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Giménez J. 2010. Euspermatozoa and paraspermatozoa in the volutid gastropod Odontocymbiola magellanica, Patagonia, Argentina, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92 : 355–362. The ultrastructure of mature spermatozoa and paraspermatozoa of Odontocymbiola magellanica is investigated. Euspermatozoa consist of: (1) a tall, conical acrosomal vesicle (with a short basal invagination, constricted anteriorly); (2) a rod‐shaped, solid and highly electron‐dense nucleus; (3) an elongate midpiece consisting of the axoneme sheathed by helical mitochondrial elements each exhibiting a dense U‐shaped outer layer; (4) an elongate glycogen piece; (5) a dense annulus at the junction of the midpiece and glycogen piece; and (6) a short free‐tail region. Paraspermatozoa of O. magellanica are vermiform and dimorphic. First type contain approximately 14–17 axonemes (arranged peripherally and interspersed with microtubules) and numerous oblong dense vesicles, numerous less dense (round) vesicles, and scattered mitochondria; the second type contains 38–45 axonemes peripherally arranged and closer to the core region of the cell and occasional mitochondria. Most of the euspermatozoal features of O. magellanica are also observed in many neotaenioglossans and neogastropods. However, the U‐shaped outer layer of each mitochondrial element has only been previously reported in the Volutidae subfamily Zidoniinae. It is now reported here in the subfamily Odontocimbiolinae and may prove to be a diagnostic feature of the Volutidae family.  相似文献   

  • 1 Colour change is shown to be related to the timing of sexual maturation of P.peregrina Förster. Males become sexually mature and attain their autumnal coloration about 3 weeks before females.
  • 2 Upon maturation males migrate down branches into the inner crowns of hawthorn trees. Females show a similar movement as they mature later in the season.
  • 3 Seasonal colour changes may serve cryptic functions and are appropriate to the different environments in which adults are found during the season.
  • 4 The distribution of overwintering eggs reflects the post maturation distribution of adult psyllids, with eggs being concentrated on old wood towards the base of hawthorn branches.

Embryo morphology, feeding mechanism and changes in composition of the egg capsule content during development (intracapsular fluids and embryos) were studied in Odontocymbiola magellanica from newly spawned egg capsules to the pre-hatching juvenile stage. Changes in embryo morphology and behavior are presented, based on observations and micrographs of living specimens and scanning electron microscopy. The arrangement of velar cilia and athrocytes and shell gland location and development differed markedly from other studied caenogastropods. Embryo ingestion of intracapsular fluid was promoted by velar ciliary currents at least from the early veliger stage, while feeding by grazing on the inner membranous layer of the egg capsule was rarely observed until juveniles were about to hatch. The main growth of embryos occurred during the veliger stages. A significant nutritional investment in egg capsules, as compared with other South American volutids was observed. Nutrition from proteins seemed to predominate at the expense of a high molecular weight fraction (>220 kDa). Calcium concentration in the intracapsular fluid remained constant during development, but notably, the total intracapsular content (i.e., the amount contained in both fluid and embryos) increased 3-fold, which may be explained by extraction from the egg capsule magnesium-rich calcite cover, or alternatively, by uptake of calcium from the surrounding sea water. Ammonia, a major end-product of nitrogen metabolism in marine invertebrates, was present in both embryos and intracapsular fluid, from which it may easily diffuse to the surrounding sea water through the egg capsule wall. Our results on embryo morphology, development and biochemical changes provide useful comparative data for evolutionary and developmental studies in the Volutidae as well as in other caenogastropods.  相似文献   

M. Cristina Faccioni-Heuser, Denise M. Zancan, Christiane Q. Lopes and Matilde Achaval. 1999. The pedal muscle of the land snail Megalobulimus oblongus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata): an ultrastructure approach. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 80: 325–337
The ultrastructure of the pedal muscle of the Megalobulimus oblongus is described. This muscle consists of transverse, longitudinal and oblique bundles ensheathed in collagenous tissue. Each muscle cell is also ensheathed by collagen. The smooth muscle cells contain thin and thick filaments; the thin filaments are attached to dense bodies. These cells contain a simple system of sarcoplasmic reticulum, subsarcolemmal caveolae and mitochondria with dense granules in the matrix, and glycogen. Three types of muscle cells were identified. Type A cells exhibited densely packed myofilaments, abundant glycogen rosettes, numerous mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum profiles. Type B cells exhibited scanty glycogen and mitochondria, few cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum and large intermyofibrillar spaces. Type C cells exhibited intermediate characteristics between type A and type B cells. Neither nexus nor desmosomes were observed between the muscle cell membranes. The muscle contains well developed connective tissue and blood vessels. These structures and the distribution of muscle cells are probably involved in the muscular-hydrostat system. The muscle is richly innervated, having neuromuscular junctions with clear and electron-dense synaptic vesicles. The clear vesicles probably contain acetylcholine because the axons to which they are connected arise from acetylcholinesterase positive neurones of the pedal ganglion. The other vesicles may secrete monoamines such as serotonin and/or neuropeptides such as substance P.  相似文献   

