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宁波北仑植物资源及珍稀保护植物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宁波市北仑区蕴藏着丰富的植物资源,据调查有野生维管植物158科454属712种,在这些植物中,有药用植物276种、用材树种95种、观赏植物87种、纤维植物60种、防护植物55种、薪炭植物52种、油脂植物48种、饲料植物42种、野生水果38种、芳香植物30种、淀粉植物25种、蜜源植物24种、野菜植物18种等,大多具有开发和可持续利用的价值;此外,北仑还有国家野生重点保护植物4科5属5种、古树名木15科17属17种,这些植物对开发建设中的北仑来说,是极其宝贵的自然资源.因此,为使北仑区的植物资源得到可持续的利用,对其开发利用和保护提出了建议.  相似文献   

浙江丽水地区珍稀濒危植物区系研究与保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
梅笑漫  刘鹏 《广西植物》2004,24(3):214-219
浙江丽水地区有珍稀濒危植物 42种 ,隶属于 3 7属 2 5科。其中国家二级珍稀濒危植物 1 8种 ,三级珍稀濒危植物 2 4种 ,大致可分划为 1 0个分布类型 5个变型 ,以木本植物占优势 ,中国特有属、单型属较多。本文根据丽水珍稀濒危植物的现状提出了一些具体的保护措施。  相似文献   

Hitt.  Ja 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1998,40(11):981-987
迄今为止世界上最早的种子植物发现于北美和欧洲西北部的晚泥盆纪地层。这些种子植物可能起源于前裸子植物,即解剖构造上较为进化的一类蕨类植物。然而,从目前的证据来看尚无法确切判断这些种子植物起源于前裸子植物中的某个特定类群,比如古羊齿目和戟枝木目。作者总结了种子植物祖先的有关证据,并对目前已知的最早的种子植物的形态进行了概述。由于种子植物自出现起即表现出丰富的形态多样性,因而尚无法对某个可能的祖先形态作出判断。目前的研究尚不能确切回答种子植物起源的全部问题,仍需寻找有关前裸子植物与种子植物过渡类型的新证据。作者对未来的研究提出了建议  相似文献   

Dioecious plants (with separate male and female individuals) more often have drab, inconspicuous flowers than related bisexual plants. Models indicate, however, that similar conditions favour the evolution of showy floral displays in dioecious and bisexual plants. One difference, however, is that dioecious plants may evolve floral displays that are sexually dimorphic. We show that males are more likely to evolve showy flowers than females in animal-pollinated plants, especially when pollinators are abundant. We demonstrate that this dimorphism places showy dioecious plants at a much higher risk of extinction during years of low pollinator abundance because pollinators may fail to visit female flowers. The higher extinction risk of showy dioecious plants provides an explanation for the fact that dioecious plants that do persist tend to have inconspicuous flowers and are more often wind pollinated. It may also help explain why dioecious plants are less species-rich than related bisexual plants.  相似文献   

