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After total-body exposure to various doses of ionizing radiation, the ability of lymphocytes to interact specifically with high endothelial venules of rat cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes was analyzed in frozen sections. Following a radiation dose of 1.5 Gy, high endothelial venules remained intact and the binding of unirradiated lymphocytes to the venules was enhanced relative to unirradiated controls. At radiation doses above 5.0 Gy, damage to high endothelial venules was observed histologically as well as assessed functionally. There was a significant decrease in specific lymphocyte-venule binding and a significant increase in nonspecific binding. These findings suggest that radiation-induced damage to high endothelial venules might play a role in radiation-induced immunosuppression by interfering with the normal passage of lymphocytes from the blood into lymph nodes via a specific interaction between lymphocytes and high endothelial venules.  相似文献   

Organization of mesosomes in fixed and unfixed cells.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
After the addition of glutaraldehyde (GA) to cells incubated at 3 or 37 degrees C, mesosomes were observed with increasing frequencies in freeze fractures of cells. These increases were related to the kinetics with which GA cross-linked adjacent amino acids. Upon the addition of GA, mesosomes were first observed in the periphery of freeze-fractured cells usually attached to septal membranes. However, the time, while the septal attachment sites were maintained, the "bodies" of the mesosomes were observed to move toward the center of the cytoplasm. This centralization process was much more rapid at 37 than at 3 degrees C. It is hypothesized that upon fixation, or receipt of some physical insult, mesosome precursors found in undisturbed cells undergo a change in state that results in their visibility in freeze fractures.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes migrate from blood into lymph nodes (LN) and Peyer's patches (PP) of rats specifically at segments of venules lined by high endothelium (HEV). We previously identified and isolated a lymphocyte surface component termed high endothelial binding factor (HEBF) that appears to be involved in lymphocyte adhesion to high endothelial cells of LN. HEBF has also been isolated from thoracic duct lymph and is antigenically related to the cell surface component. Soluble HEBF derived from detergent lysates of thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) or directly from lymph has affinity for HEVLN in vitro, and is able to block sites where lymphocytes would normally attach. In the present study, lymphocyte binding sites of HEVLN and HEVPP were investigated through the use of lymph-derived HEBF and rabbit antibody to this factor. The results show that treatment of rat TDL with anti-HEBF Fab did not block binding to HEVPP, even though adhesion to HEVLN was reduced by 80% or more. Similarly, HEBF isolated by anti-HEBF F(ab')2 affinity chromatography blocked lymphocyte binding sites of HEVLN but not HEVPP. This material is therefore designated HEBFLN, and antibody to it is designated anti-HEBFLN Ig. Fractionation of thoracic duct lymph revealed that it contained an antigenically distinct component, HEBFPP, which blocked lymphocyte binding to HEVPP but not to HEVLN. Lymph components precipitating between 40 and 60% (NH4)2SO4 saturation contained both factors, which were separated from the bulk of lymph proteins by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography and then from each other by fractionation on the anti-HEBFLN F(ab')2-Sepharose column. The unbound fraction from this column contained HEBFPP, which was then partially purified by CM-Sepharose filtration. HEBFPP appeared to be a glycoprotein because it was destroyed by trypsin, bound to lentil lectin, and was eluted with alpha-methyl-mannoside. Together, the results demonstrate the existence of two antigenically distinct species of HEBF, and imply that lymphocyte binding sites of HEVLN and HEVPP are structurally different. We interpret the results to mean that distinct high endothelial adhesion molecules on lymphocytes mediate their entry into LN and PP.  相似文献   

