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王淼  毕洁 《工业微生物》2007,37(6):16-20
研究了Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens发酵产生的开菲尔多糖的初步纯化方法,并对开菲尔多糖的分子组成、分子量以及单糖之间的连接方式进行了研究.研究结果表明,采用酶解与Sevage试剂相结合的方法进行纯化,当蛋白去除率为93%时,多糖得率60%,样品中多糖的百分含量为96%.采用HPLC和红外光谱研究表明,培养基的组成会明显影响开菲尔多糖中葡萄糖与半乳糖的比例,由MRS培养基发酵产生的KEFⅠ的相对分子质量约为2.4×105Da,葡萄糖/半乳糖约为14;而由改良的MRS培养基发酵产生的KEFⅡ的相对分子质量约为1.5×105Da,葡萄糖/半乳糖约为110.Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens发酵的开菲尔多糖分子中均含有β糖苷键.  相似文献   

王淼  毕洁 《工业微生物》2007,37(4):36-40
研究了发酵培养基组成对Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens的菌体生长以及合成开菲尔多糖(Kefiran)的影响。通过比较L. kefiranofaciens利用各种糖类和麦芽汁的发酵情况,发现麦芽汁最利于菌体生长及发酵产糖;各种氮源对L. kefiranofaciens发酵影响不同,其中以酵母粉最好,采用一品鲜酵母粉发酵的最佳浓度为10%;正交实验和RSA方法确定对发酵影响显著的三个无机盐是MnSO4.4H2O、MgSO4.7H2O和KH2PO4,最佳用量为0.2g/L,1g/L,4g/L,此时发酵获得开菲尔多糖产量为2.6±0.05g/L。L. kefiranofaciens发酵生产开菲尔多糖96h时可达到最佳发酵结果。  相似文献   

研究了开菲尔基质乳杆菌(Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens)在不同初始蔗糖浓度下的开菲尔多糖(Kefiran)分批发酵过程.结果表明,分批发酵过程不能实现Kefiran高产量、高底物转化率和高生产强度的相对统一.在此基础上,进一步考察分批补料、恒速流加和指数速率流加等不同培养方式对Kefiran发酵的影响.这几种培养方式都可以实现乳酸菌细胞和Kefiran的高产.综合比较,4g/(L·h)的蔗糖恒速流加为Kefiran生产较适宜的流加方式,细胞干质量浓度为63.6 g/L,Kefiran产量达到4.95 g/L.  相似文献   

利用水提醇沉提取柿子多糖(WPP),经季铵盐沉淀法和凝胶柱层析对柿子粗多糖进行分离纯化,得到了水溶性的柿子粗多糖(WPP1)和盐溶性的柿子粗多糖(WPP2)两个柿子多糖组分。通过对理化性质、分子量和单糖组成测定结果分析,确定WPP1是含有α糖苷键的化合物,由L-鼠李糖、L-阿拉伯糖、D-葡萄糖和D-半乳糖四种单糖组成,四种单糖的摩尔比为0.8831∶0.6862∶0.7022∶1,分子量为2.05×105Da。WPP2由L-阿拉伯糖和D-半乳糖两种单糖组成,其摩尔比为0.8466∶1,分子量为2.63×105Da。WPP1和WPP2均表现出吡喃糖的特征吸收。  相似文献   

采用酶法优化进行水提醇沉得到蓝莓粗多糖.经双氧水脱色、酶解和三氯乙酸正丁醇结合法脱蛋白后通过DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow离子交换层析和sephacryl s- 300 HR凝胶过滤层析得到蓝莓多糖(BBP3-1).经紫外扫描显示无蛋白、核酸杂质.经高效液相色谱分析,BBP3-1的重均分子量Mw为18...  相似文献   

