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Supplemental methionine in a complete culture medium increased the methionine content of the protein fraction of cultured soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) cotyledons (Thompson, Madison, Muenster 1981 Phytochemistry 20: 941-945). To explain the observed increase in protein methionine, we have measured the amounts and subunit compositions of 7S and 11S storage proteins and determined the amino acid compositions of the three major protein fractions (2-5S, 7S, 11S) of seeds developed on plants and of cultured cotyledons grown in the presence or absence of supplemental l-methionine. Development of cultured cotyledons was representative of development of seeds on plants. The ratios of 11S to 7S proteins, the subunit contents, and amino acid compositions of their storage protein fractions were similar, but not identical. Supplemental methionine increased the mole percent methionine in each of the three protein fractions of cultured cotyledons and changed the amounts of several other amino acids. Supplemental methionine inhibited expression of the 7S beta-subunit gene. Concomitant with the absence of the beta-subunit, which contains no methionine, was an increase in the ratio of 11S to 7S proteins, and an increase in the methionine content of the subunits composing these fractions. Inhibition of beta-subunit gene expression by methionine in cultured cotyledons provides a reproducible, easily controlled system for the study of eucaryotic gene expression.  相似文献   

Using a radioactive assay for the determination of carnitine, the amount in pea cotyledons was shown to vary with age.  相似文献   

In germinating lupin cotyledons, there was a rapid depletion of raffinose series oligosaccharides, a temporary increase in sucrose and constant low levels of reducing monosaccharides. The major polysaccharide fraction was extracted with hot NH4 oxalate—EDTA solution and had the constitution of intercellular/cell wall polysaccharide. GLC examination of component sugars showed that as cotyledons expanded this fraction was depleted and that there was selective hydrolysis of arabinose and galactose, so that the uronic acid proportion increased. Gel and DEAE-cellulose chromatography showed that this fraction became more heterogeneous. The neutral and acidic fractions were separated and the component sugars, viscosities, gel chromatographic behaviour and sedimentation constants of these determined. The results indicated that in the later phase of plant cell wall expansion in germinating lupin cotyledons the arabinogalactan side chains of the pectic polysaccharide fraction are selectively hydrolysed leaving a primary wall with a high uronic acid content.  相似文献   

Brown, C. S. and Huber, S. C. 1988. Reserve mobilization and starch formation in soybean ( Glycine max ) cotyledons in relation to seedling growth. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 518–524.
In germinating soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seedlings, starch accumulated in the cotyledons during the first 5 days of seedling growth. Among 10 genotypes, the amount of starch accumulated after 5 days was relatively independent of light and appeared to be primarily related to the amount of sucrose depleted from the cotyledons during the same time period. Depletion of other reserves (e.g. protein and lipid) were not closely correlated with starch formation. In addition, the differences in starch formation were not related to differences in activities of certain enzymes that may be involved in the conversion of sucrose to starch, namely starch synthase (EC, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (EC, sucrose synthase (EC, neutral invertase (EC, and PPi-linked phosphofructokinase (PFP) (EC Starch synthesis did not compete with seedling growth, because among 10 genotypes, transient starch formation was correlated positively with seedling growth and cotyledonary photosynthetic rates. We postulate that starch is derived primarily from stored sucrose in the cotyledons and is not merely a result of 'overflow' carbon from other reserves. Starch formation also appeared to have a positive relationship with both early (0 to 5 days) and later (5 to 13 days) seedling growth, the latter perhaps due to enhanced cotyledon photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

离体黄瓜子叶不定根发生的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
离体黄瓜子叶在仅加有双蒸水的培养皿中能高频率发生不定根的现象,并对不定根发生过程中过氧化物酶(POD)活性、可溶性蛋白和核酸含量的变化进行了测定。:6d苗子叶不定根发生率最高,不定根发生高峰是在培养后3d~5d,在不定根发生过程中,过氧化物酶生呈上升趋势,可溶性蛋白和核酸含蜈则降低。  相似文献   

The tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases located in cytoplasm and chloroplasts of soybean cotyledons were purified to near homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. Purified cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase shows only a single band in acrylamide gel electrophoresis which corresponds to a MW of 126000. In SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis the enzyme again shows only a single band which corresponds to a MW of 61 000. Chloroplast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase shows only one band in both acrylamide and SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis with MWs being 98 000 and 43 000, respectively. For cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase the apparent Kms determined are 6.8 μM L-tyrosine, 49 μM ATP, and 8.9 × 10?8 M tRNA (as total tRNA). Apparent Kms for chloroplast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase are 4.9 μM L-tyrosine, 214 μM ATP and 2.2 × 10?8 M tRNA (as BDC-ethanol fraction tRNA). Fractionation of soybean cotyledon-tRNA on RPC-5 columns gives 4 tyrosyl-tRNA species, the first two species (tRNA1 and 2Tyr) are acylated only by cytoplasmic tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase while the last two species (tRNA3 and 4Tyr) are acylated only by chloroplast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase.  相似文献   

A crude enzyme preparation from mung bean cotyledons was separated into peroxidative and non-peroxidative IAA oxidase on a DEAE-cellulose column. Both fractions differed in their pH optima, Km and Vmax. The Km and Vmax of non-peroxidative IAA oxidase were higher than those of peroxidative IAA oxidase. Peroxidative IAA oxidase showed a linear increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm after a short lag of 2–3 min. The addition of catalytic amounts of hydrogen peroxide eliminated the lag period and also enhanced the rate of IAA degradation. The non-peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction, however, did not exhibit any significant increase in absorption at 247 and 254 nm and showed a lag period of 5 min which was not affected by hydrogen peroxide. Instead, addition of the same catalytic amount of hydrogen peroxide inhibited the rate of IAA degradation. The peroxidative IAA oxidase fraction exhibited the reaction kinetics characteristic of peroxidase-catalysed IAA degradation. The rate of IAA oxidation by purified non-peroxidative IAA oxidase was very low. The slow rate of catalysis shown by non-peroxidative IAA oxidase appears to be due to the presence of inhibitor(s).  相似文献   

An aminopeptidase was isolated from a soil fungus, which specifically cleaves the unnatural N-terminal methionine in recombinant human growth hormone. Reaction mixtures with different ratios of aminopeptidase to recombinant methionyl human growth hormone showed that the removal of N-terminal methionine was complete at 1:200 (w/w), and more than 90% complete at ratios up to 1:2000 (w/w) when incubated for 24 h at 37°C. The data indicate that the aminopeptidase we have purified can be used for the efficient conversion of unnatural recombinant proteins to their natural form. Received 18 September 1997/ Accepted in revised form 17 April 1998  相似文献   

We have previously reported that exogenous methionine inhibits production of the β-subunit of the 7S storage protein in cultured soybean cotyledons, and that this inhibition involves lack of functional mRNA for the β-subunit. Analogs of methionine were used to study this inhibition. Cycloleucine, norleucine, norvaline and S-ethylcysteine treatments prevented accumulation of the β-subunit. The effects of cycloleucine and norleucine on β-subunit synthesis might have been indirect, since these compounds inhibited growth and caused a 2- to 3-fold increase in free methionine concentration. Norvaline did not affect free methionine concentration, but it did inhibit growth. Treatment with a combination of S-ethylcysteine and aminoethoxyvinylglycine prevented appearance of the β-subunit without inhibiting growth or raising the S-adenosylmethionine concentration. Thus, accumulation of S-adenosylmethionine does not appear to mediate the effect of exogenous methionine on β-subunit production. Treatment with S-ethylcysteine raised free methionine concentration only 34%, so S-ethylcysteine was probably acting directly to inhibit β-subunit production. Measurements of free methionine concentrations in seeds of different sizes, taken from intact plants, suggested that the relatively late appearance of the β-subunit in normal soybean seed development may be due to the presence of high levels of free methionine in very young seeds.  相似文献   

三唑酮对黄瓜子叶抗氧化酶活力的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
黄瓜子叶衰老过程中超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸-过氧化物酶(ASA-POD)活性降低,而过氧化物酶(POD)活性升高。20mg/L三唑酮右明显提高SOD,ASA-POD,CAT活性,抑制POD活性升高。膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量在叶片衰老过程中提高,三唑酮可降低MDA含量。表明三唑酮减轻脂氧化程度,延缓了叶片的衰老。  相似文献   