This study describes the structural and ultrastructural characteristics of gonadal sex differentiation and expression of Vasa, a germline marker, in different developmental stages of embryos and newborn fry of the barred splitfin Chapalichthys encaustus, a viviparous freshwater teleost endemic to Mexico. In stage 2 embryos, the gonadal crest was established; gonadal primordia were located on the coelomic epithelium, formed by scarce germ and somatic cells. At stage 3, the undifferentiated gonad appeared suspended from the mesentery of the developing swimbladder and contained a larger number of germ and somatic cells. At stages 4 and 5, the gonads had groups of meiotic and non-meiotic germ cells surrounded by somatic cells; meiosis was evident from the presence of synaptonemal complexes. These stages constituted a transition towards differentiation. At stage 6 and at birth, the gonad was morphologically differentiated into an ovary or a testis. Ovarian differentiation was revealed by the presence of follicles containing meiotic oocytes, and testicular differentiation by the development of testicular lobules containing spermatogonia in mitotic arrest, surrounded by Sertoli cells. Nuage, electron-dense material associated with mitochondria, was observed in germ cells at all gonadal stages. The Vasa protein was detected in all of the previously described stages within the germ-cell cytoplasm. This is the first report on morphological characteristics and expression of the Vasa gene during sexual differentiation in viviparous species of the Goodeidae family. Chapalichthys encaustus may serve as a model to study processes of sexual differentiation in viviparous fishes and teleosts.  相似文献   

The activity of the ecdysteroid agonist tebufenozide was evaluated on the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Tebufenozide affected larval feeding and growth, showing clear symptoms of a double head capsule. Under the SEM and TEM, symptoms of precocious apolysis of the larval integument were observed. Although this process was accompanied with a great inhibition of locomotion, muscle attachment to the new cuticle seemed not to be affected confirming the primary mode of action of tebufenozide as ecdysteroid‐like. In addition, tebufenozide exerted a sterilising action in female and male adults in the laboratory. Finally, the potency of tebufenozide was evaluated in an experimental orchard for commercial apple production in Belgium being, at least, as effective as diflubenzuron.  相似文献   

Anasterias minuta is an oral-brooding sea star and one of the main predators of intertidal benthos in Patagonia, Argentina. The aims of this study were to: (1) assess the temporal pattern of feeding and brooding, (2) evaluate the effect of body size, tidal height and temperature on feeding and brooding, (3) evaluate temporary changes in digestive and sexual organs and (4) investigate the relationships between the predatory and brooding activities. Females do not feed during the brooding period. Spawning proceeded during March. The brooding period was from March to November, with a maximum in May. The population feeding rate varied seasonally, with a maximum in December and a minimum in May. The feeding rate was positively related to water temperature and sea star size; but not with tidal height. An annual cycle exists for pyloric caeca weight in both sexes; lowest values were found during winter, due to brooding female starvation, and a possible decrease in feeding rate of non-brooding females and males. No inverse relationship was found between the pyloric caeca and gonad weights in females, but a lag of 1 month was observed in males, being the maximal pyloric caeca development before the maximum gonad weight, suggesting nutrient translocation.  相似文献   

Morphological details of sexual reproduction in Carteria eugametos (Volvocales, Chlorophyta) were studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Protoplasts of the two pairing, flagellate cells were released from cell walls to become isogametes. Such gametes were nonmotile and soon fused to form a completely immobile zygote. The zygote then secreted a cell wall to enter the dormant period. After dark treatment, the zygote produced four, eight or 16 quadriflagellate germ cells, and a transparent vesicle enclosing all the germ cells was released from the zygote wall. This type of zygote germination and aplanogamy in C. eugametos is unique and may be related to its peculiar phylogenetic position within the Volvocales (Chlamydomonadales).  相似文献   