本文研究了苦豆子多糖的分离纯化以及初步结构。采用水溶醇沉方法提取粗多糖,然后通过离子交换层析分离纯化,采用高效凝胶渗透色谱、气相色谱、紫外吸收以及红外吸收光谱对多糖组分进行分析研究。获得苦豆子多糖相对分子质量均一性组分SPN和SPA,测得其平均相对分子质量分别为1.217×106Da和4.412×105Da,二者均不含蛋白质,且都具有红外的多糖特征吸收峰,其单糖组成(质量比)分别为阿拉伯糖∶木糖∶甘露糖∶葡萄糖∶半乳糖=7.90∶11.24∶86.24∶18.81∶16.89、鼠李糖∶阿拉伯糖∶木糖∶甘露糖∶葡萄糖∶半乳糖=1.50∶5.80∶1.72∶20.10∶1.64∶27.20。本文为苦豆子多糖的进一步研究开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

绞股蓝是我国特色天然资源,近年来研究发现多糖是其重要的药用活性成分,具有抗肿瘤、免疫调节、抗氧化、降血糖、抗疲劳等生物活性。更重要的是绞股蓝多糖不仅具有显著的抗肿瘤活性,还参与和介导了免疫功能的调节,能够提高机体免疫功能而对正常细胞没有毒副作用,在恶性肿瘤、艾滋病等威胁人类健康疾病的防治和治疗方面具有广阔的应用前景,有希望开发成我国特色的创新药物。本文对绞股蓝多糖分离纯化、结构以及生物活性等方面进行详细综述,为以后进一步研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

银耳碱提孢子多糖A-BTF的分离与结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银耳孢子发酵粉(Tremella fuciformisBerk),用热水煮提后,除去水溶性多糖。其沉淀用1M NaOH提取,Sevage法除去蛋白,用乙醇沉淀得到粗多糖。粗多糖经DEAE-32-cellulose和sephadex G-200反复分离后,纯化得到分布均一的多糖A-BTF。HPGPC测定A-BTF的分子量为67000,糖组成分析显示主要由葡萄糖组成。多糖A-BTF的甲基化产物,经水解、还原、乙酰化,通过GC-MS分析表明,主要含有1,6连接的葡萄糖和1,3,6连接的甘露糖,另外还有1,4连接的葡萄糖少量的半乳糖和1-NH2-来苏糖,末端为端基连接的葡萄糖。  相似文献   

腾海艳 《菌物学报》2020,39(1):120-127
本文采用水提醇沉法从灵芝孢子粉中提取其粗多糖,经Sepharose CL-6B凝胶柱层析分离得两种主要成分LBPI和LBPII,经高效液相色谱鉴定,均为高均一性成分,分子量分别为9.17×10 4和1.86×10 4;经酸水解、乙酰化和气相色谱分析,确定LBPI的单糖组成为甘露糖、半乳糖和葡萄糖,LBPII的单糖组成为鼠李糖、甘露糖、半乳糖和葡萄糖;通过高碘酸氧化、甲基化和GC-MS进行结构分析,确定LBPI中葡萄糖残基连接方式为1→、1→4,6和1→3,6连接,半乳糖残基为1→6连接,甘露糖残基为1→3,6连接,LBPII中鼠李糖残基连接方式为1→连接,葡萄糖残基为1→、1→4、1→6、1→4,6和1→3,6连接,半乳糖残基为1→6连接,甘露糖残基为1→2,3,6连接。综上,两种多糖LBPI和LBPII均为多分支的中型杂多糖,但两者的单糖组成和连接方式存在差异,这两种多糖成分均为首次报道,可望为灵芝孢子粉的成分、活性研究和资源开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文研究了苦豆子多糖的分离纯化以及初步结构。采用水溶醇沉方法提取粗多糖,然后通过离子交换层析分离纯化,采用高效凝胶渗透色谱、气相色谱、紫外吸收以及红外吸收光谱对多糖组分进行分析研究。获得苦豆子多糖相对分子质量均一性组分SPN和SPA,测得其平均相对分子质量分别为1.217×106Da和4.412×105Da,二者均不含蛋白质,且都具有红外的多糖特征吸收峰,其单糖组成(质量比)分别为阿拉伯糖∶木糖∶甘露糖∶葡萄糖∶半乳糖=7.90∶11.24∶86.24∶18.81∶16.89、鼠李糖∶阿拉伯糖∶木糖∶甘露糖∶葡萄糖∶半乳糖=1.50∶5.80∶1.72∶20.10∶1.64∶27.20。本文为苦豆子多糖的进一步研究开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】马奶酒样乳杆菌ZW3含有一段长度为14.4 kb的胞外多糖合成基因簇,包含17个与胞外多糖合成相关的基因(WANG_1283?WANG_1299),主要分析17个基因在马奶酒样乳杆菌ZW3生长过程中不同时间段的表达量,探究其中一个表达量发生变化的基因对乳酸菌产胞外多糖的影响。【方法】通过半定量RT-PCR实验,对基因簇上各基因的表达量进行分析;通过构建含有表达量变化基因的重组乳酸乳球菌,比较重组菌与野生菌的产胞外多糖差异。【结果】经分析,WANG_1284、WANG_1286、WANG_1287、WANG_1288、WANG_1290、WANG_1291、WANG_1292、WANG_1294、WANG_1296、WANG_1297、WANG_1298、WANG_1299这12个基因在菌体生长的50 h和60 h (产糖量上升阶段)表达量最高,推测这些基因在多糖聚合过程中起作用。从这12个基因中选出一个表达量发生明显变化的基因WANG_1291做进一步研究。将WANG_1291插入乳酸菌表达载体pMG36e中,构建了重组表达载体pMG36e-1291。将构建的重组表达载体转化到乳酸乳球菌WH-C1中,得到重组菌株。测定重组菌与野生菌生长特性,发现重组菌与野生菌之间的生长速度存在一定差异。然后利用苯酚-硫酸法测得重组乳酸乳球菌的胞外多糖产量是野生菌的2.1倍,胞外多糖产量有了明显的提高。【结论】确定WANG_1291基因是调控马奶酒样乳杆菌ZW3产胞外多糖的关键基因之一。  相似文献   

