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Summary To determine the minimum amount of homology required for efficient recombination in Escherichia coli, we measured recombination frequencies between bacteriophage and pBR322 derivatives containing DNA fragments of various sizes by assaying for phages that could transduce the bla and ori genes of pBR322. Efficient recombination required about 40 bp of homology; increases in homology above 40 bp resulted in proportionate increases in recombination, while decreases below 40 bp resulted in precipitous decreases in recombination. The recA + gene stimulated recombination over the entire range of homologies tested. Restriction enzyme digests of several recombinant DNA molecules indicated that they contained the complete plasmid DNA inserted in the genome as expected for a reciprocal crossover. Analysis of recombination frequencies in different recombination-deficient mutant strains indicated that the formation of -plasmid cointegrates by homologous recombination proceeded predominantly by the RecBC pathway and very inefficiently, if at all, by the RecE and RecF pathways.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple measuring system for fluorescence-detected linear dichroism and applied it to the structural analysis of the RecA-DNA complex filaments, which are intermediates of the homologous recombination reaction. Taking advantage of the selectivity of fluorescence signals, we distinguished the linear dichroism signals of ethidium bromide and tryptophan residues in the RecA-DNA-ethidium bromide complex, whereas the conventional (absorption-detected) linear dichroism measurement provides only the sum of the signals because signals overlap each other and that of DNA. We further observed that the tryptophan residue at position 290 of RecA in the RecA-DNA-adenosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) complex was oriented parallel to the long axis of the filament, in good agreement with the previous site-specific linear dichroism analysis, and that this orientation was not significantly modified by the pairing of the complementary DNA strand. These results suggest that the pairing reaction occurs without a large structural change of the RecA filament.  相似文献   

Chimeric oligonucleotides consisting of one DNA strand paired with an O-methylated RNA strand interrupted by six DNA residues have been used in gene targeting experiments. Here we demonstrate that these hairpins can form a heteroduplex (or joint molecule) with single-stranded DNA targets in a reaction mediated by the E. coli RecA protein. One end of the double hairpin may unwind to form a 14-base-RecA filament which initiates the reaction. Chimeric oligonucleotides containing only O-methylated RNA residues on one strand or truncated hairpins lacking this 14-base segment did not participate in RecA-driven heteroduplex formation under these reaction conditions. The results presented here represent a first step in studying one facet of a strategy which uses O-methylated RNA residues as participants in homologous pairing events. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

DNA end resection is a critical step in the repair of DNA double strand breaks. It controls the way the lesion is going to be repaired, thus its regulation has a great importance in maintaining genomic stability. In this review, we focus in recent discoveries in the field that point to a modulation of resection by RNA molecules and RNA-related proteins. Moreover, we aim to reconcile contradictory reports on the positive or negative effect of DNA:RNA hybrids in the resection process.  相似文献   

