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The known acylated flavonoid aglycones are reviewed. Their substitution patterns and their distribution in plants are discussed briefly. A new pair of flavonol esters is reported in Notholaena candida var. candida, the acetate and butyrate of isognaphalin.  相似文献   

以80%乙醇浸提经乙醚脱脂预处理的干蕨菜粉,减压回收乙醇得浓缩液.浓缩液以8%硫酸沸水浴水解3 h后,加入20%NaOH中和至弱酸性,过滤,滤渣以三氯甲烷索氏提取获总蕨菜黄酮苷元.TLC法检测总黄酮苷元的组成,HPLC法测定其主要苷元的含量.结果表明,通过酸水解获得总蕨菜黄酮苷元,其主要成分为山奈酚,含量约占蕨菜干重的1.9%.  相似文献   

A survey on the distribution of surface flavonoid aglycones in 52 samples of 29 species of Veronica resulted in detection of eight flavone aglycones. Apigenin and luteolin were the most common constituents of the studied exudates, followed by the methylated derivatives apigenin 4′-methyl ether, apigenin 7,4′-dimethyl ether and luteolin 3′-methyl ether. Some intraspecific variations and the main ecological trends of flavonoid aglycone accumulation in Veronica were discussed. The observed exudate profiles appeared to be characteristic for some related groups within the genus, in agreement with the morphological, karyological, molecular and other chemical data.  相似文献   

Interference and the ideal free distribution: models and tests   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We review the assumptions and predictions of five competitivedistribution models that predict how optimal foragers will bedistributed across resource patches when gains are reduced byinterference. This review revealed a number of previously ignoredpredictions and assumptions: in particular, there should beno change in relative patch use as competitor density changes.A new model is proposed in which interference results from thecosts of encounters with other foragers and where the gainson a patch are independent of the costs of interference. Thismodel predicts that as density increases, there will be increasedproportional use of lower-quality patches. Past empirical studiesof interference distributions are reanalyzed; none of the studiesprovides strong support for any of the existing ideal free-distributionmodels. We suggest that previous results are more consistentwith the predictions of our new model.  相似文献   

GC-MS of perdeuteriomethylated flavonoid aglycones, singly and in mixtures, yields information about both the aglycone types and their substitution patterns. Fragmentation patterns of flavonoid aglycones are discussed. Acid hydrolysis of perdeuteriomethylated flavonoid glycosides, singly and in mixtures, followed by ethylation with diazoethane provides derivatives suitable for GC-MS; the introduced ethyl groups permit identification of the position of attachment of sugars in flavonoid O-glycosides.  相似文献   

Thirty three flavonoid aglycones have been identified from the external stem and leaf resin of Hazardia squarrosa var. grindelioides by TLC co-chromatography with authentic samples. The occurrence of compounds with oxygenation at C-6 and C-5′, which are also found in the genus Haplopappus, supports the previously believed close relationship between these two genera.  相似文献   

Modification of flavonoid biosynthesis in crop plants   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Flavonoids comprise the most common group of polyphenolic plant secondary metabolites. In plants, flavonoids play an important role in biological processes. Beside their function as pigments in flowers and fruits, to attract pollinators and seed dispersers, flavonoids are involved in UV-scavenging, fertility and disease resistance. Since they are present in a wide range of fruits and vegetables, flavonoids form an integral part of the human diet. Currently there is broad interest in the effects of dietary polyphenols on human health. In addition to the potent antioxidant activity of many of these compounds in vitro, an inverse correlation between the intake of certain polyphenols and the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other age related diseases has been observed in epidemiological studies. The potential nutritional effects of these molecules make them an attractive target for genetic engineering strategies aimed at producing plants with increased nutritional value. This review describes the current knowledge of the molecular regulation of the flavonoid pathway and the state of the art with respect to metabolic engineering of this pathway in crop plants.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine flavonoid aglycones have been identified from two populations each of Heterotheca grandiflora and H. psammophila. Considerable qualitative variation was found between populations of the same species. Overall, H. grandiflora is more complex in its flavonoid profile, accumulating a total of 24 compounds based on eight skeletal types, compared with 13 compounds based on four skeletal types in H. psammophila.  相似文献   

Three approaches were successfully used to manipulate content of flavonoids in transgenic plants. Overexpressing either the adaptor 14-3-3 protein or genes coding the key enzymes of the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway resulted in a significant increase in the compound content in potato tuber epidermis. The opposite effect was observed in transgenic plants in which these proteins were repressed; this strongly supports the view that the gene construct determines transgenic plant features. The most effective construct was, however, the one containing single dihydroflavonol reductase (DFR) gene in sense orientation. In all cases the increase in flavonoid content resulted in the expected enhancement of the antioxidant capacity of tuber extract. At the biochemical level a decrease in the starch content in transgenic plant overexpressing proteins regulating flavonoid biosynthesis was detected. In the case of glucosyl transferase (GT) gene overexpression, the content of phenolic compounds remained at the control level, however, the antioxidant capacity of tuber extracts significantly decreased. The GT plants grew faster and were more resistant to pathogen attacks, the tuber yield was significantly higher than that of nontransformants. Thus it is speculated that it is the chemical structure and degree of glucosylation of flavonoids rather than their quantity which determines transgenic plant features.  相似文献   

