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An exogenous natural lung surfactant obtained from minced pig lungs can be produced by a technology using a low cost, DEAE-cellulose adsorbent. This surfactant is composed mainly with phospholipids and the two hydrophobic polypeptides, SP-B and SP-C, both of which are necessary for optimal function of surfactants used for treatment of respiratory distress syndrome.  相似文献   

Adsorption to the air-water interface of natural lung surfactant obtained by bovine lung lavage is compared and contrasted with the adsorption of mixtures of synthetic phospholipids and of extracted mixed lung lipids containing minimal protein. Surface pressure-time (pi-t) adsorption isotherms are measured at 35 degrees C for the surfactant mixtures as a function of the presence or absence of divalent metal cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) and of heating to 45 degrees C or 90 degrees C. The effect of aqueous dispersion technique (sonication or mechanical vortexing) on the adsorption process is also studied for the extracted or synthetic phospholipid mixtures. The results imply that the protein component is necessary for the optimal adsorption of natural lung surfactant. However, by taking advantage of different methods available for phospholipid dispersion in an aqueous phase in vitro, it is possible to formulate dispersions of extracted lung phospholipids containing of order 1% protein which adsorb as well as the complete surfactant system. These results suggest that protein concentrations in surfactant mixtures can be minimized for applications such as exogenous lung surfactant replacement for the neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). However, for situations which may involve alterations in endogenous surfactant function such as in lung injury, effects involving pulmonary surfactant protein and protein-lipid interactions may be of functional significance.  相似文献   

Endo-β-1,4-glucanase A (CenA), a cellulase from the bacterium Cellulomonas fimi, is composed of two domains: a catalytic domain and a cellulose-binding domain. Adsorption of CenA and its isolated cellulose-binding domain (CBD·PTCenA) to Valonia cellulose microcrystals was examined by transmission electron microscopy using an antibody sandwich technique (CenA/CBD·PTCenA-CenA IgG-protein A-gold conjugate). Adsorption of both CenA and CBD·PTCenA occurred along the lengths of the microcrystals, with an apparent preference for certain crystal faces or edges. CenA or CBD·PTCenA, but not the isolated catalytic domain, were shown to prevent the flocculation of microcrystalline bacterial cellulose. The cellulose-binding domain may assist crystalline cellulose hydrolysis in vitro by promoting substrate dispersion.  相似文献   

Summary By means of a preembedding immuno-electronmicroscopic technique, a large number of nerve endings containing a substance related to human growth hormonereleasing factor (hGRF) have been demonstrated in the paraventricular nucleus of the guinea pig. They made synaptic contacts primarily with dendritic shafts: 80% of these contacts were symmetrical. The immunoprecipitate was located mainly in large granules and around small clear vesicles. These findings suggest that a peptide related to hGRF may play a role in neural communication in the paraventricular nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary At the ultrastructural level a peptide immunocytochemically related to ACTH was localized in LHRH-containing terminals and nerve fibers of the palisade zone in the median eminence of the guinea pig. Precise comparisons of adjacent ultrathin sections stained for 17–39 ACTH and for LHRH made it possible to state clearly that in the two cases the staining was confined to granules containing both peptides. The significance of such an association remains open to discussion.The authors wish to thank Miss E. Fremaux for her secretarial assistance  相似文献   

An unusual heterolobosean amoeba, isolate LO, was isolated recently from a sample with a salinity of ~4‰, from Lake Turkana in East Africa. 18S rDNA phylogenies confirm that isolate LO branches among halophilic amoeboflagellates assigned to Pharyngomonas. We examined the ultrastructure of the amoeba and cyst stages of isolate LO, as well as the amoebae and cysts of Pharyngomonas kirbyi (isolates AS12B and SD1A). The amoebae of all three isolates lacked discrete dictyosomes and had discoidal/flattened mitochondrial cristae, but the mitochondria were not enrobed by rough endoplasmic reticulum. The cysts of all three isolates showed a thick, bipartite cyst wall, and lacked cyst pores. The cysts of isolate LO were distinct in that the ectocyst was very loose‐fitting, and could contain “crypts”. No flagellate form of isolate LO has been observed to date, and a salinity‐for‐growth experiment showed that isolate LO can grow at 15–100‰ salinity, indicating that it is halotolerant. By contrast, other studied Pharyngomonas isolates are amoeboflagellates and true halophiles. Therefore, we propose isolate LO as a new species, Pharyngomonas turkanaensis n. sp. It is possible that P. turkanaensis descended from halophilic ancestors, and represents a secondary reestablishment of a physiology adapted for moderate salinity.  相似文献   

