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Polysaccharide chains are usually considered to be highly hydrophilic, since they contain no obvious apolar moieties. However, it is possible for even these chains to display hydrophobic character, arising out of stereochemical constraints in the chain. We had earlier shown that linear dextrin chains display amphiphilic properties, since all the hydroxyl groups are disposed on one side or face of the chain and the hydrogens disposed on the other. We provide further evidence here for this conclusion that dextrins are amphiphilic chains. In contrast, dextrans and cellulosic chains do not display amphiphilicity. Oligosaccharides that can adopt incipient helical structures might display amphiphilicity. This property might be relevant to intermolecular recognition on cell surfaces, lectin-sugar binding, antigen-antibody interactions and the like, and might be manifested more in a heteromolecular recognition process than as homomolecular self-aggregation.  相似文献   

Water-soluble non-starch polysaccharides were extracted from a Canadian malting barley (cv. Harrington) by sequential treatment with water at 40 °C (WE40) and 65 °C (WE65). The yields were 1.4 and 1.3% (w/w), respectively, of the dry barley grist. The WE40 extract was composed of 82.5% glucose, 8.9% xylose, and 7.0% arabiose residues, whereas WE65 contained 93.3% Glc, 3.3% Xyl, and 2.5% Ara. Only minute amounts of mannose and galactose residues were found in either fraction. Both extracts were further fractionated by stepwise (NH4)2SO4 precipitation into several polysaccharide populations. Subfractions from both extracts, obtained up to 45% saturation with (NH4)2SO4, contained mostly β-glucans, whereas subfractions precipitated at increasing saturation levels of (NH4)2SO4 (45–100%) contained progressively more arabinoxylans and less β-glucans. Compared to WE40, the WE65 extract was enriched in β-glucan populations with higher molecular size, higher limiting viscosity values, and higher content of β-(1 → 4) linkages. The ratio of tri-/ tetrasaccharide oligomers was also higher in β-glucans extracted at 65 °C than those extracted at 40 °C. Arabinoxylans in both extracts, WE40 and WE65, were highly substituted and contained large proportions of doubly substituted xylose residues.  相似文献   

The thermal properties of a broad range of polysaccharides containing 5–25% w/w water have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). Following room temperature conditioning, an endothermic event accompanied by material softening is observed at 45–80°C for all samples except those above their glass transition temperature. The temperature of the event is determined by thermal history and is apparently independent of polymer type or moisture content. The associated enthalpy increases with water content. Variable frequency DMTA analysis suggests a structural melting event rather than a relaxation process. The endothermic event is recovered over the days timescale after heating, and can be annealed to higher temperatures with increasing holding temperature.

Results are interpreted in terms of a dynamic hydration model in which specific energetic water-carbohydrate interactions occur but with a lifetime defined by their local effective microviscosity. The observation of the endotherm below glass transition temperatures suggests that in aqueous polysaccharide glasses, enthalpic structures involving the solvent can be made and broken.  相似文献   

The in vitro metabolism of cortisol in human liver fractions is highly complex and variable. Cytosolic metabolism proceeds predominantly via A-ring reduction (to give 3,5β-tetrahydrocortisol; 3,5β-THF), while microsomal incubations generate upto 7 metabolites, including 6β-hydroxycortisol (6β-OHF), and 6β-hydroxycortisone (6β-OHE), products of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A subfamily. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to examine two of the main enzymes involved in cortisol metabolism, namely, microsomal 6β-hydroxylase and cytosolic 4-ene-reductase. In particular, we wished to assess the substrate specificity of these enzymes and identify compounds with inhibitory potential. Incubations for 30 min containing [3H]cortisol, potential inhibitors, microsomal or cytosolic protein (3 mg), and co-factors were followed by radiometric HPLC analysis. The Km value for 6β-OHF and 6β-OHE formation was 15.2 ± 2.1 μM (mean ± SD; n = 4) and the Vmax value 6.43 ± 0.45 pmol/min/mg microsomal protein. The most potent inhibitor of cortisol 6β-hydroxylase was ketoconazole (Ki = 0.9 ± 0.4 μM; N = 4), followed by gestodene (Ki = 5.6 ± 0.6 μM) and cyclosporine (Ki = 6.8 ± 1.4 μM). Both betamethasone and dexamethasone produced some inhibition (Ki = 31.3 and 54.5 μ, respectively). However, substrates for CYP2C (tolbutamide), CYP2D (quinidine), and CYP1A (theophylline) were essentially non-inhibitory. The Km value for cortisol 4-ene-reductase was 26.5 ± 11.2 μM (n = 4) and the Vmax value 107.7 ± 46.0 pmol/min/mg cytosolic protein. The most potent inhibitors were androstendione (Ki = 17.8 ± 3.3 μM) and gestodene (Ki = 23.8 ± 3.8 μM). Although both compounds have identical A-rings to cortisol, and undergo reduction, inhibition was non-competitive.  相似文献   

