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High voltage redox properties of cytochrome c oxidase.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In earlier studies evidence was obtained for the existence of both high and low redox potential forms of cytochrome a3 (Hendler et al. 1986. Biophys. J. 49:717-729; Hendler and Sidhu. 1988. Biophys. J. 54:121-133). The current paper describes additional experiments that support this conclusion and then reviews a large number of experimental observations that appear to be consistent with the view that cytochrome a3 displays at least (see Sidhu and Hendler. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:1125-1140) two different forms, which are distinguishable by their redox potentials, spectra, and reactivity with CO.  相似文献   

Three functionally different cytochrome b redox centres, apparently of high metabolic activity, were detected in intact pigeon heart mitochondria; cytochrome b(1), b(m) and b(h), with maxima of absorption at 556.6 (State 5), 560.6, and 564.5 nm, respectively (alpha-bands, 77K). 2. Cytochrome (b(l) was reduced in the presence of either antimycin or HQNO (2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide). The absorption maximum was shifted by dithionite, cyanide, NNN'N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine + ascorbate, HQNO and antimycin. The spectra obtained on simultaneous or successive addition of HQNO and antimycin favoured the assumption of a common binding site for the two inhibitors. 3. Cytochrome b(m) was reduced in the presence of HQNO, but not in the presence of antimycin. No shifts of absorption maximum was observed. 4. Cytochrome b(h) was reduced in the presence of antimycin. HQNO was unable to cause reduction of this cytochrome by endogenous substrates. The absorption maximum was shifted to lower wavelength by organic solvents. It was inseparable from that of cytochrome b(m) in the presence of 0.4% ethanol. 5. The pattern of reduction in the presence of HQNO or antimycin demonstrates the functional difference of the three redox centres and appears incompatible wih a linear respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Structural features of cytochrome oxidase   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  

Y Blatt  I Pecht 《Biochemistry》1979,18(13):2917-2922
Anaerobic reductive spectrophotometric titrations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome oxidase were performed. Both types of hemes (C and D) of the dimeric enzyme were monitored. The reduction process was found to involve cooperative allosteric and spectroscopic interactions between the two subunits. The model fitting the data best involves the following features. (1) The redox potential of heme C is about 60 mV higher than that of heme D. (2) In the electron uptake, a positive cooperativity of about 30 mV exists between the two D-type hemes residing in the two subunits. (3) A negative cooperativity of the same magnitude (30 mV) is found between the two C-type hemes bound to two subunits. (4) No interaction was found between heme C and D in the same subunit or in the different subunits. (5) It is suggested that the reduction of the heme, of each kind, has about twice the spectral change compared to that observed upon reduction of the second one. The possible significance of this model for the mechanism of action of the enzyme is discussed  相似文献   

The cytochrome c oxidase complex (CcO) catalyzes the four-electron reduction of dioxygen to water by using electrons from ferrocytochrome c. Redox free energy released in this highly exergonic process is utilized to drive the translocation of protons across a transmembrane electrochemical gradient. Although numerous chemical models of proton pumping have been developed, few attempts have been made to explain the stepwise transfer of energy in the context of proposed protein conformational changes. A model is described that seeks to clarify the thermodynamics of the proton pumping function of CcO and that illustrates the importance of electron and proton gating to prevent the occurrence of the more exergonic electron leak and proton slip reactions. The redox energy of the CcO-membrane system is formulated in terms of a multidimensional energy surface projected into two dimensions, a nuclear coordinate associated with electron transfer and a nuclear coordinate associated with elements of the proton pump. This model provides an understanding of how a transmembrane electrochemical gradient affects the efficiency of the proton pumping process. Specifically, electron leak and proton slip reactions become kinetically viable as a result of the greater energy barriers that develop for the desired reactions in the presence of a transmembrane potential.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) properties of cytochrome c oxidase have been examined with special attention to the effect of added ligands and of interactions between the redox components. The fully oxidized preparations have a very small g6 signal which increases greatly as the redox potential is made more negative, a process exactly paralleling the disappearance of the g3 signal. The potential for half appearance or disappearance (Em), respectively, is 380 mV at pH 7.0 and 300 mV at pH 8.5. This identifies the changes as accompanying reduction of cytochrome a3 because the Em of the “invisible copper” is 340 mV and pH independent. Nitric oxide (NO) binds reduced cytochrome a3 to form a paramagnetic species. This resulting epr signal is strongly dependent on the redox state of cytochrome a, another expression of heme-heme interaction in cytochrome oxidase. The NO compound is also unique in that under the appropriate conditions three of the four redox components (cytochrome a3, cytochrome a, and the “visible” copper) are epr active. In potentiometric titrations in the presence of azide the formation of the azide compound responsible for the g2.9 signal appears to require reduction of both cytochrome a3 and the “invisible copper.” An internal sulfur compound is present which, at alkaline pH values, can bind the heme responsible for the g6 signal and change it to a low-spin sulfur compound with a signal at approximately g2.6. Evidence is also presented for the cytochrome c oxidase in situ being an equilibrium mixture of two different conformational states.  相似文献   

