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To learn about the correlation between allostery and ligand binding of the Tet repressor (TetR) we analyzed the effect of mutations in the DNA reading head-core interface on the effector specific TetR(i2) variant. The same mutations in these subdomains can lead to completely different activities, e.g. the V99G exchange in the wild-type leads to corepression by 4-ddma-atc without altering DNA binding. However, in TetR(i2) it leads to 4-ddma-atc dependent repression in combination with reduced DNA binding in the absence of effector. The thermodynamic analysis of effector binding revealed decreased affinities and positive cooperativity. Thus, mutations in this interface can influence DNA binding as well as effector binding, albeit both ligand binding sites are not in direct contact to these altered residues. This finding represents a novel communication mode of TetR. Thus, allostery may not only operate by the structural change proposed on the basis of the crystal structures.  相似文献   

Histidine triad nucleotide binding protein (HINT1) is an intracellular protein that binds purine mononucleotides. Strong sequence conservation suggests that these proteins play a fundamental role in cell biology, however its exact cellular function continues to remain elusive. nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies using STD and HSQC were conducted to observe ligand binding to HINT1. These studies were confirmed using fluorescence spectroscopy titrations. We found that AICAR, the first non-phosphate containing ligand, binds to mouse histidine triad nucleotide binding protein 1 (HINT1). Chemical shift perturbations are mapped onto the X-ray structure showing AICAR binds at the same site as GMP. The NMR results demonstrated that this method will be valuable for the future screening of small molecules that can be used to modulate the function of HINT1.  相似文献   

The tryptophan repressor regulates expression of the aroH, trpEDCBA, and trpR operons in Escherichia coli. The protein contains no cysteine residues, and the presence of this reactive side chain would allow introduction of spectral probes to monitor binding reactions. Three mutant trp aporepressors, each with a point mutation from serine to cysteine, were produced at positions 67, 86, and 88 by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis. This single conservative substitution affected both tryptophan and operator DNA affinities in all three purified proteins. Cysteine substitution for serine at position 67 decreased tryptophan binding by approximately 6-fold and the operator DNA affinity by approximately 50-fold. The proximity of this amino acid to Gln-68 which is involved in binding to operator DNA (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329) may account for this effect. Substitution at position 86 diminished tryptophan binding by approximately 4-fold and operator DNA binding by approximately 130-fold. The participation of Ser-86 in the hydrogen bond network required for operator binding (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329) presumably accounts for the DNA binding effects. The diminished corepressor activity in these two mutants may derive from distortions of the binding region, as the tryptophan and DNA binding sites are intimately related. The mutation at position 88 altered tryptophan binding the most of the three mutants (approximately 18-fold) and operator binding least (approximately 12-fold). Ser-88 forms a hydrogen bond with the amino group of bound tryptophan (Schevitz, R. W., Otwinowski, Z., Joachimiak, A., Lawson, C. L., and Sigler, P. B. (1985) Nature 317, 782-786), and alteration of the geometry of the side chain would be anticipated to perturb the topology of the binding site. The diminished operator affinity may derive from improper alignment of the tryptophan ligand, crucial for high affinity operator binding (Otwinowski, Z., Schevitz, R. W., Zhang, R.-G., Lawson, C. L., Joachimiak, A., Marmorstein, R. Q., Luisi, B. F., and Sigler, P. B. (1988) Nature 335, 321-329).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Amino acid alterations were designed at the C terminus of the hinge segment (amino acids approximately 51-59) that links two functional domains within lactose repressor protein (LacI). Gly was introduced between Gly(58) and Lys(59) to generate Gly(58+1); Gln(60) was changed to Gly or Pro, and up to three additional glycines were inserted following Gln(60) --> Gly. All mutant proteins exhibited purification behavior, CD spectra, assembly state, and inducer binding properties similar to wild-type LacI and only small differences in trypsin proteolysis patterns. In contrast, significant differences were observed in DNA binding properties. Gly(58+1) exhibited a decrease of approximately 100-fold in affinity for O(1) operator, and sequential Gly insertion C-terminal to Gln(60) --> Gly resulted in progressively decreased affinity for O(1) operator, approaching nonspecific levels for insertion of >/=2 glycines. Where sufficient affinity for O(1) operator existed, decreased binding to O(1) in the presence of inducer indicated no disruption in the allosteric response for these proteins. Collectively, these results indicate that flexibility and/or spacing between the core and N-terminal domains did not significantly affect folding or assembly, but these alterations in the hinge domain profoundly altered affinity of the lactose repressor protein for its wild-type target sequence.  相似文献   