Changes in fatty-acid metabolism were studied in soybean (Glycine max Merr.) cotyledons during senescence as well as in cotyledons which had been caused to regreen by removal of the epicotyl from the seedling. The activities of the enzymes acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC and fatty-acid synthetase in plastids isolated from the cotyledons decreased during senescence but increased in response to regreening. These changes in enzyme activities followed the same pattern as changes in the quantities of chlorophyll and polyunsaturated fatty acids in this tissue. The in-vivo incorporation of [14C]acetate into total fatty acids in the senescing and regreening cotyledons did not vary markedly with age. In addition, the quantity of label in fatty acids did not decrease for as much as 60 h after the removal of the substrate. During this 60-h period however, there was substantial redistribution of the label among the individual fatty acids. While the labelling pattern of the individual fatty acids did not vary significantly with respect to age in the senescing cotyledons, there was a substantial increase in the synthesis of labelled polyunsaturated fatty acids in the regreening tissue. Thus, the incorporation of [14C]acetate into fatty acids did not reflect the changes in the quantities of the individual fatty acids in senescing tissue as well as they did in regreening tissue.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane fractions isolated from cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Kinghorn at various stages of senescence showed no significant change in fatty acid saturation with advancing senescence. However, the steroliphospholipid ratio increased by about 400% as senescence intensified. The lipid phase transition temperature of the membranes, which was measured by wide-angle x-ray diffraction, also rose from a point well below the growing temperature for young tissue to about 50°C for membrane from extensively senescent 9-day-old tissue. This means that by day 4 of germination there was a mixture of liquid-crystalline and gel phase phospholipid in the membrane matrices. Crystallinity attributable to sterol-sterol interaction was also apparent in the diffraction patterns for senescent membranes. The co-existence of gel and liquid-crystalline phase phospholipid in the aging membranes as well as the crystalline sterol aggregates presumably render the storage cells of cotyledons leaky and may thus facilitate the translocation of hydrolyzed food reserves into the vascular network.  相似文献   

Cotyledons were excised from imbibed watermelon seeds, grown for 4 days in darkness on water or 10 M benzyladenine (BA) and then tested for the presence of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) and its mRNA. LHCP was assayed immunologically by western blotting of SDS gels: the protein was present in plastids, but it was not recovered with the thylakoid fraction. Antibodies directed against LHCP precipitated a 32 kDa polypeptide from translation products of poly(A) RNA of cotyledons only if these had been grown on BA. Taken together the data suggest that in absence of light cytokinins are necessary for the maintenance of a detectable level of LHCP-mRNA as well as for synthesis of the protein.  相似文献   

The effect of cinnamic acid on in vivo nitrate reductase activity and protein content in cucumber cotyledons was studied. Cinnamate increased in vivo nitrate reductase activity and also the total protein content at lower concentrations (0.01–0.1 mM). Higher concentration, however, proved inhibitory. The effect of cinnamate on nitrate reductase activity has been discussed.  相似文献   

目的:观察白藜芦醇对成年期追赶生长大鼠体成分的影响及可能机制。方法:8周龄雄性 SD 大鼠分为6组(共2个时间点),即4周时间点3组:正常饮食4周 (NC4)组、热卡限制4周(R4)组,热卡限制同时白藜芦醇治疗(R4E)组;12周时间点3组:正常饮食12周(NC12)组,追赶生长(CUG)组,追赶生长白藜芦醇治疗(CUGE)组。每组含6只大鼠,白藜芦醇用生理盐水配制成一定浓度悬浊液,按100 mg/(kg·d)剂量予实验动物灌胃治疗。实验第4周、12周检测体重、躯干和全身的肌肉及脂肪含量、躯干与全身脂肪比例,实验第12周检测骨骼肌与附睾脂肪组织SIRT1的表达,附睾脂肪组织PPARγ的表达。结果:与NC12组相比,CUG组躯干及全身的脂肪含量、躯干与全身脂肪比例、附睾脂肪组织PPARγ的表达均明显升高(P<0.05),肌肉含量、骨骼肌与附睾脂肪组织SIRT1的表达显著降低(P<0.05或P<0.01);与CUG组相比,经白藜芦醇干预后的CUGE组全身的脂肪含量、躯干与全身脂肪比例、附睾脂肪组织PPARγ的表达均明显降低(P<0.05),肌肉含量、骨骼肌与附睾脂肪组织SIRT1的表达较CUG组显著提高(P<0.05)。结论:白藜芦醇降低成年期追赶生长大鼠体脂含量,增加肌肉含量,改善腹部脂肪堆积,其机制可能与增加骨骼肌及内脏脂肪组织SIRT1表达,抑制内脏脂肪PPARγ的表达有关。  相似文献   