Respiration in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is regulated by small proteins such as the respiratory supercomplex factors (Rcf). One of these factors (Rcf1) has been shown to interact with complexes III (cyt. bc1) and IV (cytochrome c oxidase, CytcO) of the respiratory chain and to modulate the activity of the latter. Here, we investigated the effect of deleting Rcf1 on the functionality of CytcO, purified using a protein C-tag on core subunit 1 (Cox1). Specifically, we measured the kinetics of ligand binding to the CytcO catalytic site, the O2-reduction activity and changes in light absorption spectra. We found that upon removal of Rcf1 a fraction of the CytcO is incorrectly assembled with structural changes at the catalytic site. The data indicate that Rcf1 modulates the assembly and activity of CytcO by shifting the equilibrium of structural sub-states toward the fully active, intact form.  相似文献   

We have examined the steady-state redox behavior of cytochrome c (Fec), Fea, and CuA of cytochrome c oxidase during steady-state turnover in intact rat liver mitochondria under coupled and uncoupled conditions. Ascorbate was used as the reductant and TMPD (N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine) as the redox mediator. After elimination of spectroscopic interference from the oxidized form of TMPD, we found that Fea remains significantly more oxidized than previously thought. During coupled turnover, CuA always appears to be close to redox equilibrium with Fec. By increasing the amount of TMPD, both centers can be driven to fairly high levels of reduction while Fea remains relatively oxidized. The reduction level at Fea is close to a linear function of the enzyme turnover rate, but the levels at Fec and CuA do not keep pace with enzyme turnover. This behavior can be explained in terms of a redox equilibrium among Fec, CuA, and Fea, where Fea is the electron donor to the oxygen reduction site, but only if Fea has an effective Em (redox midpoint potential) of 195 mV. This is too low to be accounted for on the basis of nonturnover measurements and the effects of the membrane potential. However, if there is no equilibrium, the internal CuA----Fea electron-transfer rate constant must be slow in the time average (about 200 s-1). Other factors which might contribute to such a low Em are discussed. In the presence of uncoupler, this situation changes dramatically. Both Fec and CuA are much less reduced; within the resolution of our measurements (about 10%), we were unable to measure any reduction of CuA. Fea and CuA remain too oxidized to be in redox equilibrium with Fec during steady-state turnover. Furthermore, our results indicate that, in the uncoupled system, the (time-averaged) internal electron-transfer rate constants in cytochrome oxidase must be of the order of 2500 s-1 or higher. When turnover is slowed by azide, the relative redox levels at Fea and Fec are much closer to those predicted from nonturnover measurements. In presence of uncouplers, Fea is always more reduced than Fec, but in the absence of uncouplers, the two centers track together. Unlike the uninhibited, coupled system, the redox behavior here is consistent with the known effect of the electrical membrane potential on electron distribution in the enzyme. Interestingly, in these circumstances (azide and uncoupler present), Fea behaves as if it were no longer the kinetically controlling electron donor to the bimetallic center.  相似文献   