X. Yathindra  V. S. R. Rao 《Biopolymers》1971,10(10):1891-1900
The characteristic ratio CN = 〈r20/Nlv2 of the β-D (1 → 4′)-linked polysaccharides xylan and mannan has been computed as a function of the angle τ at the bridge oxygen atom and the degree of polymerization N. The calculated values of the characteristic ratio CN are very high relative to their free rotational dimensions. The characteristic ratio of these polysaecharides converges to the asymptotic value at low degree of polymerization at higher τ values. The low values of the calculated characteristic ratio of xylan compared to cellulose and mannan for the same τ value indicate that the former is more flexible and assumes a compact configuration. A pronounced difference in the values of the characteristic ratio CN of cellulose and mannan has also been observed lower τ angles (<120°). On the other hand, nearly the same values of CN have been obtained at higher τ angles (120°–125°), which suggests that, cellulose and mannan may have similar configuralons in certain solvents.  相似文献   

How size is controlled is a fundamental question in biology. In this review, we discuss the use of scaling relationships—for example, power laws of the form y ∝ xα—to provide a framework for comparison and interpretation of size measurements. Such analysis can illustrate the biological and physical principles underlying observed trends, as has been proposed for the allometric dependence of metabolic rate or limb structure on organism mass. Techniques for measuring size at smaller length-scales continue to improve, leading to more data on the control of size in cells and organelles. Size scaling of these structures is expected to influence growth patterns, functional capacity, and intracellular transport. Furthermore, organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum show widely varying morphologies which affect their scaling properties. We provide brief summaries of these issues for individual organelles, and conclude with a discussion on how to apply this concept to better understand the mechanisms of size control in the cellular environment.  相似文献   

Isolated cell walls of Argania spinosa fruit pulp were fractionated into their polysaccharide constituents and the resulting fractions were analysed for monosaccharide composition and chemical structure. The data reveal the presence of homogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) and rhamnogalacturonan-II (RG-II) in the pectic fraction. RG-I is abundant and contains high amounts of Ara and Gal, indicative of an important branching in this polysaccharide. RG-II is less abundant than RG-I and exists as a dimer. Structural characterisation of xyloglucan using enzymatic hydrolysis, gas chromatography, MALDI-TOF-MS and methylation analysis shows that XXGG, XXXG, XXLG and XLLG are the major subunit oligosaccharides in the ratio of 0.6:1:1.2:1.6. This finding demonstrates that the major neutral hemicellulosic polysaccharide is a galacto-xyloglucan. In addition, Argania fruit xyloglucan has no XUFG, a novel xyloglucan motif recently discovered in Argania leaf cell walls. Finally, the isolation and analysis of arabinogalactan-proteins showed that Argania fruit pulp is rich in these proteoglycans.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that consumer control is a weak regulator of marine phytoplankton communities. It remains unclear, however, why this should be the case when marine consumers routinely regulate their prey at higher trophic levels. One possibility is that the weak consumer control of phytoplankton communities results from the inability of field researchers to effectively account for consumer–prey trophic relationships operating at the scale of the plankton. We explored this issue by reviewing studies of trophic control in marine plankton. Experimental studies indicate that size is a critical determinant of feeding relationships among plankton. In sharp contrast, of the 51 field studies reviewed, 78% did not distinguish among the sizes or species of phytoplankton and their consumers, but instead assumed a general bulk phytoplankton–zooplankton trophic connection. Such an approach neglects the possibility that several trophic connections may separate the smallest phytoplankton (0.2 μm) from the larger zooplankton (~ 1000 μm), a remarkable size differential exceeding that between a mouse (~10 cm) and an elephant (~2500 cm). The size‐based approach we propose integrates theory, experiments and field observations and has the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of the causes and consequences of recently documented restructuring of plankton communities.  相似文献   

