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Oriented bovine lens capsules give X-ray diffraction patterns suggesting a considerable degree of order in the collagenous components, predominantly type IV collagen. Here we report the effects of preliminary treatment of lens capsules before orientation. Extraction with 4 guanidinium hydrochloride or with heparinase/hyaluronidase reveals the same collagenous diffraction patterns previously seen after extraction with 1 NaCl. There is a four-point pattern of d-spacing 3.9 nm, indicating liquid crystal cybotactic nematic organization, along with sharp streaked meridional reflections which index as orders of 21 nm. This suggests that the removal of basement membrane proteoglycans results in a reduction in diffuse scatter and clarification of the pattern. Extraction of the lens capsules with trypsin or dithiothreitol greatly reduces the intensity of the four-point pattern while leaving the meridional pattern unaffected. This strengthens the evidence that the 21 nm period has its origins in the collagen IV helix. Reduction in the four-point pattern could arise if disruption of non-helical NC1 domains or 7S overlap regions allows slippage of the collagen molecules on orientation, weakening the proposed 1 nm intermolecular stagger. Ultra-low angle diffraction patterns of extracted lens capsules show meridional reflections which index as a long-range axial repeat of approximately 95 nm. This is consistent with a model of microfibrils of type IV collagen in which the NC1 domains bind to the collagen helix at approximately 100 nm intervals, as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

Spatial organization of collagen in annelid cuticle: order and defects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The epidermis of Paralvinella grasslei (Polychaete, Annelida) is covered by an extracellular matrix, the cuticle, mainly composed as in other annelids of superimposed layers of non-striated collagen fibrils. The collagen fibrils of annelid cuticle are shown to be composed of parallel and sinuous microfibrils (thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas). The 3-dimensional organization of collagen is characterized by 2 different types of geometrical order: (a) Fibrils form a quasiorthogonal network, whose structure is comparable to that of a "plywood"; (b) Fibrils are helical, and goniometric studies show that microfibrils present a definite order within each fibril, which is termed "cylindrical twist". These 2 characteristics are those which have recently been evidenced in "blue phases", i.e., liquid crystals which are closely related to cholesteric liquid crystalline phases. Non-fluid analogues of cholesteric liquids are widespread among invertebrate cuticles and the presence of blue phase analogues suggests that a self-assembly mechanisms is involved in cuticle morpho-genesis, which is derived from that governing blue phase growth. The cuticular network presents local rearrangements of fibrils called "defects", despite the fact that they are elaborate structures which trigonal and pentagonal singularities. Branched fibrils are regularly observed. We discuss the involvement of these pattern disruptions in the cuticle growth process.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a prominent role in ovarian function by participating in processes such as cell migration, proliferation, growth, and development. Although some of these signaling processes have been characterized in the mouse, the relative quantity and distribution of ECM proteins within developing follicles of the ovary have not been characterized. This study uses immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR to characterize the ECM components type I collagen, type IV collagen, fibronectin, and laminin in the mouse ovary according to follicle stage and cellular compartment. Collagen I was present throughout the ovary, with higher concentrations in the ovarian surface epithelium and follicular compartments. Collagen IV was abundant in the theca cell compartment with low-level expression in the stroma and granulosa cells. The distribution of collagen was consistent throughout follicle maturation. Fibronectin staining in the stroma and theca cell compartment increased throughout follicle development, while staining in the granulosa cell compartment decreased. Heavy staining was also observed in the follicular fluid of antral follicles. Laminin was localized primarily to the theca cell compartment, with a defined ring at the exterior of the follicular granulosa cells marking the basement membrane. Low levels of laminin were also apparent in the stroma and granulosa cell compartment. Taken together, the ECM content of the mouse ovary changes during follicular development and reveals a distinct spatial and temporal pattern. This understanding of ECM composition and distribution can be used in the basic studies of ECM function during follicle development, and could aid in the development of in vitro systems for follicle growth.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry, high and small angle X-ray diffraction analyses have been carried out on air-dried and rehydrated rat tail tendon collagen in order to test the reversibility of collagen thermal denaturation. The mean enthalpy values calculated for the denaturation process of air-dried and rehydrated samples are ΔHD = 9.0 ± 0.8 cal/g and ΔHD = 11.9 ±0.7 cal/g respectively, while the denaturation temperatures are TD = 112 ± 1°C and TD = 51 ± 1°C. Partial reversibility of the coiled coil—random coil process can be obtained by storing the samples in air or more rapidly by equilibration in water. After denaturation air-dried collagen fibres recover not only their molecular structure but also their characteristic fibrillar structure. The latter does not greatly influence the mean experimental enthalpy values.  相似文献   

