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CD4+CD25bright T cells in human intestinal lamina propria as regulatory cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
It is well known that immune responses in the intestine remain in a state of controlled inflammation, suggesting that not only active suppression by regulatory T cells plays an important role in the normal intestinal homeostasis, but also its dysregulation leads to the development of inflammatory bowel disease. In this study, we demonstrate that the CD4(+)CD25(bright) T cells reside in the human intestinal lamina propria (LP) and functionally retain regulatory activities. All human LP CD4(+) T cells regardless of CD25 expression constitutively expressed CTLA-4, glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family-related protein, and Foxp3 and proliferate poorly. Although LP CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells showed an activated and anergic/memory phenotype, they did not retain regulatory activity. In LP CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells, however, cells expressing CD25 at high levels (CD4(+)CD25(bright)) suppressed the proliferation and various cytokine productions of CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells. LP CD4(+)CD25(bright) T cells by themselves produced fewer amounts of IL-2, IFN-gamma, and IL-10. Interestingly, LP CD4(+)CD25(bright) T cells with regulatory T activity were significantly increased in patients with active inflammatory bowel disease. These results suggest that CD4(+)CD25(bright) T cells found in the normal and inflamed intestinal mucosa selectively inhibit the host immune response and therefore may contribute to the intestinal immune homeostasis.  相似文献   

It is well known that immune responses in the intestine remain in a state of controlled inflammation, suggesting that not only does active suppression by regulatory T (T(REG)) cells play an important role in the normal intestinal homeostasis, but also that its dysregulation of immune response leads to the development of inflammatory bowel disease. In this study, we demonstrate that murine CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells residing in the intestinal lamina propria (LP) constitutively express CTLA-4, glucocorticoid-induced TNFR, and Foxp3 and suppress proliferation of responder CD4(+) T cells in vitro. Furthermore, cotransfer of intestinal LP CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells prevents the development of chronic colitis induced by adoptive transfer of CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells into SCID mice. When lymphotoxin (LT)alpha-deficient intercrossed Rag2 double knockout mice (LTalpha(-/-) x Rag2(-/-)), which lack mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, are transferred with CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells, they develop severe wasting disease and chronic colitis despite the delayed kinetics as compared with the control LTalpha(+/+) x Rag2(-/-) mice transferred with CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells. Of note, when a mixture of splenic CD4(+)CD25(+) T(REG) cells and CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells are transferred into LTalpha(-/-) x Rag2(-/-) recipients, CD4(+)CD25(+) T(REG) cells migrate into the colon and prevent the development of colitis in LTalpha(-/-) x Rag2(-/-) recipients as well as in the control LTalpha(+/+) x Rag2(-/-) recipients. These results suggest that the intestinal LP harboring CD4(+)CD25(+) T(REG) cells contributes to the intestinal immune suppression.  相似文献   

The regulatory function of peripheral blood CD4 T cells correlates with the presence or absence of the membrane glycoprotein recognized by anti-Leu-8 antibody; CD4,Leu8- T cells help Ig synthesis and CD4,Leu-8+ T cells suppress Ig synthesis. In contrast to CD4 T cells from the peripheral blood and organized gut-associated lymphoid tissues, intestinal lamina propria CD4 T cells were found to have diminished expression of the Leu-8 Ag. Therefore, studies were performed to determine whether the decreased expression of the Leu-8 Ag on lamina propria CD4 T cells correlates with a difference in the ability of peripheral blood and lamina propria CD4 T cells to regulate PWM-stimulated Ig synthesis. At high T cell to non-T cell ratios, the helper function of lamina propria CD4 T cells was significantly higher than that of peripheral blood CD4 T cells. When CD4 T cells were incubated with anti-Leu-8 antibody, the suppressor function of peripheral blood CD4 T cells was increased, but lamina propria CD4 T cells did not suppress Ig synthesis. No difference was found between the helper function of CD4,Leu-8- T cells and the suppressor function of CD4, Leu-8+ T cells isolated from either the peripheral blood or the lamina propria. Thus, the difference in the regulatory function of CD4 T cells from the peripheral blood and the lamina propria is due to the quantitative difference in CD4,Leu-8+ T cells in these sites. Consequently, the intestinal lamina propria is a site enriched in CD4,Leu-8- T cells which predominantly mediate help for Ig synthesis.  相似文献   

CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells in normal animals are engaged in the maintenance of immunological self-tolerance and prevention of autoimmune disease. However, accumulating evidence suggests that a fraction of the peripheral CD4(+)CD25(-) T cell population also possesses regulatory activity in vivo. Recently, it has been shown glucocorticoid-induced TNFR family-related gene (GITR) is predominantly expressed on CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. In this study, we show evidence that CD4(+)GITR(+) T cells, regardless of the CD25 expression, regulate the mucosal immune responses and intestinal inflammation. SCID mice restored with the CD4(+)GITR(-) T cell population developed wasting disease and severe chronic colitis. Cotransfer of CD4(+)GITR(+) population prevented the development of CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cell-transferred colitis. Administration of anti-GITR mAb-induced chronic colitis in mice restored both CD45RB(high) and CD45RB(low) CD4(+) T cells. Interestingly, both CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(-) GITR(+) T cells prevented wasting disease and colitis. Furthermore, in vitro studies revealed that CD4(+)CD25(-)GITR(+) T cells as well as CD4(+)CD25(+)GITR(+) T cells expressed CTLA-4 intracellularly, showed anergic, suppressed T cell proliferation, and produced IL-10 and TGF-beta. These data suggest that GITR can be used as a specific marker for regulatory T cells controlling mucosal inflammation and also as a target for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

T cell activation is controlled by incompletely defined opposing stimulation and suppression signals that together sustain the balance between optimal host defense against infection and peripheral tolerance. In this article, we explore the impacts of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell (Treg) suppression in priming Ag-specific T cell activation under conditions of noninfection and infection. We find the transient ablation of Foxp3(+) Tregs unleashes the robust expansion and activation of peptide-stimulated CD8(+) T cells that provide protection against Listeria monocytogenes infection in an Ag-specific fashion. By contrast, Treg ablation had nonsignificant impacts on the CD8(+) T cell response primed by infection with recombinant L. monocytogenes. Similarly, nonrecombinant L. monocytogenes administered with peptide stimulated the expansion and activation of CD8(+) T cells that paralleled the response primed by Treg ablation. Interestingly, these adjuvant properties of L. monocytogenes did not require CD8(+) T cell stimulation by IL-12 produced in response to infection, but instead were associated with sharp reductions in Foxp3(+) Treg suppressive potency. Therefore, Foxp3(+) Tregs impose critical barriers that, when overcome naturally during infection or artificially with ablation, allow the priming of protective Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

In the CT26 BALB/c murine model of colorectal carcinoma, depletion of regulatory T cells (Tregs) prior to tumor inoculation results in protective immunity to both CT26 and other BALB/c-derived tumors of diverse histological origin. In this paper, we show that cross-protection can be conferred by adoptively transferred CD8(+) CTLs. Other schedules for inducing immunity to CT26 have been described, but they do not lead to cross-protection. We show that Treg ablation facilitates the development of new CTL specificities that are normally cryptic, and have mapped the root epitope of one of these responses. This work has allowed us to demonstrate how the specificity of CTL responses to tumor Ags can be controlled via differential suppression of CTL specificities by Tregs, and how this can result in very different physiological outcomes.  相似文献   

A mutant strain with defective thymic selection of the Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat was found to spontaneously develop inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-like colitis. The secretion of Th1-type cytokines including IFN-gamma and IL-2 from T cells of mesenteric lymph node cells (MLNs) and lamina propria mononuclear cells, but not spleen cells, in LEC rats was significantly increased more than that of the control Long-Evans Agouti rats through up-regulated expression of T-bet and phosphorylation of STAT-1 leading to NF-kappaB activation. In addition, the number of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells of the thymus, MLNs, and lamina propria mononuclear cells from LEC rats was significantly reduced, comparing with that of the control rats. Moreover, bone marrow cell transfer from LEC rats into irradiated control rats revealed significantly reduced CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells in thymus, spleen, and MLNs compared with those from control rats. Indeed, adoptive transfer with T cells of MLNs, not spleen cells, from LEC rats into SCID mice resulted in the development of inflammatory lesions resembling the IBD-like lesions observed in LEC rats. These results indicate that the dysfunction of the regulatory system controlled by Treg cells may play a crucial role in the development of IBD-like lesions through up-regulated T-bet, STAT-1, and NF-kappaB activation of peripheral T cells in LEC rats.  相似文献   

CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells have been shown to maintain peripheral tolerance against self and foreign antigens. In this study we analyzed the effect of circulating CD4+ CD25+ T cells on CD8+-T-cell responses of patients with chronic and resolved hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. We demonstrated that circulating CD4+ CD25+ T cells modulate the function and expansion of HBV-specific CD8+ cells ex vivo in all patients, regardless of whether they have chronic or resolved HBV infection. The possible role of CD4+ CD25+ T cells in the pathogenesis of chronic HBV infection is not supported by these data. However, these results might have implications for optimizing future immunotherapeutic approaches to HBV treatment.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) have the capacity to function as nonprofessional antigen presenting cells that in the normal state preferentially activate CD8+ T cells. However, under pathological conditions, such as those found in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), persistent activation of CD4+ T cells is seen. The aim of this study was to determine whether the IBD IECs contribute to CD4+ T cell activation. Freshly isolated human IECs were obtained from surgical specimens of patients with or without IBD and cocultured with autologous or allogeneic peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Cocultures of normal T cells and IECs derived from IBD patients resulted in the preferential activation of CD4+ T cell proliferation that was associated with significant IFN-gamma, but not IL-2, secretion. Cytokine secretion and CD4+ T cell proliferation was inhibited by pretreatment of the IBD IECs with the anti-DR MAb L243. In contrast, normal IECs stimulated the proliferation and cytokine secretion by CD4+ T cells to a significantly lesser degree than IBD IECs. Furthermore, blockade of human leukocyte antigen-DR had a lesser effect in the normal IEC-CD4+ T cell cocultures. We conclude that IECs can contribute to the ongoing CD4+ T cell activation seen in IBD. We suggest that the apparent differences between the secreted levels of IFN-gamma indicate that it may play a dual role in intestinal homeostasis, in which low levels contribute to physiological inflammation whereas higher levels are associated with an uncontrolled inflammatory state.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Tregs), in particular CD4(+) Foxp3(+) T cells, have been shown to play an important role in the maintenance of tolerance after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. In the current study, we have identified a population of CD8(+) Foxp3(+) T cells that are induced early during graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), constitute a significant percentage of the entire Treg population, and are present in all major GVHD target organs. These cells expressed many of the same cell surface molecules as found on CD4(+) Tregs and potently suppressed in vitro alloreactive T cell responses. Induction of these cells correlated positively with the degree of MHC disparity between donor and recipient and was significantly greater than that observed for CD4(+)-induced Tregs (iTregs) in nearly all tissue sites. Mice that lacked the ability to make both CD8(+) and CD4(+) iTregs had accelerated GVHD mortality compared with animals that were competent to make both iTreg populations. The absence of both iTreg populations was associated with significantly greater expansion of activated donor T cells and increased numbers of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells that secreted IFN-γ and IL-17. The presence of CD8(+) iTregs, however, was sufficient to prevent increased GVHD mortality in the complete absence of CD4(+) Tregs, indicating at least one functional iTreg population was sufficient to prevent an exacerbation in GVHD severity, and that CD8(+) iTregs could compensate for CD4(+) iTregs. These studies define a novel population of CD8(+) Tregs that play a role in mitigating the severity of GVHD after allogeneic stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Deletion of exon CD44v7 abrogates experimental colitis by apoptosis induction in intestinal mononuclear cells. Here we show that CD44v7 expression was upregulated upon CD40 ligation in human mononuclear cells, and examined whether ligation of CD44v7 also affects activation and apoptosis in lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMC) from Crohn's disease (CD) patients. Thirty five patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), fourteen controls and four patients with diverticulitis were evaluated. CD44v7 was upregulated predominantly in the inflamed mucosa of CD patients. Furthermore, incubation with an anti-CD44v7 antibody induced apoptosis in LPMC isolated from inflamed mucosa of CD patients, but not from non-inflamed mucosa, from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) or from normal controls. CD40 ligation and simultaneous incubation with anti-CD44v7 significantly downregulated CD80 in dendritic cells, thus inhibiting a critical second signal for naive T-cell activation. The apoptotic signal was mediated via the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway with decreased Bcl-2 and increased 7A6 (a mitochondrial membrane protein) expression. It was Fas independent and required caspases-3 and -9 activation. The process is highly specific for macrophage activation via CD40. These findings point to a novel mechanism of apoptosis induction in CD patients mediated by CD44v7 ligation.  相似文献   

