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AIMS: To provide information on epidemiology and isolation of Salmonella strains from reptiles. METHODS AND RESULTS: Ninety-one samples collected from reptiles of the zoo of Rome or belonging to private owners were analysed using a standard protocol for isolation of Salmonella from food. Salmonella strains were tested for susceptibility to 15 antimicrobics by a disc-agar diffusion method. Forty-six samples (50.5%) were positive for Salmonella. Of the 22 strains serotyped, 17 belonged to Salmonella enterica subsp. I, four to the subsp. IIIa and one strain resulted untypeable. Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth (RVB) allowed to recover more Salmonella strains when bacterial growth in buffered peptone water (BPW) was scarce, while selenite cystine broth (SCB) was more efficient, whereas growth in BPW was abundant. The maximum isolation score was obtained by plating onto xylose lysine desoxycholate agar (XLD). The strains exhibited resistance at high percentages to colistin sulphate (58.7%), sulphamethoxazole (55.5%), streptomycin (32.6%), tetracycline (19.6%), ampicillin (17.4%) and nalidixic acid (13.1%). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of Salmonella in reptiles was observed. For isolation, the choice of the enrichment broth depending on the degree of growth in BPW followed by plating onto XLD may be suggested. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This paper provides epidemiological data on the prevalence of Salmonella and laboratory protocols useful for isolation of Salmonella from faeces of reptiles.  相似文献   

The protection conferred by temperature-sensitive mutants of Salmonella enteritidis against different wild-type Salmonella serotypes was investigated. Oral immunization with the single temperature-sensitive mutant E/1/3 or with a temperature-sensitive thymine-requiring double mutant (E/1/3T) conferred: (i) significant protection against the homologous wild-type Salmonella strains; (ii) significant cross-protection toward high challenge doses of S. typhimurium. Significant antibody levels against homologous lipopolysaccharide and against homologous and heterologous protein antigens were detected in sera from immunized mice. Moreover, a wide range of protein antigens from different Salmonella O serotypes were recognized by sera from immunized animals. Besides, primed lymphocytes from E/1/3 immunized mice recognized Salmonella antigens from different serotypes. Taken together, these results indicate that temperature-sensitive mutants of S. enteritidis are good candidates for the construction of live vaccines against Salmonella.  相似文献   

The results obtained in the comparative study of the biological characteristics of Salmonella typhimurium strains of different origin are presented. The circulation of two biovariants differing in a number of biological characteristics, mainly in their susceptibility to antibiotics, has been shown. R-plasmids, mostly with the markers of resistance to tetracycline and with a molecular weight of 64 Md, have been isolated from "hospital" and "sporadic" strains possessing multiple antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Abstract Growth of wild-type strains and K-12 derivatives of Escherichia coli in calf serum was strongly enhanced by the iron(III) aerobactin supply system specified by certain ColV plasmids. Aerobactin was superior over enterochelin in stimulating growth. In contrast to enterochelin and ferrichrome, aerobactin seemed not to be hydrolyzed or modified during delivery of iron to cells.  相似文献   

Plasmid content in Yersinia pestis strains of different origin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Plasmid content in 242 Yersinia pestis strains from various natural plague foci of the U.S.S.R. and other countries was studied. Of these strains, 172 (71%) were shown to carry three plasmids described previously of about 6, 45-50 and 60 MDa, respectively. Twenty strains (8%) from different foci harboured additional cryptic plasmids, most often of about 20 mDa in size. Plasmid pPst displayed considerable constancy of its molecular mass. On the contrary, size variations of pCad (45-49 MDa) and, especially, pFra (60-190 MDa) were found. Molecular mass of these plasmids correlated with the host strain origin.  相似文献   

The biofilm forming behavior of 51 Salmonella Typhimurium strains was determined in Tryptone Soya Broth (TSB) and 20 times diluted TSB (1/20TSB) at 25°C and 37°C. The results indicated that biofilm forming behavior is influenced by environmental conditions and associated with the origin of the strains. Clinical, outbreak-associated and retail product isolates showed dense biofilm formation in both media at 25°C, and in TSB also at 37°C. However, industrial isolates only showed dense biofilm formation in 1/20TSB at 25°C. By enumeration of biofilm cells, LIVE/DEAD staining and SEM analysis of biofilms it was found that the ratio of cells and extracellular matrix is affected by environmental conditions. Indeed, the genes involved in curli fimbriae and cellulose production are highly induced during biofilm formation at 25°C in 1/20TSB. This indicates that these are important matrix components during biofilm formation in 1/20TSB at 25°C and that other factors contribute to biofilm formation of clinical, outbreak-associated and retail product isolates at 37°C and/or nutrient-rich conditions.  相似文献   

