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Thioredoxin-interacting protein (Txnip) knockout (TKO) mice exhibit impaired response to fasting. Herein, we showed that activation of adenine monophosphate-activated protein kinase and cellular AMP levels were diminished in the heart and soleus muscle but not in gastrocnemius muscle of fasting TKO mice. Similarly, glycogen content in fasted TKO mice was increased in oxidative muscles but was not different in glycolytic muscles. These data suggest Txnip deficiency has a higher impact on oxidative muscle than glycolytic muscles and provide new insights into the metabolic role of Txnip.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with a reduced ability to cope with physiological challenges. Although the mechanisms underlying age-related alterations in stress tolerance are not well defined, many studies support the validity of the oxidative stress hypothesis, which suggests that lowered functional capacity in aged organisms is the result of an increased generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Increased production of oxidants in vivo can cause damage to intracellular macromolecules, which can translate into oxidative injury, impaired function and cell death in vulnerable tissues such as the brain. To survive different types of injuries, brain cells have evolved networks of responses, which detect and control diverse forms of stress. This is accomplished by a complex network of the so-called longevity assurance processes, which are composed of several genes termed vitagenes. Among these, heat shock proteins form a highly conserved system responsible for the preservation and repair of the correct protein conformation. The heat shock response contributes to establishing a cytoprotective state in a wide variety of human diseases, including inflammation, cancer, aging and neurodegenerative disorders. Given the broad cytoprotective properties of the heat shock response, there is now a strong interest in discovering and developing pharmacological agents capable of inducing the heat shock response. Acetylcarnitine is proposed as a therapeutic agent for several neurodegenerative disorders, and there is now evidence that it may play a critical role as modulator of cellular stress response in health and disease states. In the present review, we first discuss the role of nutrition in carnitine metabolism, followed by a discussion of carnitine and acetyl-l-carnitine in mitochondrial dysfunction, in aging, and in age-related disorders. We then review the evidence for the role of acetylcarnitine in modulating redox-dependent mechanisms leading to up-regulation of vitagenes in brain, and we also discuss new approaches for investigating the mechanisms of lifetime survival and longevity.  相似文献   

The ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase is best known for its role in the DNA damage response, but recent findings suggest that it also functions as a redox sensor that controls the levels of reactive oxygen species in human cells. Here, we review evidence supporting the conclusion that ATM can be directly activated by oxidation, as well as various observations from ATM-deficient patients and mouse models that point to the importance of ATM in oxidative stress responses. We also discuss the roles of this kinase in regulating mitochondrial function and metabolic control through its action on tumor suppressor p53, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1), and how the regulation of these enzymes may be affected in ATM-deficient patients and in cancer cells.  相似文献   

The overexpression of secreted proteins is of critical importance to the biotechnology and biomedical fields. A common roadblock to high yields of proteins is in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where proofreading for properly folded proteins is often rate limiting. Heterologous expression of secreted proteins can saturate the cell's capacity to properly fold protein, initiating the unfolded protein response (UPR), and resulting in a loss of protein expression. An obvious method for overcoming this block would be to increase the capacity of the folding process (overexpressing chaperones) or decreasing the proofreading process (blocking the down-regulation by the UPR). Unfortunately, these processes are tightly interlinked, whereby modification of one mechanism has unknown effects on the other. Although some success has been achieved in improving expression via co-overexpressing ER chaperones, the results have not lead to a global method for increasing all heterologously overexpressed proteins. Further, many diseases have been linked to extended periods of stress and are not treatable by these approaches. This work utilises both experimental analysis of the interactions within the ER and modelling in order to understand how these interactions affect early secretory pathway dynamics. This study shows that overexpression of the ER chaperone binding protein does not regulate Ire1p and the UPR as predicted by a model based on the published understanding of the molecular mechanism. A new model is proposed for Ire1p regulation and the UPR that better fits the experimental data and recent studies on Ire1p.  相似文献   