The solution behavior of pectin polysaccharides has been investigated by small angle neutron scattering (SANS), viscosimetric, and molecular modeling studies. The samples used in the experimental study were obtained from apple and citrus and had degrees of methylation ranging from 28 to 73%, with a rhamnose content lying between 0.6 and 2.2%. Persistence lengths, derived from intrinsic viscosity measurements, ranged from 59 to 126 Å, whereas those derived by SANS were between 45 and 75 Å. These values correspond to 10–17 monomer units. The modeling simulations were performed for both homogalacturonan itself and homogalacturonan carrying various degrees of rhamnose inserts (rhamnogalacturonan). This required the evaluation of the accessible conformational space for the eight disaccharides that represent the constituent repeating segments of the homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan polysaccharides. For each dimer, complete conformational analysis was accomplished using the flexible residue method of the MM3 molecular mechanics procedure and the results used to access the configurational statistics of representative pectic polysaccharide chains. For homogalacturonan, an extended chain conformation having a persistence length of 135 Å (corresponding to 30 monomers) was predicted. The inclusion of varying amounts of rhamnose units (5–25%) in the model in strict alternating sequence with galacturonate residues (equivalent to the rhamnogalacturonan “hairy region” chains) only slightly reduced the calculated persistence length. The extended overall chain conformation remained relatively unchanged as a consequence of the self-cancellation of the kinking effects of successive paired rhamnose units. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Lens γ crystallins are found at the highest protein concentration of any tissue, ranging from 300 mg/mL in some mammals to over 1000 mg/mL in fish. Such high concentrations are necessary for the refraction of light, but impose extreme requirements for protein stability and solubility. γ‐crystallins, small stable monomeric proteins, are particularly associated with the lowest hydration regions of the lens. Here, we examine the solvation of selected γ‐crystallins from mammals (human γD and mouse γS) and fish (zebrafish γM2b and γM7). The thermodynamic water binding coefficient B1 could be probed by sucrose expulsion, and the hydrodynamic hydration shell of tightly bound water was probed by translational diffusion and structure‐based hydrodynamic boundary element modeling. While the amount of tightly bound water of human γD was consistent with that of average proteins, the water binding of mouse γS was found to be relatively low. γM2b and γM7 crystallins were found to exhibit extremely low degrees hydration, consistent with their role in the fish lens. γM crystallins have a very high methionine content, in some species up to 15%. Structure‐based modeling of hydration in γM7 crystallin suggests low hydration is associated with the large number of surface methionine residues, likely in adaptation to the extremely high concentration and low hydration environment in fish lenses. Overall, the degree of hydration appears to balance stability and tissue density requirements required to produce and maintain the optical properties of the lens in different vertebrate species.  相似文献   

A method is described for predicting and solving crystal structures of linear homopolysaccharides. The method is based on the refinement of the structure with respect to either stereochemical constraints or x-ray diffraction intensities. In the refinement process, all conformational and packing features of the molecule, such as bond lengths, bond angles, conformational angles, nonbonded contacts, hydrogen bonds, etc., can be allowed to vary until the structure reaches both a conformation and crystalline packing that are in minimum disagreement with the stereochemical restraints and the diffraction data. In this fashion, both packing and conformational features of the structure can be simultaneously refined, and not separately as has been the custom in the past. The refinement procedure is based on a method of constrained optimization which possesses improved characteristics of reaching a solution and avoiding false minima, in comparison with least squares methods. The procedure is, in addition, capable of easily finding molecules of solvent of crystallization. The method was applied to further refining the previously solved crystal structure of V-amylose. The results indicated that contrary to the previously found six-fold molecular symmetry in the P212121 space group, the V-amylose molecule exhibits only two-fold symmetry with the asymmetric unit consisting of three glucose residues in one-half turn of the helix. The three residues are nonequivalent principally due to unequal rotational positions of the hydroxymethyl groups. The crystal structure of V-amylose predicted from stereochemical refinement was identical in all details with that obtained from refining against X-ray data. The excellent agreement with the diffraction data was indicated by the crystallographic disagreement index R = 0.25.  相似文献   

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