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A temperature-sensitive mutant (TSF-1) of Chlamydomonas reinhardii which exhibits altered regulation of tubulin synthesis has been isolated. This mutant grows equally well at permissive (25 °C) and non-permissive (36 °C) temperatures but possesses flagella only at 25 °C. As with wild-type cells, when flagella are detached by ‘pH shock’ at 25 °C there is a rapid regeneration of flagella and a marked induction of tubulin synthesis, the major flagellar protein. However, if flagella are removed at 25 °C and the cells immediately placed at 36 °C, there is little or no flagellar regeneration or tubulin induction. If these flagella-less cells are maintained at 36 °C and subsequently shifted back to 25 °C, there is a rapid initiation of both flagellar outgrowth and tubulin synthesis.An additional temperature-sensitive phenotype exhibited by TSF-1 when shifted from 25 to 36 °C is a spontaneous detachment of flagella. Associated with the loss of flagella is limited (but perhaps repeated) flagellar regeneration and a marked increase in tubulin synthesis. Interestingly, ‘pH shock’ treatment at 30 or 60 min after the shift to 36 °C results in a rapid de-induction of tubulin synthesis. This complements the observation that flagellar excision by ‘pH shock’ just prior to a shift to 36 °C results in little or no tubulin induction. Taken together these results suggest that two independent pathways for tubulin induction may be operable in TSF-1.The short response times observed in both the shift-up and shift-down experiments demonstrate that the conditional process involved responds very rapidly to both positive and negative temperature changes and, moreover, indicate that this process may be intimately associated with the regulation of both flagellar regeneration and flagellar tubulin synthesis.  相似文献   

Membrane lipids of yeast mitochondria have been enriched by growing yeast cells in minimal medium supplemented with specific unsaturated fatty acids as the sole lipid supplement. Using the activity of marker enzymes for the outer (kynurenine hydroxylase) and inner (cytochrome c oxidase and oligomycin-sensitive ATPase) mitochondrial membranes, Arrhenius plots have been constructed using both pro-mitochondria and mitochondria obtained from O2-adapting cells in the presence of a second unsaturated fatty acid (i.e. linoleate (N2) to elaidic (O2)). Transition temperatures which reflect the unsaturated fatty acid enrichment of the new membranes reveal interesting features involved in the mechanism of the assembly of these two mitochondrial membranes. This approach was further enforced with both lipid depletion and mitochondrial protein inhibition studies. Kynurenine hydroxylase which does not require fatty acid for its continued synthesis during aerobiosis seems to be incorporated into the preformed linoleate-anaerobic outer membrane. The newly synthesized activities of inner mitochondrial membrane enzymes on the other hand, appear to integrate their activity into newly formed aerobic-elaidic-rich inner membrane. These latter enzymes show a distinct dependence on fatty acid supplement for their continued synthesis during their aerobic phase. This suggests that O2-dependent proteo-lipid precursors are formed before these enzymes are integrated into their membrane mosaic. Two separate models are proposed to explain these results, one for the lipid-rich outer mitochondrial membrane and another for the protein-rich inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Exponentially growing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were fractionated by centrifugation in isotonic, self-generated gradients of Percoll. Rapidly growing cells, μ = 0.5 × h−1, with nearly equal length of the daughter and the parental cell cycle were fractionated according to a cell cycle-related density variation. In these cells the net rate of protein synthesis varies nearly 2-fold during the cell cycle. Subsequent separations according to cell size revealed that the highest rate is observed during G2 period. Slow-growing cells, μ = 0.2 × h−1, were fractionated on shallow Percoll gradients in a bimodal fashion, primarily as a dense daughter fraction and a composite light fraction. Thereby a marked high rate of protein synthesis in large unbudded daughter cells was revealed. Separations according to cell size revealed a cell cycle-related separation of budded cells, and the highest rate is observed, as before, in the G2 period. Irrespective of the growth rate a non-exponential increase of cell protein is thereby observed through the cell cycle of budding yeast. Septation and cell separation coincide with a low degree of ribosome exploitation.  相似文献   

