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在陕甘宁盆地东北缘二马营组发现的两种假鳄类,经鉴定均属Euparkeridae。其中之一与Euparkeria较相近;根据肩胛骨、肱骨和骨质背板等的显著不同,定名为侨家梁哈拉寨鳄(Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis),新属、新种。依据骨髂形态,另一标本归入世鲁番鳄属(Turfanosuchus),取名沙圪堵吐鲁番鳄(Turfanosuchus shageduensis)、新种。  相似文献   

中国科学院院士王文采,是我国著名的植物分类学家,长期从事有花植物分类学研究。王文采院士在毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)、苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)、紫草科(Boraginaceae)、荨麻科(Urticaceae)等植物系统分类学研究中倾注了大量心血,修订了毛茛科翠雀花属(Delphinium)、唐松草属(Thalictrum)、铁线莲属(Clematis)等多个属的分类系统。2019年6月,王文采院士开始对中国银莲花属(Anemone)进行分类学修订,并于2020年7月完成了《中国银莲花属新分类》的整个编写工作。  相似文献   

百合科、兰科植物是重要的资源植物,在系统演化、物种多样性研究等方面均有重要意义。本文对马峦山地区百合科、兰科植物的种类、数量、生存状况、区域分布等进行调查,共收集百合科植物9属14种,分别占深圳市该科属种总数的64.3%和70.0%;兰科植物22属28种,分别占深圳市该科属种总数的68.8%和54.9%。在此基础上,对深圳中轴线地区自西至东依次出现的凤凰山森林公园(百合科3属3种;兰科4属4种)、铁岗森林公园(百合科3属3种;兰科4属4种)、塘朗山森林公园(百合科5属5种;兰科8属9种)、梧桐山风景区(百合科8属12种;兰科17属30种)、排牙山自然保护区(百合科7属8种;兰科26属35种)、七娘山地质公园(百合科9属10种;兰科21属30种)等的百合科、兰科植物进行比较研究,结合生态环境的梯度变化,说明其在生态环境、森林植被构建中的指示意义,并提出了对百合科、兰科植物加强保护、管理和研究的措施。  相似文献   

魏江春  姜玉梅 《菌物学报》1989,8(Z1):135-150
关于子囊菌亚门石耳科的属级分类问题地衣学家持有不同的观点。这些观点使属级分类出现了单属系统,二属系统,三属系统以及四属系统与五属系统。现在新二属系统,即石耳属一疱脐衣属系统已被越来越多的地衣学家和子囊菌学家所接受。但是,因为由Dodge (1968)描述的单种属拉诺属(Llanoa)的模式种与早已为人熟知的网脊石耳很相似,而近年来,这一单种属又被一些作者所接受、因此、我们不得不对该属模式种所依据的原始材料进行必要的复查。复查结果表明,拉诺属的模式种卖为网脊石耳的异名。因此,拉诺属也就成为石耳属的异名。此外,基于石耳科中三十五种地衣和五十二项特征的聚类分析结果也支持新的二属系统。  相似文献   

中国鮡科鱼类RAPD分析及鰋鮡鱼类单系性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鱼类已被形态学证明是(鱼兆)科鱼类的一个自然类群,包括原(鱼兆)属(Glyptosternum)、石爬(鱼兆)属(Euchiloglanis)、(鱼兆)属(Pareuchiloglanis)、(鱼兆)属(Exostoma)等9属31个种。    相似文献   

分离自小蠹虫的白僵菌属一中国新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>白僵菌属Beauveria也称波氏菌属,是Vuillemin在1912年为纪念法国真菌学家Beauverie而建立的,它是约100属虫生真菌中最常见和最重要的属之一(蒲蛰龙和李增智,1996)。作为真菌杀虫剂的球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana(Bals.-Criv.)Vuill.和布氏白僵菌B.brongniartii(Sacc.)Petch在持续控制害虫和维护生态平衡方面具不可替代的作用,因而一直受到国内外生物防治界的关注。  相似文献   

