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Isolation of mouse primordial germ cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Primordial germ cells (PGCs) were obtained from fetal mouse gonads of both sexes days post coitum (dpc), either by collagenase treatment, or by mechanical procedures with or without prior EDTA treatment. With mechanical procedures alone, yield was relatively low and many of the cells released were dead. After EDTA treatment, both yield and viability were significantly improved. Collagenase treatment gave the best yield of cells, since the entire gonad was disaggregated, but contamination with somatic cells was substantial, and the adhesive properties of the germ cells were altered by the treatment. When cells released following EDTA treatment were fractionated on a simple Percoll gradient, several thousand viable PGCs per gonad could be obtained in 2–3 h, with not more than 10–20% somatic cell contamination.  相似文献   

In birds, the primordial germ cell (PGC) lineage separates from the soma within 24 h following fertilization. Here we show that the endogenous population of about 200 PGCs from a single chicken embryo can be expanded one million fold in culture. When cultured PGCs are injected into a xenogeneic embryo at an equivalent stage of development, they colonize the testis. At sexual maturity, these donor PGCs undergo spermatogenesis in the xenogeneic host and become functional sperm. Insemination of semen from the xenogeneic host into females from the donor species produces normal offspring from the donor species. In our model system, the donor species is chicken (Gallus domesticus) and the recipient species is guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), a member of a different avian family, suggesting that the mechanisms controlling proliferation of the germline are highly conserved within birds. From a pragmatic perspective, these data are the basis of a novel strategy to produce endangered species of birds using domesticated hosts that are both tractable and fecund.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells are the only stem cells that retain true developmental totipotency after gastrulation, express markers typical of totipotent/pluripotent status and are able both in vivo and in vitro to give rise to pluripotent stem cells as EC and EG cells. We have therefore explored the possibility of the trans-differentiation of mouse PGCs to a myogenic lineage by transplanting them directly or after in vitro culture into a regenerating muscle and by culturing them on monolayers of differentianting muscle cells. The results obtained suggest that mouse PGCs may trans-differentiate into myogenic cells, provided that their somatic environment is preserved. This occurs at an estimated frequency of 0.01%, which is no higher than that reported for stem cells of adult tissues.  相似文献   

Developmental potential of mouse primordial germ cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
There are distinctive and characteristic genomic modifications in primordial germ cells that distinguish the germ cell lineage from somatic cells. These modifications include, genome-wide demethylation, erasure of allele-specific methylation associated with imprinted genes, and the re-activation of the X chromosome. The allele-specific differential methylation is involved in regulating the monoallelic expression, and thus the gene dosage, of imprinted genes, which underlies functional differences between parental genomes. However, when the imprints are erased in the germ line, the parental genomes acquire an equivalent epigenetic and functional state. Therefore, one of the reasons why primordial germ cells are unique is because this is the only time in mammals when the distinction between parental genomes ceases to exist. To test how the potentially imprint-free primordial germ cell nuclei affect embryonic development, we transplanted them into enucleated oocytes. Here we show that the reconstituted oocyte developed to day 9.5 of gestation, consistently as a small embryo and a characteristic abnormal placenta. The embryo proper also did not progress much further even when the inner cell mass was 'rescued' from the abnormal placenta by transfer into a tetraploid host blastocyst. We found that development of the experimental conceptus was affected, at least in part, by a lack of gametic imprints, as judged by DNA methylation and expression analysis of several imprinted genes. The evidence suggests that gametic imprints are essential for normal development, and that they can neither be initiated nor erased in mature oocytes; these properties are unique to the developing germ line.  相似文献   