目的 探讨中度海拔高度地区慢性低氧大鼠心肌、肝的组织学及超微结构变化。方法 本实验用Wistar大鼠20只,雌雄各半,六日内从海拔5米运至海拔3418米饲养,8周后断头处死大鼠,留取心肝组织作光电镜观察,同时高原暴露前后测定血RBC数及Hb含量。结果 心肝组织学改变主要为细胞水肿,即心肌颗粒变性,肝细胞疏松化,其次为心肌、肝细胞嗜酸性变。心肌组织有少量小灶状坏死,肝组织中未见坏死。超微结构主要有肌浆网扩张,线粒体肿胀,糖元颗粒减少,未见不可逆性损伤如线粒体出现杆状嵴、三膜嵴及核染色质边聚现象。毛细血管内皮细胞多有突起伸向管腔,胞质空泡变性,微饮泡较少。另外,高原暴露后RBC数及Hb含量明显升高。结论 该海拔地区慢性低氧大鼠心肌、肝组织及毛细血管的病变是可逆性的; 左右心室病变程度无显著性差异; 肝组织的病变程度明显轻于心肌组织。  相似文献   

Covalent modification of integral membrane proteins with amphiphiles may provide a general approach to the conversion of membrane proteins into water-soluble forms for biophysical and high-resolution structural studies. To test this approach, we mutated four surface residues of the pentameric Mycobacterium tuberculosis mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) to cysteine residues as anchors for amphiphile attachment. A series of modified ion channels with four amphiphile groups attached per channel subunit was prepared. One construct showed the highest water solubility to a concentration of up to 4mg/ml in the absence of detergent. This analog also formed native-like, alpha-helical homo-pentamers in the absence of detergent as judged by circular dichroism spectroscopy, size-exclusion chromatography and various light-scattering techniques. Proteins with longer, or shorter polymers attached, or proteins modified exclusively with polar cysteine-reactive small molecules, exhibited reduced to no solubility and higher-order aggregation. Electron microscopy revealed a homogeneous population of particles consistent with a pentameric channel. Solubilization of membrane proteins by covalent attachment of amphiphiles results in homogeneous particles that may prove useful for crystallization, solution NMR spectroscopy, and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

According to the "amyloid backbone" model of Ure2p prionogenesis, the N-terminal domain of Ure2p polymerizes to form an amyloid filament backbone surrounded by the C-terminal domains. The latter domains retain their native glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-like fold but are sterically inactivated from their regulatory role in nitrogen catabolism. We have tested this model by differential scanning calorimetry of soluble and filamentous Ure2p and of soluble C-terminal domains, combined with electron microscopy. As predicted, the C-terminal domains respond to thermal perturbation identically in all three states, exhibiting a single endotherm at 76 degrees C. In contrast, no thermal signal was associated with the N-terminal domains: in the soluble state of Ure2p, because they are unfolded; in the filamentous state, because their robust amyloid conformation resists heating to 100 degrees C.  相似文献   

Three Candida albicans isolates, TIMM 3164, 3165 and 3166 with reduced fluconazole susceptibility, were isolated from two Japanese AIDS patients. We earlier reported that a reduced intracellular accumulation of fluconazole in these isolates played an important role in the resistance mechanism of fluconazole, but we did not exclude the involvement of other factors. We here examined characteristics related to cytochrome P-450 (CYP), especially sterol 14alpha-demethylase encoded by the ERG11 gene which is the target molecule for fluconazole. In TIMM 3164 and 3165, the ergosterol synthesis by cell-free extracts was somewhat less susceptible to fluconazole, due to a decrease in fluconazole affinity for CYP. The nucleotide substitutions in the ERG11 gene were identified to result in three amino acid changes of K143R, E266D and V488I in TIMM 3164, and of E266D, V404L and V488I in TIMM 3165. These amino acid substitutions might contribute to the decreased affinity for CYP in both isolates. However, a single amino acid change, E266D, observed in TIMM 3166 was unrelated to the decreased affinity for CYP. The most prominent finding on the ultrastructure of TIMM 3164 and 3165 was the development of mesh membrane structures of the endoplasmic reticula, which is a location related to sterol synthesis. This phenomenon was not observed in the cells of TIMM 3166 or the susceptible control strains of ATCC 90028 and 10231. In addition to the reduced intracellular accumulation, the decreased affinity of fluconazole for CYP in TIMM 3164 and 3165 is assumed to be associated with the fluconazole-resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

