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In this study, we developed a PCR-based rapid detection method for clinically important pathogenic strains of Vibrio vulnificus. Positive amplification of the 504-bp viuB fragment was seen in all 22 clinical isolates tested but only in 8 out of 33 environmental isolates. The combination of the species-specific 205-bp vvh fragment along with viuB in a multiplexed PCR enabled us to confirm the presence of potentially pathogenic strains of V. vulnificus. No amplification of other Vibrio spp. or non-Vibrio bacteria was evidenced, suggesting a high specificity of detection by this method. The sensitivity of detection for both targeted genes was 10 pg of purified DNA, which correlated with 10(3) V. vulnificus CFU in 1 mL of pure culture or 1 g un-enriched seeded oyster tissue homogenate. This sensitivity was improved to 1 CFU per gram of oyster tissue homogenate in overnight-enriched samples. A SYBR Green I based real-time PCR method was also developed that was shown to produce results consistent with the conventional PCR method. Application of the multiplexed real-time PCR to natural oyster tissue homogenates exhibited positive detection of vvh in 51% of the samples collected primarily during the summer months; however, only 15% of vvh positive samples exhibited viuB amplicons. The rapid, sensitive, and specific detection of clinically important pathogenic V. vulnificus in shellfish would be beneficial in reducing illnesses and deaths caused by this pathogen.  相似文献   



This work aims to demonstrate the presence of several genes and factors associated with virulence in strains isolated from the environment at Pueblo Viejo Lagoon, State of Veracruz, Mexico.

Methods and Results

In this study, we investigated the production of V. vulnificus virulence factors, as cytolysin (haemolysin), RTX toxin, metalloprotease, siderophores, capsular polysaccharide, adhesion structures (like type IV pili), and polar and lateral flagella, involved in swimming and swarming (or, at least, the presence of genes encoding some of them) in 40 strains of V. vulnificus isolated from water and food. The results indicate that strains of environmental origin possess potential virulence characteristics.


Caution should be exercised when consuming raw shellfish (especially by those more susceptible risk groups).

Significance and Impact of the Study

This is the first work focused on the evaluation of V. vulnificus virulence factors in Mexico.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus causes rare but frequently fatal septicemia associated with raw oyster consumption by persons with underlying hepatic or immune system dysfunction. The virulence potential of environmental reservoirs appears widely distributed, because most strains are virulent in animal models; however, several investigations recently demonstrated genetic divergence among strains from clinical versus environmental origin at independent genetic loci. The present study used PCR to screen DNA polymorphisms in strains from environmental (n = 35) or clinical (n = 33) sources, and genomic relationships were determined by repetitive extragenic palindromic DNA PCR (rep-PCR) typing. Significant (P < 0.01) association was observed for typical “clinical” or “environmental” polymorphism profiles based on strain origin. Most oyster isolates (88%), including all of those with the “environmental” profile, also formed a single rep-PCR genogroup. Clinical isolates within this group did not have the typical “clinical” profile. On the other hand, clinical isolates with the typical polymorphism profile were distributed among multiple rep-PCR genogroups, demonstrating greater genetic diversity than was evident by profiling genetic polymorphisms. Wound isolates were genetically distinct from typical blood isolates by all assays. Strains from an outbreak of wound infections in Israel (biotype 3) were closely related to several U.S. strains by rep-PCR, indicating potential reservoirs of emerging disease. Strains genetically related to blood isolates appeared to be relatively rare in oysters, as only one had the “clinical” polymorphism profile or clustered by rep-PCR. However, this study was not an extensive survey, and more sampling using rep-PCR for sensitive genetic discrimination is needed to determine the virulence potential of environmental reservoirs.  相似文献   

