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A calibration and quality control technique suited to process monitoring with immunoassay is demonstrated. The particle concentration fluorescence immunoassay (PC-FIA) is shown to provide a sensitive and rapid method for the quantification of specific biomolecules in cell cultures. Smoothing of linear calibration parameters is performed by forming weighted averages of standard points as the run progresses. These estimates are then used to determine slope and intercept values for improved calibration. The nonuniformity of the fluorescent signal variance is also considered, and a weight model is developed to describe the relationship between signal fluorescence and signal variance for weighted linear curve fitting. Pooling calibration results over the process run improves overall assay performance as determined by using standard control chart analysis. This method is suitable for semicontinuous monitoring of animal cell fermentations and has been used here to measure cell-associated and culture supernatant concentrations of monoclonal antibody (Ab) from hybridoma cells. The cell-associated Ab concentration correlates with cell-specific production rate. Assay times on the order of 10 min for supernatant and 25-30 min for cell-associated Ab concentrations can be achieved, making this procedure suitable for process monitoring and control. Under these conditions the assay has a detection limit of approximately 10 ng/mL, providing a sensitive and specific method for the quantification of cell culture constituents.  相似文献   

Numerous in vivo studies have demonstrated that recombinant AAV-2 vectors (rAAV-2) can efficiently transduce many tissues and lead to stable gene expression 12. These encouraging results have led to a rapid development of clinical trials involving the use of rAAV-2 vectors 3. However, the obtainment of large-scale rAAV-2 vector stocks for clinical assay is still hampered by the conventional production and purification methods that are not efficient and difficult to scale up. This review will describe the current methods available for rAAV-2 vector production and purification and show the advancements achieved, in particular in our group, to develop new scalable procedures, suiting GMP requirements.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid technique for purification of ferritin from human liver tissue is described. Methanol, at a final concentration of 40% (v/v) in liver homogenate, precipitates the majority of proteins but does not affect ferritin. Subsequent heating of this homogenate at 75 degrees C for 10 min results in a purified ferritin preparation as judged by immunoelectrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The resultant purified ferritin contained the same amount of iron as the original endogenous ferritin. There were no significant differences (paired t tests) in the amount of protein in the purified ferritin preparation when measured by rocket immunoelectrophoresis and by the Lowry procedure, suggesting that the antigenecity of ferritin was unaffected by the methanol and heat treatment. Both endogenous liver ferritin and radiolabeled human liver ferritin added to liver homogenates were recovered after methanol and heat treatment with similar yields (77 +/- 7% and 70 +/- 2%, respectively) when compared with the standard treatment of heating a homogenate at 75 degrees C. The overall ferritin yield with this rapid procedure was 40%.  相似文献   

Batch-to-batch reproducibility of animal cell cultures can significantly be enhanced using process control procedures. Most informative signals for advanced process control can be derived from the volume fractions of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vent line of the reactors. Here we employed simple low-cost sensors, previously not considered for off-gas analysis at a laboratory-scale cell cultures, and compared them with a simultaneously used quadrupole mass spectrometer, i.e., the standard equipment. A decisive advantage is that the sensors did not need any calibration and are easy to use. We show that monitoring and advanced control of cell cultures can significantly be simplified using the devices tested here and that the same batch-to-batch reproducibility can be obtained with much less effort than before.  相似文献   