A method is described for examining water dispersible biopolymers in the frozen, hydrated state by electron microscopy using the filamentous bacterial viruses Pf1 and fd as examples. The technique reveals liquid-crystalline textures that correlate well with polarizing microscopy of magnetically oriented specimens. At higher magnification the packing of the virus particle is revealed to a spatial resolution of better than 30 Å, thus linking directly with data from X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy. Electron diffraction confirms that the structure is preserved to high resolution (4 Å). The technique permits a detailed understanding of the processes involved in the orientation of these samples in a strong magnetic field and clarifies the long-range bi-axial properties of some fibres as seen by X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy.  相似文献   

We are interested in the collagen gene superfamily and its involvement in hereditary diseases of the human and domestic dog. Presented here is radiation hybrid mapping of the type I and type IV collagen gene subfamilies on the most recent version of the canine map. The col1A1 gene was mapped to chromosome 9, col1A2 was mapped to chromosome 14, col4A1 and col4A2 were mapped to chromosome 22 and col4A3 and col4A4 were mapped to chromosome 25. The col4A5 and col4A6 genes, while linked to one another, are not linked in the present version of the canine map but likely are present on the X chromosome. These data provide an insight into the molecular evolution of these subfamilies and increase the number of mapped genes in discrete regions of the canine genome. J.K. Lowe and R. Guyon contributed equally to this work Sequences determined during the course of this work have been deposited in GenBank. Accession numbers are AF291995 (col1A1) and AF291996 (col1A2)  相似文献   

Summary The microfibrillar arrangement in collagen fibrils of tendons in the tail of the rat was examined by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Fresh and air-dried collagen fibers were examined in unstretched and stretched conditions. The results demonstrate that the microfibrils have a course parallel to the longitudinal axis of the collagen fibrils. The influence of stretching and hydration of the samples on the orientation of fibrils and microfibrils is also assessed.  相似文献   

The structure and distribution of collagen fibres in Metridium senile mesoglea has been investigated using high and small angle X-ray diffraction techniques on conventional and synchrotron sources. The mesoglea collagen axial spacing appears very close to that of rat tail tendon, which is at variance with the values previously obtained from electron microscopic observations. The different intensity distribution of the small angle X-ray diffraction maxima recorded for mesoglea and rat tail tendon indicates a different distribution of electron density inside the repeating period. Furthermore the absence of the first order, the weak second order and the strong third and sixth orders in the patterns of wet and dry mesogleal collagen could explain that only a periodicity of 20–22 nm corresponding to one-third of the true axial period observed in the electron micrographs. The analysis of the reflections at 0.29 and 1.1–1.4 nm characteristics of the collagen molecular structure have been used to determine the distribution and orientation of the collagen fibres in unstretched and stretched samples  相似文献   

Serum collagen type IV (COLIV) is a promising tumor marker. High COLIV concentrations have been found in the serum of patients with colorectal, gastric, lung, liver and breast cancers. The aim of this work was to develop a biosensor for use with the Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRI) technique for COLIV determination. The biosensor consists of glass covered with gold and immobilized monoclonal mouse anti-human collagen type IV antibody via cysteamine linker. The biosensor works selectively within a dynamic response range between 10 and 300 ng mL−1, with LOD 2.4 ng mL−1 and LOQ 8 ng mL−1. The precision of determination is 4.7% at a 150 ng mL−1 COLIV spike and 8.0% at a 20 ng mL−1 spike, with recoveries of 101% and 106% respectively. A 100-fold excess of collagen I, albumin, laminin and fibronectin is tolerated. The average COLIV blood plasma concentration of healthy donors determined by the developed method was 69 ± 10 ng mL−1, while the median of six results available in the literature was approximately 80 ng mL−1. The average COLIV blood plasma concentration of breast cancer patients was 360 ± 68 ng mL−1, showing the high potential of COLIV as a marker of this type of cancer.  相似文献   