A single, phased nucleosome assembled on a 240 by DNA duplex molecule blocked Escherichia coli RecA protein-promoted strand transfer of the complementary strand of the duplex onto a homologous single-stranded circle. However, when a four-armed cruciform structure was coupled to either end of the duplex the barrier to strand transfer was overcome and joint molecules were efficiently formed. Micrococcal nuclease digestion indicated that the nucleosome was dissociated by the juxtaposition of the cruciform. We interpret these results to mean that cruciform structures can act over a distance to destabilize adjacent nucleosomes and suggest that, as a consequence, the chromatin structure surrounding a crossed strand recombination intermediate might be disrupted, enabling other recombination events to initiate or the process of branch migration to proceed.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the role of ATP as a cofactor at the interaction of the RecA protein with DNA, we have studied the orientation geometries of the cofactor analogs adenosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATPγS) and guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS) in RecA-DNA complexes using flow linear dichroism spectroscopy. Both cofactors promote the formation of RecA-DNA complexes of similar structure as judged from similar orientations of DNA bases. The DNA orientation was probed through the dichroism of the long-wavelength absorption of a DNA analog, poly(dεA). In this way differences between the dichroic spectra of the ATPγS–RecA–DNA and GTPγS-RecA-DNA complexes, observed in the shorter-wavelength region, are related to orientation at variations of the cofactor chromophores. The results show that the guanine plane of GTPγS is oriented parallel with the principal axis of the complex in contrast to the more perpendicular orientation of the DNA bases. This observation directly excludes the possibility that the cofactor could be intercalated between the DNA bases. This observation directly excludes the possibility that the cofactor could be intercalated between the DNA bases. The orientation of the adenine base of ATPγS, which may be similar to that of guanine of GTPγS albeit not exactly the same, is also inconsistent with intercalation. The possibility that the cofactor bound to the protein could be intercalated in DNA had been speculated from the observation that some DNA intercalators can induce RecA binding to DNA in the absence of cofator. There are probably no direct interactions between the cofator and the DNA bases and the role of the cofactor is probably related to interaction with RecA and a modification of protein conformation.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel asymmetric linker attachment technology that utilizes multistranded DNA formation mediated by the RecA protein and Exonuclease I. Multistranded DNA can readily be formed at the terminus of double-stranded DNA by a complementary oligonucleotide in the presence of RecA and Exonuclease I. We have explored the possibility of applying this finding to the asymmetric attachment of linkers to specific DNA termini. We show that these unique properties of the terminal triple-stranded structure can be applied to directly clone specific DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Bacterial RecA is a prototype of ATP-dependent homologous recombinases, found ubiquitously from bacteriophages to humans. The RecA filament formed on single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP initiates a strand exchange reaction with homologous double-stranded DNA. Of the three stages of this reaction (search for homology, annealing of a triple-stranded structure accompanied by a switch of pairing, and displacement of the third strand), the first stage is the most enigmatic and least studied. As is generally accepted, this stage is directed by a special (extended) RecA filament structure and does not require any additional energy from ATP hydrolysis. The new approaches to the study of the strand exchange reaction with short oligonucleotides as DNA substrates and sensitive methods for a real-time monitoring of this reaction suggest that all three stages depend on ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The RecA protein of Escherichia coli plays essential roles in homologous recombination and restarting stalled DNA replication forks. In vitro, the protein mediates DNA strand exchange between single-stranded (ssDNA) and homologous double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecules that serves as a model system for the in vivo processes. To date, no high-resolution structure of the key intermediate, comprised of three DNA strands simultaneously bound to a RecA filament (RecA-tsDNA complex), has been reported. We present a systematic characterization of the helical geometries of the three DNA strands of the RecA-tsDNA complex using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) under physiologically relevant solution conditions. FRET donor and acceptor dyes were used to label different DNA strands, and the interfluorophore distances were inferred from energy transfer efficiencies measured as a function of the base-pair separation between the two dyes. The energy transfer efficiencies were first measured on a control RecA-dsDNA complex, and the calculated helical parameters (h approximately 5 A, Omega(h) approximately 20 degrees ) were consistent with structural conclusions derived from electron microscopy (EM) and other classic biochemical methods. Measurements of the helical parameters for the RecA-tsDNA complex revealed that all three DNA strands adopt extended and unwound conformations similar to those of RecA-bound dsDNA. The structural data are consistent with the hypothesis that this complex is a late, post-strand-exchange intermediate with the outgoing strand shifted by about three base-pairs with respect to its registry with the incoming and complementary strands. Furthermore, the bases of the incoming and complementary strands are displaced away from the helix axis toward the minor groove of the heteroduplex, and the bases of the outgoing strand lie in the major groove of the heteroduplex. We present a model for the strand exchange intermediate in which homologous contacts preceding strand exchange arise in the minor groove of the substrate dsDNA.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a predicted mitochondrially targeted single-stranded DNA binding protein (mtSSB) was identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence. This gene (At4g11060) codes for a protein of 201 amino acids, including a 28-residue putative mitochondrial targeting transit peptide. Protein sequence alignment shows high similarity between the mtSSB protein and single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSB) from bacteria, including residues conserved for SSB function. Phylogenetic analysis indicates a close relationship between this protein and other mitochondrially targeted SSB proteins. The predicted targeting sequence was fused with the GFP coding region, and the organellar localization of the expressed fusion protein was determined. Specific targeting to mitochondria was observed in in-vitro import experiments and by transient expression of a GFP fusion construct in Arabidopsis leaves after microprojectile bombardment. The mature mtSSB coding region was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the protein was purified for biochemical characterization. The purified protein binds single-stranded, but not double-stranded, DNA. MtSSB stimulates the homologous strand-exchange activity of E. coli RecA. These results indicate that mtSSB is a functional homologue of the E. coli SSB, and that it may play a role in mitochondrial DNA recombination.  相似文献   

