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When ejaculates are costly to produce, males are expected to allocate their ejaculate resources over successive matings in a manner that optimizes their reproductive success and this may have important consequences for their mates. In seed beetles (Coleoptera; Bruchidae), ejaculates vary in size across species from weighing less than 1%, up to as much as 8%, of male body weight. Ejaculates contain not only sperm but also a range of additional substances and females in some species gain benefits from receiving large ejaculates. Male ejaculate allocation may thus affect female fitness. Here, we first characterized the pattern of male ejaculate allocation over successive matings in seven-seed beetle species. We then assessed how this allocation affected female fitness in each species. Although females generally benefited from receiving large ejaculates, the interspecific variation observed both in ejaculate allocation patterns and in their effects on female fitness was remarkably large considering that the species studied are closely related. Our analyses suggest that variation in ejaculate composition is the key, both within and across species. We discuss possible causes for this variation and conclude that coevolution between male ejaculates and female utilization of ejaculate substances has apparently been rapid in this clade.  相似文献   

Female mating rate is fundamental to evolutionary biology as it determines the pattern of sexual selection and sexual conflict. Despite its importance, the genetic basis for female remating rate is largely unknown and has only been demonstrated in one species. In paternally investing species there is often a conflict between the sexes over female mating rate, as females remate to obtain male nutrient donations and males try to prevent female remating to ensure high fertilization success. Butterflies produce two types of sperm: fertilizing, eupyrene sperm, and large numbers of nonfertile, apyrene sperm. The function of apyrene sperm in the polyandrous, paternally investing green‐veined white butterfly, Pieris napi, is to fill the female’s sperm storage organ thereby reducing her receptivity. However, there is large variation in number of apyrene sperm stored. Here, I examine the genetic basis to this variation, and if variation in number of apyrene sperm stored is related to females’ remating rate. The number of apyrene sperm stored at the time of remating has a genetic component and is correlated with female remating tendency, whereas no such relationship is found for fertilizing sperm. The duration of the nonreceptivity period in P. napi also has a genetic component and is inversely related to the degree of polyandry. Sexual conflict over female remating rate appears to be present in this species, with males using their apyrene sperm to exploit a female system designed to monitor sperm in storage. Ejaculates with a high proportion of nonfertile sperm may have evolved to induce females to store more of these sperm, thereby reducing remating. As a counter‐adaptation, females have evolved a better detection system to regain control over their remating rate. Sexually antagonistic co‐evolution of apyrene sperm number and female sperm storage may be responsible for ejaculates with predominantly nonfertile sperm in this butterfly.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory suggests that female remating rate determines the selective regime that dictates the evolution of male ejaculate allocation. To test for correlated evolution between female remating behaviour and male ejaculate traits, we subjected detailed experimental data on female and male reproductive traits in seven-seed beetle species to phylogenetic comparative analyses. The evolution of a larger first ejaculate was positively correlated with the evolution of a more rapid decline in ejaculate size over successive matings. Further, as predicted by theory, an increase in female remating rate correlated with the evolution of larger male testes but smaller ejaculates. However, an increase in female remating was associated with the evolution of a less even allocation of ejaculate resources over successive matings, contrary to classic sperm competition theory. We failed to find any evidence for coevolution between the pattern of male ejaculate allocation and variation in female quality and we conclude that some patterns of correlated evolution are congruent with current theory, whereas some are not. We suggest that this may reflect the fact that much sperm competition theory does not fully incorporate other factors that may affect the evolution of male and female traits, such as trade-offs between ejaculate expenditure and other competing demands and the evolution of resource acquisition.  相似文献   

Inbreeding generally reduces male mating activity such that inbred males are less successful in male-male competition. Inbred males can also have smaller accessory glands, transfer less sperm and produce sperm that are less motile, less viable or have a greater frequency of abnormalities, all of which can reduce the fertilization success and fitness of inbred males relative to outbred males. However, few studies have examined how male inbreeding status affects the fitness of females with whom they mate. In this study, we examine the effect of male inbreeding status (inbreeding coefficient f = 0.25 vs. f = 0) on the fecundity, adult longevity and the fate of eggs produced by outbred females in the seed-feeding beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. Females mated to inbred males were less likely to lay eggs. Of those that laid eggs, females mated to inbred males laid 6-12% fewer eggs. Females mated to inbred males lived on average 5.4% longer than did females mated to outbred males, but this effect disappeared when lifetime fecundity was used as a covariate in the analysis. There was no effect of male inbreeding status on the proportion of a female's eggs that developed or hatched, and no evidence that inbred males produced smaller nuptial gifts. However, ejaculates of inbred males contained 17-33% fewer sperm, on average, than did ejaculates of outbred males. Our study demonstrates that mating with inbred males has significant direct consequences for the fitness of female C. maculatus, likely mediated by effects of inbreeding status on the number of sperm in male ejaculates. Direct effects of male inbreeding status on female fitness should be more widely considered in theoretical models and empirical studies of mate choice.  相似文献   