A recently developed method for the identification and quantitation of antigen-specific T lymphocytes involves the use of complexes of biotinylated major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and avidin conjugated to a fluorescent reporter group. This complex, dubbed the "tetramer," binds to antigen-specific T lymphocytes in vitro, which can then be sorted and counted by fluorescence-activated flow cytometry to measure immune response. Our research has focused on developing the purification process for preparing tetramer reagent. Our goal was to reengineer a published lab-scale purification process to reduce the number of processing steps and to make the process scalable. In our reengineered process, recombinant MHC alpha chain is isolated from Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies by tangential flow filtration. The purified MHC alpha chain is refolded with beta-2-microglobulin and the target peptide antigen to form the class I MHC. The resulting MHC is purified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) and biotinylated enzymatically, and the biotinylated MHC is purified by a second HIC step. The tetramer is prepared by mixing biotinylated MHC with an avidin-fluorophore conjugate. The tetramer is further purified to remove any excess MHC or avidin components. Analysis by flow cytometry confirmed that the tetramers generated by this new process gave bright staining and specific binding to CD3+/CD8+ cells of vaccinated monkeys and led to results that were equivalent to those generated with tetramer produced by the original process.  相似文献   

A protease, MCP-01, produced by a deep-sea psychrotrophic strain of Pseudoaltermonas sp. SM9913 was purified and its autolysis reaction at 20 °C–50 °C was monitored by capillary electrophoresis. Capillary electrophoresis provides a rapid assay because the degree and state of autolysis of protease MCP-01 could be observed within 6 min. The autolysis rate increased as the temperature rose in the tested range. After 30 min incubation at 30 °C, 77% of MCP-01 autolyzed into peptides. However, its activity for the hydrolysis of casein was reduced by only 4%. The rate of loss of activity of MCP-01 was thus slower than that of autolysis of MCP-01 at 30 °C. Similar results were obtained when MCP-01 was incubated at 20 °C, 40 °C and 50 °C. Large peptides produced by autolysis of MCP-01 therefore still have catalytic activity. When these large peptides autolyzed further into smaller peptides, the enzyme conformation that retained its catalytic activity was destroyed and activity was lost.  相似文献   

Hybrid models aim to describe different components of a process in different ways. This makes sense when the corresponding knowledge to be represented is different as well. In this way, the most efficient representations can be chosen and, thus, the model performance can be increased significantly. From the various possible variants of hybrid model, three are selected which were applied for important biotechnical processes, two of them from existing production processes. The examples show that hybrid models are powerful tools for process optimisation, monitoring and control.  相似文献   

Highly efficient separation and purification of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from PHA-containing cell mass is essential to production of the bioplastics from renewable resources in a cost-effective, environmentally friendly way. Based on selective dissolution of non-PHA cell mass (NPCM) by protons in aqueous solution and crystallization kinetics of PHA biopolymers, a simple process is developed and demonstrated to recover PHAs from cell mass to high purity (>97 wt %) with high yield (>95 wt %). The average molecular weight of biopolyesters is controlled, which follows an exponential function of process severity, a combined factor of processing conditions. Compared with conventional chemical treatment such as sequential surfactant and hypochlorite treatment, this new technology substantially reduces the chemical cost for PHA recovery and purification from PHA-containing cell mass.  相似文献   

PurposeTo assess the electron beam monitoring statistical process control (SPC) in linear accelerator (linac) daily quality control. We present a long-term record of our measurements and evaluate which SPC-led conditions are feasible for maintaining control.MethodsWe retrieved our linac beam calibration, symmetry, and flatness daily records for all electron beam energies from January 2008 to December 2013, and retrospectively studied how SPC could have been applied and which of its features could be used in the future. A set of adjustment interventions designed to maintain these parameters under control was also simulated.ResultsAll phase I data was under control. The dose plots were characterized by rising trends followed by steep drops caused by our attempts to re-center the linac beam calibration. Where flatness and symmetry trends were detected they were less-well defined. The process capability ratios ranged from 1.6 to 9.3 at a 2% specification level. Simulated interventions ranged from 2% to 34% of the total number of measurement sessions. We also noted that if prospective SPC had been applied it would have met quality control specifications.ConclusionsSPC can be used to assess the inherent variability of our electron beam monitoring system. It can also indicate whether a process is capable of maintaining electron parameters under control with respect to established specifications by using a daily checking device, but this is not practical unless a method to establish direct feedback from the device to the linac can be devised.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for the purification of hepatic lipase (HL)4 from rat liver homogenate which results in a high yield (41%) of electrophoretically homogeneous enzyme. The method is based on that of Twu et al. (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1984: 792, 330), but it is more efficient with respect to yield (about 4-fold) and purity (1.6-fold). It includes the preparation of a high-speed supernatant, chromatography in series on octyl-, heparin- and concanavalin A-Sepharose, and finally gel filtration. On SDS-PAGE analysis, the purified enzyme exhibited an apparent molecular mass of 63.6 +/- 3.2 kDa. Heterogeneity was observed, when purified HL was subjected to isoelectric focussing. The enzyme displayed a specific catalytic activity of 23,000 U* (mumol fatty acid released per h at 37 degrees C) per mg protein, when assayed with trioleoyl glycerol suspensions in arabic gum. A highly specific antiserum against rat liver HL, capable of inhibiting 817 mU* HL per microliter antiserum, was raised in rabbits.  相似文献   