The specific adherence to target fibroblasts of lymphocytes differentiated in vitro from blast cells after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen was studied under the electron microscope. Lymphocyte pseudopods were seen to penetrate into the target cells forming a close contact between the membranes of the two interacting cells. Microfilaments were the only cytoplasmic components that could be detected within or in the vicinity of the penetrating pseudopods. No morphological signs of secretion could be observed in the contact region. Morphological aspects of the contact region are discussed as related to the lytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte migration from the blood into most secondary lymphoid organs is initiated by a highly selective adhesive interaction with the endothelium of specialized blood vessels known as high endothelial venules (HEV). The propensity of lymphocytes to migrate to particular lymphoid organs is known as lymphocyte homing, and the receptors on lymphocytes that dictate interactions with HEV at particular anatomical sites are designated "homing receptors". Based upon antibody blockade experiments and cell-type distribution studies, a prominent candidate for the peripheral lymph node homing receptor in mouse is the approximately 90-kD cell surface glycoprotein (gp90MEL) recognized by the monoclonal antibody MEL-14. Previous work, including sequencing of a cDNA encoding for this molecule, supports the possibility that gp90MEL is a calcium-dependent lectin-like receptor. Here, we show that immunoaffinity-purified gp90MEL interacts in a sugar-inhibitable manner with sites on peripheral lymph node HEV and prevents attachment of lymphocytes. Lymphocyte attachment to HEV in Peyer's patches, a gut-associated lymphoid organ, is not affected by gp90MEL. The results demonstrate that gp90MEL, as a lectin-like receptor, directly bridges lymphocytes to the endothelium.  相似文献   

目的:研究高内皮微静脉周围网状细胞和网状纤维网的形态、密度、排列方式及其空间联系,探讨高内皮微静脉周围网状的组织构筑与功能。方法:用镀银染色光镜观察法和冻裂割断扫描电镜观察法观察健康、成熟Wistar大鼠肠系膜淋巴结内高内皮微静脉的基质网状结构。结果:高内皮微静脉周围基质结构主要由密集、交织的网状细胞和网状纤维组成,并在高内皮微静脉周围形成轮样结构。结论:高内皮微静脉周围网状纤维形成网状纤维网,并与淋巴迷路周围的淋巴迷路周围的网状纤维网相连,可能是淋巴细胞归巢的重要通路。  相似文献   

Summary Two long-term cultured cell lines were established from BALB/c mouse axillary and cervical lymph nodes that exhibited a combination of functional, morphological, and phenotypic characteristics consistent only with high endothelial venule cells. Spleen lymphocytes selectively bound and migrated across the cell lines. On Matrigel, these cell lines formed tubules with lumens, a characteristic unique to endothelial cells. Morphologically the cells were 20–30 μm in diameter and exhibited contact inhibition. The cells were not myeloid in origin because they lacked sodium fluoride-inhibitable nonspecific esterase activity, myeloperoxidase activity, and F4/80 antigen. The cell line phenotypes were compared to high endothelial venule (HEV) cells in tissue sections. HEV cells in lymph node tissue sections expressed endoglin, PECAM-1, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, laminin, fibronectin, collagen IV, H2Kd, MECA 79, MECA 325, and vWF. The cell lines expressed endoglin, VCAM-1, fibronectin, and H2Kd. The cell line derived from cervical lymph nodes also expressed laminin and H2Dd. Neither cell line expressed collagen IV, IAd, ICAM-1, ICAM-2, dendritic cell antigen, or PECAM-1. They also did not express MECA antigens or intracellular vWF, consistent with reports of many cultured endothelial cells. To further substantiate cell line identification, antiserum generated against the cell lines bound specifically to HEV cells in frozen lymph node tissue sections and to both of the lymph node-derived cell lines but not control cell lines. Thus, the lymph node derived-cell lines expressed molecules found on HEV cellsin vivo and most importantly retained the functions of tubule formation, lymphocyte adhesion, and promotion of lymphocyte migration.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte migration from the blood into the lymph nodes in most species occurs across post-capillary high endothelial venules (HEV). In a previous study, we proposed that lymphocyte extravasation involves receptor-mediated binding followed by adenylate cyclase-dependent activation of lymphocyte motility. This hypothesis was, in part, based on observations of in vitro lymphocyte adherence to HEV by employing pertussigen, which is a known inhibitor of lymphocyte recirculation. In vitro lymphocyte-HEV binding requires a cold (6 degrees C) incubation step and binding is poor to nil if the assay is attempted at room (23 degrees C) or physiologic temperature. We decided to investigate why this assay is temperature restricted, because of the possibility that pertussigen or fucoidin -treated lymphocytes might interact with HEV differently at higher temperatures. We now report that O.C.T. compound (OCT), the embedding matrix generally used to cut frozen lymph node sections, is toxic to lymphocytes at temperatures above 6 degrees C. Exclusion of OCT from the assay system will allow lymphocyte-HEV binding to occur at 23 degrees C and to a lesser extent at 37 degrees C. With this modified protocol, lymphocytes treated with either pertussigen, fucoidin , or neuraminidase were tested for adherence to HEV at 23 degrees C. No essential difference in binding properties was observed from what had been reported at 6 degrees C. In contrast, trypsin-treated lymphocytes that did not bind to HEV with the standard technique at 6 degrees C did adhere to a minimal extent to HEV at 23 degrees C using the modified procedure. We also report some preliminary work, using the modified assay, on in vitro lymphocyte-HEV binding of rat, rabbit, and guinea pig lymphocytes to sections of lymph nodes from the respective species.  相似文献   