Although the overall pattern and timing of gonadal sex differentiation have been established in a considerable number of teleosts, the ultrastructure of early stages of gonadal development is not well documented. In this study, gonads from larval and juvenile stages of laboratory-reared Cichlasoma dimerus were examined at the light-microscopic and ultrastructural levels. This freshwater species adapts easily to captivity and spawns with high frequency during 8 months of the year, providing an appropriate model for developmental studies. Larvae and juveniles were kept at a water temperature of 26.5 +/- 1 degrees C and a 12:12 hour photoperiod. Gonadal development was documented from 14-100 days postfertilization, covering the period of histologically discernible sex differentiation. Gonadal tissue was processed according to standard techniques for light and electron microscopy. C. dimerus, a perciform teleost, is classified as a differentiated gonochorist, in which an indifferent gonad develops directly into a testis or ovary. On day 14, the gonadal primordium consists of a few germ cells surrounded by enveloping somatic cells. Ovarian differentiation precedes testicular differentiation, as usual in teleost fishes. The earliest signs of differentiation, detected from day 42 onward, include the onset of meiotic activity in newly formed oocytes, which is soon accompanied by increased oogonial mitotic proliferation and the somatic reorganization of the presumptive ovary. The ovarian cavity is completely formed by day 65. Numerous follicles containing perinucleolar oocytes are observed by day 100. In contrast, signs of morphological differentiation in the presumptive testis are not observed until day 72. By day 100, the unrestricted lobular organization of the testis is evident. The latest stage of spermatogenesis observed by this time of testicular development is spermatocyte II.  相似文献   

Brood of the Australian stingless bee Trigona carbonaria was investigated using microsatellites to determine the origin of males. Genotypes of over 1800 males sampled from ten unrelated colonies were consistent with the hypothesis that the resident queen was the sole mother of the males and that workers, either natal or non-natal (parasitic), did not contribute to the production of males. Dissections of 300 workers from a total of four colonies showed that ovaries are present but not activated. Received 6 June 2007; revised 20 August 2007; accepted 12 September 2007.  相似文献   

This study examines prey selection by Magellanic horned owls (Bubo magellanicus) in an ecotonal steppe area of northwestern Argentine Patagonia, and analyzes morphological and behavioral traits of the owls main rodent prey. The owls diet was studied for two years, along with field estimates of rodent abundance. The frequency distribution of rodents was significantly different from that estimated from trapping, indicating that Magellanic horned owl behaved as a selective predator. Eligmodontia morgani and Abrothrix xanthorhinus, the smallest species inhabiting open areas, were consumed in lower proportion than their occurrence estimated from the trapped sample, whereas the larger Abrothrix longipilis and Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, which inhabited bushy habitats, were eaten in a greater proportion than their estimated abundance. It is suggested that distinctive morphological and behavioral characteristics among prey interacting with the owl hunting strategy, accounted for their differential vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus from Sweden and Newfoundland was studied in laboratory culture. Zoids from unilocular sporangia developed into dioecious microscopic filamentous gametophytes which produced uniseriate plurilocular gametangia in low temperatures (0 to 8 °C). Zygotes and unfused isogametes gave rise to filamentous protonemata on which parenchymatous macroscopic sporophytes were formed. Isolates from Sweden and Newfoundland were interfertile. Although formed in culture, genetically unisexual sporophytes were not detected in nature. Female gametes ofD. foeniculaceus produced a sexual pheromone. It was identified as finavarrene, which is also known as the sperm attractant inAscophyllum nodosum.  相似文献   

In this conchometric study, the systematics and distribution of the freshwater gastropod Melanopsis in the Levant are described. Of the ten species found, three are widespread, two have narrow distributions and five are known only from their type locality. Five smooth‐shelled species are recognized (buccinoidea, ammonis, dircaena, khabourensis and meiostoma). Within M. buccinoidea, Jordan Valley populations may belong to a separate subspecies. M. ammonis is clearly differentiated from buccinoidea of the nearby Jordan Valley, but less so from buccinoidea of more distant sites; differences between ammonis and meiostoma are significant but not diagnostic. Five species have ribbed shells. Within costata, four subspecies are recognized (in the northern Orontes, upper Jordan, Sea of Galilee, and in southernmost parts of the Levant). Throughout the Levant, M. buccinoidea frequently hybridizes with M. costata and fossil evidence suggests that these species have been hybridizing for the last 1.5 Myr. M. saulcyi differs from M. costata in its narrower shell and shorter, bumpier ribs and frequently hybridizes with M. buccinoidea throughout the Levant. Specimens from Homs differ from those of the Jordan Valley in their higher figurativity index, fewer ribs and lower rib density. M. germaini differs from M. costata in its more numerous ribs, M. pachya in its shorter ribs, and M. infracincta in its bumpy shell in which each rib has huge tubercles, with a pronounced ridge flanking the columella. Our conclusion that there are ten species in the Levant differs from previous studies that suggested only two subspecies of one species (or superspecies). This difference could stem from (1) our use of nonstandard as well as standard conchometrics, (2) a reappraisal of the importance of the shell vs. the radula in intrageneric systematics, and (3) differences of opinion on the subspecies concept. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 144 , 229?260.  相似文献   