A mathematical model for kefiran production by Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens was established, in which the effects of pH, substrate and product on cell growth, exopolysaccharide formation and substrate assimilation were considered. The model gave a good representation both of the formation of exopolysaccharides (which are not only attached to cells but also released into the medium) and of the time courses of the production of galactose and glucose in the medium (which are produced and consumed by the cells). Since pH and both lactose and lactic acid concentrations differently affected production and growth activity, the model included the effects of pH and the concentrations of lactose and lactic acid. Based on the mathematical model, an optimal pH profile for the maximum production of kefiran in batch culture was obtained. In this study, a simplified optimization method was developed, in which the optimal pH profile was determined at a particular final fermentation time. This was based on the principle that, at a certain time, switching from the maximum specific growth rate to the critical one (which yields the maximum specific production rate) results in maximum production. Maximum kefiran production was obtained, which was 20% higher than that obtained in the constant-pH control fermentation. A genetic algorithm (GA) was also applied to obtain the optimal pH profile; and it was found that practically the same solution was obtained using the GA.  相似文献   

In a batch mixed culture of Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which could assimilate lactic acid, cell growth and kefiran production rates of L. kefiranofaciens significantly increased, compared with those in pure cultures. The kefiran production rate was 36 mg l(-1) h(-1) in the mixed culture under the anaerobic condition, which was greater than that in the pure culture (24 mg l(-1) h(-1)). Under the aerobic condition, a more intensive interaction between these two strains was observed and higher kefiran production rate (44 mg l(-1) h(-1)) was obtained compared with that under the anaerobic condition. Kefiran production was further enhanced by an addition of fresh medium in the fed-batch mixed culture. In the fed-batch mixed culture, a final kefiran concentration of 5.41 g l(-1) was achieved at 87 h, thereby attaining the highest productivity at 62 mg l(-1) h(-1). Simulation study considered the reduction of lactic acid in pure culture was performed to estimate the additional effect of coculture with S. cerevisiae. Slightly higher cell growth and kefiran production rates in the mixed culture than those expected from pure culture by simulation were observed. These results suggest that coculture of L. kefiranofaciens and S. cerevisiae not only reduces the lactic acid concentration by consumption but also stimulates cell growth and kefiran production of L. kefiranofaciens.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens is non-pathogenic gram positive bacteria isolated from kefir grains and able to produce extracellular exopolysaccharides named kefiran. This polysaccharide contains approximately equal amounts of glucose and galactose. Kefiran has wide applications in pharmaceutical industries. Therefore, an approach has been extensively studied to increase kefiran production for pharmaceutical application in industrial scale. The present work aims to maximize kefiran production through the optimization of medium composition and production in semi industrial scale bioreactor. The composition of the optimal medium for kefiran production contained sucrose, yeast extract and K2HPO4 at 20.0, 6.0, 0.25 g L−1, respectively. The optimized medium significantly increased both cell growth and kefiran production by about 170.56% and 58.02%, respectively, in comparison with the unoptimized medium. Furthermore, the kinetics of cell growth and kefiran production in batch culture of L. kefiranofaciens was investigated under un-controlled pH conditions in 16-L scale bioreactor. The maximal cell mass in bioreactor culture reached 2.76 g L−1 concomitant with kefiran production of 1.91 g L−1.  相似文献   

