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The heme iron of the β chains of mammalian hemoglobins are rapidly and selectively oxidized in the presence of excess Cu(II) ions in a reaction that requires the presence of a free -SH groups on the β globin chain. The presence of freely reactive -SH groups on the α chains of cat and sheep hemoglobins does not alter the course of this reaction: only the β hemes are oxidized rapidly by Cu(II) in these hemoglobins. Two equivalents of copper are required for the rapid oxidation of the two β chain hemes per mole of cat hemoglobin, in contrast with the four equivalents that are required for reaction with human hemoglobin. The human-cat hybrid hemoglobins, α2Humanβ2Cat and α2Catβ2Human, required two and four equivalents of copper/mol, respectively, for the reaction. Thus, the kinetics and stoichimetry of the reaction are determined by the nature of the β subunit. Analysis of the esr spectra of the products of the reaction of Cu(II) with these hemoglobins indicate that human hemoglobin and the hybrid α2Catβ2Human contain tight binding sites for two equivalents of Cu(II) that are not involved in the oxidation reaction and are not present in cat hemoglobin or α2Humanβ2Cat. Cat β globin like others (sheep, bovine) that lack the tight binding site, has no histidine residue at 2β. It has phenylalanine in this position. These results support the suggestion of Rifkind et al. (Biochemistry 15,5337[1976]) that the tight binding site is near the amino terminal region of the β chain and is associated with histidine 2β.  相似文献   

The copper(II) complex of the clinically used antitumor agent bleomycin (Blm) has cytotoxic as well as antitumor properties. To understand the relationship of the bleomycin ligand, copper bleomycin, and other possible metal complexes of this agent, kinetic studies of the formation of Cu(II)Blm, ligand substitution reactions of CuBlm with ethylenediaminetetraaletic acid, and the redox reaction of CuBlm with thiols have been completed and interpreted along with previous studies of the thermodynamic stability of Cu2+ with bleomycin. Cu(II)Bm is found to be kinetically and thermodynamically stable in ligand substitution processes and is only slowly reduced and dissociated by sulfhydryl reagents. The rate constant of reduction of the complex by 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) at pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C is 9.5 X 10(-3) M-1 sec-1, explaining the inhibition of Fe2+-dependent strand scission of DNA by Cu2+ in the presence of 2-ME. CuBlm forms in preference to Fe(II)Blm and cannot be reduced and dissociated rapidly enough by thiols to liberate Blm and form the reactive iron complex. In agreement with the observed chemical stability of CuBlm, it is also shown that the complex is stable in human plasma and in the presence of Ehrlich cells suspended in ascites fluid. Interestingly, little CuBlm enters these cells to carry out cytotoxic reactions. Finally, it is shown that both Cu2+ and Zn2+, at equivalent concentrations to Fe2+, effectively inhibit the strand scission of DNA by Fe(II)Blm plus oxygen. However, at substoichiometric amounts of Cu2+, the ferroxidase activity of Blm enables the drug to remain effective in the strand-scission reaction, despite the lowered Cu-free Blm/Fe2+ ratio. These results are discussed in light of the proposed mechanism of action of bleomycin.  相似文献   

A recent and important approach to investigating electron transfer mechanisms of redox proteins has been through kinetic-ionic strength studies. There is, however, significant controversy as to whether such studies (1) yield information regarding the charge (or location) of the electron transfer site or (2) more simply reflect the influence of net or overall protein charge on the electrostatic interactions. A critical analysis using different theoretical approaches is made of our recent work and of the bulk of the published non-physiological small molecule-protein and protein-protein kinetic ionic strength studies; it is concluded that (1) the approximated Bronsted-Debye-Huckel equation can not be used at all for protein redox reactions, (2) irrespective of the theoretical approaches discussed, such studies do not provide information regarding the charge of the electron transfer site, (3) it is the net charge of the reactants that control the electrostatic interactions, (4) both the equation derived by Wherland and Gray and the full Bronsted-Debye-Huckel equation provide reasonably good approximations of net protein charge, (5) pH changes quantitatively modulate net protein charge, and (6) thus, protein redox rates need to be electrostatically corrected if relevant interpretations of kinetic-ionic strength experiments are to be made.  相似文献   