Twenty-four randomly selected clinical and environmental Vibrio vulnificus isolates were tested for virulence in iron-overloaded mice (250 mg of iron dextran per kg of body weight). The log10 50% lethal doses of 17 isolates were lower by greater than or equal to 3.5 log10 units in iron-overloaded mice than in control mice. These isolates were classified as virulent. The 50% lethal doses of these virulent isolates were also lower in mice that were immunosuppressed by treatment with cyclophosphamide (150 mg/kg). Four of the seven isolates initially classified as avirulent were virulent in mice that were simultaneously iron overloaded and immunosuppressed. These isolates were classified as moderately virulent. The remaining three isolates were avirulent under all conditions. The incidence of virulent strains among clinical and environmental isolates did not differ. The virulent isolates produced high titers of hemolysin, were resistant to inactivation by serum complement, produced phenolate siderophore, and utilized transferrin-bound iron. The moderately virulent isolates differed from the virulent isolates only in their increased sensitivity to inactivation by serum complement. The avirulent isolates differed from those of the other two classes in their inability to either produce significant amounts of phenolate siderophore or utilize transferrin-bound iron. A modified agar plate diffusion method for transferrin-bound iron utilization was developed to differentiate the two classes of virulent isolates from the avirulent isolates in vitro.  相似文献   

Environmental isolates of lactose-positiveVibrio vulnificus from different geographic areas were compared with clinical strains ofV. vulnificus on the basis of their phenotypic traits, virulence, DNA base composition, and DNA-DNA reasociation. EnvironmentalV. vulnificus strains were phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates. These strains had a DNA base composition of 47–48 mol% guanine + cytosine and 85% reassociation at stringent temperature with DNA from clinicalV. vulnificus strains. These result indicateV. vulnificus strains from widely separated regions of the marine environment are indistinguishable from strains that have been agents of septicemia associated with shellfish consumption and of wound infections associated with seawater exposure.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus belongs to the autochthonous bacterial flora of warm estuarine waters. It can cause life-threatening extraintestinal disease in persons who have underlying illness and who consume raw shellfish or contact wounds with estuarine water. Currently, very little is known about genetic diversity within this species. In this report, we describe high-level variation in restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles among 53 clinical and 78 environmental isolates, as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In contrast, ribotype profiles showed greater similarity. When combined ribotype profiles of clinical and environmental isolates were analyzed, four predominant clusters were observed. Interestingly, a low number (16%) of clinical isolates were found in cluster C, compared with clusters A, B, and D (range, 50 to 83%). In addition, 83% of all Hawaiian isolates were located in a single cluster, indicating a possible relationship between geography and genotype. We also report that spontaneous translucent colonial morphotypes were distinct by both restriction fragment length polymorphism and biochemical profiles, compared with opaque parent strains.  相似文献   

Virulence of Vibrio vulnificus strains from marine environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from geographically diverse marine sources were compared with clinical isolates for phenotype and in vitro and in vivo production of virulence factors. There were no differences between environmental and clinical strains on the basis of biochemical characteristics or antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Cytolysin and cytotoxin titers produced by environmental strains were generally comparable to those of clinical strains. Of 29 environmental isolates tested, 25 were pathogenic for mice. These data show that environmental V. vulnificus strains are phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates and that approximately 90% of the environmental strains tested produced in vitro virulence factors and in vivo pathogenicity for mice comparable to those produced by clinical V. vulnificus isolates.  相似文献   

Virulence of Vibrio vulnificus strains from marine environments.   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from geographically diverse marine sources were compared with clinical isolates for phenotype and in vitro and in vivo production of virulence factors. There were no differences between environmental and clinical strains on the basis of biochemical characteristics or antimicrobial susceptibility patterns. Cytolysin and cytotoxin titers produced by environmental strains were generally comparable to those of clinical strains. Of 29 environmental isolates tested, 25 were pathogenic for mice. These data show that environmental V. vulnificus strains are phenotypically indistinguishable from clinical isolates and that approximately 90% of the environmental strains tested produced in vitro virulence factors and in vivo pathogenicity for mice comparable to those produced by clinical V. vulnificus isolates.  相似文献   