C F Sams  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1988,27(7):2277-2281
Modification of the lactose repressor protein of Escherichia coli with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DPC) results in decreased inducer binding as well as operator and nonspecific DNA binding. Spectrophotometric measurements indicated a maximum of three histidines per subunit was modified, and quantitation of lysine residues with trinitrobenzenesulfonate revealed the modification of one lysine residue. The loss of DNA binding, both operator and nonspecific, was correlated with histidine modification; removal of the carbethoxy groups from the histidines by hydroxylamine was accompanied by significant recovery of DNA binding function. The presence of inducing sugars during the DPC reaction had no effect on histidine modification or the loss of DNA binding activity. In contrast, inducer binding was not recovered upon reversal of the histidine modification. However, the presence of inducer during reaction protected lysine from reaction and also prevented the decrease in inducer binding; these results indicate that reaction of the lysine residue(s) may correlate to the loss of sugar binding activity. Since no difference in incorporation of radiolabeled carbethoxy was observed following reaction with diethyl pyrocarbonate in the presence or absence of inducer, the reagent appears to function as a catalyst in the modification of the lysine. The formation of an amide bond between the affected lysine and a nearby carboxylic acid moiety provides a possible mechanism for the activity loss. Reaction of the isolated NH2-terminal domain resulted in loss of DNA binding with modification of the single histidine at position 29. Results from the modification of core domain paralleled observations with intact repressor.  相似文献   

T J Daly  J S Olson  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5468-5474
The lactose repressor protein has been modified with three sulfhydryl-specific reagents which form mixed disulfide adducts. Methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS) and 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) completely reacted with all three cysteine residues, whereas only partial reaction was observed with didansylcystine. Cysteines-107 and -140 reacted stoichiometrically with MMTS and DTNB, while Cys-281 was modified only at higher molar ratios. Didansylcystine reacted primarily with cysteines-107 and -140. Affinity of MMTS-modified repressor for 40 base pair operator DNA was decreased 30-fold compared to unmodified repressor, and this decrease correlated with modification of cysteine-281. DTNB-modified repressor bound operator DNA with a 50-fold weaker affinity than unmodified repressor. Modification of the lac repressor with didanylcystine decreased operator binding only 4-fold, and nonspecific DNA binding increased 3-fold compared to unmodified repressor. No change in the inducer equilibrium binding constant was observed following modification with any of these reagents. In contrast, inducer association and dissociation rate constants were decreased approximately 50-fold for repressor completely modified with MMTS or DTNB, while didansylcystine had minimal effect on inducer binding kinetics. Correlation between modification of Cys-281 and the observed decrease in rate constants indicates that this region of the protein regulates the accessibility of the sugar binding site. The parallel between the increase in the Kd for repressor binding to operator, the altered rate constant for inducer binding, and modification of cysteine-281 suggests that this region of the protein is crucially involved in the function of the repressor protein.  相似文献   

Regulatory proteins often communicate with each other to manage various cellular processes. Such interactions mostly rely on the recognition of small peptide motifs. The activity of other regulatory proteins depends on small molecular weight effectors and allostery. We demonstrate the in vivo regulation of the tetracycline-dependent Tet repressor by an oligopeptide fused to the N or C terminus of thioredoxin A. The binding site of the peptide overlaps but is not identical with the tetracycline binding site. Several TetR mutants that are non-inducible by tetracycline also respond to the peptide. This demonstrates for the first time the conversion of a small molecular weight effector-dependent regulator to a protein-protein contact-dependent potential member of designed signaling chains.  相似文献   

