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Linking uracil base excision repair and 5-fluorouracil toxicity in yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
5-fluorouracil (5-FU) is a widely used anticancer drug that disrupts pyrimidine nucleotide pool balances and leads to uracil incorporation in DNA, which is then recognized and removed by the uracil base excision repair (BER) pathway. Using complementary biochemical and genetic approaches we have examined the role of uracil BER in the cell killing mechanism of 5-FU. A yeast strain lacking the enzyme uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung1), which excises uracil from the DNA backbone leaving an abasic site, showed significant protection against the toxic effects of 5-FU, a G1/S cell cycle arrest phenotype, and accumulated massive amounts of U/A base pairs in its genome (~4% of T/A pairs were now U/A). A strain lacking the major abasic site endonuclease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Apn1) showed significantly increased sensitivity to 5-FU with G2/M arrest. Thus, efficient processing of abasic sites by this enzyme is protective against the toxic effects of 5-FU. However, contrary to expectations, the Apn1 deficient strain did not accumulate intact abasic sites, indicating that another repair pathway attempts to process these sites in the absence Apn1, but that this process has catastrophic effects on genome integrity. These findings suggest that new strategies for chemical intervention targeting BER could enhance the effectiveness of this widely used anticancer drug.  相似文献   

Uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) specifically removes uracil bases from DNA, and its repair activity determines the sensitivity of the cell to anticancer agents that are capable of introducing uracil into DNA. In the present study, the participation of UDG in the response to pemetrexed-induced incorporation of uracil into DNA was studied using isogenic human tumor cell lines with or without UDG (UDG+/+/UDG−/−). UDG−/− cells were very sensitive to pemetrexed. Cell killing by pemetrexed was associated with genomic uracil accumulation, stalled DNA replication, and catastrophic DNA strand breaks. By contrast, UDG+/+ cells were >10 times more resistant to pemetrexed due to the rapid removal of uracil from DNA by UDG and subsequent repair of the resultant AP sites (abasic sites) via the base excision repair (BER). The resistance to pemetrexed in UDG+/+ cells could be reversed by the addition of methoxyamine (MX), which binds to AP sites and interrupts BER pathway. Furthermore, MX-bound AP sites induced cell death was related to their cytotoxic effect of dual inactivation of UDG and topoisomerase IIα, two genes that are highly expressed in lung cancer cells in comparison with normal cells. Thus, targeting BER-based therapy exhibits more selective cytotoxicity on cancer cells through a synthetic lethal mechanism.  相似文献   

Saxl RL  Reston J  Nie Z  Kalman TI  Maley F 《Biochemistry》2003,42(15):4544-4551
Evidence is presented that 5-imidazolylpropynyl-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (IP-dUMP) is a mechanism-based, irreversible inactivator of Escherichia coli thymidylate synthase (TS), which covalently modifies Tyr94 at the active site of the enzyme. The inactivation of TS was time and concentration dependent and did not require the folate cofactor. Due to the rapidity of the inactivation process, accurate kinetic parameters could be determined only in the presence of saturating concentrations (1000K(M)) of the competing substrate, dUMP. Under these conditions, a K(I) of 0.36 +/- 0.09 microM and an inactivation rate constant (k(inact)) of 0.53 +/- 0.15 min(-1) were obtained from Kitz-Wilson plots. Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) determined a 412 amu mass increase of TS after inhibition by IP-dUMP with no mass difference being detected for the TS mutants Tyr94Phe or Cys146Ala, thus indicating the importance of these residues for complex formation. The change in WT-TS mass was consistent with covalent modification by IP-dUMP, which was confirmed by proteolytic digestion of the modified protein followed by ESI-MS. By these means, a 43-residue trypsin peptide (residues 54-96), a 16-residue endoAspN peptide (residues 89-104), and an 8-residue endoAspN/endoLysC peptide (residues 89-96), each containing the IP-dUMP adduct, were observed. MS/MS analysis of the IP-dUMP-endoAspN peptide identified a modified 3-residue daughter ion, YGK (residues 94-96). A mechanistic scheme requiring the participation of Cys146 is proposed for the covalent modification of IP-dUMP by Tyr94, which, unlike an earlier proposal [Kalman, T. I., Nie, Z., and Kamat, A. (2001) Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids 20, 869-871], does not require the release of imidazole for the activation of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

