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Environmental change poses challenges to many organisms. The resilience of a species to such change depends on its ability to respond adaptively. Social flexibility is such an adaptive response, whereby individuals of both sexes change their reproductive tactics facultatively in response to fluctuating environmental conditions, leading to changes in the social system. Social flexibility focuses on individual flexibility, and provides a unique opportunity to study both the ultimate and proximate causes of sociality by comparing between solitary and group-living individuals of the same population: why do animals form groups and how is group-living regulated by the environment and the neuro-endocrine system? These key questions have been studied for the past ten years in the striped mouse Rhabdomys pumilio. High population density favours philopatry and group-living, while reproductive competition favours dispersal and solitary-living. Studies of genetic parentage reveal that relative fitness of alternative reproductive tactics depends on the prevailing environment. Tactics have different fitness under constrained ecological conditions, when competitive ability is important. Under conditions with relaxed ecological constraints, alternative tactics can yield equal fitness. Both male and female striped mice display alternative reproductive tactics based on a single strategy, i.e. all individuals follow the same decision rules. These changes are regulated by endocrine mechanisms. Social flexibility is regarded as an adaptation to unpredictably changing environments, selecting for high phenotypic flexibility based on a broad reaction norm, not on genetic polymorphism for specific tactics.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) variability is believed to be maintained by pathogen-driven selection, mediated either through heterozygous advantage or frequency-dependent selection. However, empirical support for these hypotheses under natural conditions is rare. In this study, we investigated the genetic constitution of the functionally important MHC class II gene (DRB exon 2) and the parasite load in a population of the striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) in the Southern Kalahari. Fifty-eight individuals were genetically examined and the endoparasite load was quantified by counting fecal helminth eggs by using a modified McMaster technique. Thirty-four animals (58.6%) were infected. We identified 20 different MHC alleles with high levels of sequence divergence between alleles. Particularly, the antigen-binding sites revealed a significant higher rate of nonsynonymous substitutions (d(N)) than synonymous substitutions (d(S)), giving strong evidence of balancing selection. Heterozygosity did influence the infection status (being infected or not) and the individual fecal egg count (FEC) value with significantly higher values observed in homozygous individuals. Furthermore, a positive relationship was found between specific alleles and parasite load. The allele Rhpu-DRB*1 significantly occurred more frequently in infected individuals and in individuals with high FEC values (high parasite load). Individuals with the allele Rhpu-DRB*1 had a 1.5-fold higher chance of being infected than individuals without this allele (odds ratio test, P < 0.05). Contrarily, the allele Rhpu-DRB*8 significantly occurred more frequent in individuals with low FEC values. Our results support the hypotheses that MHC polymorphism in R. pumilio is maintained through pathogen-driven selection acting by both heterozygosity advantage and frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   

Animals may respond to seasonally changing environments withphysiological and behavioral strategies. Whereas migration isa behavioral strategy used by many taxa, it may not be an optionfor small mammals. However, small mammals can seasonally varythe area of habitat in which they are active. The striped mouseRhabdomys pumilio in the semiarid Succulent Karoo of South Africalives in a seasonal environment, characterized by hot, dry summerswith low food abundance and cold, wet winters, followed by highfood abundance in spring. We radio tracked a total of 28 femalesduring the 2004 dry season, the following breeding season inspring, and the following dry season in 2005 and tested theprediction that females shift their home ranges in relationto food availability. Females shifted their home ranges froman area characterized by evergreen succulent shrubs in the vicinityof a dry riverbed in the dry season to sandy areas that werecharacterized by new plant growth of annuals in spring. Homeranges during the breeding season in spring had a higher percentageof annuals than dry season home ranges measured in spring. Femalehome range size increased during the breeding season. We suggestthat female striped mice shift their home ranges seasonallyto gain access to protein-rich young plant material, which isimportant for breeding.  相似文献   