Evidence for leucine zipper motif in lactose repressor protein   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Amino acid sequence homology between the carboxyl-terminal segment of the lac repressor and eukaryotic proteins containing the leucine zipper motif with associated basic DNA binding region (bZIP) has been identified. Based on the sequence comparisons, site-specific mutations have been generated at two sites predicted to participate in oligomer formation based on the three-leucine heptad repeat at positions 342, 349, and 356. Leu342----Ala, Leu349----Ala, and Leu349----Pro have been isolated and their oligomeric state and ligand binding properties evaluated. These mutant proteins do not form tetramers but exist as stable dimers with inducer binding comparable with the wild-type protein. Apparent operator affinities for lac repressor proteins with mutations in the proposed bZIP domain were significantly lower than the corresponding wild-type values. For these dimeric mutant proteins, the monomer-dimer equilibrium is linked to the apparent operator binding constant. The values for the monomer-monomer binding constant and for the intrinsic operator binding constant for the dimer cannot be resolved from measurements of the observed Kd for operator DNA. Further studies on these proteins are in progress.  相似文献   

Zhan H  Swint-Kruse L  Matthews KS 《Biochemistry》2006,45(18):5896-5906
A significant number of eukaryotic regulatory proteins are predicted to have disordered regions. Many of these proteins bind DNA, which may serve as a template for protein folding. Similar behavior is seen in the prokaryotic LacI/GalR family of proteins that couple hinge-helix folding with DNA binding. These hinge regions form short alpha-helices when bound to DNA but appear to be disordered in other states. An intriguing question is whether and to what degree intrinsic helix propensity contributes to the function of these proteins. In addition to its interaction with operator DNA, the LacI hinge helix interacts with the hinge helix of the homodimer partner as well as to the surface of the inducer-binding domain. To explore the hierarchy of these interactions, we made a series of substitutions in the LacI hinge helix at position 52, the only site in the helix that does not interact with DNA and/or the inducer-binding domain. The substitutions at V52 have significant effects on operator binding affinity and specificity, and several substitutions also impair functional communication with the inducer-binding domain. Results suggest that helical propensity of amino acids in the hinge region alone does not dominate function; helix-helix packing interactions appear to also contribute. Further, the data demonstrate that variation in operator sequence can overcome side chain effects on hinge-helix folding and/or hinge-hinge interactions. Thus, this system provides a direct example whereby an extrinsic interaction (DNA binding) guides internal events that influence folding and functionality.  相似文献   

The lactose repressor protein from the mutant Escherichia coli BG185 contains valine at position 81 instead of alanine. Spectroscopic, chemical and direct binding measurements demonstrate that the BG185 protein exhibits properties similar to the wild-type repressor-inducer complex. Kinetic measurements of inducer binding to BG185 repressor yielded rate constants that were more than two orders of magnitude smaller than those observed for wild-type repressor; these results suggest that the structural transitions required for inducer binding are markedly impaired by the mutation. The fluorescence spectral shift in response to inducer binding was identical for mutant and wild-type proteins. This identity indicates direct effects of inducer binding on the tryptophan(s) near the sugar binding site rather than environmental changes consequent to conformational shifts. Analogy to the bacterial sugar binding proteins suggest that the Ala to Val change at position 81 in BG185 repressor yields a molecule that is fixed in a closed, sugar-binding conformation.  相似文献   