The alphaEbeta7 integrin CD103 may direct lymphocytes to its ligand E-cadherin. CD103 is expressed on T cells in lung and gut and on allograft-infiltrating T cells. Moreover, recent studies have documented expression of CD103 on CD4+ regulatory T cells. Approximately 4% of circulating CD8+ T cells bear the CD103 molecule. In this study, we show that the absence or presence of CD103 was a stable trait when purified CD103- and CD103+ CD8+ T cell subsets were stimulated with a combination of CD3 and CD28 mAbs. In contrast, allostimulation induced CD103 expression on approximately 25% of purified CD103- CD8+ T cells. Expression of CD103 on alloreactive cells was found to be augmented by IL-4, IL-10, or TGF-beta and decreased by addition of IL-12 to MLCs. The alloantigen-induced CD103+ CD8+ T cell population appeared to be polyclonal and retained CD103 expression after restimulation. Markedly, in vitro-expanded CD103+ CD8+ T cells had low proliferative and cytotoxic capacity, yet produced considerable amounts of IL-10. Strikingly, they potently suppressed T cell proliferation in MLC via a cell-cell contact-dependent mechanism. Thus, human alloantigen-induced CD103+ CD8+ T cells possess functional features of regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

Using transgenic mice that express a constitutively active version of STAT5b, we demonstrate that STAT5 plays a key role in governing B cell development and T cell homeostasis. STAT5 activation leads to a 10-fold increase in pro-B, but not pro-T, cells. Conversely, STAT5 signaling promotes the expansion of mature alphabeta T cells (6-fold increase) and gammadelta and NK T cells (3- to 4-fold increase), but not of mature B cells. In addition, STAT5 activation has dramatically divergent effects on CD8(+) vs CD4(+) T cells, leading to the selective expansion of CD8(+) memory-like T cells and CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. These results establish that activation of STAT5 is the primary mechanism underlying both IL-7/IL-15-dependent homeostatic proliferation of naive and memory CD8(+) T cells and IL-2-dependent development of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

We tested in B6 mice whether the local expansion of CD4 T cells producing proinflammatory cytokines including IL-17 (Th17 cells) in the colonic lamina propria (cLP) depends on the commensal microflora. High numbers of CD4 Th17 cells were found in the lamina propria of the ileum and colon but not the duodenum, jejunum, mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, or liver of specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice. The microflora is required for the accumulation of cytokine (IL-17, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10)-producing CD4 T cells in the cLP because only low numbers of cytokine-producing cLP CD4 T cells were found in syngeneic (age- and sex-matched) germfree mice. The fraction of cLP Th17 cells was higher in (type I and type II) IFN- but not IL-4- or IL-12p40-deficient SPF congenics. cLP CD4 Th17 cells produce IL-17 but not IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-4, or IL-10. cLP CD4 Th17 cells accumulate locally in colitis induced by adoptive transfer of IFN-gamma+/+ or IFN-gamma-/- CD4 T cells into congenic SPF (but not germfree) RAG-/- hosts. In this colitis model, cLP CD4 T cells that "spontaneously" produce IL-17 progressively increase in number in the inflamed cLP, and increasing serum IL-17 levels appear as the disease progresses. Commensal bacteria-driven, local expansion of cLP CD4 Th17 cells may contribute to the pathogenesis of this inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

We recently identified CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells that directly control CD8+ and CD4+ cells without intervention of APCs. In this study, we investigated the effector mechanism of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells by using an in vitro regulation system. The profile of cytokine expression revealed that IL-10 was predominantly produced by CD8+CD122+ cells, whereas other cytokines were similarly expressed in CD8+CD122+ cells and CD8+CD122- cells. Suppression of both proliferation and IFN-gamma production by CD8+CD122- cells by CD8+CD122+ cells was blocked by adding anti-IL-10 Ab to the culture but not by adding anti-TGF-beta Ab. When IL-10 was removed from the conditioned medium from CD8+CD122+ cells, the conditioned medium no longer showed regulatory activity. Finally, CD8+CD122+ cells from IL-10-deficient mice had no regulatory activity in vitro and reduced regulatory activity in vivo. Our results clearly indicate that IL-10 is produced by CD8+CD122+ cells and mediates the regulatory activity of these cells.  相似文献   