The recessive mutant conical of Tetrahymena thermophila is characterized by unequal cytoplasmic division resulting in a large anterior (proter) and a small posterior (opisthe) daughter cell with similar macronuclear DNA contents. Opisthes have long and proters short generation times. This gives the opisthes more time to accumulate cell mass, thereby reducing differences in size between sister cells. Growth rates as determined by cytophotometry do not contribute to the reduction and eventual elimination of differences between sisters but rather should increase them, since small cells accumulate mass at a slower rate than large ones. By tracing consecutive generations it is shown that differences between sister cells in generation time as well as in cell size require more than one generation to be regressed to the mean of the whole population. These findings are incompatible with the probabilistic mode of regulation of generation time.  相似文献   

Amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, strain HL50 were mutagenized with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, cloned, allowed to form pseudoplasmodia and screened for aberrant positive and negative thermotaxis. Three types of mutants were found. Mutant HO428 exhibits only positive thermotaxis over the entire temperature range (no negative thermotaxis). HO596 and HO813 exhibit weakened positive thermotaxis and normal negative thermotaxis. The weakened positive thermotactic response results in a shift toward warmer temperatures in the transition temperature from negative to positive thermotaxis. Mutant HO209 exhibits weakened positive and negative thermotactic responses and has a transition temperature similar to the ‘wild type’ (HL50). The two types of mutants represented by HO428, HO596 and HO813 support the model that positive and negative thermotaxis have separate pathways for temperature sensing. The type of mutants which contains HO209 suggests that those two pathways converge at some point before the response.  相似文献   

The ccl mutation in Paramecium tetraurelia reversibly and rapidly blocks cell cycle progression and DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Progression through the cell cycle is blocked during both the G1 and S portions of the cell cycle, while at the restrictive temperature there is neither residual cell cycle progression nor induction of excess delay of subsequent cell cycle events. DNA synthesis activity is reduced to 50% of the normal level in about 5 min and is completely blocked at 30 min after a shift to restrictive temperature. On return to permissive conditions, DNA synthesis is reactivated with similar kinetics.  相似文献   

Films taken during experiments on the electrical control of flagellar motion in Euglena and of control by microinjection were analysed for the occurrence of the reversal reaction of the flagellar waveform. In all cases it was found that an induced decrease in flagellar frequency is accompanied by an increased fraction of the cells showing flagellar reversal. A plot of the flagellar frequency vs the percentage flagellar reversal shows that for all experimental methods of inducing a change the relation between flagellar frequency and reversal is identical. This indicates that flagellar frequency and waveform reversal in Euglena are controlled through one common intermediate.  相似文献   

