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Recombinant Escherichia coli systems expressing organophosphorous hydrolase (OPH) have been proposed for biotransformation of toxic organophosphate compounds. However, whole cell biocatalyst systems are critically disadvantaged due to substrate diffusion limitations. To enhance whole cell biocatalytic efficiency, we engineered E. coli, for the first time, to secrete metal ion cofactor-requiring OPH into the periplasmic space using the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway. In particular, the twin-arginine signal sequence of E. coli trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) reductase (TorA) was employed. Even though total OPH activity in the cell lysate fraction was lower in the periplasmic-secreting strain than in the control cytosolic-expressing strain, whole cell OPH activity was approximately 2.8-fold higher due to successful translocation of OPH into the periplasmic space. In addition, whole cell OPH activity in the periplasmic-secreting strain was far more stable than that in the cytosolic-expressing strain. Therefore, Tat-driven periplasmic-secreting E. coli can be successfully employed as efficient whole cell biocatalysts.  相似文献   

H M Lu  S Mizushima    S Lory 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(22):7463-7467
Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A is synthesized with a secretion signal peptide typical of proteins whose final destination is the periplasm. However, exotoxin A is released from the cell without a detectable periplasmic pool, suggesting that additional determinants in this protein are important for recognition by a specialized machinery of extracellular secretion. The role of the N terminus of the mature exotoxin A in this recognition was investigated. A series of exotoxin A proteins with amino acid substitutions for the glutamic acid pair at the +2 and +3 positions were constructed by mutagenesis of the exotoxin A gene. These N-terminal acidic residues of the mature exotoxin A protein were found to be important not only for efficient processing of the precursor protein but also for extracellular localization of the toxin. The mutated exotoxin A proteins, in which a glutamic acid at the +2 position was replaced by a lysine or a double substitution of lysine and glutamine for the pair of adjacent glutamic acids, accumulated in precursor forms in the mixed cytoplasmic and membrane fractions, which was not seen with the wild-type exotoxin A. The processing of the precursor form of one exotoxin A mutant, in which the glutamic acid at the +2 position was replaced with a glutamine, was not affected. Moreover, a substantial fraction of the mature forms of all three mutants of exotoxin A accumulated in the periplasm, while wild-type exotoxin A could be detected only extracellularly. The periplasmic pools of these variants of exotoxin A could therefore represent the intermediate state during extracellular secretion. The signal for extracellular localization may be located in a small region near the amino terminus of the mature protein or could consist of several regions that are brought together after the polypeptide has folded. Alternatively, the acidic residues may be important for ensuring a conformation essential for exotoxin A to traverse the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) reductase of Escherichia coli is a soluble periplasmic molybdoenzyme. The precursor of this enzyme possesses a cleavable N-terminal signal sequence which contains a twin-arginine motif. By using various moa, mob and mod mutants defective in different steps of molybdocofactor biosynthesis, we demonstrate that acquisition of the molybdocofactor in the cytoplasm is a prerequisite for the translocation of the TMAO reductase. The activation and translocation of the TMAO reductase precursor are post-translational processes, and activation is dissociable from translocation. The export of the TMAO reductase is driven mainly by the proton motive force, whereas sodium azide exhibits a limited effect on the export. The most intriguing observation is that translocation of the TMAO reductase across the cytoplasmic membrane is independent of the SecY, SecE, SecA and SecB proteins. Depletion of Ffh, a core component of the signal recognition particle of E. coli, appears to have a slight effect on the export of the TMAO reductase. These results strongly suggest that the translocation of the molybdoenzyme TMAO reductase into the periplasm uses a mechanism fundamentally different from general protein translocation.  相似文献   

The phosphate-binding protein (PhoS) is a periplasmic protein which is part of the high-affinity phosphate transport system of Escherichia coli. Hyperproduction of PhoS in strains carrying a multicopy plasmid containing phoS led to partial secretion of the protein. By 6 h after transfer to phosphate-limiting medium, about 13% of the total newly synthesized PhoS was secreted to the medium. Kinetic studies demonstrated that this secretion consists of newly synthesized PhoS. This secretion occurs in PhoS-hyperproducer strains but not in a PhoS-overproducer strain. Another type of secretion concerning periplasmic PhoS was observed in both PhoS-hyperproducer and PhoS-overproducer strains. This mode of secretion depended upon the addition of phosphate to cells previously grown in phosphate-limiting medium.  相似文献   