1.?While the reasons for group-living have been studied for decades, little is known about why individuals become solitary. 2.?Several previous experimental studies could demonstrate that group-living can arises as a consequence of ecological constraints. 3.?It has been argued that reproductive competition between group members leads to significant costs of group-living, being a main reason of solitary-living. However, so far, no studies tested experimentally whether reproductive competition can explain solitary-living. 4.?Using a socially flexible species, the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio), we tested experimentally in the field whether dispersal and solitary-living are more likely to occur when reproductive competition is present. 5.?We investigated ecological constraints, here expressed as a function of population density, by removing groups of striped mice and creating vacant territories. To control for the effect of reproductive competition, which occurs only during the breeding season, we performed experiments during both the breeding and the non-breeding season. This is the first removal experiment performed in a species with communal breeding during the non-breeding season. 6.?During the breeding season, when population density was low, more striped mice from experimental groups moved into the vacant territories and became solitary than striped mice from control groups. This is in support of the ecological constraints hypothesis. 7.?During the non-breeding season, striped mice remained group-living despite the availability of free territories. Significantly, more striped mice became solitary-living during the breeding than during the non-breeding season. This is the first experimental support for the reproductive competition hypothesis explaining solitary-living. 8.?Analysis of the sexual maturity of males showed that males which became solitary had a higher reproductive potential than males that remained group-living. Analysis of the body mass data of females showed that more solitary females reproduced than group-living females. These results indicate that by becoming solitary individuals of both sexes avoided costs of reproductive competition within groups. 9.?Our study provides experimental evidence that reproductive competition within groups can lead to dispersal and solitary-living.  相似文献   

Males that follow alternative reproductive tactics might differ in their investment into testis development and sperm production. The resource-allocation hypothesis predicts that males following a sneaker tactic should invest more into sperm production than dominant territorial males which should invest more into mate guarding. This hypothesis is supported by studies in species where individual males cannot switch between tactics (fixed tactics). Here we present the first data for a species where males can switch between tactics (plastic tactics). We studied African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) in captivity, mimicking three tactics observed in the field: philopatric group-living males, singly-housed males representing roaming males, and group-living breeding males. We measured quantitative and qualitative reproductive traits, as well as serum and testis hormone concentrations. We found no support for the resource-allocation hypothesis, since breeding and singly-housed males invested similarly in testes and sperm. However, philopatric males had significantly smaller testes and epididymides, lower sperm counts, lower testosterone and higher corticosterone levels than males of the two other tactics. Philopatric males did not reach a larger body mass than singly-housed males with well developed reproductive traits, indicating that they did not trade investment in sperm production against growth. Interestingly, testis testosterone concentrations of philopatric males did not differ from those of other males. Our data suggest that philopatric males are reproductively suppressed by the breeding male, but might be ready to increase their serum testosterone levels when social and environmental conditions allow for this physiological switch accompanying the behavioral switch between tactics.  相似文献   

Mate recognition systems (MRSs) are complex signal-receivertraits. The present study addressed the roles of phylogeny,ecology, and geography in shaping the MRS of the African stripedmouse (Rhabdomys), which has a wide distribution in southernAfrica. Two putative species are recognized, which have differentecologies: Rhabdomys pumilio (arid) and Rhabdomys dilectus (mesic).The latter may be further subdivided into 2 subspecies (R. dilectusdilectus and R. dilectus chakae). Using 2 discrete populationsper taxon, we investigated within- and between-taxon variationsin male odor quality and female perception using habituation-discriminationand habituation-generalization tests, and female preferencein 2-way choice tests. Our results indicate: 1) no within-taxonvariation in odor quality, perception, or preference; 2) the2 subspecies of R. dilectus carry signals of different qualitiesbut share a common odor characteristic distinct from that ofR. pumilio; 3) female R. pumilio did not show a preference whentheir own species and R. d. chakae odors were presented simultaneouslybut displayed assortative preference when the alternative wasR. d. dilectus; 4) females of the 2 subspecies showed dissimilarpreferences: R. d. chakae for the genetically more similar taxonand R. d. dilectus for the most different one. Although we couldnot rule out the influence of ecology, we concluded that phylogenyappeared a more parsimonious explanation for the pattern ofdivergence in Rhabdomys. Further, we discuss our results inlight of current models on signal-receiver coevolution.  相似文献   