The use of recombinant adenoviral vectors for vaccination and gene therapy requires the development of purification processes that are cost-effective, scalable, and capable of robust host cell DNA clearance. An adenovirus purification process was developed which incorporates selective precipitation of host cell DNA, enabling a reduction in the use of costly nucleases and chromatographic resins while substantially improving DNA and protein clearance capabilities. In this work, three cationic detergents were evaluated for their capacity to selectively precipitate DNA from adenovirus-containing cell lysate. Parameters including pH, sodium chloride concentration, nonionic surfactant concentration, and cell density were investigated during development of the precipitation step. In a novel application, the cationic detergent domiphen bromide was found to have superior selectivity for host cell DNA. In addition, domiphen bromide-induced precipitation of adenovirus was shown to be reversible, which reduces the importance of mixing. Precipitation of DNA in the cell lysate coupled with primary clarification resulted in 3 logs of DNA clearance and improved impurity clearance in the subsequent ultrafiltration step. As a result, nuclease treatment and/or anion exchange chromatography can be eliminated, or included exclusively to improve process robustness.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between physical characteristics of compacted ribbons and their thermal effusivity in an attempt to evaluate the feasibility of using effusivity for in-process monitoring of roller compaction. In this study, thermal effusivity, solid fraction, tensile strength, and Young's modulus of ribbons of microcrystal-line cellulose (MCC), anhydrous lactose, and placebo (PBO) formulations containing various ratios of MCC to anhydrous lactose (75∶20, 55∶40, 40∶55, and 20∶75) were determined at various compaction pressures (25–150 bars). The effusivity-square root of solid fraction relationship was linear for MCC and all the PBO formulations but was a second-order polynomial function for lactose. This could be due to the predominant deformation of lactose by brittle fracture, which might have significantly increased the number and size of contact points between particles, causing a change in thermal conductivity along with a density change. The effusivitytensile strength and effusivity-Young's modulus relationships were best described by logarithmic functions for MCC but were linear for lactose up to a compaction pressure of 65 bars. There were similar relationships for effusivity with tensile strength and Young's modulus for all PBO formulations except PBO IV, which might have been due to the deformation of lactose, the largest component in this formulation. Strong correlations between effusivity and physical properties of ribbons were established. Although these correlations were formulation-dependent, they demonstrate the possibility of using effusivity as a tool in monitoring roller compaction. Published: March 23, 2007  相似文献   