In the present paper we investigated the effects of stem cell factor/mastocyte growth factor (SCF/MGF), leukemia inhibitory factor/differentiating inhibitory activity (LIF/DIA) (two growth factors known to affect primordial germ cell growth in vitro) and forskolin (FRSK) (an activator of adenylate cyclase in many cell types) alone or in combination on the survival and proliferation of primordial germ cells (PGCs) obtained from 8.5, 10.5, and 11.5 days post coitum (dpc) mouse embryos and cultured without pre-formed cell feeder layers. The results showed that both at 1 and 3 days of culture the addition of 100 ng/ml SCF, 20 μM FRSK, or in some instances 20 ng/ml LIF alone caused a significant increase of PGC number as compared with controls. The highest effects were obtained when SCF and/or LIF were used together with FRSK. Moreover, we found that FRSK elevated cAMP levels in purified 11.5 dpc PGCs and that this compound, but not SCF and LIF, stimulated PGC proliferation, as assessed by 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridin (BrdU) incorporation. These results suggest a mechanism of combined action of cAMP with SCF and/or LIF in the control of proliferation of mouse PGCs in vitro. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lee CK  Piedrahita JA 《Cloning》2000,2(4):197-205
As embryonic stem (ES) cells are not available in swine, embryonic germ (EG) cells derived from primordial germ cells (PGCs) are an alternate source of pluripotent embryonic cells for genetic modification through homologous recombination. Although morphological and biochemical characteristics are similar between ES and EG cells, culture conditions are quite different. To optimize the culture condition for the establishment of porcine EG cells, porcine PGCs were cultured in vitro with various combinations of growth factors (leukemia inhibitory factor [LIF], stem cell factor [SCF], and basic fibroblast growth factor [bFGF]) and on different kinds of feeder cells (STO, TM(4), Sl/Sl(4) m220, porcine embryonic fibroblasts, and COS-7 cells). Optimal results were obtained when all three growth factors (LIF, SCF, and bFGF) were present in the media. Also, feeder cells expressing membrane-bound SCF are required for survival and establishment of porcine EG cells. Therefore, a combination of growth factors and proper feeder cells are critical for the establishment of undifferentiated porcine EG cells.  相似文献   

In vitro culture of mouse primordial germ cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Germ cells were isolated from mouse fetal gonads 11 1/2-16 1/2 days post coitum (dpc), and exposed to various methods of in vitro culture. From 13 1/2 dpc onwards, both male and female germ cells survived well at 37 degrees C for several days. During the culture period the proportion of female germ cells in meiosis increased and later stages of meiotic prophase were seen. The gonadal environment is therefore not essential for the progress of meiosis. Male germ cells in vitro did not enter meiosis. Germ cells isolated from gonads 11 1/2 or 12 1/2 dpc did not survive at 37 degrees C in any of the three culture systems used (Petri dishes, microtest plate wells, drops under oil); cell density, substrate and culture medium were varied, and several additives tested, but no improvement in viability was detected. Below 30 degrees C, on the other hand, 11 1/2 and 12 1/2 day germ cells survived in vitro for at least a week. They did not enter meiosis in culture, but continued to undergo mitotic proliferation.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells continuously divide in the testis to support spermatogenesis throughout the life of adult male animals. Although very few spermatogonial stem cells are present in vivo, we recently succeeded in expanding these cells in vitro. Germ cells from postnatal testes were able to proliferate in the presence of several types of cytokines, and they formed uniquely shaped colonies of spermatogonia (germline stem or GS cells). These cells reinitiated normal spermatogenesis when transplanted into seminiferous tubules. However, much remains unknown about the contributions of cytokines to successful stem cell culture. In the present study, we examined the role of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in GS cell culture. We found that the addition of LIF to newborn testis cell culture enhances the formation of germ cell colonies. Ciliary neurotrophic factor, but not oncostatin M, had the same effect, although they both bind to the IL-6ST (gp130) receptor. On the other hand, GS cells could be established from pup or adult testes in the absence of LIF. No phenotypic or functional difference was found between GS cells established from different stages, and normal offspring were born from pup-derived GS cells that had been maintained in the absence of LIF, indicating that LIF per se is not involved in the self-renewal of GS cells. These results demonstrate that LIF is useful in the initiation of GS cell culture and suggest that LIF or a related cytokine is involved in the maturation of gonocytes into spermatogonia.  相似文献   

