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Gaegurin 4 (GGN4), a 37-residue antimicrobial peptide, consists of two amphipathic alpha helices (residues 2-10 and 16-32) connected by a flexible loop region (residues 11-15). As part of an effort to develop new peptide antibiotics with low molecular mass, the activities of C-terminally truncated GGN4 analogues were tested. Delta24-37 GGN4, a peptide analogue with 14 residues truncated from the C-terminus of GGN4, showed a complete loss of antimicrobial activity. However, the single substitution of aspartic acid 16 by tryptophan (D16W) in the Delta24-37 GGN4 completely restored the antimicrobial activity, without any significant hemolytic activity. In contrast, neither the D16F nor K15W substitution of the Delta24-37 GGN4 allowed such a dramatic recovery of activity. In addition, the D16W substitution of the native GGN4 significantly enhanced the hemolytic activity as well as the antimicrobial activity. The structural effect of the D16W substitution in the Delta24-37 GGN4 was investigated by CD, NMR, and fluorescence spectroscopy. The results showed that the single tryptophanyl substitution at position 16 of the Delta24-37 GGN4 induced an alpha helical conformation in the previously flexible loop region in intact GGN4, thereby forming an entirely amphipathic alpha helix. In addition, the substituted tryptophan itself plays an important role in the membrane-interaction of the peptide.  相似文献   

We have applied NMR spectroscopy to determine the high-resolution structure of gaegurin 4, a 37-residue antimicrobial peptide from Rana rugosa, under varying hydrophobic conditions. Even in 100% H2O, gaegurin 4 contains a nascent turn near its C-terminal Rana box. Under a more hydrophobic condition it forms two amphipathic helices, one long encompassing residues 2-23 and the other consisting of residues 25-34, similar to what has been observed in cecropin A. Functional implication of the helix-breaking kink at Gly24 in gaegurin 4 was investigated by preparing several analogs. Based upon the current and previous results, we propose a novel seaanemone-like ion pore-forming model for gaegurin 4.  相似文献   

Gaegurin 4 (GGN4), a novel peptide isolated from the skin of a Korean frog, Rana rugosa, has broad spectrum antimicrobial activity. A number of amphipathic peptides closely related to GGN4 undergo a coil to helix transition with concomitant oligomerization in lipid membranes or membrane-mimicking environments. Despite intensive study of their secondary structures, the oligomeric states of the peptides before and after the transition are not well understood. To clarify the structural basis of its antibiotic action, we used analytical ultracentrifugation to define the aggregation state of GGN4 in water, ethyl alcohol, and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP). The maximum size of GGN4 in 15% HFIP corresponded to a decamer, whereas it was monomeric in buffer. The oligomeric transition is accompanied by a cooperative 9 nm blue-shift of maximum fluorescence emission and a large secondary structure change from an almost random coil to an alpha-helical structure. GGN4 induces pores in lipid membranes and, using electrophysiological methods, we estimated the diameter of the pores to be exceed 7.3 A, which suggests that the minimal oligomer structure responsible is a pentamer.  相似文献   