Model-based design of integrated continuous train coupled with online process analytical technology (PAT) tool can be a potent facilitator for monitoring and control of Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) in real time. Charge variants are product related variants and are often regarded as CQAs as they may impact potency and efficacy of drug. Robust pooling decision is required for achieving uniform charge variant composition for mAbs as baseline separation between closely related variants is rarely achieved in process scale chromatography. In this study, we propose a digital twin of a continuous chromatography process, integrated with an online HPLC-PAT tool for delivering real time pooling decisions to achieve uniform charge variant composition. The integrated downstream process comprised continuous multicolumn capture protein A chromatography, viral inactivation in coiled flow inverter reactor (CFIR), and multicolumn CEX polishing step. An online HPLC was connected to the harvest tank before protein A chromatography. Both empirical and mechanistic modeling have been considered. The model states were updated in real time using online HPLC charge variant data for prediction of the initial and final cut point for CEX eluate, according to which the process chromatography was directed to switch from collection to waste to achieve the desired charge variant composition in the CEX pool. Two case studies were carried out to demonstrate this control strategy. In the first case study, the continuous train was run for initially 14 h for harvest of fixed charge variant composition as feed. In the second case study, charge variant composition was dynamically changed by introducing forced perturbation to mimic the deviations that may be encountered during perfusion cell culture. The control strategy was successfully implemented for more than ±5% variability in the acidic variants of the feed with its composition in the range of acidic (13%–17%), main (18%–23%), and basic (59%–68%) variants. Both the case studies yielded CEX pool of uniform distribution of acidic, main and basic profiles in the range of 15 ± 0.8, 31 ± 0.3, and 53 ± 0.5%, respectively, in the case of empirical modeling and 15 ± 0.5, 31 ± 0.3, and 53 ± 0.3%, respectively, in the case of mechanistic modeling. In both cases, process yield for main species was >85% and the use of online HPLC early in the purification train helped in making quicker decision for pooling of CEX eluate. The results thus successfully demonstrate the technical feasibility of creating digital twins of bioprocess operations and their utility for process control.  相似文献   

We have combined Invitrogen's Gateway cloning technology with self-cleaving purification tags to generate a new system for rapid production of recombinant protein products. To accomplish this, we engineered our previously reported DeltaI-CM cleaving intein to include a Gateway cloning recognition sequence, and demonstrated that the resulting Gateway-competent intein is unaffected. This intein can therefore be used in several previously reported purification methods, while at the same time being compatible with Gateway cloning. We have incorporated this intein into a set of Gateway vectors, which include self-cleaving elastin-like polypeptide (ELP), chitin binding domain (CBD), phasin (polyhydroxybutyrate-binding), or maltose binding domain (MBD) tags. These vectors were verified by Gateway cloning of TEM-1 beta-lactamase and Escherichia coli catalase genes, and the expressed target proteins were purified using the four methods encoded on the vectors. The purification methods were unaffected by replacing the DeltaI-CM intein with the Gateway intein. It was observed that some purification methods were more appropriate for each target than others, suggesting utility of this technology for rapid process identification and optimization. The modular design of the Gateway system and intein purification method suggests that any tag and promoter can be trivially added to this system for the development of additional expression vectors. This technology could greatly facilitate process optimization, allowing several targets and methods to be tested in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