Embryogenesis in the beetle Tribolium is of increasing interest to both molecular and evolutionary biology because it differs from the Drosophila paradigm by its type of segment specification (short- vs. long-germ) and by the extensive epithelial envelopes – amnion and serosa – that are typical of most insects but not of higher dipterans. Using scanning electron microscopy of DAPI staged embryos we document development in Tribolium castaneum from blastoderm to completion of the envelopes, recording many details not otherwise accessible; we also provide a time table of the respective stages at 30°C. The nascent blastoderm cells remain basally confluent with the yolksac until after the 13th (=last synchronous) mitotic cycle. The cells in the prospective serosa – the first domain to segregate visibly from the uniform blastoderm – carry surface protrusions likely to contact the overlying vitelline envelope. The embryonic rudiment, the other (and larger) blastodermal domain, gives rise to amnion and germ anlage. In the latter, visible differentiation begins with a ”primitive pit” reminiscent of the posterior midgut rudiment of Drosophila. The subsequent invagination of the mesoderm resembles Drosophila gastrulation, except in the head region where the median groove extends through the entire preoral region. The prospective amnion starts differing visibly from the germ anlage during early gastrulation. It then folds underneath the spreading serosa and, advancing with the latter, closes the amniotic cavity at the ventral face of the germband. The largest (=posterior) amniotic fold covers a crestlike protrusion of the yolksac. Together with marked changes in the shape and arrangement of the amnion cells, this protrusion may contribute to the fold’s elevation and early progress. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

Two mutants of plastocyanin have been constructed by site-directed mutagenesis in spinach and pea to elucidate the binding and electron transfer properties between plastocyanin and spinach Photosystem 1. The conserved, surface-exposed Tyr-83 has been replaced by phenylalanine and leucine in plastocyanin from both species and the proteins have been expressed in Escherichia coli. The reaction mechanism of electron transfer from plastocyanins to photooxidized P700 in Photosystem 1 has been studied by laser-flash absorption spectroscopy. The experimental data were interpreted with a model involving a rate-limiting conformational change, preceding the intracomplex electron transfer. The pea proteins show an overall facilitated reaction with spinach Photosystem 1, compared to spinach plastocyanins. The changes are small but significant, indicating a more efficient electron transfer within the transient complex. In addition, for the spinach leucine mutant, the equilibrium within the plastocyanin-Photosystem 1 complex is more displaced towards the active conformation than for the corresponding wild-type. Absorption spectra, EPR and reduction potentials for the mutants are similar to those of the corresponding wild-type, although small shifts are observed in the spectra of the Tyr83Leu proteins. Based on these results, it is suggested that Photosystem 1 from spinach is capable of using both pea and spinach plastocyanin as an efficient electron donor and that the former even can stimulate the Photosystem 1 reduction. The origin of the stimulation is discussed in terms of differences in surface-exposed residues. Since the effects of the mutations are small, it can be concluded that electron transfer to Photosystem 1 does not occur via Tyr-83.Abbreviations cyt- cytochrome - IPTG- isopropyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside - P,P700- reaction-center chlorophyll - Pc- plastocyanin - PS 1- Photosystem 1 - SDS-PAGE- sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - WT- wild-type  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant (PS) is a complicated mixture of approximately 90% lipids and 10% proteins. It plays an important role in maintaining normal respiratory mechanics by reducing alveolar surface tension to near-zero values. Supplementing exogenous surfactant to newborns suffering from respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), a leading cause of perinatal mortality, has completely altered neonatal care in industrialized countries. Surfactant therapy has also been applied to the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) but with only limited success. Biophysical studies suggest that surfactant inhibition is partially responsible for this unsatisfactory performance. This paper reviews the biophysical properties of functional and dysfunctional PS. The biophysical properties of PS are further limited to surface activity, i.e., properties related to highly dynamic and very low surface tensions. Three main perspectives are reviewed. (1) How does PS permit both rapid adsorption and the ability to reach very low surface tensions? (2) How is PS inactivated by different inhibitory substances and how can this inhibition be counteracted? A recent research focus of using water-soluble polymers as additives to enhance the surface activity of clinical PS and to overcome inhibition is extensively discussed. (3) Which in vivo, in situ, and in vitro methods are available for evaluating the surface activity of PS and what are their relative merits? A better understanding of the biophysical properties of functional and dysfunctional PS is important for the further development of surfactant therapy, especially for its potential application in ARDS.  相似文献   

BackgroundSeveral randomized trials demonstrated have reduced lung cancer mortality with screening using computed tomography. However, there remains debate about the optimal approach for determining screening eligibility, and no evidence yet exists reporting lung cancer rates in those excluded from screening due to too low of a personalized risk.MethodsThis study was based on the Alberta Lung Cancer Screening Study, which received 1737 applicants and enrolled 850 based on the NLST criteria or a PLCOM2012 risk ≥ 1.5%. We excluded 887 applicants who were interested in screening but deemed ineligible. We report lung cancer rates in the screened and unscreened cohorts.ResultsWe observed 30 and 8 lung cancers in the screened and unscreened groups, respectively. Only 1 of 8 lung cancers were among those considered too low risk (0.14%), while the remaining 7 were among those excluded for other reasons, including symptoms requiring more immediate workup. No NLST eligible but PLCO risk < 1.5% screened individual had a lung cancer detected as part of the study, so that of all applicants contacting the program with risk estimates less than 1.5%, only 1/857 (0.12%) developed lung cancer.ConclusionOur findings indicate that a risk-based approach for screening eligibility is unlikely to miss many lung cancers.  相似文献   

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