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Lorilichus n. g. (Pterolichidae, Pterolichinae) is restricted to the Indo-Australian parrots of the family Loriidae. Assigned to this new genus are Pterolichus (Pseudalloptes) species described by Trouessart in 1884, namely, lobiger (type-species), delibativentris, discifer, cultriventris, emargiventris and securiventris. The first three named species are illustrated and two new species, parvifolius and grandifolius, are described: the five species are from Lorius domicellus (L.).  相似文献   

A species complex of the large genus Aralichus Gaud (Pterolichoidea, Pterolichidae) is restricted to Central and South American parrots of the genus Brotogeris Vigors. Aralichus porrectus (Mégnin & Trouessart) from Brotogeris jugularis (Müller) is redescribed, and five new species are described: A. chrysopteri from B. chrysopterus (L.), A. cyanopterae from B. cyanoptera (Salvadori), A. crassisetosus and A. sanctithomae from B. sanctithomae (Müller), and A. tiricae from B. tirica (Gmelin). Hostcommensal relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Three species in the genus Rhytidelasma Gaud (Pterolichoidea: Pterolichidae) are known from the Green Conure, Aratinga holochlora (Sclater): R. cornigera n. sp., R. urophila n. sp. and R. mesomexicana Atyeo et al. The new species are described, and the microhabitat(s) for each species discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The vocal organ (syrinx) of a bird may contain either extrinsic muscles alone or both extrinsic and intrinsic muscles. The former arise and insert on the trachea and affect the syrinx only indirectly; the latter also arise on the trachea but insert directly on syringeal elements. It is widely supposed that syringeal muscles can affect modulations of the sounds the birds make, and further, that the intrinsic muscles are closely associated with such a function. However, the exact roles of the two groups of muscles have not been directly observed.The psittacid syrinx, which has one (for practical purposes) pair of extrinsic and two pairs of intrinsic muscles, is about as simple as one can find in birds capable of uttering a wide variety of sounds. We have taken electromyograms from the syringeal muscles of five species of parrots. In all of these, the extrinsic sternotrachealis showed the simple activation pattern activity previously described from several non-passerine species that possess only extrinsic muscles. The intrinsic muscles, however, showed a variety of activity patterns. The relatively simple call of Cyanoliseus patagonus again showed the simple activation pattern. In Myiopsitta monachus, the muscles showed a string of pulses that matched to pulses of sound in a strongly amplitude modulated call. Agapornis roseicollis used at least two distinct patterns, each associated with a different call.The results are consistent with an hypothesis that, because of their indirect attachment of the syrinx, extrinsic muscles are poorly suited to the production of precise, rapid changes in syringeal action, but rather will function in an on-off switch capacity. Intrinsic muscles are so situated that, given proper neurological stimulus, they can effect a variety of alterations in the sound pattern. Hence, intrinsic muscles are necessary for the evolution of large vocabularies and variable vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract Seven new feather mite species of the family Pterolichidae are described from various Australian parrots: Apexolichus lathami sp. n. from the swift parrot, Lathamus discolor (Shaw); Titanolichus platycerci sp. n. and Rhytidelasma punctata sp. n. from the pale-headed rosella, Platycercus adscitus (Latham); R. striata sp. n. from the Australian king-parrot, Alisterus scapularis (Lichtenstein); Lorilichus stenolobus sp. n. and Lorilichus curvilobus sp. n. from the rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus haematodus (Linnaeus); Psittophagus galahi sp. n. from the galah, Eolophus roseicapillus (Vieillot). We give a brief overview of taxonomic studies of pterolichid mites living on Psittaciformes, and discuss the main diagnostic characters of different generic groups of these mites.  相似文献   

The parakeet (or budgerigar) has been transported to many regions of the world. Two species of feather mites, Protolichus lunula (Robin) (Pterolichoidea: Pterolichidae) and Dubininia melopsittaci n. sp. (Analgoidea: Xolalgidae), are specific to this host; from distribution records, these ectoparasites probably have been distributed worldwide with their hosts.  相似文献   