The mechanism of action of antimicrobial peptides is, to our knowledge, still poorly understood. To probe the biophysical characteristics that confer activity, we present here a molecular-dynamics and biophysical study of a cyclic antimicrobial peptide and its inactive linear analog. In the simulations, the cyclic peptide caused large perturbations in the bilayer and cooperatively opened a disordered toroidal pore, 1–2 nm in diameter. Electrophysiology measurements confirm discrete poration events of comparable size. We also show that lysine residues aligning parallel to each other in the cyclic but not linear peptide are crucial for function. By employing dual-color fluorescence burst analysis, we show that both peptides are able to fuse/aggregate liposomes but only the cyclic peptide is able to porate them. The results provide detailed insight on the molecular basis of activity of cyclic antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Gaegurin 4 (GGN4) is a 37-residue antimicrobial peptide isolated from the skin of a Korean frog, Rana rugosa. This peptide shows a broad range of activity against prokaryotic cells but shows very little hemolytic activity against human red blood cells. The solution structure of GGN4 was studied by using circular dichroism (CD) and NMR spectroscopy. CD investigations revealed that GGN4 adopts mainly an alpha-helical conformation in trifluoroethanol/water solution, in dodecylphosphocholine and in SDS micelles, but adopts random structure in aqueous solution. By using both homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR experiments, complete 1H and 15N resonance assignments were obtained for GGN4 in 50% trifluoroethanol/water solution. The calculated structures of GGN4 consist of two amphipathic alpha-helices extending from residues 2-10 and from residues 16-32. These two helices are connected by a flexible loop spanning between the residues 11 and 15. By using enzyme digestion and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectroscopy, we confirmed that GGN4 contains a disulfide bridge formed between the residues Cys31 and Cys37 in its C-terminus. The effect of disulfide bridge on the structure and the activity of GGN4 was investigated. The reduced form of GGN4 revealed a similar activity and conformation to native GGN4, suggesting that the disulfide bridge does not strongly affect the conformation and the antimicrobial activity of GGN4.  相似文献   

Although it is commonly known as a helix breaker, proline residues have been found in the alpha-helical regions of many peptides and proteins. The antimicrobial peptide gaegurin displays alpha-helical structure and has a central proline residue (P14). The structure and activity of gaegurin and its alanine derivative (P14A) were determined by various spectroscopic methods, restrained molecular dynamics, and biological assays. Both P14 and P14A exhibited cooperative helix formation in solution, but the helical stability of P14 was reduced substantially when compared to that of P14A. Chemical-shift analysis indicated that both of the peptides formed curved helices and that P14 showed diminished stability in the region around the central proline. However, hydrogen-exchange data revealed remarkable differences in the location of stable amide protons. P14 showed a stable region in the concave side of the curved helix, while P14A exhibited a stable region in the central turn of the helix. The model structure of P14 exhibited a pronounced kink, in contrast to the uniform helix of P14A. Both peptides showed comparable binding affinities for negatively charged lipids, while P14 had a considerably reduced affinity for a neutral lipid. With its destabilized alpha-helix, P14 exhibited greater antibacterial activity than did P14A. Hence, electrostatic interaction between helical peptides and lipid membranes is believed to be the dominant factor for antibacterial activity. Moreover, helical stability can modulate peptide binding to membranes that is driven by electrostatic interactions. The observation that P14 is a more potent antibacterial agent than P14A implies that the helical kink of P14 plays an important role in the disruption of bacterial membranes.  相似文献   

We have tried to evaluate the significance of the tryptophan side chain residue and of the surrounding peptide bonds in the antagonist activity of cholecystokinin analogues lacking the C-terminal amide function and having a D-tryptophan. In order to perform this study, analogues of the C-terminal heptapeptide of cholecystokinin were synthesized by replacing the C-terminal phenylalanine residue with 2-phenylethyl alcohol and by either replacing the tryptophan residue with an alanine, a norleucine and a phenylalanine residue, or introducing a "reduced peptide bond" in the tryptophan 30 region. Most of these compounds were able to reproduce only part of the response of cholecystokinin in stimulating amylase release from rat pancreatic acini, as was already observed for 2-phenylethyl ester analogues of CCK. These results point out the key role of tryptophan 30 in the biological response of cholecystokinin.  相似文献   

The synthesis of two glycosylated analogs of Substance P is described. The activity of the peptides was assayed on the isolated guinea-pig ileum and their degradation was studied using rat hypothalamus slices. While glycosylation noticeably enhances the solubility of the corresponding compounds, the beta-glucopyranosyl moiety only slightly modifies the biological half-life and the bioactivity of the glycopeptides.  相似文献   