甘肃省苏干湖浮游植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2006年春季(5月)、夏季(8月)和秋季(10月)对大、小苏干湖水体进行采样分析,以研究特殊地理位置和气候条件下苏干湖中浮游植物的物种组成和季节变化特征.结果表明,(1)大苏干湖中共有浮游藻类61种(含变种),其中:硅藻18属,37种;蓝藻11属,15种;绿藻7属,8种;而甲藻仅1属,1种.(2)小苏干湖水体中共发现浮游藻类68种(含变种),其中:硅藻16属,42种;蓝藻9属,13种;绿藻6属,11种;裸藻及甲藻仅各1属,1种.(3)硅藻在苏干湖水体中始终占据着绝对优势;夏季小苏干湖中蓝、绿藻开始复苏并大量繁殖.各季节两湖中都存在特定的优势属,在春、夏、秋三季,大苏干湖中优势属分别为桥穹藻属、小环藻属、粘杆藻属;而小苏干湖中分别为针杆藻属、菱形藻属、脆杆藻属.纤细舟形藻,长圆舟形藻,湖沼色球藻等为常年优势种,且这种优势物种和季节变化主要是由湖泊中盐度和气温等因素决定的.  相似文献   

本文报道合浦盆地晚白垩世乌家组和古新世上洋组的介形类化石14属23种(描述1新种),可划分两个化石组合:(1)Rhombicypridea quadrata-Heterocypris hepuensis-Limnocythere sinuata组合,属于Talicypridea动物群,产于乌家组,时代为晚白垩世;(2)...  相似文献   

栓菌属和它的亲缘属属界划分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栓菌属(Trametes) 自Fries(1835)建立迄今已有近150年的历史。Fries(1835),Patouillard(1900),Kotlaba & Pouzar(1957),的工作代表了对本属研究的三个比较重要的发展阶段。许多分类学家都认为栓菌属是多孔菌科(Polyporaceae,Basidiomycetes)中最混乱、最不易划清属间界限的一个类群。研究清楚这一属和它的亲缘属的属界以及它们之间的相互关系是研究多孔菌科分类中十分重要的课题。作者多年来在研究这一类群的过程中,常常遇到属界不清,它们之间的相互关系也不易搞清楚等问题。从文献中可以看出,有的种类似乎可以随便地从一个属转移到另一个属,正确与否不易确定。因此,感到搞清楚本属的属界是十分重要的。作者即是在这一情况下进行这一课题研究的。首先搞清楚栓菌属的发展历史,各分类学家对它的不同概念,最后提出作者对本属的概念。然后再搞清楚各亲缘属的属界与其相互关系。凡是作者承认的属都提出自己的概念。  相似文献   

王军  赵超 《生物多样性》2022,30(12):22128-225
菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的重要组分, 它们在生物多样性保护与利用、植物保护、动物地理等领域具有重要的研究价值, 但在我国其分类和物种多样性研究仍有较大不足, 大尺度分布格局形成原因也不清楚。本文基于对我国大部分地区广泛的野外采集调查和国内外多家研究机构馆藏标本的检视, 整理了我国菌食性管蓟马物种名录和地理分布信息, 总结了我国菌食性管蓟马的分类研究现状与简史, 分析了菌食性管蓟马物种多样性的分布格局并探讨了该格局形成原因。目前我国记录菌食性管蓟马237种, 其中管蓟马亚科39属156种, 灵管蓟马亚科22属81种; 竹管蓟马属(Bamboosiella)、剪管蓟马属(Psalidothrips)、网管蓟马属(Apelaunothrips)和全管蓟马属(Holothrips)是物种较多的属, 包含物种数均超过10种; 中国特有73种; 广东、台湾、海南和云南是物种最丰富的省份, 均超过60种, 这些省份都具热带和亚热带气候特征, 适合其生存; 相对多度分析结果表明在热带和亚热带地区森林凋落物层菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的常见类群; 气温、降水量、食物等是限制其分布的主要因素。本结果丰富了土壤生物多样性的研究内容, 为菌食性管蓟马多样性大尺度空间格局研究提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