Synthesis of glycoconjugates in mouse primordial germ cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The synthesis of protein-bound carbohydrates has been studied in primordial germ cells (PGCs) and in somatic cells of 12.5 to 13.5-days-postcoitum (dpc) fetal mouse gonads. Both cell types were shown to synthesize asparagine-linked glycopeptides and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). In addition, PGCs also synthesize lactosaminoglycans (LAGs) although in different proportions in female and male germ cells. Female PGCs, which at 13.5 dpc are entering meiosis, synthesize mainly LAGs, and minor amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS). Male germ cells, on the other hand, synthesize mainly CS. Furthermore, somatic cells of fetal gonads synthesize HA as the major class of GAGs. It is suggested that the activation of LAG synthesis in developing germ cells might be related to the beginning of meiosis. Moreover, we propose that HA synthesis might be developmentally regulated in somatic cells of the gonad, in order to regulate the establishment of specific interactions with germ cells.  相似文献   

Mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate from the base of the allantois to the genital ridge. They proliferate both during migration and after their arrival, until initiation of the sex-differentiation of fetal gonads. Then, PGCs enter into the prophase of the first meiotic division in the ovary to become oocytes, while those in the testis become mitotically arrested to become prospermatogonia. Growth regulation of mouse PGCs has been studied by culturing them on feeder cells. They show a limited period of proliferation in vitro and go into growth arrest, which is in good correlation with their developmental changes in vivo. However, in the presence of multiple growth signals, PGCs can restart rapid proliferation and transform into pluripotent embryonic germ (EG) cells. Observation of ectopic germ cells and studies of reaggregate cultures suggested that both male and female PGCs show cell-autonomous entry into meiosis and differentiation into oocytes if they were set apart from the male gonadal environments. Recently, we developed a two-dimensional dispersed culture system in which we can examine transition from the mitotic PGCs into the leptotene stage of the first meiotic division. Such entry into meiosis seems to be programmed in PGCs before reaching the genital ridges and unless it is inhibited by putative signals from the testicular somatic cells.  相似文献   

Nuclear transplantation of male primordial germ cells in the mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the developmental ability of enucleated eggs receiving embryonic nuclei and male primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the mouse. Reconstituted eggs developed into the blastocyst stage only when an earlier 2-cell nucleus was transplanted (36%) but very rarely if the donor nucleus was derived from a later 2-cell, 8-cell, or inner cell mass of a blastocyst (0-3%). 54-100%, 11-67%, 6-43% and 6-20% of enucleated eggs receiving male PGCs developed to 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell and blastocyst stage, respectively, in culture. The overall success rate when taking into account the total number of attempts at introducing germ cells was actually 0-6%. Live fetuses were not obtained after transfer of reconstituted eggs to recipients, although implantation sites were observed. The developmental ability of reconstituted eggs in relation to embryonic genome activation and genomic imprinting is discussed.  相似文献   



Avian primordial germ cells (PGCs) have significant potential to be used as a cell-based system for the study and preservation of avian germplasm, and the genetic modification of the avian genome. It was previously reported that PGCs from chicken embryos can be propagated in culture and contribute to the germ cell lineage of host birds.

Principal Findings

We confirm these results by demonstrating that PGCs from a different layer breed of chickens can be propagated for extended periods in vitro. We demonstrate that intracellular signalling through PI3K and MEK is necessary for PGC growth. We carried out an initial characterisation of these cells. We find that cultured PGCs contain large lipid vacuoles, are glycogen rich, and express the stem cell marker, SSEA-1. These cells also express the germ cell-specific proteins CVH and CDH. Unexpectedly, using RT-PCR we show that cultured PGCs express the pluripotency genes c-Myc, cKlf4, cPouV, cSox2, and cNanog. Finally, we demonstrate that the cultured PGCs will migrate to and colonise the forming gonad of host embryos. Male PGCs will colonise the female gonad and enter meiosis, but are lost from the gonad during sexual development. In male hosts, cultured PGCs form functional gametes as demonstrated by the generation of viable offspring.