The reduction of cytochrome c by a series of ferrous EDTA-like complexes was analyzed by the relative Marcus and Tunneling theories. All of the rate constants were calculated at infinite ionic strengths by the use of the Wherland-Gray equation to eliminate electrostatic effects. Both of the theories predicted the rate constants quite well for most of the complexes. But, for those complexes that cannot completely fill all the coordination sites of the iron (HEDTA, NTA), the rate constants were anomalously low. This would be consistent with an increased tunneling distance due to an increase in the size of the complex due to hydrogen bonding between the coordinated hydroxide and the solvent, or due to poorer interaction between the protein and the more hydrophobic mediators.  相似文献   

2-Formylpyridine monothiosemicarbazonato copper II (CuL+) is readily taken up by red cells and is initially bound to glutathione and hemoglobin. Glutathione was depleted within 5 hr of incubation, presumably by oxidation mediated by CuL+ and O2 with concomittant generation of toxic oxygen species. Cupric ion was slowly transferred from CuL+ to hemoglobin within about 7 hr, and hemoglobin was oxidized until the major form prevailing after 10 hr was α2β2+. Little increase in hemolysis due to addition of CuL+ dissolved in the radical scavenger dimethyl sulfoxide was observed with prolonged incubation. Strong inhibition of red cell hexokinase by CuL+ was observed when the enzymes in red cell lysates and hemoglobin-free red cell lysates were examined. CuL+ was also an effective inhibitor of yeast hexokinase. However, the inhibitory effect of CuL + within the red cells was less pronounced. It is suggested that even though intracellular accumulation of CuL + creates an oxidizing environment and is potentially capable of inhibiting thiol enzymes such as hexokinase, protective effects are exerted in the red cell by the presence of hemoglobin, of radical scavengers, and of high levels of enzymes that detoxify toxic oxygen species. Address reprint requests to Dr. W.E. Antholine, Department of Radiology, or Dr. F. Taketa, Department of Bio  相似文献   

The incorporation of natural eumelanin from bovine eyes and synthetic 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (dopa) melanin into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells is reported. The process is linear for at least 8 h. Electron microscopy showed phagocytosis of melanin, either as a single granule or in groups of granules, into cell lysosomes with subsequent degradation of the granule. The general features of the ingestion and degradation processes mimic those of the incorporation of melanosomes into keratinocytes. CHO cells with ingested melanin in general revealed properties very similar to those of the pigment-free CHO cell: cell division, oxygen consumption and plating efficiency were not greatly altered by moderate concentrations of pigment. This suggests that the CHO cell system may be useful for the study of pigment in a cellular environment; pigment-free CHO cells are well characterized and can serve as a good control. Preliminary applications are reported: demonstrations of (1) incorporation of metal ions (Al3+) into CHO cells using melanin as a carrier; (2) the ability of melanin to enhance the rate of oxygen consumption during photo-irradiation of the cells.  相似文献   

Activation of yeast enolase by Cd2+ exhibits properties similar to activation by the physiological cofactor Mg2+. The activity is weakly stimulated, then inhibited by increasing ionic strength. The activity increases, then falls with increasing Cd2+ concentration. The effect of pH on activity produced by Cd2+ is very similar to that produced by Mg2+, except that the Cd2+ profile is shifted one pH unit to more alkaline values, and the maximum activity of the Cd2+-enzyme is about 10% of that of the Mg2+-enzyme. The apparent kinetic parameters of Cd2+ activation show little effect of pH except for inhibition by high concentrations of Cd2+: the apparent Ki increases sharply with pH. This is interpreted as the result of Cd2+ being a less effective "catalytic" metal ion, and Cd2+ being more effective in stabilizing the enzyme at alkaline pH's. The similarity of effects of ionic strength, divalent cation, and pH may be due to interaction with the same six sites per mole of enzyme. We also characterized the dependence of what is believed to be the enzyme-catalyzed enolization of a substrate analog, D-tartronate semialdehyde-2-phosphate (TSP) on similar parameters of pH, ionic strength, etc. The putative enolization is dependent on catalytic metal ion, although the TSP binds to the conformational Cd2+-enzyme complex. The reaction is very slow and very pH dependent, increasing with pH with a midpoint of reaction velocity at pH 8.7. There is a strong qualitative correlation between pH dependencies of reaction velocity of substrate conversion and TSP enolization and absorbance of the enzyme-bound TSP enolate, whether with Mg2+ or Cd2+ as cofactor. The slowness of the Cd2+-TSP reaction is not limited by proton release or any reaction involving covalent bonds to hydrogen. The apparent reaction rate constant increases linearly with Cd2+ concentration. Addition of excess ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid reverses the TSP reaction, but again very slowly. The binding of Cd2+ to the catalytic sites is characterized by low association and dissociation rate constants.  相似文献   