A life-history perspective on strategic mating effort in male scorpionflies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In species with high male mating effort, there is a trade-offbetween mating effort spent in a current mating and resourcesleft for future matings. Consequently, to maximize their reproductivesuccess, males have to invest strategically, saving resourcesin matings with low reproductive gain for future, more valuablematings. However, as males age, the expected future reproductivesuccess constantly declines. Thus, the importance of resource rationing may drastically change during a lifetime. Males ofthe scorpionfly Panorpa cognata offer females a costly nuptialgift before copulation, which functions as male mating effort.Resources for the production of these salivary masses are severelylimited for males in poor condition. We found that males investedmore in copulations with high-quality females than in copulationswith low-quality females. However, males ceased to discriminateas they became older. Old males, with a relative small numberof expected future matings, did not invest differentially incopulations with high- versus low-quality females. In copulationswith low-quality females, males invested more in late thanin initial matings, whereas in matings with high-quality females,time of mating had no influence on mating effort. These resultsimply that males adaptively change their resource allocationstrategy during the course of the season. Initial matings seemto be characterized by male prudence; in later matings, malesseem to adopt a more opportunistic mating strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A positive effect of the degree of polyandry on egg production is widespread in insects, particularly in species in which the male provides a nuptial gift.
2. This study aimed to determine whether or not this effect is due to females using nutrients from the nuptial gift (spermatophore and spermatophylax) to manufacture more eggs in the bushcricket Leptophyes punctatissima .
3. Females were permitted either a single or a double mating (with two different males) and, in both mating categories, were either prevented from consuming any part of the spermatophore or were permitted to consume the entire spermatophore.
4. Doubly mated females were found to lay over twice as many eggs over a 4-week period compared with singly mated females. This difference did not appear to be caused by the consumption of extra nuptial gift material: mating was found to have a significant positive effect on the number of eggs laid, while nuptial gift feeding had no effect.  相似文献   

Females of the predatory mite Parasitus fimetorum (Gamasida; Parasitina) inhabiting animal manure indiscriminately copulate with many mates. The sperm competition between the males was estimated by electrophoresis of allozymes and the effects of multiple mating on female reproduction were investigated. When females were forced to mate only once, their fecundity decreased drastically compared to the case of multiple mating (but longevity was unaffected). When one female mated with two males, the outcome of sperm competition depended greatly upon the mating interval. When the second mating occurred immediately after the first, the female fecundity decreased as in the case of single mating and the second male fertilized only a few eggs. However, when there was an interval of 1 day between the two matings, the females achieved normal fecundity and the second male fertilized approximately half the eggs. This suggests that the spermatophore deposited by the first male may act as a short-term copulatory plug in the female's genital opening. When one female mated with several males with 1 day intervals, three or more males shared fertilization of the eggs. This study suggests that the multiple mating of females is a necessary stimulus to continue oogenesis and some physiological factors for this stimulation may exist in spermatophores.  相似文献   

Costs incurred in the manufacture of ejaculates may constrainthe number of sperm that males can produce, so males shouldshow some economy in their allocation of sperm across multiplematings. In species in which females mate with multiple malesand are capable of storing sperm for extended periods, spermallocation of males should be tailored to the risk of spermcompetition. Recent game theory predicts that males shouldtransfer the least sperm when there are no other rivals, andthe most sperm when only one other rival is likely to inseminatethe female. However, as the numbers of competitors increasesbeyond two, the models predict a corresponding decrease in ejaculate expenditure. We tested these predictions in three cricket species, Gryllodes sigillatus, Gryllus veletis, and Gryllus texensis, assessing the sperm allocation of males held under three levelsof apparent interrival competition: no rivals, one rival andsix rivals. Sperm allocation of G. veletis varied accordingto theory: males increased their sperm allocation with an increasedrisk of sperm competition (no rivals vs. one), but decreasedtheir allocation with an increased intensity of sperm competition(one rival vs. six). Sperm allocation of male G. texensis showedno significant response to the density of rivals, and spermallocation in G. sigillatus was influenced by an unexpectedinteraction between treatment density and the order in whichmales experienced the three treatments. The observed interspecificvariation in facultative sperm allocation may be due to interspecificdifferences in population density, rearing environment, orfemale mating behavior.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolutionof polyandry in species that provide nuptial gifts. When nuptialgifts are in the form of nutritional elements in the ejaculateand ejaculate size is correlated with male body size, femalescan accrue both direct (nutritional) and indirect (genetic)benefits from multiple mating. We examined remating decisionsin females of the seed beetle Stator limbatus and, using pathanalysis, examined the effects of male body size on the sizeof his ejaculate, the amount of ejaculate that was successfullytransferred to females, and the overall effect of these variableson female fecundity. Larger males produced larger ejaculatesand consequently transferred a larger ejaculate to females,but the effects on female fecundity differed between the females'first and second mates. Both larger first and second males wereable to transfer more of their ejaculate to females than weresmaller males. Both the total amount of ejaculate transferredby these males and polyandry (number of matings) were positivelycorrelated to female fecundity independently of each other.However, larger second males were more successful at stimulatingfemale fecundity independently of how much ejaculate they transferred.We also provide evidence that females are choosy during theirsecond mating opportunity. Both female choosiness and higherfemale investment after mating with larger second males suggestthat females may benefit from both direct and indirect effectsfrom multiple mating. We also conclude that male body size isunder both directional fecundity selection and directional sexualselection.  相似文献   

