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Cyclin C is a highly conserved protein that is involved in divergent cellular processes. The exact roles of its isoforms are presently not very well defined and it is possible that there is a functional divergence amongst them. We therefore sought to assess the expression pattern of cyclin C1 and C2 isoforms in various human tissues and in cell cycle by using real-time PCR experiments. Our findings strongly suggest that the C2 isoform may play a presently unexplored and important role in mammalian testis and probably this isoform is the one that is mainly implicated in cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton is involved in major developmental events in plant cell growth and differentiation. Nucleation events play a key role in the dynamic and organization of the microtubule (Mt) cytoskeleton. Among many proteins involved in Mt nucleation, γ -tubulin has been identified as an essential component of the Mt organizing centers (MTOC). In protoplasts, somatic embryogenesis induction has been correlated with remodeling of Mt cytoskeleton. We have investigated the specific developmental expression of γ -tubulin in Helianthus annuus . Two γ -tubulin isoforms have been detected by immunoblotting, with bands at 52 and 58 kDa. The larger γ -tubulin (58 kDa) is present in all the sunflower tissues tested and is associated with the nucleus. The smaller γ -tubulin (52 kDa), differing from the former at the carboxy-terminal end, is only present in meristematic and dedifferentiated cells and is not bound to the nucleus. This first demonstration of the presence of two γ -tubulins in plant cells is discussed in terms of distinct roles in the nucleation and organization of Mts.  相似文献   

Transmission of Trypanosoma brucei by the tsetse fly entails several rounds of differentiation as the parasite migrates through the digestive tract to the salivary glands of its vector. Differentiation of the bloodstream to the procyclic form in the fly midgut is accompanied by the synthesis of a new coat consisting of EP and GPEET procyclins. There are three closely related EP isoforms, two of which (EP1 and EP3) contain N-glycans. To identify the individual EP isoforms that are expressed early during synchronous differentiation in vitro, we exploited the selective extraction of GPI-anchored proteins and mass spectrometry. Unexpectedly, we found that GPEET and all isoforms of EP were coexpressed for a few hours at the onset of differentiation. At this time, the majority of EP1 and EP3 molecules were already glycosylated. Within 24 hours, GPEET became the major surface component, to be replaced in turn by glycosylated forms of EP, principally EP1, at a later phase of development. Transient transfection experiments using reporter genes revealed that each procyclin 3' untranslated region contributes to differential expression as the procyclic form develops. We postulate that programmed expression of other procyclin species will accompany further rounds of differentiation, enabling the parasite to progress through the fly.  相似文献   

The leucine-rich, glioma inactivated 1 (LGI1)/Epitempin gene has been linked to two phenotypes as different as gliomagenesis and autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy. Its function and the biochemical features of the encoded protein are unknown. We characterized the LGI1/Epitempin protein product by western blot analysis of mouse and human brain tissues. Two proteins of about 60 and 65 kDa were detected by an anti-LGI1 antibody within the expected molecular mass range. The two proteins appeared to reside in different subcellular compartments, as they were fractionated by differential centrifugation. The specificity of both polypeptides was validated by cell transfection assay and mass spectrometry analysis. Immunoblot analysis of protein distribution in various zones of the human brain revealed variable amounts of both proteins. Notably, these proteins were more abundant in the temporal neocortex than in the hippocampus, the difference in abundance of the 65-kDa product being particularly pronounced. These results suggest that the two protein isoforms encoded by LGI1/Epitempin are differentially expressed in the human brain, and that higher expression levels of these proteins in the lateral temporal cortex may underlie the susceptibility of this brain region to the epileptogenic effects of LGI1/Epitempin mutations.  相似文献   