J K Barry  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1999,38(20):6520-6528
Lactose repressor protein, regulator of lac enzyme expression in Escherichia coli, maintains its structure and function at extremely low protein concentrations (<10(-)12 M). To examine the unfolding and dissociation of this tetrameric protein, structural transitions in the presence of varying concentrations of urea were monitored by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation, and functional activities. The spectroscopic data demonstrated a single cooperative transition with no evidence of folded dimeric or monomeric species of this protein. These spectroscopic transitions were reversible provided a long incubation step was employed in the refolding reaction at approximately 3 M urea. The refolded repressor protein possessed the same functional and structural properties as wild-type repressor protein. The absence of concentration dependence expected for tetramer dissociation to unfolded monomer (M4 <--> 4U) in the spectral transitions indicates that the disruption of the monomer-monomer interface and monomer unfolding are a concerted reaction (M4 <--> U4) that may occur prior to the dissociation of the dimer-dimer interface. Thus, we propose that the unfolded monomers remain associated at the C-terminus by the 4-helical coiled-coil structure that forms the dimer-dimer interface and that this intermediate is the end point detected in the spectral transitions. Efforts to confirm the existence of this species by ultracentrifugation were inhibited by the aggregation of this intermediate. Based upon these observations, the wild-type fluorescence and CD data were fit to a model, M4 <--> U4, which resulted in an overall DeltaG degrees for unfolding of 40 kcal/mol. Using a mutant protein, K84L, in which the monomer-monomer interface is stabilized, sedimentation equilibrium results demonstrated that the dimer-dimer interface of lac repressor could persist at higher levels of urea than the monomer-monomer interface. The tetramer-dimer transition monitored using this mutant repressor yields a DeltaG degrees of 20.4 kcal/mol. Using this free energy value for the dissociation process of U4 <--> 4U, an overall free energy change of approximately 60 kcal/mol was calculated for dissociation of all interfaces and unfolding of the tetrameric lac repressor, reflecting the exceptional stability of this protein.  相似文献   

T J Daly  K S Matthews 《Biochemistry》1986,25(19):5479-5484
The effects of cysteine modification and variations in pH on the equilibrium parameters for inducer and operator binding to the lactose repressor protein were examined. Operator binding affinity was minimally affected by increasing the pH from 7.5 to 9.2, whereas inducer binding was decreased for both the unliganded protein and the repressor-operator complex over the same range. Inducer binding to the repressor became more cooperative at high pH. The midpoint for the change in inducer affinity and cooperativity was pH 8.3; this value correlates well with cysteine ionization. The differential between repressor-operator affinity in the presence and absence of inducer was significantly decreased by modification of the protein with methyl methanethiosulfonate (MMTS). In contrast to unreacted protein, the inducer binding parameters for MMTS-modified repressor were largely unaffected by pH variation. The free energy for formation of the completely liganded protein was calculated for two pathways; the delta G values for these two independent routes were equivalent only for stoichiometries of four inducers and two operators per repressor molecule. All of the binding data were analyzed quantitatively by using a Monod-Wyman-Changeux two-state model for allosteric regulation. The observed dependences of the isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactoside binding curves on pH, DNA concentration, and MMTS modification were fitted by varying only the equilibrium constant between the two conformational states of the protein. With this analysis, high pH favors the T (high operator/low inducer affinity) state, while modification of cysteine-281 with MMTS elicits a shift into the R (high inducer/low operator affinity) state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Modification of the lysine residues in the lactose repressor protein has been carried out with trinitrobenzenesulfonate. Reaction of lysine residues at positions 33, 37, 108, 290, and 327 was observed. Inducer binding was increased by modification with this reagent, while both nonspecific DNA binding and operator DNA binding were diminished, although to differing degrees. The loss in operator DNA binding capacity was complete with modification of approximately 2 equiv of lysine per monomer. The extent of reaction was affected by the presence of both sugar and DNA ligands; binding activities of the modified protein and reaction pattern of the lysines were perturbed by these ligands. The presence of operator or nonspecific DNA during the reaction protected against specific and nonspecific DNA binding activity loss. This protection presumably occurs by steric restriction of reagent access to lysine residues which are essential for both nonspecific and operator binding interactions. Lysines-33 and -108 were protected from modification in the presence of DNA. These experiments suggest that the charge on the lysine residues is important for protein interaction with DNA and that steric constraints for operator DNA interaction with the protein are more restrictive than for nonspecific DNA binding. In contrast, inducer (isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactoside) presence partially protected lysine-290 from modification while significantly enhancing reaction at lysine-327. Conformational alterations consequent to inducer binding are apparently reflected in these altered lysine reactivities.  相似文献   