Between 1996 and 2006, the US Centers for Disease Control reported that the only category of food-borne infections increasing in frequency were those caused by members of the genus Vibrio. The gram-negative bacterium Vibrio vulnificus is a ubiquitous inhabitant of estuarine waters, and is the number one cause of seafood-related deaths in the US. Many V. vulnificus isolates have been studied, and it has been shown that two genetically distinct subtypes, distinguished by 16S rDNA and other gene polymorphisms, are associated predominantly with either environmental or clinical isolation. While local genetic differences between the subtypes have been probed, only the genomes of clinical isolates have so far been completely sequenced. In order to better understand V. vulnificus as an agent of disease and to identify the molecular components of its virulence mechanisms, we have completed whole genome shotgun sequencing of three diverse environmental genotypes using a pyrosequencing approach. V. vulnificus strain JY1305 was sequenced to a depth of 33×, and strains E64MW and JY1701 were sequenced to lesser depth, covering approximately 99.9% of each genome. We have performed a comparative analysis of these sequences against the previously published sequences of three V. vulnificus clinical isolates. We find that the genome of V. vulnificus is dynamic, with 1.27% of genes in the C-genotype genomes not found in the E- genotype genomes. We identified key genes that differentiate between the genomes of the clinical and environmental genotypes. 167 genes were found to be specifically associated with environmental genotypes and 278 genes with clinical genotypes. Genes specific to the clinical strains include components of sialic acid catabolism, mannitol fermentation, and a component of a Type IV secretory pathway VirB4, as well as several other genes with potential significance for human virulence. Genes specific to environmental strains included several that may have implications for the balance between self-preservation under stress and nutritional competence.  相似文献   

The virulence factors of Vibrio vulnificus are not yet well understood. So far, many hydrolytic enzymes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this micro-organism. The present research was carried out in order to study the presence of some of these enzymes in 133 V. vulnificus strains isolated from 45 seafood samples. The results showed that 100% of these strains were positive for the production of lecithinase and lipase (Tween-80), 99·2% for caseinolytic protease, 96·9% for DNase, 65·4% for mucinase and 46·6% for elastase. None of the strains was positive for the production of collagenase and 96% were haemolytic against sheep blood cells. In relation to colony morphology on brain heart infusion (BHI) agar and nutrient agar, 59·4% of strains showed opaque morphology on BHI agar and 57·9% on nutrient agar, 10·5% presented translucent morphology on both agars and 30·1 and 31·6% of strains showed a mixture of opaque and translucent morphology on BHI agar and nutrient agar, respectively. None of the translucent colonies was virulent to mice. Therefore, opacity was a useful marker for potential virulence. Of 45 food samples contaminated with V. vulnificus , 29 (64·4%) presented strains lethal to adult mice.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - The pathogenic bacterium Vibrio vulnificus is related to human infections by direct contact with the bacteria or by consuming raw aquacultural products, like oysters...  相似文献   

Nonmotile Vibrio vulnificus strains were isolated as pure cultures from body ulcers and internal organs of wild diseased European eels caught in a Mediterranean freshwater coastal lagoon. All 54 V. vulnificus isolates were nonmotile, indole-, ornithine decarboxilase-, mannitol- and cellobiose-positive, developed the opaque variant in culture, belonged to the O-antigenic serovar A and were highly virulent for eels by both intraperitoneal injection and immersion challenges. The nonmotile phenotype found in our V. vulnificus isolates was stable: nonmotile cells were always recovered from experimentally infected eels; no variation in the immobility of the V. vulnificus cells was observed for repeated subculture by daily passages on solid media, at different temperatures or incubation times and with or without magnesium sulfate. Many of the fla genes of Vibrio were present in the genome of the nonmotile strains (flaCDE and flaFBA for flagellins and flaH for the distal capping protein), although we observed by transmission electron microscopy that these V. vulnificus strains always lacked the polar flagellum. This is the first report on the existence of nonmotile wild-type V. vulnificus strains.  相似文献   