We characterized 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered Mauritius parakeet (Psittacula eques). Loci were isolated from a Mauritius parakeet genomic library that had been enriched separately for eight different repeat motifs. Loci were characterized in up to 43 putatively unrelated Mauritius parakeets from a single population inhabiting the Black River Gorges National Park, Mauritius. Each locus displayed between three and nine alleles, with the observed heterozygosity ranging between 0.39 and 0.96. All loci were tested in 10 other parrot species. Despite testing few individuals, between seven and 21 loci were polymorphic in each of seven species tested.  相似文献   

Quintero, E., Ribas, C. C. & Cracraft, J. (2012). The Andean Hapalopsittaca parrots (Psittacidae, Aves): an example of montane‐tropical lowland vicariance. —Zoologica Scripta, 42, 28–43. We describe a phylogenetic and biogeographical pattern connecting high montane biotas to those of the lowlands, as exemplified by the exclusively montane parrot genus Hapalopsittaca and its lowland sister genus Pyrilia, both nested within Tavares et al.’s “amazons and allies” clade. As Hapalopsittaca is the only genus within the “amazons and allies” clade that is exclusively distributed in the Andes, the optimization leads to the inference that the ancestral distribution of the branch leading to Pyrilia + Hapalopsittaca was lowland. Museum specimens were examined to determine basal diagnosably distinct taxonomic units. Based on this analysis, mitochondrial sequences (cyt b and ND2 genes) from 17 individuals, mostly from toe pads, and representing all basal taxa within Hapalopsittaca, were obtained. A divergence‐dating analysis using both nuclear (RAG‐1) and mitochondrial (cyt b) genes was conducted to explore whether the uplift of the Andes coincides temporarily with the origin of this montane group, and thus might be causally linked to its origin. Molecular dating estimates the split between Hapalopsittaca and Pyrilia to have occurred between 6.6 and 8.0 Myr; thus, the timing of this highland/lowland disjunction is consistent with that of the final uplift of the Central Andes, supporting a hypothesis of vicariance due to Andean uplift. These results suggest that the taxonomic assembly of montane biotas may be, at least in part, explained by events of Earth history rather than by long‐distance dispersal and colonization. Diversification within Hapalopsittaca and the origin of current species are more recent in time and probably are related to Pleistocene climatic oscillations, as has been shown in other montane groups.  相似文献   

Two new feather mite species of Aralichus Gaud (Pterolichoidea, Pterolichidae) are described from the white-capped parrot Pionus senilis (Spix): Aralichus elongatus and Aralichus menchacai. Immature instars and host-parasite associations are discussed.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 7 species of Psittaciformes new to cytology are described: Cacatua galerita, Calyptorhynchus magnificus and Probosciger aterrimus of the Cacatuidae, and Ara macao, A. ararauna, Amazona viridigenalis and Psittrichas fulgidens of the Psittacidae. For reasons of comparison the karyotype of Melopsittacus undulatus is also described. These karyotypes are compared to 8 psittaciform karyotypes previously recorded. There is a remarkable heterogeneity of karyotypes in the Psittaciformes. Nevertheless, it seems possible to recognize Cacatua, Calyptorhynchus and probably also Probosciger (Cacatuidae) by their karyotypes as a clearly related group. The karyotypes of these cacatuids also bear some resemblance to that of Loriculus (Psittacidae). The psittacid genera Amazona, Ara, Nestor, Melopsittacus, Psittacula, Psittacus and Psittrichas are karyologically heterogeneous, but their karyotypes show certain relationships. The karyotype of Brotogeris is very different from those of other psittacids.  相似文献   

Blood and tissue samples of 40 individuals including 27 parrot species (15 genera; 3 subfamilies) were collected in Indonesia. Their phylogenetic relationships were inferred from 907 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene, using the maximum-parsimony method, the maximum-likelihood method and the neighbor-joining method with Kimura two-parameter distance. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that (1) cockatoos (subfamily Cacatuinae) form a monophyletic sister group to other parrot groups; (2) within the genus Cacatua, C. goffini and C. sanguinea form a sister group to a clade containing other congeners; (3) subfamily Psittacinae emerged as paraphyletic, consisting of three clades, with a clade of Psittaculirostris grouping with subfamily Loriinae rather than with other Psittacinae; (4) lories and lorikeets (subfamily Loriinae) emerged as monophyletic, with Charmosyna placentis a basal sister group to other Loriinae, which comprised the subclades Lorius; Trichoglossus+Eos; and Chalcopsitta+ Pseudeos.  相似文献   