Six mutations in malE, the structural gene for the periplasmic maltose-binding protein (MBP) from Escherichia coli, prevent growth on maltose as a carbon source, as well as release of the mutant proteins by the cold osmotic-shock procedure. These mutations correspond to insertion of an oligonucleotide linker, concomitant with a deletion. One of the mutations (malE127) affects the N-terminal extension (the signal peptide), whereas the five others lie within the mature protein. As expected, the export of protein MalE127 is blocked at an early stage. This protein is neither processed to maturity nor sensitive to proteinase K in spheroplasts. In contrast, in the five other mutants, the signal peptide is cleaved and the protein is accessible to proteinase K added to spheroplasts. This indicates that the five mutant proteins are, at least in part, exported through the inner membrane. We propose that the corresponding mutations define two regions of the mature protein (between residues 18 and 42 and between residues 280 and 306), which are important for release of the protein from the inner membrane into the periplasm. We discuss the results in terms of possible conformational changes at this late step of export to the periplasm.  相似文献   

New secretion vectors containing synthetic signal peptides were constructed to study the periplasmic translocation of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Escherichia coli. These constructs encode synthetic signal peptides spA and spD fused to the amino terminal end of GFP, and expressed from T7/lac promoter in the BL21DE3 strain by induction with IPTG. The recombinant protein was detected in both the cytoplasmic and periplasmic fractions. Fluorescence analysis revealed that recombinant proteins with signal peptides were not fluorescent, indicating translocation to periplasmic space. In contrast, recombinant proteins without signal peptide were fluorescent. These results indicate that the expressed recombinant proteins were translocated into the periplasm. Therefore, the synthetic signal peptides derived from signal peptides of Bacillus sp. could efficiently secrete the heterologous proteins to the periplasmic space of E. coli.  相似文献   

The virulence of the uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr(+) IH11128 strain is associated with the presence of Dr fimbrial structures and a DraD invasin which can act as a fimbrial capping domain at the bacterial cell surface. However, a recent study suggests that the DraD protein is surface exposed in two forms: fimbria associated and fimbria nonassociated (prone to interaction with the N-terminal extension of the DraE protein located on the fimbrial tip). The actual mechanism of DraD surface secretion is presently unknown. We identified a previously unrecognized type II secretory pathway (secreton) in the uropathogenic E. coli Dr(+) strain which is well conserved among gram-negative bacteria and used mainly for secretion of virulence determinants. An active secreton is composed of 12 to 15 different proteins, among which GspD functions as an outer-membrane channel to permit extrusion of proteins in a folded state. Therefore, we inactivated the pathway by inserting the group II intron into a gspD gene of the type II secretion machinery by site-specific recombination. DraD secretion by the E. coli Dr(+) and gspD mutant strains was determined by immunofluorescence microscopy (with antibodies raised against DraD) and an assay of cell binding between bacteria and HeLa cells. The specificity of DraD-mediated bacterial binding for the integrin receptor was confirmed by examination of the adhesion of DraD-coated beads to HeLa cells in the presence and absence of alpha(5)beta(1) monoclonal antibodies. The investigations that we performed showed that type II secretion in E. coli Dr(+) strains leads to DraD translocation at the bacterial cell surfaces.  相似文献   