A contractile ring consisting mainly of microfilaments was found in the fission zone of dividing Tetrahymena pyriformis. Diameters of the microfilaments were widely distributed from 2.5 to 15 nm. Ring-associated structures such as lateral stripes, linkers and beads with siender tails were recognized. Lateral stripes arranged at regular intervals of about 84 nm on some parts of microfilament bundles were found in both tangential and transverse sections, suggesting that they correspond to bands fastening the contractile ring microfilaments. Linkers that connect individual lateral stripes to the epiplasmic layer were present. Beads or beads with slender tails were found to be arranged on some microfilaments.The results of the present paper also indicate that drastic morphological changes occur in the cortex of the fission zone, especially in the epiplasmic layer, accompanying contraction of the division furrow. The epiplasmic layer which was proved to be a compact filamentous network in this study has been known to exist at the periphery of cytoplasm in immediate contact with one of the cell surface membranes, the inner alveolar membrane; however, in the fission zone of the dividing ceil, it was frequently separated from the membrane and subsided into the cytoplasm. The subsided epiplasmic layer was then loosened and dispersed. The subsidence of the epipiasmic layer appears to be caused by the force generated by the contraction of the contractile ring and transmitted with the linkers to the epiplasmic layer. The changes observed in the epiplasmic layer are presumably indispensable for the rigid cortical layer contraction involved in cytokinesis of Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possible mechanisms underlying a developmental decrease in acetylcholine (ACh) receptor mobility in the membrane of cultured, spherical, mononucleate Xenopus embryonic muscle cells (myoballs) utilizing the method of in situ electrophoresis. We observed that between 1 and 4 days in culture, a substantial redistribution of ACh receptors can be induced by the externally applied electric field which resulted in highly asymmetrical ACh sensitivities at the cathode- and anode-facing poles of the cell. Between 5 and 8 days in culture, the extent of ACh receptor redistribution induced by the field declined to a lower level. Pretreatment with cytoskeletal disrupting agents or with a disulfide bond reducing agent before in situ electrophoresis had no effect on 2-day-old cultures but enhanced receptor mobility in 6-day-old cultures. Pretreatment with Ca2+-Mg2+-free saline (CMF), which releases cell coat material in other systems, substantially increased receptor mobility when tested on days 2, 6, and 8. On day 6, pretreatment with CMF containing cytochalasin B (CB) and colchicine produced an even greater increase in receptor mobility as compared to treatment with CB and colchicine alone. Our findings suggest that the developmental decrease in ACh receptor mobility is accounted for by at least two different mechanisms: (1) An early-developing, CMF-sensitive restriction possibly mediated by the cell coat; (2) a later-developing restriction possibly dependent on cytoskeletal elements and disulfide linkages. The recovery of high ACh receptor mobility in the older cultures following some of the pretreatments indicates that factors determining ACh receptor mobility can arise from molecular interactions external to the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The effect of EDTA on the mating-type-specific agglutinins located on the flagellar surfaces of Chlamydomonas reinhardii gametes was investigated. The mating-type minus (mt-) gametes lost their agglutinability without apparent loss of motility soon after addition of EDTA at low concentrations (1-2 mM). At the same time, the cells released into the medium agglutinins which can elicit agglutinative responses of mating-type plus (mt+) gametes specifically. When EDTA was neutralized with Mg2+ or removed by centrifugation, the mt- cells quickly replaced agglutinins by protein synthesis: the recovery process was sensitive to cycloheximide, but not to tunicamycin. The EDTA-treated mt+ gametes lost their agglutinins much more slowly than the mt- gametes. The replacement of mt+ agglutinins was inhibited by both cycloheximide and tunicamycin.  相似文献   

In this work, antibodies against Z-DNA were used to stain polytene chromosomes of Chironomus thummi thummi. By indirect immunofluorescence we report the first identification of left-handed conformation of DNA in a band region. The Chironomus pattern also contrasts with the general staining observed in Drosophila. In Chironomus the antibodies to Z-DNA bind to one interband region of the chromosome II and two bands regions of the chromosome IV.  相似文献   

Isolated nuclei of plant (Daucus carota) protoplasts were injected into immature and maturing Xenopus oocytes. In the first series the transplanted nuclei continued to synthesize RNA for at least 18 h, whereas in the latter series the nuclear membrane was disrupted and the chromatin was induced to condense prematurely within 30 min. The results of this study suggest that fundamental biological processes like chromosome condensation during mitosis and meiosis —which are no different in animal and plant kingdom from a morphological point of view—are also very similar with respect to the underlying regulatory control.  相似文献   

DNA synthesis was studied during the overmaturational stage of starfish eggs. Some DNA synthesis took place in the overmature eggs of the starfish. The DNA synthesis was resistant to aphidicolin. Judging from its circularity and small molecular size, the DNA synthesized is of mitochondrial origin.  相似文献   

The differentiation of 3T3 T proadipocyte stem cells is controlled at two related yet distinct states in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. They are designated GD and GD'. GD is the G1 state at which cells must growth arrest prior to differentiation, and GD' is the G1 state at which non-terminal differentiation occurs. Cells arrested at the GD and GD' states have distinct characteristics; yet cells at both states can mediate the integrated control of cellular proliferation and differentiation. In this paper we report on studies designed to further characterize the relationship of these two states, specifically to determine whether non-terminally differentiated GD'-arrested cells can be induced to lose the adipocyte phenotype and revert to the GD state. We report that retinoic acid (RA) and methyl isobutyl xanthine (MIX) can induce non-terminally differentiated GD'-arrested cells to lose the adipocyte phenotype without undergoing DNA synthesis. Such cells that have lost the adipocyte phenotype are also shown to remain in the G1 phase of the cell cycle and to reacquire most of the characteristics of GD-arrested cells. Most importantly, they demonstrate the capacity to redifferentiate without DNA synthesis. We therefore conclude that when non-terminally differentiated GD'-arrested cells are induced to lose the adipocyte phenotype they do indeed revert to the GD state and they thereby become more responsive to environmental influences which can further regulate the integrated control of cellular proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