江苏省珍稀濒危保护植物资源及其园林应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珍稀濒危保护植物是人类重要的植物资源之一,江苏地处暖温带和亚热带的过渡地带,自然条件优越,植物种类多样,蕴含着丰富的珍稀濒危保护植物。文章调查整理出78种江苏省珍稀濒危保护植物,隶属40科65属,其中本省自然分布的有21种,从其他省份引种栽培的有57种。为了能促进江苏省珍稀濒危保护植物在园林绿化中的应用,分别从江苏省珍稀濒危保护植物的概况、观赏价值、园林应用现状以及在园林中的应用前景等方面进行论述,以期为绿化工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract: A new category of plants that exhibit convergent evolution, namely "downy plants", is described and discussed here on the bais of natural selection. So-called snowball plants can be represented by Saussurea gossypiphora D. Don (Compositae), which has extremely dense trichomes on well-developed bracts that are tightly packed around floral buds. Plants whose morphology is similar to that of S. gossypiphora are found at high elevations of alpine zones in the Nepalese Himalayas, where temperatures are low and precipitation is high (frequent rain) in summer. Nonetheless, we noticed that plants with a morphology similar to that of Himalaya snowball plants are commonly distributed from temperature to Arctic zones, and are even found in Alaska where precipitation is very limited. Willows ( Salix spp.: Salicaceae) and deciduous magnolias (Magnoliaceae) are typical examples of such plants. Measurements of temperature inside and outside the inflorescences of Salix (pussy willow or catkin) and of Magnolia suggested that the pubescent bracts might play a role in keeping the interior of buds warm, but that the effect depends on light intensity. Our examination of such species led us to extend the concept of "snowball plants" to a larger group of plants, namely "downy plants", that are characterized by very dense trichomes on tightly packed bracts of inflorescences. Downy plants are thereby considered to represent a convergent adaptation that allows blooming at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Aaron M. Ellison  Lubomír Adamec 《Oikos》2011,120(11):1721-1731
Identification of tradeoffs among physiological and morphological traits and their use in cost–benefit models and ecological or evolutionary optimization arguments have been hallmarks of ecological analysis for at least 50 years. Carnivorous plants are model systems for studying a wide range of ecophysiological and ecological processes and the application of a cost–benefit model for the evolution of carnivory by plants has provided many novel insights into trait‐based cost–benefit models. Central to the cost–benefit model for the evolution of botanical carnivory is the relationship between nutrients and photosynthesis; of primary interest is how carnivorous plants efficiently obtain scarce nutrients that are supplied primarily in organic form as prey, digest and mineralize them so that they can be readily used, and allocate them to immediate versus future needs. Most carnivorous plants are terrestrial – they are rooted in sandy or peaty wetland soils – and most studies of cost–benefit tradeoffs in carnivorous plants are based on terrestrial carnivorous plants. However approximately 10% of carnivorous plants are unrooted aquatic plants. Here we ask whether the cost–benefit model applies equally well to aquatic carnivorous plants and what general insights into tradeoff models are gained by this comparison. Nutrient limitation is more pronounced in terrestrial carnivorous plants, which also have much lower growth rates and much higher ratios of dark respiration to photosynthetic rates than aquatic carnivorous plants. Phylogenetic constraints on ecophysiological tradeoffs among carnivorous plants remain unexplored. Despite differences in detail, the general cost–benefit framework continues to be of great utility in understanding the evolutionary ecology of carnivorous plants. We provide a research agenda that if implemented would further our understanding of ecophysiological tradeoffs in carnivorous plants and also would provide broader insights into similarities and differences between aquatic and terrestrial plants of all types.  相似文献   

Pollen development in plants with different ploidy levels of Euphorbia dulcis is similar but some ultrastructural differences do occur. In pollen of diploid plants large aggregations of rough endoplasmic reticulum [RER] are attached to the pollen wall near the young generative cell but such aggregations are not present in other karyotypes. Plastids are detected only in young generative cells of triploid plants. In diploid plants the generative cell becomes spindle-shaped, in triploid and tetraploid plants it remains round during the movement from the pollen wall to the center of the vegetative cell. The intine surrounding the generative cell in 3n plants is thinner than that found in 2n and 4n plants. Pollen grains in tetraploid plants are twice as large as those in diploid plants. Pollen viability is 90% in 2n plants, but only 10% in 4n plants.  相似文献   

湿地植物的丛枝菌根(AM)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王曙光  刁晓君  冯兆忠 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5075-5083
随着对湿地重要性认识的增加,湿地植物的丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)结构研究受到了关注。研究表明,AM结构在多种湿地类型和湿地植被类型中存在,但AM形成受植被生长地水文状况的影响;从湿地植物上的AM真菌种类看,球囊霉属(Glomus)是湿地环境的常有属。同陆生植物相比,有关湿地植物AM结构的研究尽管已取得了一些进展,但还有很大差距,尤其在我国还几乎处于空白状态。鉴此,从形成AM的湿地植被类型、湿地环境中的AM真菌种类、AM对湿地植物生长的影响,以及影响湿地植物AM形成的因素等方面进行了详细阐述,并对今后的研究方向做了展望,以期为我国开展湿地植物AM结构研究提供参考。  相似文献   

中国天山野果林种子植物组成及资源状况分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
中国天山野果林种子植物共计60科237属435种,种类组成趋向于集中在少数科内,区系优势现象相当明显,反映出野果林自然环境的特殊性与区系的过渡性。在这些植物种类中有国家重点保护植物9种、中国珍稀濒危保护植物3种、自治区重点保护植物9种;林区野生植物资源非常丰富,统计结果表明:野生果树40种、食用植物30种、饲用植物以种、蜜源植物111种、观赏植物132种、香料植物如种、药用植物131种。文中对各类资源植物的特征进行了分析和讨论,并就野果林的保护及可持续利用提出建议。  相似文献   