Xiao J  Lee AM  Singleton SF 《Biopolymers》2006,81(6):473-496
The Escherichia coli RecA protein is the prototype of a class of proteins playing a central role in genomic repair and recombination in all organisms. The unresolved mechanistic strategy by which RecA aligns a single strand of DNA with a duplex DNA and mediates a DNA strand switch is central to understanding its recombinational activities. Toward a molecular-level understanding of RecA-mediated DNA strand exchange, we explored its mechanism using oligonucleotide substrates and the intrinsic fluorescence of 6-methylisoxanthopterin (6MI). Steady- and presteady-state spectrofluorometric data demonstrate that the reaction proceeds via a sequential four-step mechanism comprising a rapid, bimolecular association step followed by three slower unimolecular steps. Previous authors have proposed multistep mechanisms involving two or three steps. Careful analysis of the differences among the experimental systems revealed a previously undiscovered intermediate (N1) whose formation may be crucial in the kinetic discrimination of homologous and heterologous sequences. This observation has important implications for probing the fastest events in DNA strand exchange using 6MI to further elucidate the molecular mechanisms of recombination and recombinational repair.  相似文献   

RecA protein from Escherichia coli promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange between duplex DNA molecules if one is partially single-stranded. Using linear duplexes and circles with a single-stranded gap as the substrates, this reaction generates nicked circular heteroduplex DNA and linear molecules with single-stranded ends. The completion of strand exchange can be demonstrated by the production of nicked circular heteroduplex DNA detected by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography using radiolabeled linear molecules. When the effect of ultraviolet damage to the substrate DNA was tested, strand exchange was found to pass 30 or more pyrimidine dimers in each duplex. In contrast, exchanges were blocked or severely slowed by interstrand cross-links and monoadducts produced by psoralen and 360 nm light. Deletions and insertions of from 4 to 38 base pairs in the DNA substrates had little effect on the production of nicked circular heteroduplex DNA. However, those of 120 base pairs, or greater, reduced the product yield to a level below the threshold of detection. These results contrast with those obtained in related three-stranded reactions (Bianchi, M. E., and Radding, C. M. (1984) Cell 35, 511-520), in which stable heteroduplex products with 500 or 1300 unpaired bases were obtained when the insert was located within a single-stranded circular substrate.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the minimal DNA sequence homology required for recombination in Bacillus subtilis, we developed a system capable of distinguishing between homologous and illegitimate recombination events during plasmid integration into the chromosome. In this system the recombination frequencies were measured between is pE194 derivatives carrying segments of the chromosomal -gluconase gene (bglS) of various lengths and the bacterial chromosome, using selection for erythromycin resistance at the non-permissive temperature. Homologous recombination events, resulting in disruption of the bglS gene, were easily detected by a colorimetric assay for -gluconase activity. A linear dependence of recombination frequency on homology length was observed over an interval of 77 bp. It was found that approximately 70 bp of homology is required for