A binuclear complex has been produced by the reaction of an iron porphyrin (sodium tetra-p-sulfophenylporphine iron (III)-FeTPPS) with a copper metallo-tripeptide (copper (II) glycylglycyl-L-histidine-N-methylamide-CuGGH) in aqueous solution. The system has been characterized by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy, optical absorption spectroscopy, and electrochemical methods. Room-temperature ESR spectra of the copper complex and low-temperature ESR spectra of the iron porphine provide evidence for the formation of a binuclear complex. These findings are supported by absorption spectroscopy and electrochemical studies, and lead to a value of ca. 2 X 10(-3) M-1 (at room temperature) for the equilibrium constant for complex formation. The relevance of this system to the enzymic active site of mammalian cytochrome c oxidase is discussed.  相似文献   

Addition of N6, O2′-dibutyryl cAMP (DbcAMP) to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-primed rabbit lymph node cells for 1 hr, followed by its removal and the addition of KLH, had no effect on the subsequent antibody response, whereas addition of KLH for 1 hr followed by DbcAMP resulted in a 100% enhancement of antibody synthesis. Addition of cholera enterotoxin (CT), which rapidly and irreversibly binds to lymphocytes and activates adenylate cyclase, either before or after the addition of antigen, elevated the antibody response by 100%. These results suggested that some antigen-induced event(s) may be required for DbcAMP to exert its enhancing effects on the antibody response. The effect of KLH on the uptake of DbcAMP by KLH-primed lymph node cells was investigated. One and one hundred micrograms of KLH, which induce optimal and supraoptimal antibody synthesis, respectively, promoted maximal uptake of DbcAMP. This induced uptake was first detectable about 12 hr after addition of KLH, and it peaked during 24–48 hr of culture. DbcAMP uptake induced by a brief exposure of KLH (0–1 hr) was equivalent to that observed with long-term KLH addition (0–24 hr). KLH-induced DbcAMP uptake required KLH-reactive lymphocytes and represented active transport. Antibody to rabbit T lymphocytes inhibited this antigen-induced uptake. The mitogens concanavalin A (Con A) (T cells) and goat anti-rabbit Fab' (anti-Fab') (B cells) also stimulated DbcAMP uptake, as did human serum albumin (HSA) and myoglobulin (Mb) when added to homologously primed cells, indicating the generality of the phenomenon. [3H]DbcAMP entered the cells as di- or monobutyryl cAMP with about 40% metabolized to 5′AMP. This uptake could be competitively inhibited by other adenine or guanine nucleotides and nucleosides.  相似文献   

By 13C-nmr on iron-bleomycin preparations, an iron-bleomycin-CO complex is found that loses its CO upon standing, as demonstrated using 14CO. Iron-bleomycin, prepared without rigorous exclusion of oxygen, reacts with CO to a stable diamagnetic iron-bleomycin-CO complex.  相似文献   

Kinetic evaluation of the oxidation of oxymyoglobin (MbO2) to metmyoglobin (Mb+) by bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt nitrosyl [Co(NO)(DMGH)2] has established that the mechanism of this transformation involves initial dissociation of nitric oxide from Co(NO)(DMGH)2, followed by direct oxidation of MbO2 by nitric oxide. Nitrate formation accompanies the production of Mb+ and is proposed to arise from isomerization of the initially formed peroxynitrite ion. By comparative kinetic determinations with nitrosyl transfer from the cobalt nitrosyl reagent to deoxyhemoglobin, the rate constant for oxidation of MbO2 by nitric oxide is calculated to be 31 X 106 M?1sec?1 at 10.0°C in phosphate-buffered media at pH 7.0. Bis(dimethylglyoximato)cobalt(II), the cobalt complex formed by nitric oxide dissociation from Co(NO)(DMGH)2, is an effective trap for dioxygen liberated from MbO2. The resulting μ-peroxo- or μ-superoxo-dicobaloxime(III) oxidizes deoxymyoglobin to metmyoglobin at a rate that is competitive with oxidation induced by Co(NO)(DMGH)2.  相似文献   