Mites are a diverse and important component in the soils of the Southern Ocean islands, but for many groups, their taxonomy and biogeography is little studied. This paper reports the Algophagidae, a poorly known family, from the New Zealand region for the first time. The study used soil samples from seabird burrows, brackish algal wrack samples and a museum collection to recover specimens. Terraphagus antipodus gen. n., sp. n. is described from grey petrel Procellaria cinerea burrow soil on the Antipodes Islands, New Zealand. The axillary organ is confined to the dorsum; the epigynal apodeme ends are fused with the ends of coxal apodeme II; seta 2a and ω2 are absent, and the famulus is bilobed. Males have the sternum fused to coxal apodemes II; the tarsal setae of legs I, III and IV of the male are modified for mate guarding. The short stout legs I and II end in huge spines in females as e, d, q, s, wa and hT. From brackish algal wrack, Lake Forsyth/Wairewa, Canterbury, New Zealand, another algophagid Neohyadesia minor sp. n. is described and illustrated. The new species is the smallest known algophagid. A neohyadesid collected in 1961 is newly reported here from Eudyptes sp. penguin rookery mud from North Head, Macquarie Island. These records further extend the known microhabitats of the family to the allochthonous marine seabird nutrient flow into islands in the New Zealand region and make Neohyadesia Hughes and Goodman, 1969 present in all Southern Ocean provinces.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species related to Rhytidelasma Gaud, 1966 and Lorilichus Atyeo & Gaud, 1991 are described from the plumage of the red-flanked Lorikeet Charmosyna placentis placentis (Temminck) (Psittacidae). These are Ceratolichus mirabilis n. g., n. sp. and Charmosylichus anamphiestos n. g., n. sp. In addition, an improved diagnosis of Lorilichus is proposed and two new species of this genus are described from the red-flanked lorikeet, L. longiphallos n. sp. and L. paralobiger n. sp.  相似文献   

A new genus of freshwater ostracods, Tanganyikacypridopsis gen.n., is established to include the species Potamocypris depressa Kiss, 1959, Cypridopsis calcarata Rome, 1962 and Cypridopsis anomala Rome, 1962, all from Lake Tanganyika. The genus is related to Sarscypridopsis McKenzie, 1977 and Plesiocypridopsis (Rome, 1965), mainly because of its hemipenis anatomy, and is believed to be endemic to Lake Tanganyika.  相似文献   

Wichard W  Ross E  Ross AJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):323-330
Palerasnitsynus ohlhoffigen. et sp. n. is described fromBurmese amber of late Albian (Lower Cretaceous) age. This is the first record of the family Psychomyiidae from Burmese amber, and the earliest fossil record of the family. The genus Palerasnitsynusgen. n. differs from all other known psychomyiid genera by the absence of fork III in the forewings.  相似文献   

The greatest number of feather mite Congeners occurring on a single host are members of the genus Fainalges Gaud & Berla (Acarina, Xolalgidae), associates of New World parrots. For the green conure, Aratinga holochlora (Sclater) (Aves, Psittacidae), there are six new and one previously known Fainalges species; these will be (re) described herein. The new species are: F. bilobatus, F. latistriatus, F. spiculatus, F. stettenheimi, F. tanythrix, F. vulgaris ; the redescribed species is F. longissimus Mejía-González & Pérez. Additionally, the developmental series for each species is (re)described. The microhabitats of the two most abundant species, F. bilobatus and F. vulgaris , are established. Fainalges brevissimus Mejía-González & Pérez is considered as a junior synonym of F. intermedius (Trouessart).  相似文献   

Aorella multiplex gen. et sp.n. is described and figured. The species lives amongst algae and phanerogams on reef flats in Fiji. The species cannot readily be assigned to any known genus of Aoridae (sensu Myers 1981), and a new genus is here erected for its inclusion.  相似文献   

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