The establishment of in vitro cultures of germline competent avian PGCs offers a unique system for the study of early germ cell differentiation and also a comparative system for mammalian germ cell development. Primary PGC lines will form the basis of an alternative technique for the preservation of avian germplasm and will be a valuable tool for transgenic technology, with both research and industrial applications.  相似文献   

In vitro survival and proliferation of porcine primordial germ cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Shim H  Anderson GB 《Theriogenology》1998,49(3):521-528
Primordial germ cells (PGC) collected from the genital ridge of Day 25 porcine embryos were cultured on STO feeder cells in medium with or without supplemented growth factors. The effects on porcine PGC proliferation of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), LIF + stem cell factor (SCF) or LIF + SCF + basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), growth factors shown to be essential for in vitro survival and proliferation of murine PGC, were tested. After histochemical staining, both freshly collected and cultured PGC expressed alkaline phosphatase activity. With or without supplemented growth factors, porcine PGC survived and proliferated in culture for at least 5 d. None of the growth factors tested markedly enhanced in vitro growth of porcine PGC. These results suggest that growth factors provided by either the STO feeder layer or the cultured PGC themselves are sufficient to support in vitro survival and proliferation of porcine PGC. With the support of STO cells, addition of growth factors shown to be essential for the in vitro growth of murine PGC is not required for survival and proliferation of cultured porcine PGC.  相似文献   

Fluorescent reagent-labelled PGCs isolated from the blood of 2-day-old chick embryos were cultured on stroma cells derived from 5-day-old germinal ridge in Medium 199 supplemented with 10% FBS, human IGF-1, bovine FGF-b, and murine LIF. In 7 experiments, the number of MCs increased by an average of 4.8 fold in 4 days. Intrinsic PGCs in the 5-day embryonic germinal ridge were observed loosely attached to the stroma cells, and they also increased 3.8 fold during culture for 4 days. These results indicate the possibility of applying this culture method to the production of transgenic chickens.  相似文献   

Effect of inorganic lead on the primordial germ cells in the mouse embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Wide  R D'Argy 《Teratology》1986,34(2):207-212
Embryos from mice exposed to lead chloride (20 micrograms/gm body weight) by a single intravenous injection on day 8 of gestation were examined regarding the number and distribution of their primordial germ cells on 4 consecutive days of development. The cells, visualized by histochemical staining for alkaline phosphatase, showed a normal body distribution but were significantly fewer at all four stages compared with those of control embryos of corresponding age. Furthermore, the staining of the primordial germ cells was much weaker in the embryos from the lead-treated dams than in those from control dams, suggesting that the lead had interfered with the production or activity of alkaline phosphatase. It is assumed that these effects could have contributed to the fertility reduction previously observed in female offspring of mice exposed to lead at an early stage of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Induction of hematopoiesis in an embryonic germ (EG) cell line derived from mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) was examined. When single undifferentiated EG-1 cells were inoculated directly into the methylcellulose medium, both primitive and definitive erythropoiesis were seen in embryoid bodies derived from the EG cells as observed in ES cells, and production of myeloid cell lineages was stimulated by IL-3. These results indicate that EG cells acquired in vitro potency to differentiate toward hematopoietic cells, although they were derived from PGC and are distinct from inner cell mass-derived ES cells with regard to gene expression and patterns of DNA methylation corresponding to genomic imprinting. It turns out that they are useful for study of cell differentiation in the animals whose ES cells are not available.  相似文献   

Analysis of the lineage potency of epiblast cells of the early-streak stage mouse embryo reveals that the developmental fate of the cells is determined by their position in the germ layer. Epiblast cells that are fated to become neuroectoderm can give rise to primordial germ cells (PGCs) and other types of somatic cells when they were transplanted to the proximal region of the epiblast. On the contrary, proximal epiblast cells transplanted to the distal region of the embryo do not form PGCs. Therefore, the germ line in the mouse is unlikely to be derived from a predetermined progenitor population, but may be specified as a result of tissue interactions that take place in the proximal epiblast of the mouse gastrula. The initial phase of the establishment of the PGC population requires, in addition to BMP activity emanating from the extraembryonic ectoderm, normal Lim1 and Hnf3beta activity in the germ layers. The entire PGC population is derived from a finite number of progenitor cells and there is no further cellular recruitment to the germ line after gastrulation. The XX PGCs undergo X-inactivation at the onset of migration from the gut endoderm and re-activate the silenced X-chromosome when they enter the urogenital ridge. Germ cells that are localised ectopically in extragonadal sites do not re-activate the X-chromosome, even when nearly all germ cells in the fetal ovary have restored full activity of both X-chromosomes. XXSxr germ cells can re-activate the X-chromosome in the sex-reversed testis, suggesting that the regulation of X-chromosome activity is independent of ovarian morphogenesis.  相似文献   

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