杨立松  陈瑶 《生命科学》2003,15(3):151-154,177
通常,细胞中的错误折叠蛋白质会被蛋白酶体降解。但是在一定的病理和生理条件下,一些错误折叠蛋白质几乎不被降解,反而可以形成蛋白质聚集体。研究表明,许多疾病,如神经退行性疾病的发病机理与错误折叠蛋白质在细胞内的聚集体沉积有关。这些蛋白质聚集体可以通过微管上动力蛋白依赖的逆行性运输形式传送、聚集,最终形成aggresomes。早新的报道还指出,蛋白质聚集体能直接损伤泛素—蛋白酶体系统的功能,从而引起细胞的调控紊乱和细胞死亡。  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) mice present both elevated body metabolic rates and mild mitochondrial uncoupling in the liver owing to stimulated activity of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel (mitoKATP). Because lipid excess normally leads to cell redox imbalance, we examined the hepatic oxidative status in this model. Cell redox imbalance was evidenced by increased total levels of carbonylated proteins, malondialdehydes, and GSSG/GSH ratios in HTG livers compared to wild type. In addition, the activities of the extramitochondrial enzymes NADPH oxidase and xanthine oxidase were elevated in HTG livers. In contrast, Mn-superoxide dismutase activity and content, a mitochondrial matrix marker, were significantly decreased in HTG livers. Isolated HTG liver mitochondria presented lower rates of H2O2 production, which were reversed by mitoKATP antagonists. In vivo antioxidant treatment with N-acetylcysteine decreased both mitoKATP activity and metabolic rates in HTG mice. These data indicate that high levels of triglycerides increase reactive oxygen generation by extramitochondrial enzymes that promote mitoKATP activation. The mild uncoupling mediated by mitoKATP increases metabolic rates and protects mitochondria against oxidative damage. Therefore, a biological role for mitoKATP as a redox sensor is shown here for the first time in an in vivo model of systemic and cellular lipid excess.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes (LTs) are considered important for antibacterial defense in the lung. Multidrug resistance protein 1 (mrp1) is a transmembrane protein responsible for the cellular extrusion of LTC(4). To determine the role of mrp1 in host defense against pneumonia, mrp1(-/-) and wild-type mice were intranasally inoculated with Streptococcus pneumoniae. mrp1(-/-) mice displayed a diminished outgrowth of pneumococci in lungs and a strongly reduced mortality. These findings were related to an effect of mrp1 on LT metabolism, because survival was similar in mrp1(-/-) and wild-type mice treated with the 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein inhibitor MK-886. Although LTC(4) levels remained low in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of mrp1(-/-) mice, LTB(4) concentrations were higher than in wild-type mice. These elevated LTB(4) concentrations were important for the relative protection of mrp1(-/-) mice, because the LTB(4) antagonist LTB(4)-dimethyl amide abolished their survival advantage. In vitro experiments suggested that the intracellullar accumulation of LTC(4) in mrp1(-/-) mice results in product inhibition of LTC(4)-synthase, diminishing substrate competition between LTA(4)-hydrolase (which yields LTB(4)) and LTC(4)-synthase for the available LTA(4). We conclude that mrp1(-/-) mice are resistant against pneumococcal pneumonia by a mechanism that involves increased release of LTB(4). These results identify mrp1 as a novel target for adjunctive therapy in pneumonia.  相似文献   

The protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine-threonine kinases has been implicated in behavioral responses to opiates, but little is known about the individual PKC isozymes involved. Here, we show that mice lacking PKCepsilon have increased sensitivity to the rewarding effects of morphine, revealed as the expression of place preference and intravenous self-administration at very low doses of morphine that do not evoke place preference or self-administration in wild-type mice. The PKCepsilon null mice also show prolonged maintenance of morphine place preference in response to repeated testing when compared with wild-type mice. The supraspinal analgesic effects of morphine are enhanced in PKCepsilon null mice, and the development of tolerance to the spinal analgesic effects of morphine is delayed. The density of mu-opioid receptors and their coupling to G-proteins are normal. These studies identify PKCepsilon as a key regulator of opiate sensitivity in mice.  相似文献   

Actin is the major constituent of the cytoskeleton of almost all the eukaryotic cells. In vitro experiments have indicated that oxidant-stressed nonmuscle mammalian cells undergo remarkable changes in their morphology and in the structure of the actin cytoskeleton, often resulting in plasma membrane blebbing. Although the microfilament network is one of the earliest targets of oxidative stress, the mechanism by which oxidants change both the structure and the spatial organization of actin filaments is still a matter of debate and far from being fully elucidated. Starting from the 2-fold role of oxidants as injurious by-products of cellular metabolism and essential participants in cell signaling and regulation, this review attempts to gather the most relevant information related to (i) the activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase stress-activated protein kinase-2/p38 (SAPK2/p38) which, via MAP kinase-activated protein (MAPKAP) kinase 2/3, leads to the phosphorylation of the actin polymerization (F-actin) modulator 25/27 kDa heat shock protein (HSP25/27), whose phosphorylation is causally related to the regulation of microfilament dynamics following oxidative stress; (ii) the alteration of the redox state of actin or some actin regulatory proteins. The actin cytoskeleton response to oxidants is discussed on the basis of the growing body of evidence indicating the actin system as the most sensitive constituent of the cytoskeleton to the oxidant attack.  相似文献   