黄酮类化合物在药用植物中的分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将蕨类植物、裸子植物、被子植物的32个科的50种植物所含的黄酮类化合物列举出来,可以作为进一步开发药用价值以及进行植物分类的依据。  相似文献   

A media development program for the enhanced production of macrolide aglycones by Streptomyces coelicolor is described. Shake flask studies utilizing a yeast extract and a bakers' yeast increased production by 200% and 80%, respectively. However, ammonia generation and high pH were identified as potential problems in these enriched media. Studies in pH-controlled fermentors revealed that production stage pH significantly affects macrolide titers, with low pH (5.5) being more productive than high pH (6.5). Implementation of glucose feeding in shake flask cultures reduced ammonia generation and controlled production stage pH, resulting in significantly enhanced productivities. The combined effects of media supplementation and glucose feeding resulted in a three to five-fold overall improvement in total macrolide aglycone titers, and is the first reported high-level (>1 g/l) production of recombinant polyketides in a heterologous host. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 28, 297–301 DOI: 10.1038/sj/jim/7000246 Received 06 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 26 January 2002  相似文献   

The ideal free distribution when the resource is variable   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
On the basis of the ideal free distribution (IFD) model, twostochastic models that incorporate the uncertainty of the informationused for decision making were considered to investigate theeffects of the variability in the resource supply rate on theIFD under continuous input conditions. In the uncertain-informationmodel, competitors cannot trace the variation of the supplyrate and use the expectation of the supply rate or previouspayoffs for decision making. Both submodels predict matchingof means, in which the average number of competitors for eachpatch is proportional to the average supply rate in the patch.In the perfect-information model, competitors continuously knowand trace the environment conditions. Numerical predictionsdepend on the relative size of the resource variance betweenpatches. When the resource variance in the good patch is sufficientlylarger than that in the poor patch, it predicts undermatchingof means; when the variance of the supply rate for each patchis small and proportional to the average of the supply ratein the patch, it predicts matching of means; and when the resourcevariance in the poor patch is larger than (or equal to) thatin the good patch, it predicts overmatching of means. Theseresults indicate the importance of clarifying the assumptionon the uncertainty in information for decision making and thetype of the resource variance for the test of the IFD underconditions where the resource supply rate is stochastic.  相似文献   

The interference ideal free distribution (IFD) model of Sutherlandmakes a number of predictions that have yet to be tested andthat have implications for the validity of subsequent extensionsto the theory. We tested these predictions in a study usingdifferent densities of the parasitoid wasp, Venturia canescens,foraging on patches containing different densities of its host,Plodia interpunctella. Our results support a number of the interferenceIFD model's general predictions. Gain rate decreased becauseof increased interference at higher density. Although gain rateson the two patches differed slighdy, this would be expectedallowing for some sampling behavior and perceptual constraints.Early in each experiment when patch assessment is likely tooccur, wasp movement was higher and gain rates lower. However,the more specific prediction of Sutherland's model, that proportionalpatch use should be constant and independent of density, wasnot upheld. Contemporary IFD models use only one of severalequally valid potential relationships between gain rate, interference,and competitor density. The results of this study provide supportfor the additive model developed by Tregenza et al. (companionarticle).  相似文献   

Nicotianamine is present in highest concentration in growing leaf tissue and has been found not only in the Solanaceae but also in the Liliaceae and Gramineae.  相似文献   

Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm. is a traditional Chinese herb used for the treatment of osteoporosis and other bone metabolic disorders. Previous studies demonstrated that “small polar active fraction in Drynaria fortunei (SDF)”exerted osteoprotective effects in ovariectomized (OVX) mice. This study aims to investigate the constituents in SDF and systemically evaluate their osteogenic effects in vitro. Five flavonoid aglycones, naringenin, kurarinone, kushennol F, xanthogalenol, and sophoraflavanone G were identified in SDF. All the compounds did not show effects on proliferation of osteoblastic UMR 106 cells at the concentrations of 0.1-1000 nM, but significantly increased the ALP activity of the cells at most of the concentrations from 10 nm to 1000 nM. Xanthogalenol at the concentration of 100 nM significantly increased concentration of acid-solubilized calcium. ICI 182,780, antagonist of estrogen receptor (ER), diminished the effect of kushennol F on ALP activity and the effect of xanthogalenol on acid-solubilized calcium. In conclusion, flavonoid aglycones in SDF could promote differentiation and mineralization of osteoblastic UMR 106 cells in vitro, which was explained by activation of ER signaling pathway. This study provides scientific evidences for the conduction of in vivo experiments to confirm potential effects of flavonoid aglycones on preventing OVX-induced osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Little is known of the foraging abilities of children in modern cultures, especially when children forage in groups. Here we present a test of optimal foraging theory in groups of street children working for money. The children we observed were selling bottles of water to drivers distributed in two lanes at a crossroad of Istanbul, Turkey. As predicted by the ideal free distribution (a model of optimal group foraging), the ratio of children working in the two lanes was sensitive to the ratio of cars (and therefore the ratio of potential buyers) present in each lane. Deviations from the ideal free model arose largely from numerical restrictions on the set of possible ratios compatible with a small group size. When these constraints were taken into account, optimal behavior emerged as a robust aspect of the children's group distribution. Our results extend to human children aspects of group foraging that were previously tested in human adults or other animal species.  相似文献   