The electrostatic interaction of two hemes is calculated on the basis of the data on the cytochrome c oxidase structure. The interaction energy corresponds to the positive shift by approximately greater than 100 mV of the redox potential of one of the hemes when the other is oxidized. This effect seems to be the most likely reason of the negative cooperativity in the redox behavior of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Electrostatically stabilized complexes of fully oxidized cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans and horse heart cytochrome c were studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The experiments were carried out with the wild-type oxidase and a variant in which a negatively charged amino acid in the binding domain (D257) is replaced by an asparagine. It is shown that cytochrome c induces structural changes at heme a and heme a(3) which are reminiscent to those found in mammalian cytochrome c oxidase-cytochrome c complex. The spectral changes are attributed to subtle changes in the heme-protein interactions implying that there is a structural communication from the binding domain even to the remote catalytic center. Only for the heme a modes minor spectral differences were found in the response of the wild-type and the D257N variant oxidase upon cytochrome c binding indicating that electrostatic interactions of aspartate 257 are not crucial for the perturbation of the catalytic site structure in the complex. On the other hand, in none of the complexes, structural changes were detected in the bound cytochrome c. These findings are in contrast to previous results obtained with beef heart cytochrome c oxidase which triggers the formation of a new conformational state of cytochrome c assumed to be involved in the biological electron transfer process.  相似文献   

1. By the application of the principle of the sequential fragmentation of the respiratory chain, a simple-method has been developed for the isolation of phospholipid-depleted and phospholipid-rich cytochrome oxidase preparations. 2. The phospholip-rich oxidase contains about 20% lipid, including mainly phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and cardiolipin. Its enzymic activity is not stimulated by an external lipid such as asolectin. 3. The phospholipid-depleted oxidase contains less than 0.1% lipid. It is enzymically inactive in catalyzing the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by molecular oxygen. This activity can be fully restored by asolectin; and partially restored (approximately 75%) by purified phospholipids individually or in combination. The activity can be partially restored also by phospholipid mixtures isolated from mitochondria, from the oxidase itself, and from related preparations. Among the detergents tested only Emasol-1130 and Tween 80 show some stimulatory activity. 4. The phospholipid-depleted oxidase binds with cytochrome c evidently by "protein-protein" interactions as does the phospholipid-rich or the phospholipid-replenished oxidase to form a complex with the ratio of cytochrome c to heme a of unity. The complex prepared from phospholipid-depleted cytochrome oxidase exhibits a characteristic Soret absorption maximum at 415 nm in the difference spectrum of the carbon monoxide-reacted reduced form minus the reduced form. This 415-nm maximum is abolished by the replenishment of the complex with a phospholipid or by the dissociation of the complex in cholate or in a medium of high ionic strength. When ascorbate is used as an electron donor, the complex prepared from phospholipid-depleted cytochrome oxidase does not cause the reduction of cytochrome a3 which is in dramatic contrast to the complex from the phospholipid-rich or the phospholipid-replenished oxidase. However, dithionite reduces cytochrome a3 in all of the preparations of the cytochrome c-cytochrome oxidase complex. These facts suggest that the action of phospholipid on the electron transfer in cytochrome oxidase may be at the step between cytochromes a and a3. This conclusion is substantiated by preliminary kinetic results that the electron transfer from cytochrome a to a3 is much slower in the phospholipid-depleted than in phospholipid-rich or phospholipid-replenished oxidase. On the basis of the cytochrome c content, the enzymic activity has been found to be about 10 times higher in the system with the complex (in the presence of the replenishedhe external medium unless energy is provided, and that  相似文献   

A new coulometric-potentiometric titration cuvette is described which permits accurate measurements of oxidation-reduction components in membranous systems. This cuvette has been utilized to measure the properties of cytochrome c oxidase in intact membranes of pigeon breast muscle mitochondria. The reducing equivalents accepted and donated by the portion of the respiratory chain with half-reduction potentials greater than 200 mV are equal to those required for the known components (cytochrome a3 and the high-potential copper plus cytochrome a, 'visible copper', cytochrome c1, cytochrome c, and the Rieske iron-sulfur protein). Titrations in the presence of CO show that formation of the reduced cytochrome a3-CO complex requires two reducing equivalents per cytochrome a3 (coulometric titration). Potentiometric titrations indicate (Lindsay, J.G., Owen, C.S. and Wilson, D.F. (1975) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 169, 492--505) that both cytochromes a3 and the high-potential copper must be reduced in order to form the CO complex (n = 2.0 with a CO concentration-dependent half-reduction potential, Em). By contrast, titrations in the presence of azide show that the Em value of the high-potential copper is unchanged by the presence of azide and thus azide binds with nearly equal affinity whether the copper is reduced or oxidized.  相似文献   