Summary A game theoretic model was developed for nectar secretion in animal-pollinated plants in order to examine how the total amount of resources allocated to flowers affects the spread of nectarless plants. It was assumed that pollinators concentrate on patches whose nectar rewards are relatively large compared to other patches and if pollinators visit a patch, they concentrate on the plants whose nectar rewards are relatively large compared to other plants in the patch. It was shown that plants are more likely to secrete nectar in populations where the total amount of resources allocated to flowers is large. It was also shown that strong interplant competition, strong interpatch competition and the nectar discrimination of the pollinators are also important factors for nectar secretion. However, if the total amount of resources allocated to flowers is sufficiently large, plants would secrete nectar even if competition is not very strong and nectar discrimination is not so precise.  相似文献   

西沙群岛植物资源调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
西沙群岛主要的植被类型是常绿珊瑚岛林、灌木林或滨海植被。本区有植物89科224属340种,其中大型真菌6科11属22种,地衣1种,蕨类4科4属5种,被子植物78科208属312种。根据其经济用途,划分为10个类型,主要资源植物有药用植物、蜜源植物、食用植物、观赏植物等。西沙群岛的植物区系与海南岛十分相似,属、种的相似性指标分别为98.46%和94.09%。泛热带分布的属是本区系中最大的部分,占总属数的70.00%。最后对西沙群岛植物资源的保护和利用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

寄生植物对寄主的选择性与寄主营养物质的含量、合成的次生物质和硬度有关.多寄主存在的条件下,有利于寄生植物的生长发育.通过改变寄主光合产物的流向和影响寄主叶片的气孔调节,寄生植物对寄主生理和形态产生显著的影响.寄生植物的存在使植物群落的生物量、组成多样性和动态发生改变.大量研究显示,寄生植物对寄主的选择和影响与植食性动物对取食植物的选择和影响有很多相似之处.气候变化对寄生植物与寄主关系影响的研究还刚刚起步,寄生植物对寄主选择和影响的研究对有害寄生植物的防除和有益寄生植物的利用有重要的价值,应该重视和加强.  相似文献   

寄生植物对寄主的选择和影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
寄生植物对寄主的选择性与寄主营养物质的含量、合成的次生物质和硬度有关.多寄主存在的条件下,有利于寄生植物的生长发育.通过改变寄主光合产物的流向和影响寄主叶片的气孔调节,寄生植物对寄主生理和形态产生显著的影响.寄生植物的存在使植物群落的生物量、组成多样性和动态发生改变.大量研究显示.寄生植物对寄主的选择和影响与植食性动物对取食植物的选择和影响有很多相似之处.气候变化对寄生植物与寄主关系影响的研究还刚刚起步,寄生植物对寄主选择和影响的研究对有害寄生植物的防除和有益寄生植物的利用有重要的价值,应该重视和加强.  相似文献   

Biosafety implications of selectable marker genes that are integrated into the transgenic plants are discussed. In the laboratory, selectable marker genes are used at two stages to distinguish transformed cells out of a large population of nontransformed cells: 1) initial assembly of gene cassettes is generally done in E. coli on easily manipulatable plasmid vectors that contain the selectable marker genes which often code for antibiotic inactivating enzymes, and 2) Then the gene cassettes are inserted into the plant genome by various transformation methods. For selection of transformed plant cells, antibiotic and herbicide resistance genes are widely used. Consequently, transgenic plants can end up with DNA sequences of selectable markers that are functional in E. coli and plants. The potential for horizontal gene transfer of selectable markers from transgenic plants to other organisms both in the environment and in the intestine of humans and animals is evaluated. Mechanisms and consequences of the transfer of marker genes from plants to other organisms is examined. Strategies to avoid marker genes in plants are discussed. It is possible to avoid the use of controversial selectable markers in the construction of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Asparagine and glutamine are major forms of nitrogen in the phloem sap of many higher plants. In vascular plants, glutamine-dependent asparagine synthetase (AS) is the primary source of asparagine. In Escherichia coli, asparagine is synthesized by the action of two distinct enzymes, AS-A which utilizes ammonia as a nitrogen donor, and AS-B which utilizes both glutamine and ammonia as substrates, but with a preference for glutamine. In this study, the possibility to endow plants with ammonia-dependent AS activity was investigated by heterologous expression of E. coli asnA gene with the aim to introduce a new ammonium assimilation pathway in plants. The bacterial gene is placed under the control of light-dependent promoters, and introduced by transformation into Lotus corniculatus plants. Analysis of transgenic plants has revealed a phenomenon of transgene silencing which has prevented asnA expression in several transgenics. The asnA-expressing plants are characterized by premature flowering and reduced growth. A significant reduction of the total free amino acid accumulation in transgenic plants is observed. Surprisingly, the content of asparagine in wild-type plants is about 2.5-fold higher than that of transgenic plants. While glutamine levels in transgenic plants are about 3–4-fold higher than those in wild-type plants, aspartate levels are significantly lower. Transformation with asnA also induced a significant reduction of photosynthesis when measured under saturated light and ambient CO2 conditions.  相似文献   