We report the first successful identification of actin, an ubiquitous contractile protein, in Tetrahymena pyriformis (strain W). We employed dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a probe to induce the formation of actin bundles in the cell nucleus [1, 2] through disruption of cytoplasmic microfilament organization [3, 4]. The cells were incubated for 30 min at 22 °C in the inorganic medium of Prescott & James [5] containing 10% DMSO, and observed under a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Microfilarment bundles were formed in interphase macronuclei, and these microfilaments, approx. 6 nm in diameter, could be decorated by rabbit skeletal muscle heavy meromyosin (HMM) in the glycerinated model. In many cases, the bundles formed closely parallel to natively existing bundles of microtubules. Interestingly, these microtubules had prominent striation with 15–16 nm periodicity. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was designed to show the low actin content of Tetrahymena cells in comparison with that of Dictyostelium. Actin was suggested to comprise less than 1.7% of the total protein in Tetrahymena, whereas as much as 6% was actin in Dictyostelium cells. In assessing the physiological significance of the bundle formation, we further performed HMM and myosin subfragment-1 (S1)-binding studies to clarify the organization process and the polarity of the DMSO-induced nuclear actin filaments by using the tannic acid staining technique [6]. Randomly oriented short filaments appeared in the nucleus treated with 10% DMSO for 10 min. These filaments became elongated and associated with each other to form loose bundles in the following 10 min. With 30-min treatment, the filaments were organized and large bundles with single axes developed. With these well-developed bundles, the Student's t-test was performed on 172 pairs of neighboring filaments and the probability (p) of the deviation from random polarity was 0.08, suggesting that the filaments were organized in an anti-parallel manner. The results show that the DMSO induction of nuclear actin is a powerful tool to demonstrate the existence of cellular actin in vivo and to study the mechanism of microfilament organization in relation to cell physiological activities.  相似文献   

We have examined cell hybrids derived from L6J1 rat myoblasts and A9 mouse fibroblastic cells for expression of the myogenic phenotype. Initial results showed that hybrid cells were no longer able to form myotubes and hence showed extinction of the myogenic phenotype. We then proceeded to characterize the pattern of protein synthesis in these cells using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Although we did detect extinction of synthesis of a small number of myoblast polypeptides in the hybrids these did not appear to be rat myoblast specific. Instead they correlated well with polypeptides lost upon viral transformation in another rat cell line. Analysis of the ability of parental cells and hybrids to grow in soft agar confirmed that both A9 cells and hybrids were more transformed than the parental L6J1 cells. The results are consistent with the interpretation that extinction of the ability to form myotubes is due to either transformation and/or a disrupted cell organization but is unlikely to be due to specific extinction of myoblast specific polypeptides, at least at the level detectable by 2D gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The effect of in vitro age on thymidine triphosphate (TTP) synthesis was assessed in WI38 cultures according to the following measurements: (1) thymidine kinase activity of broken cell preparations; (2) in situ incorporation of [3H]thymidine into acid-soluble material; and (3) total intracellular TTP content as determined by an enzymatic assay. All three parameters were maximal in exponentially proliferating populations and minimal in quiescent monolayers; no significant differences between young and old cultures were observed despite the reduced replicative capacity of the latter. The addition of serum to density-arrested cultures induced both TTP synthesis and DNA replication after a lag of approx. 12 h; although a greater percentage of young cells initiated replication as compared with old, pool sizes expanded to a similar extent in both populations. Pool expansion did not require entry into S phase; the pool sizes of control and cytosyl arabinoside-treated cultures were comparable. These findings suggest that senescent cells retain the ability to synthesize TTP, even though they are incapable of replicating DNA. Because TTP synthesis is a cell cycle-dependent event that normally begins in late G1, senescent cells might be blocked in the latter portion of the prereplicative phase and not in G0 as are quiescent cells.  相似文献   

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