Bacterial adherence to human endothelial cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is frequently caused by exposure of the lung endothelium to circulating endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) and pulmonary infections frequently develop during the course of ARDS. The present studies demonstrate that LPS and interleukin 1 (IL-1, a mediator released by endothelial cells after exposure to LPS) enhance the adherence of Staphylococcus aureus to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. gamma-Interferon, another mediator that induces expression of some cell surface antigens on endothelial cells, had no effect on bacterial adherence. The adherence of bacteria to endothelium was increased by prior opsonization of the bacteria with fresh human serum and was reduced by prior absorption of the serum with bacteria before the use of the serum for opsonization. The capacity of LPS to increase bacterial adherence was time dependent and was maximally expressed after 6 h of exposure; it was blocked by exposure of endothelial cells to LPS in the presence of reduced temperature or dactinomycin (Actinomycin D). These observations suggest that circulating LPS not only can trigger the development of ARDS but also may predispose the lung to the development of pulmonary infections by increasing adherence of bacteria to endothelium.  相似文献   

Adult bone marrow contains both B lymphocytes and their immediate precursors, pre-B cells. These two cells differ in size and can be separated by velocity sedimentation; B cells are enriched in the subpopulation of cells sedimenting at between 2.0 and 3.5 mm/hr and pre-B cells in the subpopulation between 5.0 and 7.0 mm/hr. Incubation of pre-B cells in vitro for 4 or 5 days leads to their differentiation into functional B lymphocytes. The transition form pre-B to B appears to occur in two steps. The first step gives mitogen responsive B cells with an intermediate sedimentation velocity and the second step produces typical small, slowly sedimenting B cells. Pre-B cells can be quantified by using a limiting dilution assay and occur at a frequency of 1/60 in the subpopulation of rapidly sedimenting bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

In vitro monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells (CFC) have been detected in the thymus (30/10(6) cells) and in the cervical (22/10(6)) and mesenteric (20/10(6)) lymph nodes (LN) of the mouse. Thymus and LN derived CFC differed from bone marrow derived CFU-c in several characteristics parameters: (1) sole specificity of PMUE to induce colony formation (CF), (2) apparent singular line of monocyte-macrophage differentiation, (3) a marked 6- to 10-day lag period prior to initiation of CF, and (4) significantly slower rates of appearance of colonies in culture after initiation of CF. Two of these parameters are shared with those CFC detected within alveolar space, peritoneal exudate and pleural effusion. These are the delay prior to CF and the singular monocyte-macrophage differentiation. These similarities suggested that T-CFC and LN-CFC are probably of similar origin and represent, as suggested by Lin and Stewart ('74), a population of progenitor cells exclusively for monocyte-macrophages.  相似文献   