寄生植物对寄主植物的化学识别   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
胡飞  孔垂华 《生态学报》2003,23(5):965-971
植物间寄生关系的研究近年来受到了广泛的重视。大量的研究表明,寄主释放的次生物质对植物间寄生关系的建立和维持起了重要的调节作用。寄主植物的次生物质对寄生植物的化学防御和昆虫授粉等生态功能起重要的作用,寄主植物次生物质对寄生植物生理与生态的调节作用是受寄生植物基因调节的。更为重要的是寄主植物释放的次生物质成为寄生植物的种子萌发和吸器发生的异源识别物质。能够刺激寄生植物种子萌发的次生物质主要是倍半萜和氢醌类物质,而诱导吸器发生的物质则是酚酸、醌和黄酮类化合物,诱导吸器发生的核心结构是对苯醌。这些异源识别物质大多是寄主植物释放的化感抑制物质,显示寄生植物在化学防御方面要比寄主植物高级。异源识别化合物的活性与其氧化潜力显著相关。由于寄生植物中存在一抑制异源识别物质诱导吸器发生的调节过程,因此吸器的产生与寄生植物根部接触异源识别物质的浓度与时间呈正相关关系,这一调节过程对寄生植物准确识别寄主并寄生其上是十分重要的。对寄生植物和寄主植物间的化学识别关系的揭示有助于人们防治有害寄生植物和开发利用有价值的寄生植物资源。  相似文献   

药用植物基因组及EST研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以生物信息学数据库GenBank的生物信息为基础 ,对包括《中国药典》2 0 0 0年版一部、《新编中药志》第 1~ 3卷、《中国大百科全书》(中国传统医学分册 )、中国医学科学院药物研究所编写的《中草药现代研究》及《天然药物化学》第三版中所涉及的 2 30 0多种药用植物的基因组、蛋白质及表达序列标签 (EST)的注册情况进行了初步统计 ,就相关进展进行了综述。到 2 0 0 3年 9月底截止的数据分析表明 ,66%的药用植物没有核酸序列报道 ,77%的药用植物没有蛋白质序列注册。进行药用植物基因组研究的植物与国家十分有限 ,而进行药用植物EST研究的国家相对较多 ,涉及的植物也相对集中 。  相似文献   

Many plants use induced defenses to reduce the costs of antiherbivore defense. These plants invest energy in growth when herbivores are absent but shunt energy to defense when herbivores are present. In contrast, constitutive defenses are expressed continuously regardless of herbivore presence. Induction has been widely documented in temperate plants but has not been reported from tropical plants. Most tropical plants have higher, more constant herbivore pressure than temperate plants. In this situation, it is hypothesized that constitutive defenses rather than induced defense would be favored. Using natural herbivores of four species of Inga saplings on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, herbivore presence was crossed with ant presence to determine their effects on extrafloral nectar production. Analysis of nectar samples revealed that Inga species do not induce nectar production in response to herbivores. This result is not due to an inability of the plants to respond, as the plants in this study increased nectar production in response to light and ant presence. Contrary to most induction experiments with temperate ecosystem plants, these results demonstrate that tropical plants do not induce one type of defense, and they suggest that the most adaptive defense strategies are different for the two ecosystems.  相似文献   

植物抗盐机理研究进展   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
对近年来植物抗盐机理的研究进展作了概述,阐明了植物对盐分的反应及盐分对植物的不同伤害,并从盐生植物的形态、生理和分子水平上综述了盐生植物的抗盐机理,最后对今后植物抗盐机理的研究可能存在的问题提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

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