New analogs of dUMP, dTMP and 5-fluoro-dUMP, including the corresponding 5'-thiophosphates (dUMPS, dTMPS and FdUMPS), 5'-dithiophosphates (dUMPS2, dTMPS2 and FdUMPS2), 5'-H-phosphonates (dUMP-H, dTMP-H and FdUMP-H) and 5'-S-thiosulfates (dUSSO3, dTSSO3 and FdUSSO3), have been synthesized and their interactions studied with highly purified mammalian thymidylate synthase. dUMPS and dUMPS2 proved to be good substrates, and dTMPS and dTMPS2 classic competitive inhibitors, only slightly weaker than dTMP. Their 5-fluoro congeners behaved as potent, slow-binding inhibitors. By contrast, the corresponding 5'-H-phosphonates and 5'-S-thiosulfates displayed weak activities, only FdUMP-H and FdUSSO3 exhibiting significant interactions with the enzyme, as weak competitive slow-binding inhibitors versus dUMR The pH-dependence of enzyme time-independent inhibition by FdUMP and FdUMPS was found to correlate with the difference in pKa values of the phosphate and thiophosphate groups, the profile of FdUMPS being shifted (approximately 1 pH unit) toward lower pH values, so that binding of dUMP and its analogs is limited by the phosphate secondary hydroxyl ionization. Hence, together with the effects of 5'-H-phosphonate and 5'-S-thiosulfate substituents, the much weaker interactions of the nucleotide analogs (3-5 orders of magnitude lower than for the parent 5'-phosphates) with the enzyme is further evidence that the enzyme's active center prefers the dianionic phosphate group for optimum binding.  相似文献   

The human base excision repair machinery must locate and repair DNA base damage present in chromatin, of which the nucleosome core particle is the basic repeating unit. Here, we have utilized fragments of the Lytechinus variegatus 5S rRNA gene containing site-specific U:A base pairs to investigate the base excision repair pathway in reconstituted nucleosome core particles in vitro. The human uracil-DNA glycosylases, UNG2 and SMUG1, were able to remove uracil from nucleosomes. Efficiency of uracil excision from nucleosomes was reduced 3- to 9-fold when compared with naked DNA, and was essentially uniform along the length of the DNA substrate irrespective of rotational position on the core particle. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the excision repair pathway of an abasic site can be reconstituted on core particles using the known repair enzymes, AP-endonuclease 1, DNA polymerase beta and DNA ligase III. Thus, base excision repair can proceed in nucleosome core particles in vitro, but the repair efficiency is limited by the reduced activity of the uracil-DNA glycosylases and DNA polymerase beta on nucleosome cores.  相似文献   

Using isogenic mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human cancer cell lines, we show that cells defective in base excision repair (BER) display a cisplatin-specific resistant phenotype. This was accompanied by enhanced repair of cisplatin interstrand cross-links (ICLs) and ICL-induced DNA double strand breaks, but not intrastrand adducts. Cisplatin induces abasic sites with a reduced accumulation in uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) null cells. We show that cytosines that flank the cisplatin ICLs undergo preferential oxidative deamination in vitro, and AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) can cleave the resulting ICL DNA substrate following removal of the flanking uracil. We also show that DNA polymerase β has low fidelity at the cisplatin ICL site after APE1 incision. Down-regulating ERCC1-XPF in BER-deficient cells restored cisplatin sensitivity. Based on our results, we propose a novel model in which BER plays a positive role in maintaining cisplatin cytotoxicity by competing with the productive cisplatin ICL DNA repair pathways.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthetase catalyses the formation of thymidine monophosphate from deoxyuridine monophosphate. Purified thymidylate synthetase can be assayed radiochemically using labelled deoxyuridine monophosphate as substrate, but cells are impervious to deoxyuridine monophosphate and so intracellular thymidylate synthetase activity cannot be assayed in this way. In this paper we describe the assay of intracellular thymidylate synthetase activity in intact cells using labelled 2'-deoxyuridine. The assay showed linear kinetics with respect to time, concentration of 2'-deoxyuridine, and cell concentration. 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine inhibited intracellular thymidylate synthetase activity measured with this assay by 50% at 5 nM. Cell growth was inhibited by 50% at 6 nM 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine. The assay was specific for thymidylate synthetase and enabled measurement of thymidylate synthetase activity in situ in intact cells.  相似文献   