detectable homologous recombination. Homologous recombination was not detected when only 25 by of homology between plasmid and chromosome were provided. The data indicate that homology requirements for recombination in B. subtilis differ from those in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Abstract Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is an intracellular bacterial pathogen causing a chronic abscessing disease in sheep and goats called caseous lymphadenitis. We are developing this bacterial species as a live vector system to deliver vaccine antigens to the animal immune system. Foreign genes expressed in bacterial hosts can be unstable so we undertook to delete the C. pseudotuberculosis chromosomal recA gene to determine whether a recA background would reduce the frequency of recombination in cloned DNA. Homologous DNA recombination within an isogenic recA C. pseudotuberculosis was 10–12-fold lower than that in the recA + parental strain. Importantly, the recA mutation had no detectable affect upon the virulence of C. pseudotuberculosis in a mouse model. Taken together these results suggest that a recA background may be useful in the further development of C. pseudotuberculosis as a vaccine vector.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are highly cytotoxic lesions and pose a major threat to genome stability if not properly repaired. We and others have previously shown that a class of DSB-induced small RNAs (diRNAs) is produced from sequences around DSB sites. DiRNAs are associated with Argonaute (Ago) proteins and play an important role in DSB repair, though the mechanism through which they act remains unclear. Here, we report that the role of diRNAs in DSB repair is restricted to repair by homologous recombination (HR) and that it specifically relies on the effector protein Ago2 in mammalian cells. Interestingly, we show that Ago2 forms a complex with Rad51 and that the interaction is enhanced in cells treated with ionizing radiation. We demonstrate that Rad51 accumulation at DSB sites and HR repair depend on catalytic activity and small RNA-binding capability of Ago2. In contrast, DSB resection as well as RPA and Mre11 loading is unaffected by Ago2 or Dicer depletion, suggesting that Ago2 very likely functions directly in mediating Rad51 accumulation at DSBs. Taken together, our findings suggest that guided by diRNAs, Ago2 can promote Rad51 recruitment and/or retention at DSBs to facilitate repair by HR.  相似文献   

目的构建变形链球菌UAl59密度感应相关的comD基因同源重组DNA片段,为利用同源重组原理构建基因功能丧失菌株做准备。方法通过NCBI基因数据库获取变形链球菌的DNA序列,利用聚合酶链反应技术分别扩增变形链球菌UA159comD基因上、下游片段及抗红霉素基因片段,再通过长臂同源多聚酶链反应将这3个片段连接起来,形成同源重组DNA片段。结果经过PCR反应和琼脂电泳分析,得到了一个碱基数为3个单片段总和的连接片段,测序结果显示连接片段为预期的comD同源重组片段。结论成功构建了变形链球菌UA159comD基因同源重组DNA片段,可直接用于细菌转化构建comD基因缺陷菌株。  相似文献   

The Archaeal protein RadA, a RecA/Rad51 homolog, is able to promote pairing and exchange of DNA strands with homologous sequences. Here, we have expressed, purified, and crystallized the catalytically active RadA protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso). Preliminary X-ray analysis indicated that Sso RadA protein likely forms helical filament in protein crystals. Using atomic force microscopy with a carbon nanotube (CNT) tip for high-resolution imaging, we demonstrated that Sso RadA protein indeed forms fine helical filaments up to 1 microm in length ( approximately 10nm pitch) in the absence of DNA and nucleotide cofactor. We also observed that Sso RadA protein helical filament could dissemble upon incubation with ssDNA, and then the proteins associate with ssDNA to form nucleoprotein filament.  相似文献   