珊瑚菜植株分泌道发育和分布的解剖学观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用植物解剖学方法对珊瑚菜(Glehnia littoralis Fr.Schmidt ex Miq.)体内分泌道的发育和分布进行了观察。结果表明,珊瑚菜的分泌道有分枝,为溶生型,由1层分泌细胞围绕腔道而成。珊瑚菜叶片的分泌道发育较早,在幼叶阶段即发育成形。在根的次生韧皮部、根状茎的皮层和靠近初生木质部的髓部、叶脉的薄壁组织、叶柄维管束周围和厚角组织内侧的薄壁组织、花序轴正对维管束的皮层薄壁组织中以及果实的果壁维管束内外侧的薄壁组织中均分布有分泌道,分泌道在珊瑚菜体内分布广泛。  相似文献   

Researchers have often commented on the ability of the original ideal free distribution (IFD) model to approximate observed animal distributions even though the critical assumption that competitors are of equal ability is usually violated. We provide an explanation by recognizing that animals will occasionally move between patches for reasons other than to simply maximize their resource payoffs, given perfect (i.e. ideal) information about the current payoff in each patch, and that these movements will continue to occur even after an equilibrium is reached. When such movements are incorporated into an unequal competitors IFD model, a single, stable distribution of each competitor type is predicted. This equilibrium will usually be characterized by under-matching of total competitive units relative to the distribution of resources (i.e. too few competitive units in the good patch). More importantly, it will often resemble the original, equal competitors IFD, in that total competitor numbers will come close to matching the distribution of resources. We argue that researchers claiming to have observed an IFD of equal competitors have actually observed this equilibrium distribution of unequal competitors. Our model predicts that the deviation from input-matching will usually be an under-matching of total competitor numbers relative to resources (i.e. too few competitors in the good patch). Examination of published data reveals that post-equilibrium movement between patches occurs frequently and, although the reported distributions are similar to those predicted by input-matching, under-matching is usually observed.  相似文献   

The chilling response of plants is complex and based on the interplay of two important metabolic processes--lipolytic degradation of membrane lipids and a set of oxidative reactions leading to lipid peroxidation and membrane damage evoked in chilling-sensitive (CS) plants subjected to low temperature and light. The effects of chilling of detached leaves and intact plants differ and are often neglected during experiments. In closely-related species, the activity of several constitutive enzymes (i.e. superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase) appears to be higher in chilling-tolerant (CT) than in CS species; while in several native, closely-related CS species, lipid acyl hydrolase (galactolipase) activity is higher than in CT species. Moreover, in chilling-insensitive (CI) plants, galactolipase activity is very low and is neither activated by detachment of leaves nor under stress conditions in growing plants. Dark and low-temperature treatments of detached leaves of CS species and post-chilling recovery of growing plants in the light activate galactolipase, which is responsible for the release of free fatty acids (FFA), the main substrates of peroxidation by lipoxygenase and free radicals. In several CS species, increased galactolipase activity is an important factor contributing to chilling susceptibility. Thus, it seems likely that enhancement of chilling tolerance may be achieved by genetically suppressing galactolipase in order to reduce both the degradation of chloroplast lipids and the level of released FFA, and thereby avoiding the deleterious action of their peroxidation products on plant tissues.  相似文献   

The ideal free distribution (IFD) theory, which predicts that a population of individuals will match the distribution of a patchily distributed resource, is widely used in ecology to describe the spatial distribution of animals. While many studies have shown general support of its habitat matching prediction, others have described a systematic pattern of undermatching, where too many animals feed at patches with fewer resources, and too few animals feed in richer patches. These results have been attributed to deviations from several of the assumptions of the IFD. One possible variable, the cost of travelling between patches, has received little attention. Here, we investigated the impact on resource matching when travel costs were manipulated in a simple laboratory experiment involving two continuous input patches. This experiment allowed us to control for extraneous variables and decouple time costs from energetic costs of travel. Two experiments examined the impact of varying travel costs on movement rates between foraging patches and how these travel costs impact conformity to the IFD. Our data demonstrated that there was less movement between patches and greater discrepancies from the IFD predictions as the cost of travel increased.  相似文献   

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