5-Fluoropropynyl-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-phosphate (3) was designed as a mechanism-based inactivator of thymidylate synthase (TS). The inhibitor was synthesized from 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine and propargyl alcohol by palladium-catalyzed coupling, followed by fluorination and selective phosphorylation. Incubation of TS with 3, in the presence or absence of the CH2H4folate cofactor, caused rapid, irreversible inactivation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) are covalent lesions formed by cisplatin. The mechanism for the processing and removal of ICLs by DNA repair proteins involves nucleotide excision repair (NER), homologous recombination (HR) and fanconi anemia (FA) pathways. In this report, we monitored the processing of a flanking uracil adjacent to a cisplatin ICL by the proteins involved in the base excision repair (BER) pathway. Using a combination of extracts, purified proteins, inhibitors, functional assays and cell culture studies, we determined the specific BER proteins required for processing a DNA substrate with a uracil adjacent to a cisplatin ICL. Uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) is the primary glycosylase responsible for the removal of uracils adjacent to cisplatin ICLs, whereas other uracil glycosylases can process uracils in the context of undamaged DNA. Repair of the uracil adjacent to cisplatin ICLs proceeds through the classical BER pathway, highlighting the importance of specific proteins in this redundant pathway. Removal of uracil is followed by the generation of an abasic site and subsequent cleavage by AP endonuclease 1 (APE1). Inhibition of either the repair or redox domain of APE1 gives rise to cisplatin resistance. Inhibition of the lyase domain of Polymerase β (Polβ) does not influence cisplatin cytotoxicity. In addition, lack of XRCC1 leads to increased DNA damage and results in increased cisplatin cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that BER activation at cisplatin ICLs influences crosslink repair and modulates cisplatin cytotoxicity via specific UNG, APE1 and Polβ polymerase functions.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) and mismatch repair (MMR) pathways play an important role in modulating cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) cytotoxicity. In this article, we identified a novel mechanistic role of both BER and MMR pathways in mediating cellular responses to cisplatin treatment. Cells defective in BER or MMR display a cisplatin-resistant phenotype. Targeting both BER and MMR pathways resulted in no additional resistance to cisplatin, suggesting that BER and MMR play epistatic roles in mediating cisplatin cytotoxicity. Using a DNA Polymerase β (Polβ) variant deficient in polymerase activity (D256A), we demonstrate that MMR acts downstream of BER and is dependent on the polymerase activity of Polβ in mediating cisplatin cytotoxicity. MSH2 preferentially binds a cisplatin interstrand cross-link (ICL) DNA substrate containing a mismatch compared with a cisplatin ICL substrate without a mismatch, suggesting a novel mutagenic role of Polβ in activating MMR in response to cisplatin. Collectively, these results provide the first mechanistic model for BER and MMR functioning within the same pathway to mediate cisplatin sensitivity via non-productive ICL processing. In this model, MMR participation in non-productive cisplatin ICL processing is downstream of BER processing and dependent on Polβ misincorporation at cisplatin ICL sites, which results in persistent cisplatin ICLs and sensitivity to cisplatin.  相似文献   