Female Apcmin/+ mice carrying the BALB/c variant of Prkdc or heterozygous knockout for Xrcc2, were sham- or 2 Gy X-irradiated as adults to compare the effect of mild impairments of double–strand break (DSB) repair pathways, non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR) respectively on spontaneous and radiation–induced mammary and intestinal tumorigenesis. Mice with impaired NHEJ showed no difference in incidence of spontaneous mammary tumours, compared with matched controls, (2.46 fold, P = 0.121) and significantly less following irradiation (radiation–induced excess; 0.35 fold, P = 0.008). In contrast mice with impaired HR presented with significantly less spontaneous mammary tumours than matched controls (0.33 fold, P = 0.027) and significantly more following irradiation (radiation-induced excess; 3.3 fold, P = 0.016). Spontaneous and radiation-induced intestinal adenoma multiplicity in the same groups were significantly greater than matched controls for mice with impaired NHEJ (sham; 1.29 fold, P < 0.001, radiation–induced excess; 2.55 fold, P < 0.001) and mice with impaired HR showed no significant differences (sham; 0.92 fold, P = 0.166, radiation-induced excess; 1.16, P = 0.274). Genetic insertion events were common in spontaneous tumours from NHEJ impaired mice compared with matched controls. γH2AX foci analysis suggests a significantly faster rate of DSB repair (MANOVA P < 0.001) in intestinal than mammary tissue; apoptosis was also higher in irradiated intestine.To conclude, results suggest that pathway of choice for repair of spontaneous and radiation-induced DSBs is influenced by tissue type. NHEJ appears to play a greater role in DSB repair in intestinal tissue since impairment by functional change of Prkdc significantly increases the rate of mis-repair in intestinal but not mammary tissue. HR appears to play a greater role in DSB repair in adult mammary tissue since impaired HR results in significant changes in mammary but not in the intestinal tumorigenesis. This indicates that early DNA damage response and repair is important for cancer susceptibility and plays a role in determining tissue specificity of cancer risk.  相似文献   

Short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated RNA interference has become a basic technique in modern molecular biology and biochemistry for studying gene function and biological pathways. Here, we report two alternative and efficient methods to construct shRNA expression vectors based respectively on multiple-step sequential PCR and primer extension–homologous recombination (PE-HR). Neither method requires synthesizing long oligonucleotides containing hairpin sequences as used in traditional approaches. The hairpin sequences may produce mutations during oligo synthesis, pose problems in annealing, and lead to inefficient cloning. The PE-HR method further provides rapid and economical construction of shRNA expression vectors without needing the ligation procedure.  相似文献   



The Bacillus subtilis genome (BGM) vector is a novel cloning system based on the natural competence that enables B. subtilis to import extracellular DNA fragments into the cell and incorporate the recombinogenic DNA into the genome vector by homologous recombination. The BGM vector system has several attractive properties, such as a megabase cloning capacity, stable propagation of cloned DNA inserts, and various modification strategies using RecA-mediated homologous recombination. However, the endogenous RecA activity may cause undesirable recombination, as has been observed in yeast artificial chromosome systems. In this study, we developed a novel BGM vector system of an inducible recA expression BGM vector (iREX), in which the expression of recA can be controlled by xylose in the medium.


We constructed the iREX system by introducing the xylose-inducible recA expression cassette followed by the targeted deletion of the endogenous recA. Western blot analysis showed that the expression of recA was strictly controlled by xylose in the medium. In the absence of xylose, recA was not expressed in the iREX, and the RecA-mediated recombination reactions were greatly suppressed. By contrast, the addition of xylose successfully induced RecA expression, which enabled the iREX to exploit the same capacities of transformation and gene modifications observed with the conventional BGM vector. In addition, an evaluation of the stability of the cloned DNA insert demonstrated that the DNA fragments containing homologous sequences were more stably maintained in the iREX by suppressing undesirable homologous recombination.


We developed a novel BGM vector with inducible recA expression system, iREX, which enables us to manipulate large DNA fragments more stably than the conventional BGM vector by suppressing undesirable recombination. In addition, we demonstrate that the iREX can be applied to handling the DNA, which has several homologous sequences, such as multiple-reporter expression cassettes. Thus, the iREX expands the utility of the BGM vector as a platform for engineering large DNA fragments.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1425-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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