Chronic viral infections cause high levels of morbidity and mortality worldwide, making the development of effective therapies a high priority for improving human health. We have used mice infected with Friend virus as a model to study immunotherapeutic approaches to the cure of chronic retroviral infections. In chronic Friend virus infections CD4(+) T regulatory (Treg) cells suppress CD8(+) T cell effector functions critical for virus clearance. In this study, we demonstrate that immunotherapy with a combination of agonistic anti-CD137 Ab and virus-specific, TCR-transgenic CD8(+) T cells produced greater than 99% reductions of virus levels within 2 wk. In vitro studies indicated that the CD137-specific Ab rendered the CD8(+) T cells resistant to Treg cell-mediated suppression with no direct effect on the suppressive function of the Treg cells. By 2 weeks after transfer, the adoptively transferred CD8(+) T cells were lost, likely due to activation-induced cell death. The highly focused immunological pressure placed on the virus by the single specificity CD8(+) T cells led to the appearance of escape variants, indicating that broader epitope specificity will be required for long-term virus control. However, the results demonstrate a potent strategy to potentiate the function of CD8(+) T cells in the context of immunosuppressive Treg cells.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma infection is a leading cause of pneumonia worldwide and can lead to other respiratory complications. A component of mycoplasma respiratory diseases is immunopathologic, suggesting that lymphocyte activation is a key event in the progression of these chronic inflammatory diseases. The present study delineates the changes in T cell populations and their activation after mycoplasma infection and determines their association with the pathogenesis of murine Mycoplasma respiratory disease, due to Mycoplasma pulmonis infection. Increases in T cell population numbers in lungs and lower respiratory lymph nodes were associated with the development of mycoplasma respiratory disease. Although both pulmonary Th and CD8(+) T cells increased after mycoplasma infection, there was a preferential expansion of Th cells. Mycoplasma-specific Th2 responses were dominant in lower respiratory lymph nodes, while Th1 responses predominated in spleen. However, both mycoplasma-specific Th1 and Th2 cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-gamma) responses were present in the lungs, with Th1 cell activation as a major component of the pulmonary Th cell response. Although a smaller component of the T cell response, mycoplasma-specific CD8(+) T cells were also a significant component of pulmonary lymphoid responses. In vivo depletion of CD8(+) T cells resulted in dramatically more severe pulmonary disease, while depletion of CD4(+) T cells reduced its severity, but there was no change in mycoplasma numbers in lungs after cell depletion. Thus, mycoplasma-specific Th1 and CD8(+) T cell activation in the lung plays a critical regulatory role in development of immunopathologic reactions in Mycoplasma respiratory disease.  相似文献   

The immunological basis by which a mother tolerates her semi-allogeneic fetus remains poorly understood. Several mechanisms are likely to contribute to this phenomenon including active immune regulation by regulatory T cells. In this article, we report that human placental trophoblasts activate a clonal population of CD8(+) T cells with regulatory function. These cells are not MHC class I restricted, but require costimulation through a member of the carcinoembryonic Ag family present on early gestation trophoblasts. These regulatory T cells express the mucosal markers CD101 and CD103 and display selective usage of the TCR gene Vbeta9. CD8(+) T cells isolated from the peripheral blood of pregnant mothers (16-28 wk) also demonstrate expansions in the same Vbeta family (Vbeta9), signaling a possible role for these cells in preventing fetal rejection in vivo. We have previously characterized a subset of CD8(+) regulatory T cells activated by the combination of the nonclassical class I molecule CD1d and a costimulatory molecule of the carcinoembryonic Ag family present on the intestinal epithelium. These data support the concept that distinct regulatory T cell populations exist at different sites and may be regulated locally by unique restriction elements, costimulatory signals, and Ags.  相似文献   

Spontaneous colitis resembling ulcerative colitis developed in 3 of 10 independent TCR transgenic (Tg) mouse lines maintained under specific pathogen-free conditions. All three susceptible lines were CD4 lymphopenic, whereas resistant lines had normal numbers of CD4+ T cells. Thus, cytochrome c-specific 5C.C7 TCR Tg mice developed colitis only when crossed onto a SCID- or Rag-1-deficient background. A second line of lymphopenic cytochrome c-specific Tg mice bearing the AND TCR also developed colitis. In both cases, CD4+ T cells expressing the Tg-encoded TCR were preferentially activated in inflamed colons compared with lymph nodes or spleens. In contrast, Tg+CD4+ T cells remained quiescent in both inflamed and unaffected colons in another line of susceptible Tg mice carrying a TCR specific for myelin basic protein, suggesting a fortuitous cross-reactivity of the IEk-restricted cytochrome c-reactive AND and 5C.C7 TCRs with an Ag present in the gut. The percentage of CD4+ T cells expressing only endogenous TCR alpha-chains was increased consistently in inflamed colons in AND as well as 5C.C7 Rag-1-/- TCR Tg mice, suggesting that polyclonal CD4+ T cells were also involved in the pathogenesis of spontaneous colitis. Moreover, our data indicate that some alpha-chain rearrangement was still occurring in TCR Tg mice on a Rag-1-/- background, since activated CD4+ T cells expressing endogenously rearranged alpha-chains paired with the Tg-encoded beta-chain were detected consistently in the colons of such mice.  相似文献   

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