Abstract. When females are inseminated by multiple males, male paternity success (sperm precedence) is determined by the underlying processes of sperm storage and sperm utilization. Although informative for many questions, two-male sperm competition experiments may offer limited insight into natural mating scenarios when females are likely to mate with several males. In this study, genetic markers in Tribolium castaneum are used to trace paternity for multiple sires, and to determine whether displacement of stored sperm that occurs after a third mating equally affects both previous mates, or if fertilizations are disproportionately lost by the female's most recent mate. For 20 days after triple-matings, first males retain significantly higher paternity success (relative to first male paternity in double-matings) compared with second males. These results demonstrate that when females remate before sperm mixing occurs, sperm stratification results in differential loss of sperm from the most recent mate. This study provides insight into the mechanisms underlying sperm precedence in a promiscuous mating system, and suggests that T. castaneum females could limit paternity success of particular mates by remating with more highly preferred males.  相似文献   

Sperm competition (SC) is a major component of sexual selection that enhances intra‐ and intersexual conflicts and may trigger rapid adaptive evolution of sexual characters. The actual role of SC on rapid evolution, however, is poorly understood. Besides, the relative contribution of distinctive features of the mating system to among species variation in the strength of SC remains unclear. Here, we assessed the strength of SC and mating system factors that may account for it in the closely related species Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila koepferae. Our analyses reveal higher incidence of multiple paternity and SC risk in D. buzzatii wild‐inseminated females. The estimated number of fathers per brood was 3.57 in D. buzzatii and 1.95 in D. koepferae. In turn, the expected proportion of females inseminated by more than one male was 0.89 in D. buzzatii and 0.58 in D. koepferae. Laboratory experiments show that this pattern may be accounted for by the faster rate of stored sperm usage observed in D. koepferae and by the greater female remating rate exhibited by D. buzzatii. We also found that the male reproductive cost of SC is also higher in D. buzzatii. After a female mated with a second male, first‐mating male fertility was reduced by 71.4% in D. buzzatii and only 33.3% in D. koepferae. Therefore, we may conclude that postmating sexual selection via SC is a stronger evolutionary force in D. buzzatii than in its sibling.  相似文献   

Although the primary function of mating is gamete transfer, male ejaculates contain numerous other substances that are produced by accessory glands and transferred to females during mating. Studies with several model organisms have shown that these substances can exert diverse behavioural and physiological effects on females, including altered longevity and reproductive output, yet a comprehensive synthesis across taxa is lacking. Here we use a meta‐analytic approach to synthesize quantitatively extensive experimental work examining how male ejaculate quantity affects different components of female fitness. We summarize effect sizes for female fecundity (partial and lifetime) and longevity from 84 studies conducted on 70 arthropod species that yielded a total of 130 comparisons of female fecundity and 61 comparisons of female longevity. In response to greater amounts of ejaculate, arthropod females demonstrate enhanced fecundity (both partial and lifetime) but reduced longevity, particularly for Diptera and Lepidoptera. Across taxa, multiply mated females show particularly large fecundity increases compared to singly mated females, indicating that single matings do not maximize female fitness. This fecundity increase is balanced by a slight negative effect on lifespan, with females that received more ejaculate through polyandrous matings showing greater reductions in lifespan compared with females that have mated repeatedly with the same male. We found no significant effect size differences for either female fecundity or longevity between taxa that transfer sperm packaged into spermatophores compared to taxa that transfer ejaculates containing free sperm. Furthermore, females that received relatively larger or more spermatophores demonstrated greater lifetime fecundity, indicating that these seminal nuptial gifts provide females with a net fitness benefit. These results contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary origin and maintenance of non‐sperm ejaculate components, and provide insight into female mate choice and optimal mating patterns.  相似文献   