中国东北地区芽孢盘菌属的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
项存悌  宋瑞清 《植物研究》1988,8(1):147-152
本文报导了中国东北地区芽孢盘菌属(Tympanis)5个种1变种, 其中1个新种(T.tiliae Xiang et Soing)4个国内新记录种(T.confusa Nyl., T.abietina Groves, T.piceina Groves, T.alnea(Pers.)Fr.)1个国内新记录变种(T.alnea var.hysterioides Rehm)以上各种都进行了形态和培养特性的研究, 还用Koch's证病法则证明了T.confusa是引起红松流脂溃疡病的病原菌, 并在松脂上伴生Sarea resinae(Fr.ex Fr.)Kuntze.  相似文献   

中国鼠兔属(Ochotona)的研究——分类与分布   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:13  
现生鼠兔主要分布在亚洲,次在欧洲东缘和北美洲,其中我国种类最多。就鼠兔属动物的分类而言,以往学者的观点不尽相同,因为许多种类在形态上均相近似。笔者据国内外标本和文献资料,拟对我国鼠兔的分类与分布作一初步整理,并阐述作者的分类意见。 本篇内容包括:几种鼠兔分类地位的讨论,亚属暨种类名录与分布。现记述于后。  相似文献   

丝膜菌属Cortinarius是真菌界中最大的属,囊括了重要的外生菌根真菌。黏盖亚属Phlegmacium是丝膜菌属中较大的亚属,该亚属的真菌在湿润条件下菌盖表面具有黏性。本研究运用形态分类与分子系统发育分析相结合的方法,对中国丝膜菌属黏盖亚属的馆藏标本开展分类学研究,共发现24个种,其中中国新记录种12个。本研究系统总结了各个物种的相关信息,对中国新记录种进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

动脉在体内的分支情况与机体各部分的结构和功能及其发育情况是相适应的,随着物种的分化,动脉的分支情况也产生了差异,并在一定程度上反映出动物在进化过程中所处的地位。所以,研究动脉的分支是推导动物演化趋向的根据之一。 关于灵长类动脉的研究,已涉及绝大多数种类,但在猴科中,尚未做过金丝猴动脉的研究。本文报导了金丝猴的动脉,并与有关种类的动脉分支情况作了比较。  相似文献   

Sequences of the chloroplast trnT-trnF region were analyzed for species of the genus Potamogeton distributed in China to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. The phylogenetic analyses showed that the genus Potamogeton could be divided into two clades. Eighteen species formed a monophyletic clade while the remaining four formed a second, distinguishable one, supporting the conventional treatment that the genus Potamogeton contains the submerged linear-leaved group and the submerged broad-leaved group. The first clade, which represented the subgenus Potamogeton, could be further divided into two subclades. The second clade, which represented the subgenus Coleogeton, displayed a close phylogenetic relationship with the subgenus Potamogeton and occupied a unique position within the genus Potamogeton. This finding suggested that the treatment of the subgenus Coleogeton, which was once regarded as the genus Stuckenia Börner, may need to be reconsidered. Furthermore, identification of maternal donors of some hybrids was successfully applied based on sequence of maternally inherited chloroplast genome. The female parents of three putative hybrids, P. × malainoides, P. × anguillanus, and P. × orientalis, were proved to be accordant with previous morphological conclusions.  相似文献   