Interactions between type IV collagen and heparin were examined under equilibrium conditions with rotary shadowing, solid-phase binding assays, and affinity chromatography. With the technique of rotary shadowing and electron microscopy, heparin appeared as thin, short strands and bound to the following three sites: the NC1 domain, and in the helix, at 100 and 300 nm from the NC1 domain. By solid-phase binding assays the binding of [3H]heparin in solution to type IV collagen immobilized on a solid surface was found to be specific, since it was saturable and could be displaced by an excess of unlabeled heparin. Scatchard analysis indicated three classes of binding sites for heparin-type IV collagen interactions with dissociation constants of 3, 30, and 100 nM, respectively. Furthermore, by the solid-phase binding assays, the binding of tritiated heparin could be competed almost to the same extent by unlabeled heparin and chondroitin sulfate side chains. This finding indicates that chondroitin sulfate should also bind to type IV collagen. By affinity chromatography, [3H]heparin bound to a type IV collagen affinity column and was eluted with a linear salt gradient, with a profile exhibiting three distinct peaks at 0.18, 0.22, and 0.24 M KCl, respectively. This suggested that heparin-type IV collagen binding was of an electrostatic nature. Finally, the effect of the binding of heparin to type IV collagen on the process of self-assembly of this basement membrane glycoprotein was studied by turbidimetry and rotary shadowing. In turbidity experiments, the presence of heparin, even in small concentrations, drastically reduced maximal aggregation of type IV collagen which was prewarmed to 37 degrees C. By using the morphological approach of rotary shadowing, lateral associations and network formation by prewarmed type IV collagen were inhibited in the presence of heparin. Thus, the binding of heparin resulted in hindrance of assembly of type IV collagen, a process previously described for interactions between various glycosaminoglycans and interstitial collagens. Such regulation may influence the assembly of basement membranes and possibly modify functions. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative changes of proteoglycans which occur in certain pathological conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, may alter molecular assembly and possibly permeability functions of several basement membranes.  相似文献   

Anchoring functions of collagen VII depend on its ability to form homotypic fibrils and to bind to other macromolecules to form heterotypic complexes. Biosensor-based binding assays were employed to analyze the kinetics of the NC1 domain-mediated binding of collagen VII to laminin 5, collagen IV, and collagen I. We showed that collagen VII interacts with laminin 5 and collagen IV with a Kd value of 10(-9) M. In contrast, the NC1-mediated binding to collagen I was weak with a Kd value of 10(-6) M. Binding assays also showed that the NC1 domain utilizes the same region to bind to both laminin 5 and collagen IV. We postulate that the ability of the NC1 domains to bind with high affinities to laminin 5 and collagen IV facilitates stabilization of the structure of the basement membrane itself and that the NC1-collagen I interaction may be less important for stabilization of the dermal-epidermal junction.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen, which is encoded by six genetically distinct alpha-chains (alpha 1-alpha 6), is a major component of the kidney glomerulus. The alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains are present predominantly in the mesangial matrix, whereas the alpha 3(IV), alpha 4(IV), and alpha 5(IV) chains are localized almost exclusively to the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). Thickening of the GBM and expansion of the mesangial matrix are believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. In the present study, we evaluated the expression of alpha 1(IV), alpha 3(IV), and alpha 5(IV) chains in rat glomerular endothelial (GEndC) and mesangial cells (GMC). Under physiological concentrations of glucose (5 mM), alpha 1(IV) and alpha 5(IV) chains were detectable in GMCs, with an obvious absence of alpha 3(IV) chain. All three isoforms tested were present in GEndCs. At diabetic concentrations of glucose (25 mM), alpha 1(IV) was up-regulated in GMCs, whereas expression level of alpha 1(IV) remained unaltered in GEndCs. The alpha 3(IV) and alpha 5(IV) chains were up-regulated in GEndCs, but remained unchanged in GMCs under diabetic glucose concentrations (25 mM). Collectively, our results demonstrate that GMC might contribute to mesangial matrix expansion, mediated by alpha 1(IV) collagen, while GEndC might contribute to thickening of GBM, mediated by alpha 3(IV) collagen, in patients with diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