An exopolysaccharide (EPS) producing strain, ZW3, was isolated from Tibet kefir grain and was identified as Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens. FT-IR spectroscopy revealed the presence of carboxyl, hydroxyl, and amide groups, which correspond to a typical heteropolymeric polysaccharide. The GC analysis of ZW3 EPS revealed that it was glucogalactan in nature. Exopolymer showed similar flocculation stability like xanthan gum but better than guar gum with a melting point of 93.38 degrees C which is lower than xanthan gum (153.4 degrees C) and guar gum (490.11 degrees C). Compared with other commercially available hydrocolloids like xanthan gum, guar gum and locust gum ZW3 EPS showed much better emulsifying capability.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2007,42(4):570-579
Growth and kefiran production rates of Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens were significantly enhanced in a mixed culture with Saccharomyces cerevisiae as compared with those in a pure culture. Because a positive effect on growth and kefiran production of L. kefiranofaciens in a mixed culture was observed, the elucidation of interaction between L. kefiranofaciens and S. cerevisiae may lead to higher productivity. Hence, microbial performance of each strain was investigated and analyzed by a mathematical model. The mathematical model for kefiran fermentation in a mixed culture of L. kefiranofaciens and S. cerevisiae was established, and the impact of S. cerevisiae on cell growth, kefiran formation, and substrate assimilation of L. kefiranofaciens were considered. The behavior of L. kefiranofaciens in a mixed culture was predicted using a developed mathematical model in this work, and the predictions were compared with the results from mixed culture experiments. The overall mathematical model is capable of describing the behavior of S. cerevisiae in a mixed culture as a lactic acid consumer, nitrogen source competitor and protective function inducer for L. kefiranofaciens. Furthermore, the constructed model described the phenomena in mixed cultures under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Finally, the optimal inoculation ratios of S. cerevisiae to L. kefiranofaciens at 7-fold and 10-fold under aerobic and anaerobic conditions were obtained by applying the mixed culture model, respectively.  相似文献   

Four antibacterially active peptides (B1 to B4) were purified from the culture broth of L. gasseri JCM 2124. The B2 peptide (gassericin B2) was determined to be 4400 Da by mass spectrometry and partially sequenced. Gassericin B2 did not show any sequence similarities to other known bacteriocins. The B1 and B3 peptides shared identical sequences with two peptides of a two-component bacteriocin from Lactobacillus acidophilus. However, synergistic activity upon complementation of B1 and B3 was not observed. Based on amino acid sequencing and molecular mass, it is suggested that B1 and B4 peptides were derived from B3 (gassericin B3).  相似文献   


Rice kefiran is superior in functionality, has high concentration of mucilaginous polysaccharide, and low lipid content, compared to conventional kefiran. However, reports on its physiological functionality, especially studies on life expectancy and aging, in model organisms are rare. In this study, nematodes were used as model organisms that were fed rice kefiran, along with Escherichia coli OP50, as a result of which, the lifespan of nematodes was extended and age-related retardation of mobility was suppressed. It also increased the heat stress resistance in nematodes. Experiments using daf-16 deletion mutant revealed that rice kefiran functions via DAF-16. Thus, this study revealed the longevity, anti-aging and heat stress tolerance effects of rice kefiran in nematodes.  相似文献   

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