Treatment of growing Escherichia coli B with lanthanide ions [lanthanum(III), terbium(III), and europium(III)] and subsequent aldehyde-OsO4 fixation caused areas of high contrast to appear within the periplasm (the space between inner and outer membrane of the cell envelope). X-ray microanalysis of ultrathin sections of Epon-embedded or acrylic resin-embedded cells revealed the presence of the lanthanide and of phosphorus in the areas, whose contrast greatly exceeded that of other stained structures. Comparatively small amounts of the lanthanide were also present in the outer membrane and in the cytoplasm. The distribution of the periplasmic areas of high contrast was found to be random and not clustered at areas of current or future septum formation. Irregular cell shapes were observed after lanthanide treatment before onset of fixation. In contrast to glutaraldehyde-OsO4 fixation, glutaraldehyde used as the sole fixer caused a scattered distribution of the lanthanide. Cryofixation (slam-freezing) and freeze substitution revealed a lanthanum stain at both the periplasm and the outer part of the outer membrane. Deenergization of the cell membrane by either phage T4 or carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone abolished the metal accumulation. Furthermore, addition of excess calcium, administered together with the lanthanide solution, diminished the quantity and size of areas of high contrast. Cells grown in media of high NaCl concentration revealed strongly stained areas of periplasmic precipitates, whereas cells grown under low-salt conditions showed very few high-contrast patches in the periplasm. Terbium treatment (during fixation) enhanced the visibility of the sites of inner-outer membrane contact (the membrane adhesion sites) in plasmolized cells, possibly as the result of an accumulation of the metal at the adhesion domains. The data suggest a rapid interaction of the lanthanides with components of the cell envelope, the periplasm, and the energized inner membrane.  相似文献   

The transition between the native and denatured states of the tetrameric succinyl-CoA synthetase from Escherichia coli has been investigated by circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, cross-linking by glutaraldehyde and activity measurements. At pH 7.4 and 25 degrees C, both denaturation of succinyl-CoA synthetase by guanidine hydrochloride and refolding of the denatured enzyme have been characterized as reversible reactions. In the presence of its substrate ATP, the denatured enzyme could be successfully reconstituted into the active enzyme with a yield of 71-100%. Kinetically, reacquisition of secondary structure by the denatured enzyme was rapid and occurred within 1 min after refolding was initiated. On the other hand, its reactivation was a slow process which continued up to 25 min before 90% of the native activity could be restored. Both secondary and quaternary structures of the enzyme, reconstituted in the absence of ATP, were indistinguishable from those of the native enzyme but the renatured protein was catalytically inactive. This observation indicates the presence of catalytically inactive tetramer as an intermediate in the reconstitution process. The reconstituted protein could be reactivated by ATP even 10 min after the reacquisition of the native secondary structure by the refolding protein. However, reactivation of the protein by ATP 60 min after the regain of secondary structure was significantly less, suggesting that rapid refolding and reassociation of the monomers into a native-like tetramer and reactivation of the tetramer are sequential events; the latter involving slow and small conformational rearrangements in the refolded enzyme that are likely to be associated with phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A secretionary intermediate of the Escherichia coli maltose-binding protein accumulated in the inner membrane when the membrane electrochemical potential was reduced and the cytosolic ATP concentration was normal. The intermediate was mature in size, but maintained a conformation similar to the cytosolic precursor form, and not the mature periplasmic protein, as measured by differences in susceptibility to proteinase K in vitro. The intermediate was located on the periplasmic side of the inner membrane. Restoration of the membrane electrochemical potential resulted in the movement of the intermediate from the inner membrane to the periplasm. In other experiments in which the ATP concentration was reduced by 96% and the electrochemical potential remained normal, no intermediate accumulated. Thus, the final step in the export of maltose-binding protein requires the electrochemical potential of the inner membrane and does not require ATP.  相似文献   