Cellular reduction/oxidation (redox) state was found toplay an important role in regulation of cell proliferation,differentiation and apoptosis [1,2]. Researches in the pastdecade showed that the chemotherapeutic effects ofa number of cytotoxic drugs are influenced by the cellularredox state. Arsenic trioxide (As2O3), as a novel chemo-therapeutic agent treating acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL), induces apoptosis of leukemia cells with de-pendence on the cellular redox state [3,4]. Redox sta…  相似文献   

A cryptic plasmid from Arthrobacter rhombi PRH1, designated as pPRH, was sequenced and characterized. It was 5000 bp in length with a G+C content of 66 mol%. The plasmid pPRH was predicted to encode six putative open reading frames (ORFs), in which ORF2 and ORF3 formed the minimal replicon of plasmid pPRH and shared 55-61% and 60-69% homology, respectively, with the RepA and RepB proteins of reported rhodococcal plasmids. Sequence analysis revealed a typical ColE2-type ori located 45 bp upstream of the gene repA. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis led to the conclusion that pPRH is a representative of a novel group of pAL5000 subfamily of ColE2 family plasmids. Three shuttle vectors pRMU824, pRMU824Km and pRMU824Tc, encoding chloramphenicol resistance, were constructed. The latter two harboured additional antibiotic resistance genes kan and tet, respectively. All vectors successfully replicated in Escherichia coli, Arthrobacter and Rhodococcus spp. The vector pRMU824Km was employed for functional screening of 2-hydroxypyridine catabolism encoding genes from Arthrobacter sp. PY22. Sequence analysis of the cloned 6-kb DNA fragment revealed eight putative ORFs, among which hpyB gene encoded a putative monooxygenase.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta-peptide-binding alcohol dehydrogenase (ABAD) is a member of the family of short chain dehydrogenase/reductases whose distinctive properties include the capacity to bind amyloid beta-peptide and enzymatic activity toward a broad array of substrates including n-isopropanol and beta-estradiol. In view of the wide substrate specificity of ABAD and its high activity on l-beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA derivatives, we asked whether it might also catalyze the oxidation of the ketone body d-3-hydroxybutyrate. This was indeed the case, and oxidation proceeded with K(m) of approximately 4.5 mm and V(max) of approximately 4 nmol/min/mg protein. When placed in medium with d-beta-hydroxybutyrate as the principal energy substrate, COS cells stably transfected to overexpress wild-type ABAD (COS/wtABAD) better maintained 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide reduction, cellular energy charge, and morphologic phenotype compared with COS/vector cells. Using a severe model of metabolic perturbation, transgenic mice with targeted neuronal expression of ABAD subjected to transient middle cerebral artery occlusion showed strokes of smaller volume and lower neurologic deficit scores in parallel with increased brain ATP and decreased lactate, compared with nontransgenic controls. These data suggest that ABAD contributes to the protective response to metabolic stress, especially in the setting of ischemia.  相似文献   

Signaling by the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin profoundly influences the growth and gene expression of cardiac and skeletal muscle. Calcineurin binds to calsarcins, a family of muscle-specific proteins of the sarcomeric Z-disc, a focal point in the pathogenesis of human cardiomyopathies. We show that calsarcin-1 negatively modulates the functions of calcineurin, such that calcineurin signaling was enhanced in striated muscles of mice that do not express calsarcin-1. As a consequence of inappropriate calcineurin activation, mice with a null mutation in calsarcin-1 showed an excess of slow skeletal muscle fibers. The absence of calsarcin-1 also activated a hypertrophic gene program, despite the absence of hypertrophy, and enhanced the cardiac growth response to pressure overload. In contrast, cardiac adaptation to other hypertrophic stimuli, such as chronic catecholamine stimulation or exercise, was not affected. These findings show important roles for calsarcins as modulators of calcineurin signaling and the transmission of a specific subset of stress signals leading to cardiac remodeling in vivo.  相似文献   

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