Vibrio mimicus strains W-26768 (stool isolate) and N-1301 (environmental isolate) and Vibrio fluvialis strains AA-18239 (stool isolate) and M-940 (environmental isolate) were studied for virulence properties and lipopolysaccharide composition. All four strains were hydrophobic, produced cytotoxin, adhered to HeLa cells and showed mannose-sensitive agglutination of guinea pig erythrocyte. The strains were negative for enterotoxin production and were mostly susceptible to the common antibiotics. The environmental and clinical isolates of both species were antigenically unrelated to each other. Lipopolysaccharide antigen analysis showed that O-antigen polysaccharides of two strains of V. fluvialis and two strains of V. mimicus differed with respect to the sugar components. Only LPS from V. mimicus W-26768 showed the presence of an unusual sugar, 3,6-dideoxy-3-acetamido-hexose. The sugar compositions of these V. fluvialis and V. mimicus strains differed from those of previously reported Japanese isolates. These differences probably reflect differences in the serogroup of strains.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is an estuarine bacterium that is capable of causing a rapidly fatal infection in humans. A randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR protocol was developed for use in detecting V. vulnificus, as well as other members of the genus Vibrio. The resulting RAPD profiles were analyzed by using RFLPScan software. This RAPD method clearly differentiated between members of the genus Vibrio and between isolates of V. vulnificus. Each V. vulnificus strain produced a unique band pattern, indicating that the members of this species are genetically quite heterogeneous. All of the vibrios were found to have amplification products whose sizes were within four common molecular weight ranges, while the V. vulnificus strains had an additional two molecular weight range bands in common. All of the V. vulnificus strains isolated from clinical specimens produced an additional band that was only occasionally found in environmental strains; this suggests that, as is the case with the Kanagawa hemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, the presence of this band may be correlated with the ability of a strain to produce an infection in humans. In addition, band pattern differences were observed between encapsulated and nonencapsulated isogenic morphotypes of the same strain of V. vulnificus.  相似文献   


It has been suggested that Vibrio vulnificus attaches to plankton and algae and is found in large numbers in the environment. Factors affecting attachment, biofilm formation and morphology of V. vulnificus have not been thoroughly investigated. This study evaluated the role of quorum sensing (QS) and environmental conditions on biofilm development of V. vulnificus. It was found that biofilm development by V. vulnificus was affected by nutrient and glucose concentration, but not by NaCl concentration or temperature under the conditions used here. Moreover, biofilm development of a QS mutant strain proceeded rapidly and sloughing occurred earlier than for the isogenic parent strain. There was a significant loss of viability for the QS mutant biofilm early in development. Hence, it is hypothesised that factors regulated by the QS system play a role in proper biofilm development and maintenance of V. vulnificus. Furthermore, it is shown that biofilm development varied among isolates.  相似文献   

McDougald D  Lin WH  Rice SA  Kjelleberg S 《Biofouling》2006,22(3-4):133-144
It has been suggested that Vibrio vulnificus attaches to plankton and algae and is found in large numbers in the environment. Factors affecting attachment, biofilm formation and morphology of V. vulnificus have not been thoroughly investigated. This study evaluated the role of quorum sensing (QS) and environmental conditions on biofilm development of V. vulnificus. It was found that biofilm development by V. vulnificus was affected by nutrient and glucose concentration, but not by NaCl concentration or temperature under the conditions used here. Moreover, biofilm development of a QS mutant strain proceeded rapidly and sloughing occurred earlier than for the isogenic parent strain. There was a significant loss of viability for the QS mutant biofilm early in development. Hence, it is hypothesised that factors regulated by the QS system play a role in proper biofilm development and maintenance of V. vulnificus. Furthermore, it is shown that biofilm development varied among isolates.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is Gram-negative bacterium that contaminates oysters, causing highly lethal sepsis after consumption of raw oysters and wound infection. We previously described two sets of V. vulnificus strains with different levels of virulence in subcutaneously inoculated iron dextran-treated mice. Both virulent, clinical strains and attenuated, environmental strains could be recovered in high numbers from skin lesions and livers; however, the attenuated environmental strains required significantly higher numbers of colony-forming units (cfu) in the inoculum to produce lethal infection. Using some of these strains and an additional clinical strain, we presently asked if the different abilities to cause infection between the clinical and environmental strains were due to differences in rates of growth or death of the bacteria in the mouse host. We therefore constructed a marker plasmid, pGTR902, that functions as a replicon only in the presence of arabinose, which is not present in significant levels in animal tissues. V. vulnificus strains containing pGTR902 were inoculated into iron dextran-treated and untreated mice. Measuring the proportion of bacteria that had maintained the marker plasmid recovered from mice enabled us to monitor the number of in vivo divisions, hence growth rate; whereas measuring the number of marker plasmid-containing bacteria recovered enabled the measurement of death of the vibrios in the mice. The numbers of bacterial divisions in vivo for all of the strains over a 12-15 h infection period were not significantly different in iron dextran-treated mice; however, the rate of death of one environmental strain was significantly higher compared with the clinical strains. Infection of non-iron dextran-treated mice with clinical strains demonstrated that the greatest effect of iron dextran-treatment was increased growth rate, while one clinical strain also experienced increased death in untreated mice. V. vulnificus inoculated into iron dextran-treated mice replicated extremely rapidly over the first 4 h of infection with doubling times of approximately 15-28 min. In contrast, one of the environmental strains exhibited a reduced early growth rate. These results demonstrate that differences in virulence among naturally occurring V. vulnificus can be explained by diverse abilities to replicate rapidly in or resist defences of the host. The marker plasmid pGTR902 should be useful for examining virulence of bacteria in terms of differentiating growth verses death in animal hosts for most Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