Pullulanase is an extracellular, cell surface-anchored lipoprotein produced by Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the genus Klebsiella. Its correct localization in recombinant Escherichia coli requires the products of 14 genes that are linked to the enzyme structural gene in the Klebsiella chromosome. In addition, we show here that six sec genes (secA, secB, secD, secE, secF and secY) are all required for processing of the prepullulanase signal peptide to occur. This implies that pullulanase crosses the cytoplasmic membrane via the general export pathway of which the sec gene products are essential components. Removal or drastic alteration of the prepullulanase signal peptide cause the enzyme to remain cytoplasmic. We propose that pullulanase secretion occurs in two steps, the first of which is common to all signal peptide-bearing precursors of exported and secreted proteins, whereas the second is specifically involved in translocating pullulanase to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Our previous studies demonstrated that a site-specific cleavage event initiates the degradation of large premature termination polypeptides of beta-galactosidase in Escherichia coli. We have isolated the first cleavage intermediate, the "B" polypeptide, by elution from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The NH2 terminus of this protein, determined by automated Edman degradation, was that of the wild-type molecule and thus established that the first cleavage event was at the COOH-terminal end. The sequence of the COOH-terminal end of the B polypeptide was determined by using the enzyme carboxypeptidase Y. Direct assignment of COOH-terminal residues was made by using o-phthaldialdehyde derivatization and the stoichiometry confirmed by a double-label analysis. The COOH-terminal end of the B polypeptide is at position 837 in the beta-galactosidase sequence. If a single endoproteolytic cleavage event was responsible, the cleavage would have occurred between 2 threonine residues (at positions 837 and 838) that are located within a hydrophobic domain. We have observed other covalent modifications that precede the appearance of the B polypeptide, but these do not appear to participate in signaling the first cleavage event. The structure of the COOH-terminal end of B suggests a high degree of specificity by the initial cleavage enzyme. We propose that this unique site serves as a specific signal and that exposure of this site to the specific cleavage enzyme controls the event initiating the degradation pathway.  相似文献   

Secretion of alkaline phosphatase (PhoA) encoded by a gene constituent of plasmids has been studied in Escherichia coli strains with controlled synthesis of anionic phospholipids (phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin, strain HDL11) and zwitterionic phospholipid (phosphatidylethanolamine, strain AD93). Changing the phospholipid composition of the membrane of these strains leads to an increase in secretion of PhoA, which is usually localized in the periplasm, into the culture medium. This correlates with a higher secretion of exopolysaccharides and lower content of lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane. The results show the possibility of coupling protein secretion into the medium with biogenesis of cell envelope components in which phospholipids are involved.  相似文献   

The structural properties required for the binding of peptide substrates to the Escherichia coli periplasmic protein involved in oligopeptide transport were surveyed by measuring the ability of different peptides to compete for binding in an equilibrium dialysis assay with the tripeptide Ala-Phe-[3H]Gly. The protein specifically bound oligopeptides and failed to bind amino acids or dipeptides. Acetylation of the peptide amino terminus of (Ala)3 severely impaired binding, whereas esterification of the carboxyl terminus significantly reduced but did not completely eliminate binding. Peptides composed of L-amino acids competed more effectively than did peptides containing D-residues or glycine. Experiments with a series of alanyl peptide homologs demonstrated a decrease in competitive ability with increasing chain length beyond tripeptide. Competition studies with tripeptide homologs indicated that a wide variety of amino acyl side chains were tolerated by the periplasmic protein, but side-chain composition did affect binding. Fluorescence emission data suggested that this periplasmic protein possesses more than one substrate-binding site capable of distinguishing peptides on the basis of amino acyl side chains.  相似文献   

Precursors of two secreted periplasmic proteins in Escherichia coli, arabinose-binding protein and maltose-binding protein, were synthesized in vitro on membrane-bound polysomes. Addition of Triton X-100 to the system resulted in processing of the precursors to mature forms.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli that host a plasmid that codes for the heat-stable (ST) enterotoxin showed 160 times more extracellular enterotoxin than intracellular activity. However, when washed bacteria were sonicated and incubated at between 50 and 85 degrees C, an activity similar to that of the ST enterotoxin was detected. No such effect was present in strains lacking the plasmid, in a plasmid ST- mutant, or in chromosomal mutants that lack a cyclic AMP-linked positive regulatory system which previously were shown to yield an ST- phenotype. The thermoactivation was inhibited by iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide; chloramphenicol did not affect the phenomenon. The heat-activated ST-like enterotoxin was localized in the periplasmic space. The results are discussed in relation to the export of the toxin from the periplasm to the outside of the cell.  相似文献   

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