The biofilm forming behavior of 51 Salmonella Typhimurium strains was determined in Tryptone Soya Broth (TSB) and 20 times diluted TSB (1/20TSB) at 25°C and 37°C. The results indicated that biofilm forming behavior is influenced by environmental conditions and associated with the origin of the strains. Clinical, outbreak-associated and retail product isolates showed dense biofilm formation in both media at 25°C, and in TSB also at 37°C. However, industrial isolates only showed dense biofilm formation in 1/20TSB at 25°C. By enumeration of biofilm cells, LIVE/DEAD staining and SEM analysis of biofilms it was found that the ratio of cells and extracellular matrix is affected by environmental conditions. Indeed, the genes involved in curli fimbriae and cellulose production are highly induced during biofilm formation at 25°C in 1/20TSB. This indicates that these are important matrix components during biofilm formation in 1/20TSB at 25°C and that other factors contribute to biofilm formation of clinical, outbreak-associated and retail product isolates at 37°C and/or nutrient-rich conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract All strains and serovars of Salmonella enterica such as serovar Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Dublin, Typhi, etc. were found to carry the Salmonella enterotoxin determinant stn as far as examined in PCR and hybridization studies. However, using MDCK cells for testing the toxicity of the strains under investigation, only a limited number of stn positive strains revealed phenotypically the Salmonella enterotoxin Stn. In contrast to S. enterica , other Enterobacteriaceae including Salmonella bongori were found neither genotypically nor phenotypically Stn toxin positive.  相似文献   

In the present study the biofilm-forming characteristics of 99 serotyped (DMC strains) and 41 genus level-identified (IS strains) Salmonella strains originating from Turkey were investigated. The strains were selected based on their ability to show the biofilm morphotype on Congo red agar plates. In addition, all strains were evaluated with regard to properties related to forming pellicle structures, physical differences of pellicles, any changes in the media associated with the formation of pellicles, and the presence of cellulose within the formed biofilm matrix as determined using 366 nm UV light. The Salmonella Typhimurium DMC4 strain was the best producer of biofilm grown on polystyrene microtiter plates (optical density at 595 nm: 3.418). In subsequent experiments industrial process conditions were used to investigate different morphotyped Salmonella strains’ biofilm-forming capability on stainless steel, a commonly preferred surface for the food industries, and on polystyrene surfaces. The effect of other important industrial conditions, such as temperature (5, 20, 37°C), pH (4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.4) and NaCl concentration (0.5, 1.5, 5.5, 10.5%) on the production of biofilm of the different morphotyped Salmonella strains (DMC4; red, dry and rough morphotyped S. Typhimurium, DMC12; brown, dry and rough morphotyped S. Infantis, DMC13; pink, dry and rough morphotyped S. subsp. Roughform) were also assessed. On the other hand, pH values exhibited variable effects on biofilm-forming features for different Salmonella strains on both polystyrene and stainless steel surfaces.  相似文献   

Attempts to detect transferable citrate-utilizing (Cit) ability in enterobacterial strains were carried out by conjugation experiments. Of 318 strains of Salmonella typhimurium and 1 strain of Salmonella bredeney isolated from cattle in Japan from 1970 to 1979, 107 (33.5%) strains contained transferable Cit characters. Most of the strains transferred the Cit characters to recipient Escherichia coli more efficiently at 28 degrees C than at 37 degrees C, indicating that their transfer of the Cit character is thermosensitive. Transferred Cit characters were found in association with drug resistance markers such as ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, streptomycin, sulfonamides, and tetracycline or with mercury resistance, but Cit plasmids conferring Cit ability alone were also obtained. Of 221 conjugative Cit plasmids tested for fertility inhibition (Fi), all but 2 were Fi- and exhibited thermosensitive transfer; 2 Cit plasmids showing the Fi+ character were also isolated from 2 S. typhimurium strains. No transferable Cit character was detected from strains of Proteus, Serratia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, and Citrobacter spp. isolated from humans or cows in the present study. The utilization of tricarboxylic acids by strains with plasmid-borne Cit ability was examined, and two different patterns of utilization were found in the Cit+ E. coli transconjugants.  相似文献   

The ability of 14 different strains of Salmonella typhimurium to biofilm formation depending on genotype and culture conditions was investigated in artificial systems: in 96-well plastic microtitre plates, plastic and glass tubes, plastic Petri dishes and on microscope glasses. Quantitative biofilm growth was monitored by using an assay based on crystal violet staining, while planctonic growth in the same cultures was monitored by absorbance in iEMS Reader MF, and qualitatively--by digital photo and visually. Optimal rate between growth and biofilm indications for all strains was determined at initial cell concentration 10(6-7) KOE/ml and culture incubation at t degrees 28 degrees C. The nutrient content of the medium significantly influenced the quantity of produced biofilm. The nutrient broth LB without NaCl was more effective in promoting biofilm formation, than LB itself. The least quantity of biofilm was formed in water. The genotype of the strains also critically influenced the quantity of produced biofilm. Nonmotile mutants cells had reduced ability to form biofilm. RpoS mutant cells produced significantly less biofilm as compared with cells of isogenic parent strains. The chemical content of plastic and glass also influenced biofilm formation.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutant strains (nit) of Salmonella typhimurium that are defective in nitrogen metabolism. They have a reduced ability to use a variety of compounds including glutamate, proline, arginine, N-acetyl-glucosamine, alanine, and adenosine as sole nitrogen source. In addition, although they grow normally on high concentrations of ammonium chloride (greater than 1 mM) as nitrogen source, they grow substantially more slowly than wild type at low concentrations (less than 1 mM). We postulated that the inability of these strains to utilize low concentrations of ammonium chloride accounts for their poor growth on other nitrogen sources. The specific biochemical lesion in strains with a nit mutation is not known; however, mutant strains have no detectable alteration in the activities of glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthetase, or glutamate dehydrogenase, the enzymes known to be involved in assimilation of ammonia. A nit mutation is suppressed by second-site mutations in the structural gene for glutamine synthetase (glnA) that decrease glutamine synthetase activity.  相似文献   

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