There have been many reports of primary Vibrio vulnificus septicemia in Korea since 1987. This study was undertaken to determine the cellular fatty acid (CFA) compositions of 95 clinical strains of V. vulnificus isolated in Korea during 1985-1995. We compared these results with the CFA profile of V. vulnificus in the Microbial Identification System (MIS) (CLIN library version 3.9; Microbial ID Inc., Newark, DE, U.S.A.), and the grouping of V. vulnificus by CFA analysis was also performed. The relationship between groups and serotypes of V. vulnificus was described. Although most of the CFAs in V. vulnificus strains were similar to the CFA profile of V. vulnificus in the MIS, some distinctive differences were observed between the results of this study and the MIS CFA profile of V. vulnificus. First, the means of 2 major CFAs, 16 : 0 and 16 : 1w7c, were 22.16 and 18.26% in this study but 23.52 and 25.44% in the MIS, respectively. Second, all isolates had 11 : 0iso3OH, which was not present in the MIS. Of 95 strains, 10 strains (10.5%) showed 'NO MATCH' results by the MIS identification. Eighty five strains (89.5%) were identified as V. vulnificus by the MIS (the first choice identification), but they disclosed low SI values of <0.6 (not 'EXCELLENT MATCH') except 2 strains (2.1%). This showed that V. vulnificus strains isolated in Korea had different characteristics in CFA composition in comparison with the MIS V. vulnificus library. Nine groups comprising all the strains were obtained by cluster analysis and were further characterized by principal-component analysis. There was heterogeneity between the groups by CFA and serotypes of V. vulnificus. The same serovars were distributed into diverse groups.  相似文献   

The eel pathogen Vibrio vulnificus biotype 2 comprises at least three serovars, with serovar E being the only one involved in both epizootics of eel vibriosis and sporadic cases of human infections. The virulent strains of this serovar (VSE) have only been recovered from clinical (mainly eel tissue) sources. The main objective of this work was to design and validate a new protocol for VSE-specific isolation from environmental samples. The key element of the new protocol is the broth used for the first step (saline eel serum broth [SEB]), which contains eel serum as a nutritive and selective component. This approach takes advantage of the ability of VSE cells to grow in eel serum and thus to separate themselves from the pool of competitors. The growth yield in SEB after 8 h of incubation was 1,000 times higher for VSE strains than for their putative competitors (including biotype 1 strains of the species). The selective and differential agar Vibrio vulnificus medium (VVM) was selected from five selective media for the second step because it gave the highest plating efficiency not only for the VSE group but also for other V. vulnificus groups, including biotype 3. The entire protocol was validated by field studies, with alkaline peptone water plus VVM as a control. V. vulnificus was isolated by both protocols, but serovar E was only recovered by the new method described here. All selected serovar E isolates were identified as VSE since they were virulent for both eels and iron-overloaded mice and resisted the bactericidal action of eel and iron-overloaded human sera. In conclusion, this new protocol is a suitable method for the isolation of VSE strains from environmental samples and is recommended for epidemiological studies of the pathogenic serovar E.  相似文献   

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