cDNA clones for two isoforms of starch branching enzyme (SBEI and SBEII) have been isolated from pea embryos and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of pea SBEI and SBEII are closely related to starch branching enzymes of maize, rice, potato and cassava and a number of glycogen branching enzymes from yeast, mammals and several prokaryotic species. In comparison with SBEI, the deduced amino acid sequence of SBEII lacks a flexible domain at the N-terminus of the mature protein. This domain is also present in maize SBEII and rice SBEIII and resembles one previously reported for pea granule-bound starch synthase II (GBSSII). However, in each case it is missing from the other isoform of SBE from the same species. On the basis of this structural feature (which exists in some isoforms from both monocots and dicots) and other differences in sequence, SBEs from plants may be divided into two distinct enzyme families. There is strong evidence from our own and other work that the amylopectin products of the enzymes from these two families are qualitatively different. Pea SBEI and SBEII are differentially expressed during embryo development. SBEI is relatively highly expressed in young embryos whilst maximum expression of SBEII occurs in older embryos. The differential expression of isoforms which have distinct catalytic properties means that the contribution of each SBE isoform to starch biosynthesis changes during embryo development. Qualitative measurement of amylopectin from developing and maturing embryos confirms that the nature of amylopectin changes during pea embryo development and that this correlates with the differential expression of SBE isoforms.  相似文献   

In previous work, we identified a Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycogen synthase gene, GSY1, which codes for an 85-kDa polypeptide present in purified yeast glycogen synthase (Farkas, I., Hardy, T.A., DePaoli-Roach, A.A., and Roach, P.J. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 20879-20886). We have now cloned another gene, GSY2, which encodes a second S. cerevisiae glycogen synthase. The GSY2 sequence predicts a protein of 704 residues, molecular weight 79,963, with 80% identity to the protein encoded by GSY1. Amino acid sequences obtained from a second polypeptide of 77 kDa present in yeast glycogen synthase preparations matched those predicted by GSY2. GSY1 resides on chromosome VI, and GSY2 is located on chromosome XII. Disruption of the GSY1 gene produced a strain retaining about 85% of wild type glycogen synthase activity at stationary phase, while disruption of the GSY2 gene yielded a strain with only about 10% of wild type enzyme activity. The level of glycogen synthase activity in yeast cells disrupted for GSY1 increased in stationary phase, whereas the activity remained at a constant low level in cells disrupted for GSY2. Disruption of both genes resulted in a viable haploid that totally lacked glycogen synthase activity and was defective in glycogen deposition. In conclusion, yeast expresses two forms of glycogen synthase with activity levels that behave differently in the growth cycle. The GSY2 gene product appears to be the predominant glycogen synthase with activity linked to nutrient depletion.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequencing adjacent to the right inverted terminal repetition of the vaccinia virus genome revealed two genes encoding polypeptides that are structurally related to members of the plasma serine protease inhibitor superfamily (SPI). Inclusion in the superfamily is based on extensive amino acid sequence similarities as well as a consensus sequence adjacent to the active-site region near the carboxyl ends of the proteins. The genes designated SPI-1 and SPI-2 are located 10,000 and 17,000 base pairs from the right end of the genome, respectively. The predicted SPI-1 polypeptide is 11 amino acids longer than that of SPI-2, and the deduced masses are 40,471 and 38,125 daltons, respectively. Similarities between SPI-1 and SPI-2 are indicated by the percentage of identical amino acids (44%) and corresponding hydrophobicity plots. The maximum amino acid sequence diversity occurs precisely in the putative active-site region, suggesting that SPI-1 and SPI-2 may inhibit different proteases. SPI-2 is homologous to a previously described cowpox virus gene (D. J. Pickup, B. S. Ink, W. Hu, C. A. Ray, and W. K. Joklik, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:7698-7702, 1986). Evidence for a cowpox virus homolog of SPI-1 was obtained by DNA hybridization. Thus, the presence of two genes that belong to the plasma serine protease inhibitor superfamily may be characteristic of orthopoxviruses.  相似文献   

Adult hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) with serially transplantable activity comprise two subtypes. One shows a balanced output of mature lymphoid and myeloid cells; the other appears selectively lymphoid deficient. We now show that both of these HSC subtypes are present in the fetal liver (at a 1:10 ratio) with the rarer, lymphoid-deficient HSCs immediately gaining an increased representation in the fetal bone marrow, suggesting that the marrow niche plays a key role in regulating their ensuing preferential amplification. Clonal analysis of HSC expansion posttransplant showed that both subtypes display an extensive but variable self-renewal activity with occasional interconversion. Clonal analysis of their differentiation programs demonstrated functional and molecular as well as quantitative HSC subtype-specific differences in the lymphoid progenitors they generate but an indistinguishable production of multipotent and myeloid-restricted progenitors. These findings establish a level of heterogeneity in HSC differentiation and expansion control that may have relevance to stem cell populations in other hierarchically organized tissues.  相似文献   