P5 (KWKKLLKKPLLKKLLKKL-NH(2)) is an antibacterial 18-mer Leu-Lys rich peptide from CA (1-8)-MA (1-12) hybrid peptide (CA-MA). Here we show that decreasing the net hydrophobicity and charge of CA-MA by deleting Leu- or Lys- of the N- or C-terminal regions of P5 (P10 or P11). The antimicrobial activity of the peptides was measured by their growth inhibitory effect upon S. aureus, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa, S. typhimurium, E. coli, T. beigelii and C. albicans. Antimicrobial activity required a full length C-terminus. Confocal microscopy showed that P11 was located in the plasma membrane. In this study, P11, K(3)K(4)L(5)L(6)-deleted peptide, acted independent on the ionic environment. Furthermore, P11 causes significant morphological alterations of the fungal surfaces as shown by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

New designs of antimicrobial peptides are urgently needed in order to combat the threat posed by the recent increase of resistance to antibiotics. In this paper, we present a new series of antimicrobial peptides, based on the key structural features of the lantibiotic nisin. We have simplified the structure of nisin by conjugating the lipid II-binding motif at the N-terminus of nisin to a series of cationic peptides and peptoids with known antibacterial action and pore-forming properties. Hybrid peptides, where a hydrophilic PEG4 linker was used, showed good antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus.  相似文献   

The role of the C-terminal region of Staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) was examined by deletion mutation. Deletions up to eight residues do not affect the structure and function. The structure and enzymatic activity were partially lost by deleting Ser141-Asn149 (Delta141-149), and deletion of Trp140-Asn149 (Delta140-149) resulted in further loss of structure and activity. A 13-residue deletion showed the same effect as the 10-residue deletion. Both Ser141Gln and Ser141Ala mutations for an eight-residue deletion mutant did not alter properties as well as Ser141A1a for full-length SNase. In contrast, Trp140Ala mutation for Delta141-149 shows the same effect as the deletion of Trp140. Trp140Ala mutation for full-length SNase causes the loss of native structure. These observations indicate the significance of the 140th and the 141st residues. The side-chain of the 140th residue is required to be tryptophan; however, the backbone of the 141st residue is solely critical for foldability, but the side-chain information is not crucial. All of the mutants that take a non-native conformation show enzymatic activity and inhibitor-induced folding, suggesting that foldability is required for the activity.  相似文献   

The following hydrazono derivatives (I-XIX) of type (A) (sequence in text) where Rn = (sequence in text ) (I-XVII); (sequence in text) (XVIII); -CCl3 (XIX); and Xn = H (I); 2-Cl (II); 3-Cl (III); 4-Cl (IV); 2-NO2 (V); 3-NO2 (VI); 4-NO2 (VII); 2-OH (VIII); 3-OH (IX); 4-OH (X); 4-F (XI); 3,4-OCH3,OH (XII); 3,4,5-OCH3,OH,J (XIII); 3,4-OCH3,OCH3 (XIV); 2,4-Cl2 (XV); 3,4-Cl2 (XVI); 2,6-Cl2 (XVII); were prepared and characterized in an attempt to make available for testing a representative selection of hitherto unreported 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid derivatives. The new compounds in question were obtained in satisfactory yield by condensation of 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid hydrazide with the appropriate aldehydes. The prepared compounds were tested for their possible activity against Gram-positive (S. epidermidis, B. subtilis, B. anthracis) and Gram-negative bacteria (P. aeruginosa, B. melitensis, S. typhi O, S. typhi H, S. infantis, S. paratyphi B, E. coli Bb, E. coli 7075), and fungi (C. albicans, A. niger, S. cerevisiae). The "in vitro" antimicrobial assays were carried out using the paper disk technique (Kirby-Bauer modified). The influence of certain structural modifications on the antimicrobial activity was evaluated.  相似文献   