The olive genus Olea includes c. 30–40 taxa in three subgenera (Olea, Tetrapilus, and Paniculatae) within the family Oleaceae. Historically, the Olea genus was classified into four groups that were overall well supported by reconstructed phylogenies, despite incomplete sampling of subgenus Tetrapilus and poor resolution within clades. These analyses also showed that the genus was not monophyletic. Reliable identification of Olea species is important for both their conservation and utilization of this economically important genus. In this study, we used phylogenomic data from genome skimming to resolve relationships within Olea and to identify molecular markers for species identification. We assembled the complete plastomes, and nrDNA of 26 individuals representing 13 species using next-generation sequencing and added 18 publicly available accessions of Olea. We also developed nuclear SNPs using the genome skimming data to infer the phylogenetic relationships of Olea. Large-scale phylogenomic analyses of 138 samples of tribe Oleeae supported the polyphyly of Olea, with Olea caudatilimba and Olea subgenus Tetrapilus not sharing their most recent common ancestor with the main Olea clade (subgenus Paniculatae and subgenus Olea). The interspecific phylogenetic resolution was poor owing to a possible rapid radiation. By comparing with the plastome data, we identified the markers ycf1b and psbE-petL as the best Olea-specific chloroplast DNA barcodes. Compared with universal barcodes, specific DNA barcodes and super-barcode exhibited higher discriminatory power. Our results demonstrated the power of phylogenomics to improve phylogenetic relationships of intricate groups and provided new insights into barcodes that allow for accurate identification of Olea species.  相似文献   

Two Orthotrichum species of the subgenus Orthophyllum were compared with other representatives of this genus using the internally transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2, the chloroplast trnH-psbA region and ISSR and ISJ DNA markers. The applied DNA markers revealed many bands and mutations specific only to O. gymnostomum and O. obtusifolium. A phylogenetic analysis clearly supported the previous concepts postulating that species of the subgenus Orthophyllum should be recognized as separate genus Nyholmiella.  相似文献   


In this publication, a subdivision of the genus Annenica O. Boettger, 1877 sensu Auct. is proposed. One result of our study is the recognition of the genus Sprattia O. Boettger, 1883 for most of the South Anatolian species of the former genus Armenica. The genus Astrogena Szekeres, 1970, which was synonymised by H. NORDSIECK (1975: 98) with Armenica is redefined and used as a subgenus of Armenica for some species. Extensive recent collections contain new species and subspecies of this genus, which are described here.  相似文献   

The flavonoid aglycone analysis of 20 Thymus taxa (most Iberic or Balearic endemics) shows the presence of luteolin, apigenin, acacetin, genkwanin, 6-hydroxyluteolin, xanthomicrol, cirsimaritin; four partially identified flavones, of which three are 6-OR-substituted and one flavonol. The differences observed between T. capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. et Link (subgenus Coridothymus (Reichenb. fil.) Borbás) and the other species belonging to the subgenus Thymus (L.) Jalas, seem enough to maintain the separation of the two groups, but within the same genus, as proposed in Flora Europaea.  相似文献   

Although recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have greatly improved our understanding of the classification of the large liverwort family Lejeuneaceae, the frequent incongruencies between morphology-based taxonomy and molecular phylogeny have hindered our understanding of evolutionary diversification within the group. Here we focus on Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Steph., a pantropical epiphyllous genus in Lejeuneaceae with 40 species. Phylogenetic studies on the genus have been hampered by insufficient taxon sampling, leaving the deep phylogenetic relationships within this group unresolved. We present the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the genus to date with sampling of over 80% of species, including the enigmatic Leptolejeunea spinistipula (Mizut.) X.L.He endemic to Borneo. Based on data from three molecular markers with representatives of Leptolejeunea and its allies, Leptolejeunea appeared to be monophyletic following the exclusion of L. spinistipula and its transfer to Soella R.L.Zhu, L.Shu, Qiong He & Y.M.Wei. A total-evidence approach was taken to resolve the backbone phylogeny of Leptolejeunea and a first infrageneric classification of Leptolejeunea, including a new subgenus and three new sections, is proposed based on integrated molecular and morphological evidence. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history showed a wide ancestral area of Leptolejeunea during the Paleogene that arose in mainland Asia, followed by an accelerated speciation rate. Across the biogeographical history of Leptolejeunea, long-distance dispersal had profound effects on population expansion. Our findings suggest that Australasia is a source of biodiversity of Asian evergreen broad-leaved forests that have been established since the Oligocene and rose after the early Miocene.  相似文献   

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