The physical properties of intact type IV collagen from the mouse EHS sarcoma were studied in acid solution using laser light scattering and viscometry. The experimentally observed values of molecular weight, translational diffusion coefficient, particle scattering factor at 175.5° and a wavelength of 633 nm and intrinsic viscosity at 22°C were 532000, 0.66 × 10−7cm2s−1, 0.492 and 74.7 ml/g respectively. Plots of Kc/R0 versus collagen concentration were linear with a slope of approximately 0, indicating that under the conditions studied, type IV collagen molecules do not form supra-molecular aggregates. Experimentally determined translational diffusion coefficients closely approximated the calculated value for a rod-like molecule 424 nm long and 1.5 nm in diameter. Based on this observation, it is concluded that the type IV collagen molecule translates like a bent rigid rod similar to the interstitial collagens. However, the low intrinsic viscosity and larger value of the particle scattering factor for type IV collagen molecules in comparison with the interstitial collagens indicate that type IV collagen is considerably more flexible. Physical measurements on molecules in solution are consistent with a model of the type IV molecule containing numerous flexible bends with bend angles less than 125°. It is concluded that the type IV collagen molecule behaves like a worm-like rod in solution.  相似文献   

The organization of type IV collagen in the unconventional basement membrane of the corneal endothelium (Descemet's membrane) was investigated in developing chicken embryos using anti-collagen mAbs. Both immunofluorescence histochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy were performed. In mature embryos (greater than 15 d of development), the type IV collagen of Descemet's membrane was present as an array of discrete aggregates of amorphous material at the interface between Descemet's membrane and the posterior corneal stroma. Immunoreactivity for type IV collagen was also observed in the posterior corneal stroma as irregular plaques of material with a morphology similar to that of the Descemet's membrane-associated aggregates. This arrangement of Descemet's membrane-associated type IV collagen developed from a subendothelial mat of type IV collagen-containing material. This mat, in which type IV collagen-specific immunoreactivity was always discontinuous, first appeared at the time a confluent endothelium was established, well before the onset of Descemet's membrane formation. Immunoelectron microscopy of mature corneas revealed that the characteristic nodal matrix of Descemet's membrane itself was unreactive for type IV collagen, but was penetrated at intervals by projections of type IV collagen-containing material. These projections frequently appeared to contact cell processes from the underlying corneal endothelium. This spatial arrangement of type IV collagen suggests that it serves to suture the corneal endothelium/Descemet's membrane to the dense interfacial matrix of the posterior stroma.  相似文献   

The title compounds show a pronounced cation-directed ability to self-assemble in water and to gives columnar structures similar to four-stranded helices; for compound (5′→5′)-d(GpG), this leads to the formation of cholesteric and hexagonal liquid crystalline phases. Both phases are columnar and the cholesteric phase is left-handed. This behaviour is a further confirmation of the tendency of guanine derivatives to self-assemble to give stacked columnar structures whenever not impossible for structural reasons. The CD spectra of the aggregates in isotropic solutions are dominated by a negative exciton couplet centred around 250 nm associated to a left-handed columnar chirality. The shapes of the profiles, in the 220–300-nm region, for (5′→5′)-d(GpG) (in water or in saline solutions) and for (3′→3′)-d(GpG) (in KCl solution) are quasi-mirror images of those of poly(G) and (3′→5′)-d(GpG). The appearance of relatively intense CD signals around 280–300 nm in solution of (3′→3′)-d(GpG) in the presence of NaCl resembles that of (3′→5′)-d(GpG) in the presence of Rb+ or Na+. In the compounds investigated in this work, which present two equivalent ends, one observes the two CD features that have been associated, in the current literature, with the signature of four-stranded parallel and antiparallel structures: hence the origin of these CD bands cannot be found in the polarity of the strands. Self-assembly is favoured by the addition of extra salt and the stabilising effect of K+ is greater than that of Na+, in the case of (3′→3′)-d(GpG), an assembled species could be detected by CD only in the presence of extra salt. Chirality 10:734–741, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several tissues known to contain collagen fibrils with a ‘helical’ arrangement were studied by t.e.m. and freeze-fracture. In all the tissues examined, the diameter of the collagen fibrils appeared to be tissue-specific and fairly constant within the same tissue. No statistical differences, on the contrary, were detectable in the coiling angle which appeared similar in all the tissues and independent of both diameter and age of the fibril. Rat tail tendon was also examined under the same technical conditions and showed collagen fibrils of large and very heterogeneous diameter and with a consistent ‘straight’ arrangement. These data seem to suggest that the ‘helical’ and ‘straight’ arrangements may actually identify different types of collagen fibrils. The authors discuss the possible functional significance of these arrangements and present two hypotheses on the three-dimensional structure of the ‘helical’ fibril.  相似文献   