Among the X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), reported thus far, the highest resolution is 1.8?. CcO includes 13 different protein subunits, 7 species of phospholipids, 7 species of triglycerides, 4 redox-active metal sites (Cu(A), heme a (Fe(a)), Cu(B), heme a(3) (Fe(a3))) and 3 redox-inactive metal sites (Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Na(+)). The effects of various O(2) analogs on the X-ray structure suggest that O(2) molecules are transiently trapped at the Cu(B) site before binding to Fe(a3)(2+) to provide O(2)(-). This provides three possible electron transfer pathways from Cu(B), Fe(a3) and Tyr244 via a water molecule. These pathways facilitate non-sequential 3 electron reduction of the bound O(2)(-) to break the OO bond without releasing active oxygen species. Bovine heart CcO has a proton conducting pathway that includes a hydrogen-bond network and a water-channel which, in tandem, connect the positive side phase with the negative side phase. The hydrogen-bond network forms two additional hydrogen-bonds with the formyl and propionate groups of heme a. Thus, upon oxidation of heme a, the positive charge created on Fe(a) is readily delocalized to the heme peripheral groups to drive proton-transport through the hydrogen-bond network. A peptide bond in the hydrogen-bond network and a redox-coupled conformational change in the water channel are expected to effectively block reverse proton transfer through the H-pathway. These functions of the pathway have been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis of bovine CcO expressed in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase is a key protonmotive component of the respiratory chain. Mutations in the mitochondrially-encoded subunits of the complex have been reported in association with a range of diseases. In this work we used yeast and bacterial mutants to assess the effect of human mutations in subunit 1 (L196I) and subunit 3 (G78S, A200T, Delta F94-F98, F251L and W249Stop). While the stop mutation at the C-terminus of subunit 3 and the short deletion were highly deleterious and abolished the assembly of the mitochondrial enzyme, the four missense mutations caused little or no effect on the respiratory function. Detailed analysis of G78S, A200T and Delta F94-F98 in Rhodobacter sphaeroides confirmed and extended these observations. We show in this study that the combination of yeast and bacterial models is a useful tool to elucidate the effect of mutations in the catalytic core of cytochrome oxidase. The yeast enzyme is highly similar to the human enzyme and provides a good model to assess the deleterious effect of reported mutations. The bacterial system allows detailed biochemical analysis of the effect of the mutations on the function and assembly of the catalytic core of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy brings an added dimension to studies of structural changes of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) because it enables the recording of reaction-induced infrared difference spectra under a wide variety of controlled conditions (e.g. pH and chemical composition), without relying on light or potentiometric changes to trigger the reaction. We have used the ATR method to record vibrational difference spectra of CcO with reduction induced by flow-exchange of the aqueous buffer. Films of CcO prepared from Rhodobacter sphaeroides and beef heart mitochondria by reconstitution with lipid were adhered to the internal reflection element of the ATR device and retained their full functionality as evidenced by visible spectroscopy and time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy. These results demonstrate that the technique of perfusion-induced Fourier-transform infrared difference spectroscopy can be successfully applied to a large, complex enzyme, such as CcO, with sufficient signal/noise to probe vibrational changes in individual residues of the enzyme under various conditions.  相似文献   

The redox state of cytochrome alpha 3 during in situ respiration of leaves of 20-day-old rice seedlings was assessed by in vivo aerobic assay of nitrate reductase, after 1 min exposure to carbon monoxide. Different stress treatments like water and salt stresses, disintegration of leaf tissues and darkness modified the redox state of cytochrome c oxidase. The dark treatment altered the redox state of cytochrome oxidase from reduced to the oxidized state, as judged by its reaction with CO in CO-sensitive rice cultivar. The water and salt stresses as well as the disintegration of leaf tissue on the contrary altered cytochrome oxidase from the oxidized to its reduced state in CO-insensitive cultivars; probably by changing the cellular integrity, turgidity and structure of mitochondrial membrane, and also due to decreased mitochondrial energization.  相似文献   

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