Uracil in DNA is repaired by base excision repair (BER) initiated by a DNA glycosylase, followed by strand incision, trimming of ends, gap filling and ligation. Uracil in DNA comes in two distinct forms; U:A pairs, typically resulting from replication errors, and mutagenic U:G mismatches, arising from cytosine deamination. To identify proteins critical to the rate of repair of these lesions, we quantified overall repair of U:A pairs, U:G mismatches and repair intermediates (abasic sites and nicked abasic sites) in vitro. For this purpose we used circular DNA substrates and nuclear extracts of eight human cell lines with wide variation in the content of BER proteins. We identified the initiating uracil-DNA glycosylase UNG2 as the major overall rate-limiting factor. UNG2 is apparently the sole glycosylase initiating BER of U:A pairs and generally initiated repair of almost 90% of the U:G mismatches. Surprisingly, TDG contributed at least as much as single-strand selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase 1 (SMUG1) to BER of U:G mismatches. Furthermore, in a cell line that expressed unusually high amounts of TDG, this glycosylase contributed to initiation of as much as approximately 30% of U:G repair. Repair of U:G mismatches was generally faster than that of U:A pairs, which agrees with the known substrate preference of UNG-type glycosylases. Unexpectedly, repair of abasic sites opposite G was also generally faster than when opposite A, and this could not be explained by the properties of the purified APE1 protein. It may rather reflect differences in substrate recognition or repair by different complex(es). Lig III is apparently a minor rate-regulator for U:G repair. APE1, Pol beta, Pol delta, PCNA, XRCC1 and Lig I did not seem to be rate-limiting for overall repair of any of the substrates. These results identify damaged base removal as the major rate-limiting step in BER of uracil in human cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitochondria contain several 16.5 kb circular DNAs (mtDNA) encoding electron transport chain proteins. Reactive oxygen species formed as byproducts from oxidative phosphorylation in these organelles can cause oxidative deamination of cytosine and lead to uracil in mtDNA. Upon mtDNA replication, these lesions, if unrepaired, can lead to mutations. Until recently, it was thought that there was no DNA repair in mitochondria, but lately there is evidence that some lesions are efficiently repaired in these organelles. In the study of nuclear DNA repair, the in vitro repair measurements in cell extracts have provided major insights into the mechanisms. The use of whole-cell extract based DNA repair methods has revealed that mammalian nuclear base excision repair (BER) diverges into two pathways: the single-nucleotide replacement and long patch repair mechanisms. Similar in vitro methods have not been available for the study of mitochondrial BER. We have established an in vitro DNA repair system supported by rat liver mitochondrial protein extract and DNA substrates containing a single uracil opposite to a guanine. Using this approach, we examined the repair pathways and the identity of the DNA polymerase involved in mitochondrial BER (mtBER). Employing restriction analysis of in vitro repaired DNA to map the repair patch size, we demonstrate that only one nucleotide is incorporated during the repair process. Thus, in contrast to BER in the nucleus, mtBER of uracil in DNA is solely accomplished by single-nucleotide replacement.  相似文献   

Two agents, 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB) and beta lapachone, that inhibit repair of mammalian cell DNA damaged by methyl methane sulfonate (MMS), also coordinately blocked both DNA replication (incorporation of 3H-thymidine) and thymidylate synthase (TS) activity. Aphidicolin also inhibited both 3H-TDR incorporation and TS in damaged cells, the former more strongly than the latter, in a manner not coordinated with lethality. It is proposed that the DNA lesions created by MMS and modified by repair inhibit semiconservative DNA synthesis by allosterically interacting with the DNA replication replitase complex, so as to block its overall function and also the activity of TS, one of its enzymes.  相似文献   

Cytotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (FU) and 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) due to DNA fragmentation during DNA repair has been proposed as an alternative to effects from thymidylate synthase (TS) inhibition or RNA incorporation. The goal of the present study was to investigate the relative contribution of the proposed mechanisms for cytotoxicity of 5-fluoropyrimidines. We demonstrate that in human cancer cells, base excision repair (BER) initiated by the uracil–DNA glycosylase UNG is the major route for FU–DNA repair in vitro and in vivo. SMUG1, TDG and MBD4 contributed modestly in vitro and not detectably in vivo. Contribution from mismatch repair was limited to FU:G contexts at best. Surprisingly, knockdown of individual uracil–DNA glycosylases or MSH2 did not affect sensitivity to FU or FdUrd. Inhibitors of common steps of BER or DNA damage signalling affected sensitivity to FdUrd and HmdUrd, but not to FU. In support of predominantly RNA-mediated cytotoxicity, FU-treated cells accumulated ~3000- to 15 000-fold more FU in RNA than in DNA. Moreover, FU-cytotoxicity was partially reversed by ribonucleosides, but not deoxyribonucleosides and FU displayed modest TS-inhibition compared to FdUrd. In conclusion, UNG-initiated BER is the major route for FU–DNA repair, but cytotoxicity of FU is predominantly RNA-mediated, while DNA-mediated effects are limited to FdUrd.  相似文献   