A spontaneous rosette phenomenon occurs in vitro when suspensions of mouse testicular cells are mixed with suspensions of lymphocytes. The core cell of these rosettes are the Leydig cells, and the coronas are formed by lymphocytes. No other testicular cell, either seminal or Sertoli, participates in lymphocyte binding.Autogeneic, syngeneic, allogeneic, and xenogeneic lymphocytes from thymus, spleen, and peripheral blood similarly react with mouse Leydig cells. Lymphocytes from spleens of athymic nude mice and from chicken bursa also give Leydig rosettes. It is suggested that mouse Leydig cells carry membrane receptors spontaneously recognized by lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes sensitized to allogeneic determinants in vitro were continuously cultured on medium prepared from phytohemagglutinin-(PHA-P) stimulated human mixed lymphocyte cultures. With such human-conditioned medium (HCM), human peripheral lymphoid cells could be grown in culture for over 90 days with a doulbing time of about 54 hr. Cytotoxic lymphocytes could be grown in culture for this time with no loss of cytotoxicity or change in cytotoxic specificity.  相似文献   

Rat thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) are capable of selective adherence to the endothelium of high-endothelial venules (HEV) when overlaid onto glutaraldehyde-fixed sections of lymph nodes. The data presented indicate that lymphocyte adherence is an energy-dependent, calcium-requiring event that involves membrane determinants on TDL which are sensitive to trypsin. Surface sialic acids on lymphocytes are not essential and treatment of the cells with neuraminidase does not interfere with their attachment to HEV. There was no evidence that microtubule-associated functions play a role in binding. Adherence, however, is abolished by cytochalasin B, indicating that the cytoplasmic contractile microfilament system exerts an important effect. The results imply that lymphocyte surface membrane modulation is involved in the development of strong adhesive forces that bind the cells to the endothelium. In addition, lymphocyte-HEV adherence is reduced by ionophore A-23187, an agent known to inhibit surface membrane receptor movement. It is suggested that specific binding of recirculating lymphocytes to HEV is not a passive event, but that activation of cytoplasmic contractile forces in the lymphocyte is required for the formation of stable lymphocyte-HEV binding.  相似文献   

HLA-A2402-restricted and carcinoembryonic-antigen(CEA)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were induced by culturing human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) on formalin-fixed autologous adhesive PBMC that had been loaded with CEA-bound latex beads. The CTL killed the CEA-producing HLA-type matched cancer cells, but not the non-producers of CEA, at an effector/target ratio of 10 within 24 h. On the basis of available HLA-A24-binding peptides, we have also attempted to identify the epitope peptide recognized by the CTL. The peptide CEA652(9), TYACFVSNL, stimulated the CTL most strongly when pulsed on HLA-A2402-expressing target cells. The other nine peptides so far tested were also active, but less efficient in their effect on CTL. The CTL failed to kill target cells pulsed with the HLA-A2-binding CEA peptide, CAP-1. The CTL were also generated on the fixed adherent cells previously pulsed with the peptide CEA652(9). Cytotoxic activity of the CTL was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies against CD3, CD8, and MHC class I molecules. These results suggest that human autologous CTL will be inducible on the autologous fixed PBMC without use of the cultured target cancer cells if tumor antigenic protein is available. Received: 31 December 1997 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

High endothelial venules of the lymph nodes express Fas ligand.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fas (CD95, APO-1) is widely expressed on lymphatic cells, and by interacting with its natural ligand (Fas-L), Fas induces apoptosis through a complex caspase cascade. In this study we sought to survey Fas-L expression in vascular and sinusoidal structures of human reactive lymph nodes. Immunohistochemical Fas-L expression was present in all paracortical high endothelial venules (HEVs), in cells lining the marginal sinus wall, and in a few lymphocytes, but only occasionally in non-HEV vascular endothelium. In the paracortical zone over 60% of all vessels and all paracortical HEVs showed Fas-L expression, whereas in the medullary zone less than 10% of the blood vessels were stained with Fas-L. Normal vessels outside lymph nodes mostly showed no Fas-L expression. We show that in human reactive lymph nodes Fas-L expression is predominantly present in HEVs. Because the circulating lymphocytes gain entry to nodal parenchyma by transendothelial migration through HEVs, the suggested physiological importance of Fas-L expression in these vessels lies in the regulation of lymphocyte access to lymph node parenchyma by possibly inducing Fas/Fas-L mediated apoptosis of activated Fas-expressing lymphoid cells. The Fas-L expressing cells in the marginal sinus might have a similar function for cells accessing the node in afferent lymph.  相似文献   

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