三唑酮对离体黄瓜子叶膜系统的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了三唑酮处理后离体黄瓜子叶衰老过程中活性氧的产生及膜系统有变化。结果表明:20mg/L三唑酮能有效抑制O^-2.、H2O3的累积,减轻质膜相对透性和膜脂过氧化程度及组织自动氧化速率。这表明三唑酮减轻了活性氧在植物体内的累积,可以作为一种活性氧的直接或间接清除剂。  相似文献   

Summary The enzymeN 5-methyltetrahydrofolate: homocysteine methyltransferase (methionine synthetase) catalyzes the synthesis of methionine from homocysteine. Methylcobalamin is a cofactor for the reaction. The effects of methionine deprivation and methylcobalamin supplementation on the growth of normal and transformed rat liver epithelial cell lines were determined using growth constants to quantitate cell proliferation. No marked specific requirement by the transformed cell lines for methionine relative to leucine was observed. A sigmoidal relationship, however, was found to exist between growth constants and the logarithms of the amino acid concentrations for both normal and transformed cells. Methylcobalamin stimulated the growth rates of the normal and transformed liver cells in methionine-deficient, homocysteine-containing medium. Growth on methionine was not increased by the addition of methylcobalamin. The growth constants for two normal, two spontaneously transformed, one chemically transformed, and one tumor cell line grown in medium in which methionine was replaced by homocysteine were found to be proportional to the level of methionine synthetase. The results demonstrate the utility of growth quantitation to study the methionine dependency of transformed cells. Presented in part at the Conference on Differentiation and Carcinogenesis in Liver Cell Cultures sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, October 11, 1979 (see reference 1).  相似文献   

The metabolism of d- and l-methionine by immature cotyledons of soybean (Glycine max, L. cv Elf) grown in culture has been investigated using solid-state 13C and 15N nuclear magnetic resonance. d-Methionine is taken up by the cotyledons and converted to an amide, most likely by N-malonylation. About 16% of the l-methionine taken up is incorporated intact into protein, and 25% remains as soluble methionine. Almost two-thirds of the l-methionine that enters the cotyledons is degraded. The largest percentage of this is used in transmethylation of the carboxyl groups of pectin. Methionine is not extensively converted to polyamines. We attribute the stimulation of growth of the cotyledons by exogenous methionine to the bypassing of a rate-limiting methyl-transfer step in the synthesis of methionine itself, and subsequently of pectins and proteins.  相似文献   

The quantity of total fatty acids in soybean cotyledons during aging, senescence and regreening has been studied. The greatest change in the fatty acid profile during the initial greening of the cotyledons (4–7 days after germination) was a 130% increase in the content of linolenate. Linoleate, as in the case of the other fatty acids, declined in the first 4 days and then increased by 7 days. Following the 10th day after germination, the quantity of palmitate, linoleate, and linolenate decreased continuously through senescence to 20–28% of the maximum quantity of each. When the cotyledons were regreened by removal of the epicotyl 15 or 16 days after germination, linolenate was present in quantities substantially higher than in the senescing cotyledon. On the 22nd day after germination, the quantity of linolenate in regreened tissue was 140% greater than that in senescing tissue of the same age. By contrast, the quantity of linoleate was only 30–40% greater in regreening tissue and the quantity of most of the other fatty acids was similar in both tissues. Similar changes in the quantity of chloroplast fatty acids were observed during this period. Removal of the epicotyl resulted in a higher level of chloroplast linolenate. During aging, the total chlorophyll and the number of chloroplasts reached a maximum on the 10th day and decreased rapidly during senescence. The amount of chlorophyll per chloroplast remained relatively constant during this period whereas the quantity of linolenate per chloroplast decreased during senescence. It is suggested that major structural changes observed in chloroplast membranes may be related to changes in fatty acid composition, but are not dependent on changes in chlorophyll concentration.  相似文献   

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