, with flavin, heme, and molybdenum-containing cofactors. A number of mutants of nit-3, the structural gene that encodes Neurospora nitrate reductase, have been characterized at the molecular level. Amber nonsense mutants of nit-3 were found to possess a truncated protein detected by a specific antibody, whereas Ssu-1-suppressed nonsense mutants showed restoration of the wild-type, full-length nitrate reductase monomer. The mutants show constitutive expression of the truncated nitrate reductase protein; however normal control, which requires nitrate induction, was restored in the suppressed mutant strains. Three conventional nit-3 mutants were isolated by the polymerase chain reaction and sequenced; two of these mutants were due to the deletion of a single base in the coding region for the flavin domain, the third mutant was a nonsense mutation within the amino-terminal molybdenum-containing domain. Homologous recombination was shown to occur when a deleted nit-3 gene was introduced by transformation into a host strain with a single point mutation in the resident nit-3 gene. New, severely damaged, null nit-3 mutants were created by repeat-induced point mutation and demonstrated to be useful as host strains for transformation experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Complementation and sequencing analyses revealed that the hopD mutants, which could not support stable maintenance of mini-F plasmids (Niki et al. 1988), had mutations in the hupB gene, and that the hopD410 mutation was an ochre mutation at the 5th Gln position of HU-1. Maintenance and stability of various plasmids, mini-P1 plasmids, mini-F plasmids, and oriC plasmids, were studied in the hupA and hupB mutants (HU mutants), and himA and hip mutants (IHF mutants). Mini-P1 plasmids and mini-F plasmids could not be introduced into the hupA-hupB double deletion mutant. Replication of mini-F plasmids was partially inhibited in the hupB mutants, including the hupB and hopD(hupB) mutants, whereas replication of oriC plasmids was not significantly affected even in the hupA-hupB double deletion mutant. The mini-P1 plasmid was slightly unstable in the himA-hip mutant, whereas the mini-F plasmid was stable.  相似文献   

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