The extent and location of DNA repair synthesis in a double-stranded oligonucleotide containing a single dUMP residue have been determined. Gently prepared Escherichia coli and mammalian cell extracts were employed for excision repair in vitro. The size of the resynthesized patch was estimated by restriction enzyme analysis of the repaired oligonucleotide. Following enzymatic digestion and denaturing gel electrophoresis, the extent of incorporation of radioactively labeled nucleotides in the vicinity of the lesion was determined by autoradiography. Cell extracts of E. coli and of human cell lines were shown to carry out repair mainly by replacing a single nucleotide. No significant repair replication on the 5' side of the lesion was observed. The data indicate that, after cleavage of the dUMP residue by uracil-DNA glycosylase and incision of the resultant apurinic-apyrimidinic site by an apurinic-apyrimidinic endonuclease activity, the excision step is catalyzed usually by a DNA deoxyribophosphodiesterase rather than by an exonuclease. Gap-filling and ligation complete the repair reaction. Experiments with enzyme inhibitors in mammalian cell extracts suggest that the repair replication step is catalyzed by DNA polymerase beta.  相似文献   

5-Nitro-2′-deoxyuridine 5′-monophosphate was found to be an active sitedirected irreversible inhibitor of thymidylate synthetase from Lactobacillus caesi. It's KI was determined as 2.9 × 10?8M from a double-reciprocal plot of velocity vs substrate concentration.  相似文献   

The enzyme thymidylate synthase (TS) catalyzes the reductive methylation of 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (dUMP) to 2'-deoxythymidine 5'-monophosphate. Using kinetic and X-ray crystallography experiments, we have examined the role of the highly conserved Tyr-261 in the catalytic mechanism of TS. While Tyr-261 is distant from the site of methyl transfer, mutants at this position show a marked decrease in enzymatic activity. Given that Tyr-261 forms a hydrogen bond with the dUMP 3'-O, we hypothesized that this interaction would be important for substrate binding, orientation, and specificity. Our results, surprisingly, show that Tyr-261 contributes little to these features of the mechanism of TS. However, the residue is part of the structural core of closed ternary complexes of TS, and conservation of the size and shape of the Tyr side chain is essential for maintaining wild-type values of kcat/Km. Moderate increases in Km values for both the substrate and cofactor upon mutation of Tyr-261 arise mainly from destabilization of the active conformation of a loop containing a dUMP-binding arginine. Besides binding dUMP, this loop has a key role in stabilizing the closed conformation of the enzyme and in shielding the active site from the bulk solvent during catalysis. Changes to atomic vibrations in crystals of a ternary complex of Escherichia coli Tyr261Trp are associated with a greater than 2000-fold drop in kcat/Km. These results underline the important contribution of dynamics to catalysis in TS.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) for dUTP, with a sensitivity of 3.78 fmol, has been developed. The antibody cross-reacted with dTTP so that affinity purification of the immunoglobulin G fraction was required before its use in the RIA. Cross-reactivity with UTP and with mono- and diphosphodeoxyuridylates has necessitated respectively sodium periodate oxidation and anion exchange chromatography of cell extracts, prior to RIA quantitation of dUTP directly in fractions from the chromatography column. Mean recovery rate of a range of concentrations of extracted dUTP standard taken through the entire procedure is 63.7% (7.8-31.3 pmol dUTP) although at a lower concentration (3.11 pmol) the recovery was only 36.2%. Results are reproducible with CV values of between 3.1 and 9.5%. The assay has been used to assess the presence of dUTP in A549 human lung carcinoma cells exposed to the thymidylate synthase inhibitor CB3717. The high sensitivity of the quantitation step has made it possible to measure dUTP in relatively small numbers (10(6)) of cells.  相似文献   

The role of the pyrimidine N(3)-H in binding of dUMP derivatives to thymidylate synthase was evaluated with the aid of a new dUMP analogue, 5-fluoro-4-thio-dUMP, synthesized by an improved thiation and enzymatic phosphorylation. The interaction of this analogue, and of 5-FdUMP, with the enzyme, and the pH-dependence of these interactions, were compared. Both were slow-binding competitive inhibitors of the enzyme from Ehrlich carcinoma, L1210 and CCRF-CEM cells, with Ki an order of magnitude higher for 5-fluoro-4-thio-dUMP than for 5-FdUMP. With both nucleotides, as well as the parent nucleosides, enzyme inactivation increased as the pH was lowered from 8 to 6. Maximum inactivation with 5-FdUrd was at pH 7.0, and with 5-fluoro-4-thio-dUrd at pH 6.0, in agreement with the higher pKa for the N(3)-H dissociation of the former, and pointing to participation of the N(3)-H as a hydrogen donor in binding to the enzyme.  相似文献   

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