In the present work, a dynamic filter was employed to develop an integrated perfusion/purification process. A recombinant CHO cell line producing a human anti-HIV IgG was employed in the experiments. In the first part of this work, the dynamic filter was fitted with conventional microfiltration membranes and tested as a new external cell retention device for perfusion cultivations. The filter was connected to a running perfusion bioreactor and operated for approximately 400 h at an average cell concentration of 10 million cells mL(-)(1), whereby cell viability remained above 90% and no problems of sterility were experienced. In the second part of this work, the dynamic filter was employed to simultaneously carry out cell separation and product purification, using membrane adsorbers containing Protein A affinity ligands. An automated system was built, which integrated the features of an automated perfusion bioreactor and of a liquid chromatography system. The IgG was continuously adsorbed onto the affinity membranes and was periodically recovered through elution cycles. After connection of the filter, the system was operated for approximately 300 h, whereby three elution cycles were carried out. No progressive increase in transmembrane pressure was observed, indicating no membrane fouling problems, and the IgG was recovered practically free of contaminants in a 14-fold concentrated form, indicating that the integrated, one-step perfusion/purification process developed during this work is a promising alternative for the production of biologicals derived from mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Rubredoxin (Rub) from Thermotoga maritima, a 6.1-kDa red protein containing an Fe(III)-cysteine(4) center, was evaluated for its usefulness as a colored fusion tag for expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli. Here, we describe the Rub features relevant to accelerating screening for optimal high yield soluble expression conditions and automating the ensuing purification process. Spectroscopic properties and the yield of Rub fused to a typical target protein were compared to analogous GFP and Flavodoxin constructs, showing Rub absorption to be sufficient for structural genomics purposes while being produced at much higher soluble levels than GFP constructs. Based entirely on Rub absorption at 380 nm, both generic and affinity purification of crude cell lysate were performed: thus guided anion exchange purification of a Rub fusion construct as well as automated Ni-NTA purification resulted in pure protein. Rub is stable over a wide range of pH, temperature, and buffer environments, enabling robust purification protocols. Across a variety of fusion constructs, including N- and C-terminal Rub, quantitation via the Rub signal was shown to reliably correlate with analytical HPLC data obtained at 220 nm. We propose the "RubyTag" as an alternative to conventional protein fusion tags, as it combines a specific absorption signal with convenient biochemical and biological properties. Further, it allows direct on-line readout on conventional chromatography systems, holding promise for automated multi-step chromatography.  相似文献   

A method of chromatography in a thin layer of Silica Cel No. 2 was developed for rifamicin B, rifamicin complex and some admixtures. Extracts of rifamicin B in an organic solvent, aqueous buffer reextracts and dry preparations of rifamicin B were analyzed with the above method. A half-quantitative chromatographic procedure for estimation of the main admixture in dry preparations was proposed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of the sample feeding and mixing methods on the efficiency of vancomycin crystallization and developed a method to dramatically shorten the time required for crystal formation by increasing the available surface area inside the reactor. The highest purity (97%) and yield (99%) of vancomycin could be obtained with an initial one-step feeding and mixing method, resulting in the formation and growth of spherical fan-shaped crystals. The yield of vancomycin increased when the surface area per working volume (S/V) was increased to 0.428 mm−1 using glass beads (0.5 mm), the cation exchange resin Amberlite 200, or the anion exchange resin Amberlite IRA-400. In particular, most of the vancomycin (>99%) could be recovered after 6 h of crystallization using Amberlite 200, resulting in a dramatic reduction in the time required for crystallization. On the other hand, increasing S/V had almost no effect on vancomycin purity and crystal size.  相似文献   

Tan L  Jia X  Jiang X  Zhang Y  Tang H  Yao S  Xie Q 《Analytical biochemistry》2008,383(1):130-136
The real-time monitoring of the agglutination process of human hepatic normal cells (L-02) at the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) gold (Au) electrode was performed. Two lectins, concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), induced the cell agglutination, resulting in the different Δf0 and ΔR1 responses from those caused by the normal cell attachment and growth. The cell-Con A-cell aggregates had higher affinity for the Au substrate due to the excellent adsorption ability of Con A, which was revealed by increased Δf0 and ΔR1 shifts and the obvious mass effect of QCM. In contrast, the lower adsorption ability of cell-WGA-cell aggregates was related to the same characteristic of WGA, presenting the decreased Δf0 and ΔR1 responses and the time-extended adhesion phase. Parallel microscopic observation experiments were also carried out and exhibited comparable results. The Δf0 responses during the processes of cell growth and cell agglutination were analyzed using the equations Δf0=a0+a1e-t/τ1+a2e-t/τ2+a3e-t/τ3 and Δf0=a0+a1e-t/τ1+a2e-t/τ2, respectively. Furthermore, the current work proved that the QCM measurement technique based on cell agglutination was useful for discriminating hepatic normal cells (L-02) and hepatic cancer cells (Bel7402).  相似文献   

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