Several small heat shock proteins contain a well conserved alpha-crystallin domain, flanked by an N-terminal domain and a C-terminal extension, both of which vary in length and sequence. The structural and functional role of the C-terminal extension of small heat shock proteins, particularly of alphaA- and alphaB-crystallins, is not well understood. We have swapped the C-terminal extensions between alphaA- and alphaB-crystallins and generated two novel chimeric proteins, alphaABc and alphaBAc. We have investigated the domain-swapped chimeras for structural and functional alterations. We have used thermal and non-thermal models of protein aggregation and found that the chimeric alphaB with the C-terminal extension of alphaA-crystallin, alphaBAc, exhibits dramatically enhanced chaperone-like activity. Interestingly, however, the chimeric alphaA with the C-terminal extension of alphaB-crystallin, alphaABc, has almost lost its activity. Pyrene solubilization and bis-1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate binding studies show that alphaBAc exhibits more solvent-exposed hydrophobic pockets than alphaA, alphaB, or alphaABc. Significant tertiary structural changes are revealed by tryptophan fluorescence and near-UV CD studies upon swapping the C-terminal extensions. The far-UV CD spectrum of alphaBAc differs from that of alphaB-crystallin whereas that of alphaABc overlaps with that of alphaA-crystallin. Gel filtration chromatography shows alteration in the size of the proteins upon swapping the C-terminal extensions. Our study demonstrates that the unstructured C-terminal extensions play a crucial role in the structure and chaperone activity, in addition to generally believed electrostatic "solubilizer" function.  相似文献   

A series of 1,3 -bis-anilides of 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid was prepared and tested for antibacterial and antifungal activity. The prepared compounds (I-XVIII), of general structure (A), (Formula: see text) where Xn = H (I); 2-F (II); 3-F (III); 4-F (IV); 2-Cl (V); 3-Cl (VI); 4-Cl (VII); 2-Br (VIII); 3-Br (IX); 4-Br (X); 2-J (XI); 3-J (XII); 4-J (XIII); 2,5-Cl2 (XIV); 2,4-Br2 (XV); 2,3,4-Cl3 (XVI), 2,4,5-Cl3 (XVII); 2,4,6-Cl3 (XVIII), were investigated for the purpose of determining the effect of halogen-substitution on the aniline rings of (A). All of these compounds were prepared in satisfactory hield by reaction of 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid with the appropriate aromatic amine at 175 degrees for 3 hours. The 1,3-bis-anilides prepared in this investigation were screened for antimicrobial activity by a disk-diffusion assay (Kirby-Bauer modified). The organisms used were laboratory cultures of S. aureus, B. subtilis, B. anthracis, M. paratuberculosis 607, E. coli Bb, S. typhi, S. typhimurium, S. paratyphi B, Pr. vulgaris, Kl. pneumoniae, Ps. aeruginosa, C. albicans, and A. niger. The results of this investigation indicated that most of the 1,3-bis-(halogen-anilides) of 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid had little or no antifungal activity "in vitro", while showed significant activity against Gram+ and Gram- bacteria. Some fluoro-derivatives showed inhibitory activity especially toward S. aureus and M. paratuberculosis. Iodo-derivatives showed broad-spectrum "in vitro" antimicrobial activity, and had some antifungal activity.  相似文献   

Unlike all other RNA polymerases, the largest subunit (RPB1) of eukaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) has a C-terminal domain (CTD) comprising tandemly repeated heptapeptides with the consensus sequence Y-S-P-T-S-P-S. The tandem structure, heptad consensus, and most key functions of the CTD are conserved between yeast and mammals. In fact, all metazoans, fungi, and green plants examined to date, as well as the nearest protistan relatives of these multicellular groups, contain a tandemly repeated CTD. In contrast, the RNAP II largest subunits from many other eukaryotic organisms have a highly degenerate C terminus or show no semblance of the CTD whatsoever. The reasons for intense stabilizing selection on CTD structure in certain eukaryotes, and its apparent absence in others, are unknown. Here we demonstrate, through in vivo genetic complementation, that the essential functional unit of the yeast CTD is contained within pairs of heptapeptides. Insertion of a single alanine residue between diheptads has little phenotypic effect, while increasing the distance between diheptads produces a mostly quantitative effect on yeast cell growth. We further explore structural constraints on the CTD within an evolutionary context and propose selective mechanisms that could maintain a global tandem structure across hundreds of millions of years of eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   