The electron microscopy of zygote formation and the early stages of zygote germination in Nephroselmis olivacea Stein are presented. Although the gametes differ behaviorally during the early stages of gamete fusion, the alga is isogamous. The minus gamete settled on the substrate, and attached with its left side. The plus gamete swam to the minus gamete, attached ventral to the right side of the minus gamete, while slightly on its left side, and plasmogamy started. No specialized organelle for gamete fusion was seen using either scanning or transmission electron microscopy. Gametic fusion was uniform; the right side of the minus gamete always fused with the ventral, slightly left side of the plus gamete, which suggests the participation of the d‐rootlets of the flagellar apparatus of the two gametes. Body scales were retained throughout the entire sexual process. Before karyogamy, a network of endoplasmic reticulum developed between the nuclei. This position corresponded to the contractile vacuole of the plus gamete. Fusion proceeded as the minus gamete was drawn to the plus gamete and resulted in a hemispherical zygote. Fibrous material appeared on the cell surface, embedding the body scales to form a layer that thickened and contributed to the strong adhesion of the zygote to the substrate. During this stage, karyogamy was completed. A thick zygotic wall composed of two layers, an electron‐dense outer layer and a straticulate electron‐lucent inner layer developed beneath the layer of fibrous material and scales. Zygote germination was induced. After the first meiotic division, the layer of fibrous material and scales ruptured and the inner layer of the zygotic wall thinned, allowing the emergence of two germ cells. They had newly formed scales and two starch grains, but no typical pyrenoid.  相似文献   

Land snails have long been recognized as suitable organisms for studying phenotypic differentiation and phylogeny in relation to geographical distribution. Morphological data (shell and anatomy biometry on different geographical scales) and partial sequences from mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit I , 16S rDNA) were used to test whether morphological patterns match phylogeny in a diversified group of Sicilian rock-dwelling land snails belonging to the genus Marmorana . The taxonomic implications of the three character sets (shell and anatomical biometry and molecular data) were also considered. The inferred phylogenetic relationships do not match morphological (shell and genitalia) patterns. This result may significantly modify the current taxonomy. Mitochondrial based reconstructions define several supported clades well correlated with geographic distribution and populations were found to be distributed parapatrically. The progressive decline in mitochondrial DNA sequence similarity over a distance of 250 km is consistent with a model of isolation by distance, a pattern previously recognized for other groups of land snails. For one clade of Marmorana , colonization along Mediterranean trade routes appears to be a possibility.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 809–823.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of a Metopograpsus population (Muzhupilangad estuary) had three distinct periods: (1) growth-reproduction (January–May), when crabs were involved in moult and reproduction; (2) inactive period (June–July), and (3) reproductive period (August–December). Usually, spawning was immediately followed by another vitellogenic cycle, paralleled by the embryogenesis of prehatch eggs in the brood. Moulting was seemingly an annual event. In the programming of moult and reproduction, the species deviated from the common brachyuran pattern, inasmuch as the postmoult females engaged in active vitellogenesis. The synchrony in the stages of maturation and spawning, and the precision with which the physiological events are programmed, make this highly fecund species an ideal model for an integrated study of the physiology of growth and reproduction.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The dose–response of azadirachtin on vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius), reproduction is investigated by confining adults to feed on treated Taxus × media leaves, and by counting and evaluating development in the resulting eggs. 2 A dosage‐dependent reduction in oviposition is discovered for foliar surface residues of azadirachtin, with an EC50 of 25–50 parts per million (p.p.m) and 99.2% inhibition of viable egg production with 100 p.p.m. 3 Switching weevils from treated to untreated foliage allows reproductive capability to be restored for weevils that cease egg laying after azadirachtin exposure of 50 p.p.m. Weevils that had already started laying eggs in untreated groups soon cease oviposition once switched to azadirachtin‐treated foliage. 4 A transovarial effect results in a decrease in the percentage of viable eggs as the azadirachtin concentration increases. 5 The amount of feeding on foliage does not appreciably decrease at these hormonally effective concentrations, and adult weevil mortality is only slightly greater in the azadirachtin‐treated groups. Therefore, the overall effect of azadirachtin on weevil populations in the field is difficult to assess, except by collecting weevils to determine whether they are able to lay viable eggs.  相似文献   

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