Carnosine complexes with copper(II) ions were studied with magnetic resonance techniques over a wide range of ligand to metal ratios at various pH values. Water proton relaxation rates increased with decreasing carnosine to copper ratios until a molar ratio of 48 was reached. Over the ratio range of 48–2 carnosine molecules per copper ion, the relaxation rate decreased so that in the 2:1 carnosine-copper(II) complex, the water-copper(II) distance was estimated to be 1.92 Å. Proton NMR studies revealed the broadening of imidazole proton lines at high mole ratios followed by other histidyl protons as the ratio decreased. The β-alanyl methylene protons were the last to be broadened by the addition of copper(II) ions. Carbon to copper(II) distances were determined for the carnosine to copper mole ratios of 500:1 and 5000:1. EPR spectra obtained at 93°K revealed the probable existence of four carnosine imidazoles as the sole coordinated ligands to copper(II) at high dipeptide-to-metal ratios (>10). At mole ratios below four, nuclear hyperfine lines characteristic of both monomeric and dimeric carnosine-copper(II) forms were observed. These results reveal that imidazole from carnosine is the sole ligand contributed to copper(II) for coordination over the pH range 5 to 7 at high carnosine to copper(II) ratios  相似文献   

We have measured the rate of transesterification reactions between glycols (LO′) and oxo-osmium(VI) esters formed from thymine derivatives and a variety of nitrogen-containing ligands, LOMLN, according to the equation: LOMLN + LO
LO′MLN + LO. We have also measured the rates of transesterification for this system with the addition of external nitrogen-containing ligands, LN′. The order of effectiveness of the nitrogen-containing ligands in slowing the rate of transesterification is different depending on whether the ligand is present in the ester (LN) or whether it is added externally (LN′). Bathophenanthroline disulfonic acid is the most effective ligand when present in the ester. It forms exceptionally inert complexes. N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine is the most effective ligand when added externally. The order of effectiveness of the nitrogen-containing ligand does not depend on the nature of either LO or LO′ but the nature of the glycol affects both the rate and the equilibria. We present mechanistic proposals, with limiting assumptions, to account for our findings.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the 197Au Mössbauer isomer shift and quadrupole splitting to gold oxidation state has enabled characterization of new stable, water—soluble Au(I) and Au(III) complexes of dimercaptosuccinic acid. The Au(I) complex exhibits a curious asymmetric line—broadening effect. Comparisons are also made with dimercaptopropanol and dithiocarbamate complexes. Relationships to existing and potential gold drugs are discussed.  相似文献   

Saturation kinetics are observed in the inhibition of cobalt carboxypeptidase A by the chelating agent 1,10-phenanthroline. The association constant K1 for the formation of the enzyme-metal-ligand ternary complex and k2, the rate of breakup of the ternary complex, have been obtained. A mechanism is proposed to account for the pH profile of the reaction which, in conjunction with K1, permits the calculation of the individual rate constants k1, K?1, k2, k3. The magnitude of the rate constant k1 suggests that cobalt(II) in CoCPA is five-coordinate. Similar but less extensive studies on inhibition by 2,2′-bipyridyl and 8-hydroquinoline-5-sulfonic acid have also been carried out  相似文献   