Tubulins, as major components involved in the organization of microtubules, play an important role in plant development. We describe here the expression profiles of all known α-tubulin (TUA), β-tubulin (TUB) and γ-tubulin (TUG) genes of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), involving eight newly identified TUB sequences, five established TUA genes and one TUG gene. Macroarray and Northern blot-based expression patterns in the pericarp, endosperm and embryo were obtained over the course of the development of the grain between anthesis and maturation. These revealed that the various tubulin genes differed in their levels of expression, and to some extent were tissue specific. Two expression peaks were detected in the developing endosperm. The first and more prominent peak, at 2 days after flowering, included expression of almost all the tubulin genes. These tubulins are thought to be involved in mitoses during the formation of the syncytial endosperm. The second, less pronounced but more extended, peak included only some of the tubulin genes ( HvTUA3 , HvTUB1 and HvTUG ) and might be associated with the cell wall organization in aleurone and starchy endosperm. The HvTUA5 gene is expressed only in embryo of the developing grain and may be associated with shoot establishment. The expression profiles of the tubulin folding cofactors HvTFC A and HvTFC B as well as small G-protein HvArl2 genes were almost perfectly correlated with the global levels of tubulin mRNA, implying that they have a role in the control of the polymerization of α/β-tubulin heterodimers.  相似文献   

Using several actin isotype-specific cDNA probes, we found actin mRNA of two size classes, 2.1 and 1.5 kilobases (kb), in extracts of polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated RNA from sexually mature CD-1 mouse testes. Although the 2.1-kb sequence was present in both meiotic and postmeiotic testicular cell types, it decreased manyfold in late haploid cells. The 1.5-kb actin sequence was not detectable in meiotic pachytene spermatocytes (or in liver or kidney cells), but was present in round and elongating spermatids and residual bodies. To differentiate between the beta- and gamma-actin mRNAs, we isolated a cDNA, pMGA, containing the 3' untranslated region of a mouse cytoplasmic actin that has homology to the 3' untranslated region of a human gamma-actin cDNA but not to the 3' untranslated regions of human alpha-, beta-, or cardiac actins. Dot blot hybridizations with pMGA detected high levels of presumptive gamma-actin mRNA in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids, with lower amounts found in elongating spermatids. Hybridization with the 3' untranslated region of a rat beta-actin probe revealed that round spermatids contained higher levels of beta-actin mRNA than did pachytene spermatocytes or residual bodies. Both probes hybridized to the 2.1-kb actin mRNA but failed to hybridize to the 1.5-kb mRNA.  相似文献   

Previous analysis of actin in a dicotyledonous plant, Phaseolus vulgaris (or common bean), showed very low actin levels in cotyledons but they were concentrated in the embryo axis. Upon imbibition, actin expression increased 5-fold and a maximum of four actin isoforms were observed, two of them transient and two major ones were steadily expressed. In this work, analysis of the actin expression in a monocotyledonous plant, Zea mays (or maize), and over a longer period of germination/growth, showed that striking similarities exist. Actin is present in all the seed components, but it is mainly concentrated in the embryo axis. The expression of maize actin was induced during post-imbibition at both the protein and mRNA levels. Sharp increases in actin appeared from 24-48 h and again from 72-96 h. A more modest and steady actin mRNA increase in expression was observed; however, it did not appear as dramatic as in the case of common bean due to the presence of readily detectable amounts of message in the dry maize seed. The isoform distribution in the dry seed showed a pattern of at least three isovariants of pIs approximately 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2, which were differentially expressed at the various post-imbibition times analysed. Two of the actin isoforms at 48 h post-imbibition cross-reacted with a phosphotyrosine-specific antibody and they are the product of three expressed genes as shown by in vitro translation assays. These data indicate that maize actin protein and mRNA expression is induced upon the trigger of germination, and the isoform expression kinetics and patterns resemble those from bean, suggesting that, in both species, actin expression at these early germination/growth stages is a highly regulated event.  相似文献   

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