In polyandrous species, male reproductive success will at least partly be determined by males' success in sperm competition. To understand the potential for post‐mating sexual selection, it is therefore important to assess the extent of female remating. In the lekking moth Achroia grisella, male mating success is strongly determined by female choice based on the attractiveness of male ultrasonic songs. Although observations have indicated that some females will remate, only little is known about the level of sperm competition. In many species, females are more likely to remate if their first mating involved an already mated male than if the first male was virgin. Potentially, this is because mated males are less well able to provide an adequate sperm supply, nutrients, or substances inhibiting female remating. This phenomenon will effectively reduce the strength of pre‐copulatory sexual selection because attractive males with high mating success will be more susceptible to sperm competition. We therefore performed an experiment designed both to provide a more precise estimate of female remating probability and simultaneously to test the hypothesis that female remating is influenced by male mating history. Overall, approximately one of five females remated with a second male. Yet, although females mated to non‐virgin males were somewhat more prone to remate, the effect of male mating history was not significant. The results revealed, however, that heavier females were more likely to remate. Furthermore, we found that females' second copulations were longer, suggesting that, in accordance with theory, males may invest more sperm in situations with an elevated risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Before copulation, male Panorpa cognata scorpionflies offer females a salivary secretion, which is consumed by the female during copulation. It has previously been demonstrated that this nuptial food gift functions as mating effort by increasing male attractiveness and by increasing ejaculate transfer during copulation.
2. In this study, the effect of saliva consumption on female reproductive output was investigated, and thus the possibility that nuptial food gifts also serve as paternal investment. The experimental design enabled the effect of nuptial gift consumption to be disentangled from other possible effects of multiple mating or increased copula duration.
3. The results showed that saliva consumption increases female egg production by on average 8% (4.5 eggs) per consumed salivary mass, whereas mean egg weight was not influenced.4. These results have important implications for the evolution and maintenance of both male nuptial gifts and female polyandry in this and other species.  相似文献   

The avoidance of familiar individuals as mates can act to maximizethe benefits of polyandry or might help to minimize inbreedingin small or highly philopatric populations. As previous matesare also familiar, the effects of familiarity and mating historycan often be confounded. Here, we disentangle these effectson mating decisions in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, and examinetheir influence on sexual selection. In 3 experiments, malesand females were 1) able to mate, 2) had visual and olfactorycontact, or 3) had visual contact only. Familiarity was successfullyacquired via visual cues, and females were in all cases morelikely to mate with unfamiliar than with familiar males, indicatingthat familiarity is a more important determinant of mating outcomethan mating history. Males did not court unfamiliar femalesany more than familiar females and did not differentially allocatesperm. Familiarity did not alter the strength of sexual selectionon male coloration: we found overall positive selection forbright, large males. Female preferences for unfamiliar malesand ornamental traits may therefore be largely independent.  相似文献   

Monandry and polyandry as alternative lifestyles in a butterfly   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
Butterflies show considerable variability in female mating frequency, ranging from monandrous species to females mating several timesin their lifetime. Degree of polyandry also varies within species,with some females only mating once and others mating multiply.Previous studies have shown that one reason for female multiplemating is to obtain nutritious male donations that both increasethe longevity of females and result in higher lifetime fecundity.Despite the presence of male nutrient donations, some femalesof the green-veined white butterfly (Pieridae: Pieris napi)never mate more than once. In this study, we examined thisapparent paradox. We assessed to what degree polyandry is undergenetic control by a full-sib analysis, and we also estimatedthe broad sense heritability of female lifetime fecundity in singly mated females. Both polyandry and lifetime fecundityhave a genetic component. However, degree of polyandry appearsto be traded off against reduced longevity when denied theopportunity to mate more than once. It is possible that femaleP. napi display different reproductive strategies, with somefemales relying on male donations to realize their potentialfecundity and others relying on their own resources for egg production. In nature, polyandrous females may be preventedfrom mating multiply due to unfavorable weather. We discussthe possibility that the trade-off between degree of polyandryand life span when singly mated may affect the maintenanceof genetic variability in female mating frequency in this species.Possible reasons for these different reproductive strategiesare discussed.  相似文献   

昆虫性选择行为研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了昆虫的各种性选择行为,包括与个体大小有关的性选择行为、与鸣声有关的性选择行为、与“婚礼食物”有关的性选择行为以及精子竞争等。  相似文献   

Multiple mating by females has been proposed to function as a form of mate-choice, which implies that males should show heritable variation in sperm-competitive abilities. In this study, repeatability and heritability of sperm competition success was estimated in the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini. Fertilization success of males was estimated in competition with sperm of two other males. Males differed consistently in their sperm competition success, with repeatability estimated at 0.22. The heritability of sperm competition success was estimated using parent-offspring regression, with the mean fertilization success from two matings used as a measure of each male's competitive ability. There was a significant association between the sperm competition success of fathers and sons. Narrow sense heritability (h2) was 0.284. This result supports the hypotheses proposing the multiple mating is selectively maintained in females by enhancing the reproductive success of their progeny.  相似文献   

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