Data documenting skeletal development in rodents, the most species-rich ‘order’ of mammals, are at present restricted to a few model species, a shortcoming that hinders exploration of the morphological and ecological diversification of the group. In this study we provide the most comprehensive sampling of rodent ossification sequences to date, with the aim of exploring whether heterochrony is ubiquitous in rodent evolution at the onset of skeletal formation. The onset of ossification in 17 cranial elements and 24 postcranial elements was examined for eight muroid and caviomorph rodent species. New data are provided for two non-model species. For one of these, the African striped mouse, Rhabdomys pumilio, sampling was extended by studying 53 autopodial elements and examining intraspecific variation. The Parsimov method of studying sequence heterochrony was used to explore the role that changes in developmental timing play in early skeletal formation. Few heterochronies were found to diagnose the muroid and caviomorph clades, suggesting conserved patterning in skeletal development. Mechanisms leading to the generation of the wide range of morphological diversity encapsulated within Rodentia may be restricted to later periods in development than those studied in this work. Documentation of skeletogenesis in Rhabdomys indicates that intraspecifc variation in ossification sequence pattern is present, though not extensive. Our study suggests that sequence heterochrony is neither pivotal nor prevalent during early skeletal formation in rodents.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior is influenced by spatial and temporal habitat heterogeniety. Here we report on within-day foraging and perceived risk of predation by the striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) in a grassland savannah with wooded “islands” using giving-up densities (GUD, amount of food left behind in depletable food patches). Higher GUDs correspond to higher forging costs. GUDs were measured six times per day at 2-h intervals from paired stations along fern–grass habitat boundaries at 3 and 6 m distances from 10 wooded islands. R. pumilio's GUDs varied significantly over the course of the day with highest GUDs during the afternoon hours of 1–3 pm, and lowest between 7 and 9 am in the morning. The same pattern was consistent for both habitats (fern and grass) and distances from the wooded islands. GUDs decreased with distance from the woody islands in both fern and grass habitats and were significantly lower in the fern habitat. This activity pattern suggests that R. pumilio responds to a spectrum of spatially and temporally varying risks from a variety of predators including aerial predators that increase risk as they make use of mid-day thermals.  相似文献   

Group living is expected to evolve under two extreme conditions:when there are net benefits to the individual of living in agroup and when there are net costs to living in a group togetherwith strong ecological constraints on dispersal and independentbreeding. A third condition may facilitate group formation:when the territorial defense of resources that are dispersedwidely or renewed at high rates allows groups to form at nocost to group members. Eurasian badgers are solitary over alarge part of their geographic distribution and forage aloneeven where diey live in territorial groups. To determine whichof the three conditions best explains group living in badgers,we analyzed dispersal and breeding patterns. Using these datawe describe the mechanism of group formation and the net costsor benefits of group living in 16 badger groups in one population.Groups form primarily by the retention of young on their natalterritory. Typically, groups contain one or more sexually maturebut nonbreeding females in addition to one or more breedingfemales. Females do not benefit from group living as indicatedby the lack of relationships, or perhaps negative relationships,between the proportion of adult females that bred in a groupand mean reproductive success, on the one hand, and group sizeand components of group size, on the other. A high reproductivefailure rate among females in this and other populations ofsocial badgers, as compared with a population of solitary badgers,suggests that there is a cost of group living to females. Wepropose that if badgers defend resources whose spatial distributionor high renewal rates allow groups to form on a territory atlitde or no cost to group members, weak ecological constraintson dispersal and independent breeding are sufficient to explainthe formation of groups. Badgers appear to have not evolvedcooperative breeding in response to these ecological conditions,perhaps because badger groups represent an early stage in theevolution of carnivore sociality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize environmental differentiation of lineages within Rhabdomys and provide hypotheses regarding potential areas of contact between them in the Southern African subregion, including the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, and Namibia. Records of Rhabdomys taxa across the study region were compiled and georeferenced from the literature, museum records, and field expeditions. Presence records were summarized within a 10 × 10 km grid covering the study area. Environmental information regarding climate, topography, land use, and vegetation productivity was gathered at the same resolution. Multivariate statistics were used to characterize the current environmental niche and distribution of the whole genus as well as of three mitochondrial lineages known to occur in southern Africa. Distribution modeling was carried out using MAXENT in order to generate hypotheses regarding current distribution of each taxa and their potential contact zones. Results indicate that the two species within Rhabdomys appear to have differentiated across the precipitation/temperature gradient present in the region from east to west. R. dilectus occupies the wettest areas in eastern southern Africa, while R. pumilio occupies the warmer and drier regions in the west, but also penetrates in the more mesic central part of the region. We provide further evidence of environmental differentiation within two lineages of R. dilectus. Contact zones between lineages appear to occur in areas of strong environmental gradients and topographic complexity, such as the transition zones between major biomes and the escarpment area where a sharp altitudinal gradient separates coastal and plateau areas, but also within more homogeneous areas such as within grassland and savannah biomes. Our results indicate that Rhabdomys may be more specialized than previously thought when considering current knowledge regarding mitochondrial lineages. The genus appears to have differentiated along two major environmental axes in the study region, but results also suggest dispersal limitations and biological interactions having a role in limiting current distribution boundaries. Furthermore, the projection of the potential geographic distribution of the different lineages suggests several contact zones that may be interesting study fields for understanding the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes during speciation.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical studies confirm that male matechoice and/or female–female mate competition can be expressedin the absence of sex-role reversal. Such reproductive patternsmay select for the evolution of female traits that indicatefemale phenotypic or genotypic quality among non–role-reversedspecies. Although attention to the evolution and function offemale ornaments is increasing, additional focus is needed onfemale-specific ornaments (those not expressed in conspecificmales) and on nonavian systems in order to gain a broad understandingof how selection acts directly on ornamentation of female animals.In the striped plateau lizard, Sceloporus virgatus, only femalesdevelop orange throat patches during the reproductive season.The color peaks in expression near the time of ovulation andappears to stimulate male courtship. Here, I examine whetherthis female-specific ornament can be used by males to reliablyassess female phenotypic quality. Using multivariate regressionanalyses, I show that the area of the orange color patch predictsbody condition and mite load, the chroma (i.e., saturation)of the color patch predicts body size, and both patch area andchroma reliably predict average egg mass. Thus, female reproductivecolor may function as a condition-dependent signal, indicatingphenotypic quality to potential mates.  相似文献   

The striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) is widely distributed in southern Africa, inhabiting a wide range of habitats. We describe the demography of the striped mouse in the arid succulent karoo of South Africa, and compare our findings with those of published results for the same species from the moist grasslands of South Africa. In both habitats, breeding starts in spring, but the breeding season in the succulent karoo is only half as long as in the grasslands, which can be explained by different patterns and levels of rainfall; the succulent karoo receives mainly winter rain and rainfall is much less (about 160 mm year−1) than in the grasslands (>1000 mm year−1) which experience summer rain. Population density increased from 37 (start of breeding season) to 171 (end of breeding season) mice per hectare. A high yearly survival rate of 27% during our study from summer to the next breeding season resulted in a population density that was 10 times higher in the succulent karoo than in grasslands. The comparatively high population density may result in habitat saturation and thus forced philopatry, promoting group living in the succulent karoo, which contrasts with the solitary life-style exhibited by populations in moist grasslands.


Demographie der Striemengrasmaus (Rhabdomys pumilio) in der SukkulentenkarooDie Striemengrasmaus (Rhabdomys pumilio) ist im südlichen Afrika weit verbreitet und kommt in unterschiedlichen Habitaten vor. In dieser Studie beschreiben wir die Demographie der Striemengrasmaus in der ariden Sukkulentenkaroo Südafrikas, und vergleichen unsere Ergebnisse mit den Ergebnissen früherer Studien, welche dieselbe Art in den feuchten Grasländern Südafrikas untersucht haben. Die Fortpflanzungssaison beginnt in beiden Habitaten im Frühling, aber sie ist in der Sukkulentenkaroo nur halb so lange wie in den Grasländern. Der Grund dafür wird im unterschiedlichen Niederschlagsmuster vermutet: In der Sukkulentenkaroo regnet es wenig im Winter (ca. 160 mm), während es in den Grasländern viel im Sommer regnet (>1000 mm). Die Überlebensrate in der Sukkulentenkaroo war vom Sommer zur nächsten Fortpflanzungssaison im Frühjahr mit 27% außerordentlich hoch, während die Populationsdichte zehnmal so groß war wie in den Grasländern. Am Anfang der Fortpflanzungssaison betrug die Populationsdichte 37 Mäuse ha−1, am Ende der Fortpflanzungssaison 171 Mäuse ha−1. Die außergewöhnlich hohe Populationsdichte führt womöglich zu Habitatsättigung und einem Fehlen freier Territorien, was mit erklären könnte, warum die Striemengrasmaus in der Sukkulentenkaroo gruppenlebend ist, in den Grasländern hingegen solitär.  相似文献   

徐德立  徐来祥 《生态学报》2015,35(6):1882-1890
温带地区小型哺乳动物经常面临着食物资源的波动。食物对动物的免疫功能具有重要影响。将19只成年雄性黑线仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis)随机分为自由取食组(n=9)和限食组(n=10)。注射植物血球凝集素(PHA)来测定细胞介导的免疫反应,用匙孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)免疫动物,然后测定抗KLH抗体的浓度以反映其体液免疫功能。旨在检验食物限制是否会抑制黑线仓鼠的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能。结果发现,与对照组相比,限食组黑线仓鼠具有较低的体重、体脂、脾脏鲜重、血清瘦素水平、免疫球蛋白Ig G和Ig M浓度。而限食对胸腺鲜重、白细胞数、皮质酮水平以及PHA反应没有显著影响。结果表明黑线仓鼠免疫系统的不同成分对限食反应存在差异,在食物资源短缺时,黑线仓鼠防御细胞外病原体的能力降低,从而导致生存能力的下降。  相似文献   