Granuloma formation and subsequent fibrosis around Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae in the lungs were induced experimentally in Sprague-Dawley strain rats. Casein zymogram analysis demonstrated that urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) activity was increased during lung inflammation and fibrosis. Granulomatous fibrosis, type IV collagen degradation and activation of uPA occur simultaneously. Furthermore, the present study demonstrated that collagen avidly binds uPA. Immunohistochemical observations showed localization of uPA within the infiltrating leucocytes. We propose that uPA may participate in A. cantonensis-induced granulomatous fibrosis.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen was solubilized from a tumor basement membrane either by acid extraction or by limited digestion with pepsin. The two forms were similar in composition and the size of the constituent chains but differed when examined by electron microscopy and in the fragment pattern produced by bacterial collagenase. The acid-soluble form showed after rotary shadowing strands mainly of a length of 320 nm which terminated in a globule, or two strands connected by a similar globule. The globule was identified as a non-collagenous domain (NC1) which under dissociating conditions could be separated into two peptides showing a monomer-dimer relationship. Higher aggregates of NC1 were visualized under non-dissociating conditions. Some of the acid-extracted molecules have retained the previously 7-S collagen domain. The pepsin-solubilized form lacked domain NC1 and consisted mainly of four triple-helical strands (length 356 nm) joined together at the 7-S domain (length 30 nm). Common to both forms of type IV collagen was a small collagenase-resistant domain NC2 which was composed of collagenous and non-collagenous elements and located between the 7-S domain and the major triple helix. These data indicate that the collagenous matrix of basement membranes consists of a regular network of type IV collagen molecules which is generated by two different interacting sites located at opposite ends of each molecule. The 7-S collagen domain connects four molecules while the NC1 domain connects two molecules. The maximal distance between identical cross-linking sites (7-S or NC1) was estimated to be about 800 nm comprising the length of two molecules.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamic simulations of systems of single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in liquid crystalline solvents were performed, in order to investigate the effect of the molecular structure and phase of the liquid crystal (LC) on the interactions between the CNTs. Three different LC molecules (5CB, 8CB and 5CF) were considered in our study. Our results with 5CB and 8CB suggest that increasing the chain length of the hydrophobic part of the LC molecule by three carbon atoms is insufficient to decrease the tendency for the CNTs to aggregate in the LCs. Additionally, varying the phase of the LC is also insufficient to decrease the aggregation tendency of the CNTs. However, simulations with 5CF (which has fluorine atoms in the head group of the LC molecule) suggest that this LC solvent can decrease the tendency of the CNTs to aggregate. This study is relevant to assist experimentalists with the development of high-quality dispersions of large concentrations of CNTs in the LCs.  相似文献   

Modulation of collagen fibrillogenesis by tenascin-X and type VI collagen   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tenascin-X (TNX) is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein. We previously demonstrated that TNX regulates the expression of type VI collagen. In this study, we investigated the binding of TNX to type I collagen as well as to type VI collagen and the effects of these proteins on fibrillogenesis of type I collagen. Full-length recombinant TNX, which is expressed in and purified from mammalian cell cultures, and type VI collagen purified from bovine placenta were used. Solid-phase assays revealed that TNX or type VI collagen bound to type I collagen, although TNX did not bind to type VI collagen, fibronectin, or laminin. The rate of collagen fibril formation and its quantity, measured as increased turbidity, was markedly increased by the presence of TNX, whereas type VI collagen did not increase the quantity but accelerated the rate of collagen fibril formation. Combined treatment of both had an additive effect on the rate of collagen fibril formation. Furthermore, deletion of the epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) domain or fibrinogen-like domain of TNX attenuated the initial rate of collagen fibril formation. Finally, we observed abnormally large collagen fibrils by electron microscopy in the skin from TNX-deficient (TNX-/-) mice during development. These findings demonstrate a fundamental role for TNX and type VI collagen in regulation of collagen fibrillogenesis in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

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