The interaction of Al(III) with ATP has been examined by 31P and 1H nmr and infrared spectroscopy. At pH 6.2, Al(III) forms a long-lived complex with ATP, in which chemical exchange between free and complexed ATP is slow on the nmr time scale. Infrared spectra of the Al(III)-ATP complex exhibit large perturbations in the band corresponding to the -PO32? antisymmetric stretching mode. At higher pH values, equilibria involving Al(III) and OH? become favored with the result that Al(III) no longer influences the spectroscopic properties of ATP. Similar spectroscopic results are obtained for the Ga(III) and Be(II) complexes of ATP.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl acetate by metal complexes Co(en)2(imH)H2O3+, Co(en)2(bzmH)H2O3+, and Co(en)2(imCH3)H2O3+ (imH = imidazole, bzmH = benzimodazole, imCH3 = methyl imidazole) has been investigated in the pH range 5.4-8.9. The small difference in nucleophilic reactivity in the pH range 5.4-6.7 is assumed to be due to hydrogen bonding abilities of the imidazole and substituted imidazole ligands and small pKa differences (k2(imH) = 2.2 X 10(-2) M-1 sec-1, k2(bzmH) = 5.68 X 10(-2) M-1 sec-1, k2(imCH3) = 1.35 X 10(-2) M-1 sec-1, 40 degrees C, 1 = 0.3 NaClO4, pKa(imH) = 6.2, pKa(imCH3) = 6.2 and pKa(bzmH) = 5.9). In the pH range 7.8-8.9, the differences in nucleophilic reactivity (k3(imH) = 85.5 X 10(-2) M-1 sec-1, k3(bzmH) = 33.4 X 10(-2) M-1 sec-1, 40 degrees C, I = 0.3 NaClO4) are reconciled with a significant steric factor outweighing the acidity of the benzimidazole complex. In the pH region 6.7-7.7, the deviation from linearity is presumably due to both hydroxo and imido ligands functioning as nucleophiles, the latter being about 40 times stronger than the former.  相似文献   

The effect of divalent cations on the near ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of yeast enolase showed that calcium, magnesium, and nickel ions produced identical changes. This was interpreted as indicating that the cations bound to the same sites on the enzyme and produced identical changes in tertiary structure. There was no effect of magnesium ion on the far ultraviolet spectrum. Evidently magnesium ion has no effect on the secondary structure. Substrate bound to the enzyme when the above cations were present although calcium permits no enzymatic activity. The CD spectral difference produced by the substrate was nearly the reverse of that produced by the metal ions. Glycolic acid phosphate, a competitive inhibitor lacking carbon-3, produced no effect, indicating carbon-3 was necessary for the CD spectral changes. The CD and visible absorption spectra of nickel and cobalt bound to various sites on the enzyme showed that the binding sites were octahedral or distorted octahedral in coordination and that the ligands appeared to be oxyligands: water molecules, hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. Examination of the effects of substrate and two compounds thought to be "transition state analogues" showed that these perturbed the "conformational" sites of the enzyme. The "catalytic" and "inhibitory" sites did not appear to be very CD active.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the feasibility of using apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) to assesspathological treatment response in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) following neoadjuvant chemoradiation (nCR). MATERIALS/METHODS: MRI and pathological data collected for 25patients with resectable and borderline resectable PDAC following nCR were retrospectively analyzed. Pre- and post-nCR mean ADC values in the tumors were compared using Wilcoxon matched pairs test. Correlation of pathological treatment response and ADC values was assessed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient test and receiver-operating-curve (ROC) analysis. RESULTS: The average mean and standard deviation (SD) of the ADC values for all the patients analyzed were significantly higher in post-nCR (1.667±0.161×10-3) compared with those prior to nCR (1.395±0.136×10-3 mm2/sec), (P<0.05). The mean ADC values after nCR were significantly correlated with the pathological responses (r=-0.5172); P=0.02. The area under the curve (AUC) of the ADC values for differentiating G1, G2 and G3 pathological responses, using ROC analysis, was found to be 0.6310 and P=0.03. CONCLUSION: Changes of pre- and post-treatment ADC values significantly correlated with pathological treatment response for PDAC patients treated with chemoradiation therapy, indicating that the ADC could be used to assesstreatment response for PDAC.  相似文献   

Yeast enolase binds one mole of 113Cd2+ per subunit at a site that consists of all oxyligands in a distorted octahedral environment. This "conformational" metal ion's environment undergoes further distortion on addition of substrate/product or analogs. At pH's below the optimum value the shifted resonance tends to break up into several, suggesting the existence of several slowly exchanging intermediate forms. At acid pH's, on addition of one additional mole/subunit of 113Cd2+, which greatly increases catalysis, "conformational" resonance(s) further broadens, suggesting that the second, "catalytic" metal ion increases the rates of interconversion between "conformational" species. At more alkaline pH's, near the optimum pH, the "conformational" peak is sharpened, which suggests that very fast interconversion is occurring. The position of the "catalytic" metal ion resonance also suggests all oxyligands in a distorted octahedral geometry. The "catalytic" resonance is often broadened to the point where it cannot be seen, suggesting rapid changes in its geometry due to interconversion of substrate and product.  相似文献   

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