During the course of a study of social relationships in wild, white-faced capuchins at Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rice (May 1990–May 1993), the alpha male was deposed by a subordinate male. The rank reversal was preceded by a decline in proximity maintenance by females to the alpha male, and an increase, in the amount of aggression directed toward the alpha male by the beta female and her female coalition partners. At the time of the rank reversal, females switched from giving thegargle vocalization exclusively to the old alpha male to gargling to the new alpha male; however, juveniles were less consistent with regard to which male they gargled to. At the time of the rank reversal, most adult females reduced the time spent in proximity and grooming with the old alpha male, and increased the time spent in proximity and grooming with the new alpha male. In contrast, juveniles' patterns of affiliation with males did not change in a predictable way following the reversal. The social strategies employed by capuchin monkeys during this rank reversal are compared with those of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Co-transfections of reporter plasmids and plasmids encoding the catalytic domain of the murine Dnmt3a DNA methyltransferase lead to inhibition of reporter gene expression. As Dnmt3a mutants with C-->A and E-->A exchanges in the conserved PCQ and ENV motifs in the catalytic center of the enzyme also cause repression, we checked for their catalytic activity in vitro. Surprisingly, the activity of the cysteine variant and of the corresponding full-length Dnmt3a variant is only two to sixfold reduced with respect to wild-type Dnmt3a. In contrast, enzyme variants carrying E-->A, E-->D or E-->Q exchanges of the ENV glutamate are catalytically almost inactive, demonstrating that this residue has a central function in catalysis. Since the glutamic acid residue contacts the flipped base, its main function could be to hold the target base at a position that supports methyl group transfer. Whereas wild-type Dnmt3a and the ENV variants form covalent complexes with 5-fluorocytidine modified DNA, the PCN variant does not. Therefore, covalent complex formation is not essential in the reaction mechanism of Dnmt3a. We propose that correct positioning of the flipped base and the cofactor and binding to the transition state of methyl group transfer are the most important roles of the Dnmt3a enzyme in the catalytic cycle of methyl group transfer.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether or not endogenous cholecystokinin exerts satiety effects in chickens. After several doses (0, 1, 2 and 4 g·kg body weight-1) of intravenous injection of caerulein, the bile flow was increased in a dose-dependent fashion. However, the pharmacological level of caerulein failed to suppress the food intake of chickens. Two potent stimulators of endogenous cholecystokinin, i.e., soybean trypsin inhibitor and phenylalanine were administered to chickens before feeding and food intake was determined over 2 h. The soybean trypsin inhibitor and phenylalanine did not alter food intake. Devazepide, a cholecystokinin-A receptor antagonist, significantly decreased amylase release from the dispersed chicken pancreatic acini stimulated by caerulein. However, devazepide did not improve food intake of the chicken. The results obtained suggest that endogenous cholecystokinin may not act as a satiety signal in chickens.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - BW body weight - CCK cholecystokinin - DVZ devazepide - Hepes N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - i.p. intraperitoneal - i.v. intravenous - Phe phenylalanine - SBTI soybean trypsin inhibitor - SEM standard errors of means  相似文献   

Field observations suggest that the diet of the Malagasy gray mouse lemur consists not only of non-stationary animal prey (invertebrates or small vertebrates), but also of stationary food resources such as gum or homopteran larvae secretions (HLS). We studied the foraging behavior of five mouse lemurs radiotelemetrically, each during six consecutive nights in the dry season, to explore to which extent they use these food resources and whether there is evidence for their relocation. We found that animals used all three different food categories. Mouse lemurs fed on gums and spent 68.5% (range 20.1-99.7%) of their feeding time eating this item. They were observed eating HLS in 8.4% (range 0-71.5%) of the feeding time and consuming small animals in 8.4% (range 0.3-26%) of their feeding time. The animals relocated stationary feeding sites significantly more frequently than non-stationary ones. They revisited the relocated stationary food sites about five times over the six nights. Furthermore, departure directions when leaving the sleeping site at dusk were not randomly distributed but showed a preferred orientation. Altogether, we provided first evidence for the relocation of stationary food resources in nature and thereby for the potential significance of spatial memory during foraging in a strepsirhine primate.  相似文献   

Partitioned Bayesian analysis of whole mitochondrial genome sequences from 30 basal teleosts confidently placed Sundasalanx (Sundasalangidae) within the Clupeiformes, not Osmeriformes as originally thought. This study represents the first demonstration of the phylogenetic position of Sundasalanx on a phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

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