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Dror Tobi 《Proteins》2016,84(2):267-277
The dynamics of the ligand‐binding domain (LBD) and the intact ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) were studied using Gaussian Network Model (GNM) analysis. The dynamics of LBDs with various allosteric modulators is compared using a novel method of multiple alignment of GNM modes of motion. The analysis reveals that allosteric effectors change the dynamics of amino acids at the upper lobe interface of the LBD dimer as well as at the hinge region between the upper‐ and lower‐ lobes. For the intact glutamate receptor the analysis show that the clamshell‐like movement of the LBD upper and lower lobes is coupled to the bending of the trans‐membrane domain (TMD) helices which may open the channel pore. The results offer a new insight on the mechanism of action of allosteric modulators on the iGluR and support the notion of TMD helices bending as a possible mechanism for channel opening. In addition, the study validates the methodology of multiple GNM modes alignment as a useful tool to study allosteric effect and its relation to proteins dynamics. Proteins 2016; 84:267–277. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Falcon CM  Matthews KS 《Biochemistry》2000,39(36):11074-11083
The mechanism by which genetic regulatory proteins discern specific target DNA sequences remains a major area of inquiry. To explore in more detail the interplay between DNA and protein sequence, we have examined binding of variant lac operator DNA sequences to a series of mutant lactose repressor proteins (LacI). These proteins were altered in the C-terminus of the hinge region that links the N-terminal DNA binding and core sugar binding domains. Variant operators differed from the wild-type operator, O(1), in spacing and/or symmetry of the half-sites that contact the LacI N-terminal DNA binding domain. Binding of wild-type and mutant proteins was affected differentially by variations in operator sequence and symmetry. While the mutant series exhibits a 10(4)-fold range in binding affinity for O(1) operator, only a approximately 20-fold difference in affinity is observed for a completely symmetric operator, O(sym), used widely in studies of the LacI protein. Further, DNA sequence influenced allosteric response for these proteins. Binding of this LacI mutant series to other variant operator DNA sequences indicated the importance of symmetry-related bases, spacing, and the central base pair sequence in high affinity complex formation. Conformational flexibility in the DNA and other aspects of the structure influenced by the sequence may establish the binding environment for protein and determine both affinity and potential for allostery.  相似文献   

Human serum transferrin is an iron-binding and -transport protein which carries iron from the blood stream into various cells. Iron is held in two deep clefts located in the N- and C-lobes by coordinating to four amino acid ligands, Asp 63, Tyr 95, Tyr 188, and His 249 (N-lobe numbering), and to two oxygens from carbonate. We have previously reported the effect on the iron-binding properties of the N-lobe following mutation of the ligands Asp 63, Tyr 95, and Tyr 188. Here we report the profound functional changes which result from mutating His 249 to Ala, Glu, or Gln. The results are consistent with studies done in lactoferrin which showed that the histidine ligand is critical for the stability of the iron-binding site [H. Nicholson, B. F. Anderson, T. Bland, S. C. Shewry, J. W. Tweedie, and E. N. Baker (1997) Biochemistry 36, 341-346]. In the mutant H249A, the histidine ligand is disabled, resulting in a dramatic reduction in the kinetic stability of the protein toward loss of iron. The H249E mutant releases iron three times faster than wild-type protein but shows significant changes in both EPR spectra and the binding of anion. This appears to be the net effect of the metal ligand substitution from a neutral histidine residue to a negative glutamate residue and the disruption of the "dilysine trigger" [MacGillivray, R. T. A., Bewley, M. C., Smith, C. A., He, Q.-Y., Mason, A. B., Woodworth, R. C., and Baker, E. N. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 1211-1216]. In the H249Q mutant, Gln 249 appears not to directly contact the iron, given the similarity in the spectroscopic properties and the lability of iron release of this mutant to the H249A mutant. Further evidence for this idea is provided by the preference of both the H249A and H249Q mutants for nitrilotriacetate rather than carbonate in binding iron, probably because NTA is able to provide a third ligation partner. An intermediate species has been identified during the kinetic interconversion between the NTA and carbonate complexes of the H249A mutant. Thus, mutation of the His 249 residue does not abolish iron binding to the transferrin N-lobe but leads to the appearance of novel iron-binding sites of varying structure and stability.  相似文献   

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