An antimicrobial protein, designated WjAMP-1, was purified from leaves of Wasabia japonica L. WjAMP-1 showed antimicrobial activity against both fungi and bacteria. The deduced amino acid sequence of cDNA of WjAMP-1 showed 60% and 70% identity with a hevein from Hevea brasiliansis and a hevein-like protein from Arabidopsis thaliana, respectively. However, matured WjAMP-1 lacked the hevein domain and may correspond to the C-terminal domain of hevein. Southern blot analysis showed that one or two copies of the WjAMP-1 gene were presented in the genome of wasabi. Expression of WjAMP-1 was detected in all organs tested, and was especially strong in petioles. Expression of WjAMP-1 was induced by the inoculation with fungal pathogens and treatment with methyl jasmonate. Recombinant WjAMP-1 expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana using potato virus X vector also inhibited not only growth of fungi but also bacteria. These results suggest that WjAMP-1 may be the C-terminal domain of hevein and one of the defense gene in W. japonica. WjAMP-1 gene may be useful genes to generate resistant plants against fungal and bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of two sets of three periodic leucine residues which appear at every seventh position in the C-terminal region of human interleukin-6 (IL-6) was performed. Both receptor-binding and immunoglobulin (Ig)-induction activities of a triple mutant Leu168,175,182-->Val were only 1% compared with those of wild-type IL-6. However, the mutant Leu152,159,166-->Val had 13% receptor-binding and 2% Ig-induction activities of those of wild-type IL-6. In order to obtain more direct information on the receptor-binding region, we prepared two synthetic peptides. A significant binding activity was observed for the peptide Leu168-Met185, but not for the peptide Leu152-Arg169. These results indicate that leucine residues in the C-terminal region, especially Leu168, Leu175, and Leu182, play an important role in the receptor-binding and Ig-induction activities.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing incidence of fungal opportunistic infections and emergence of antibiotic‐resistant fungal strains, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are considered as ideal candidates for antifungal compounds. In silico methods can reduce the limitations of natural AMPs such as toxicity and instability and improve their antimicrobial properties and selectivity. In this study, we designed AurH1, a new truncated peptide, based on the six‐amino acid sequence of Aurein1.2. Further , the antimicrobial activities and toxicity effects of AurH1 on human skin fibroblast cells and red blood cells were investigated. Finally, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE‐SEM) and flow cytometry were performed in order to study the mechanism of action of AurH1. The results indicated that AurH1 had only antifungal activity (at a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 7.3‐125 μg/mL) without any antibacterial effects on the selected bacteria, while Aurein1.2 had both antifungal and antibacterial activities as positive control. Furthermore, AurH1 did not show any toxicity on Hu02 cells and human red blood cells at its MIC range. In conclusion, it became clear that AurH1 is a selective peptide against fungi with no toxic effects on the selected bacteria and human cells.  相似文献   

A series of 1,3-bis-anilides of 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid was prepared and investigated for antibacterial and antifungal activities. The prepared compounds (I-XIV), of the general formula (A), where Xn = 2-NO2 (I); 2,4-(NO2)2 (II); 2,4-NO2, Cl (III); 2,4-NO2,CF3 (IV); 3,4-NO2,Cl (V); 2,4-Cl,NO2 (VI); 2,5-Cl,NO2 (VII); 2,4,6-Cl,NO2,Cl (VIII); 2,4-Br, NO2 (IX); 2-CF3 (X); 3-CF3 (XI); 2,5-Cl,CF3 (XII); 2,5-CH3,Cl (XIII); 3,4-Cl,CH3 (XIV), were obtained in satisfactory yield by reacting 4-hydroxyisophthalic acid with the appropriate substituted aniline. (Formula: see text). The prepared compounds were tested for antimicrobial activity by a disk-diffusion assay (Kirby-Bauer modified). The organisms used were the following: S. aureus, B. subtilis, B. anthracis, M. paratuberculosis 607, E. coli Bb, S. typhi, S. typhimurium, S. paratyphi B, Pr. vulgaris, K1. pneumoniae, Ps. aeruginosa, C. albicans, and A. niger. The results of the antimicrobial screening showed that a number of substituted anilides exhibited varying degrees of activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and fungi, nitro-halogen-derivatives being the most interesting members of the series.  相似文献   

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