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The type VI secretion system (T6SS) of bacteria plays a key role in competing for specific niches by the contact‐dependent killing of competitors. Recently, Rhs proteins with polymorphic C‐terminal toxin‐domains that inhibit or kill neighboring cells were identified. In this report, we identified a novel Rhs with an MPTase4 (Metallopeptidase‐4) domain (designated as Rhs‐CT1) that showed an antibacterial effect via T6SS in Escherichia coli. We managed to develop a specific strategy by matching the diagnostic domain‐architecture of Rhs‐CT1 (Rhs with an N‐terminal PAAR‐motif and a C‐terminal toxin domain) for effector retrieval and discovered a series of Rhs‐CTs in E. coli. Indeed, the screened Rhs‐CT3 with a REase‐3 (Restriction endonuclease‐3) domain also mediated interbacterial antagonism. Further analysis revealed that vgrGO1 and eagR/DUF1795 (upstream of rhs‐ct) were required for the delivery of Rhs‐CTs, suggesting eagR as a potential T6SS chaperone. In addition to chaperoned Rhs‐CTs, neighborless Rhs‐CTs could be classified into a distinct family (Rhs‐Nb) sharing close evolutionary relationship with T6SS2‐Rhs (encoded in the T6SS2 cluster of E. coli). Notably, the Rhs‐Nb‐CT5 was confirmed bioinformatically and experimentally to mediate interbacterial antagonism via Hcp2B‐VgrG2 module. In a further retrieval analysis, we discovered various toxin/immunity pairs in extensive bacterial species that could be systematically classified into eight referential clans, suggesting that Rhs‐CTs greatly diversify the antibacterial pathways of T6SS.  相似文献   

The bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS) is used by donor cells to inject toxic effectors into receptor cells. The donor cells produce the corresponding immunity proteins to protect themselves against the effector proteins, thereby preventing their self-intoxication. Recently, the C-terminal domain of VgrG3 was identified as a T6SS effector. Information on the molecular mechanism of VgrG3 and its immunity protein TsaB has been lacking. Here, we determined the crystal structures of native TsaB and the VgrG3C–TsaB complex. VgrG3C adopts a canonical phage-T4-lysozyme-like fold. TsaB interacts with VgrG3C through molecular mimicry, and inserts into the VgrG3C pocket.  相似文献   

InvA is a prominent inner‐membrane component of the Salmonella type III secretion system (T3SS) apparatus, which is responsible for regulating virulence protein export in pathogenic bacteria. InvA is made up of an N‐terminal integral membrane domain and a C‐terminal cytoplasmic domain that is proposed to form part of a docking platform for the soluble export apparatus proteins notably the T3SS ATPase InvC. Here, we report the novel crystal structure of the C‐terminal domain of Salmonella InvA which shows a compact structure composed of four subdomains. The overall structure is unique although the first and second subdomains exhibit structural similarity to the peripheral stalk of the A/V‐type ATPase and a ring building motif found in other T3SS proteins respectively.  相似文献   

Essential to salmonellae pathogenesis is an export device called the type III secretion system (TTSS), which mediates the transfer of bacterial effector proteins from the bacterial cell into the host cell cytoplasm. Once inside the host cell, these effectors are then capable of altering a variety of host cellular functions in order to promote bacterial survival and colonization. SspH1 is a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium TTSS effector that localizes to the mammalian nucleus and down-modulates production of proinflammatory cytokines by inhibiting nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB-dependent gene expression. To identify mammalian binding partners of SspH1 a yeast two-hybrid screen against a human spleen cDNA library was performed. It yielded a serine/threonine protein kinase called protein kinase N 1 (PKN1). The leucine-rich repeat domain of SspH1 was demonstrated to mediate this interaction and also inhibition of NF-kappaB-dependent gene expression. This suggested that PKN1 may play a role in modulation of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway. Indeed, we found that expression of constitutively active PKN1 in mammalian cells results in a decrease, while depletion of PKN1 by RNA interference causes an increase in NF-kappaB-dependent reporter gene expression. These data indicate that SspH1 may inhibit the host's inflammatory response by interacting with PKN1.  相似文献   

Two‐partner secretion (TPS) systems use β‐barrel proteins of the Omp85‐TpsB superfamily to transport large exoproteins across the outer membranes of Gram‐negative bacteria. The Bordetella FHA/FhaC proteins are prototypical of TPS systems in which the exoprotein contains a large C‐terminal prodomain that is removed during translocation. Although it is known that the FhaB prodomain is required for FHA function in vivo, its role in FHA maturation has remained mysterious. We show here that the FhaB prodomain is required for the extracellularly located mature C‐terminal domain (MCD) of FHA to achieve its proper conformation. We show that the C‐terminus of the prodomain is retained intracellularly and that sequences within the N‐terminus of the prodomain are required for this intracellular localization. We also identify sequences at the C‐terminus of the MCD that are required for release of mature FHA from the cell surface. Our data support a model in which the intracellularly located prodomain affects the final conformation of the extracellularly located MCD. We hypothesize that maturation triggers cleavage and degradation of the prodomain.  相似文献   

Most type VI secretion systems (T6SSs) described to date are protein delivery apparatuses that mediate bactericidal activities. Several T6SSs were also reported to mediate virulence activities, although only few anti‐eukaryotic effectors have been described. Here, we identify three T6SSs in the marine bacterium Vibrio proteolyticus and show that T6SS1 mediates bactericidal activities under warm marine‐like conditions. Using comparative proteomics, we find nine potential T6SS1 effectors, five of which belong to the polymorphic MIX‐effector class. Remarkably, in addition to six predicted bactericidal effectors, the T6SS1 secretome includes three putative anti‐eukaryotic effectors. One of these is a MIX‐effector containing a cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 domain. We demonstrate that T6SS1 can use this MIX‐effector to target phagocytic cells, resulting in morphological changes and actin cytoskeleton rearrangements. In conclusion, the V. proteolyticus T6SS1, a system homologous to one found in pathogenic vibrios, uses a suite of polymorphic effectors that target both bacteria and eukaryotic neighbors.  相似文献   

Polymerase of human hepatitis B virus is required for viral replication and pregenomic RNA encapsidation. Using recombinant GST fusion proteins, we show that the terminal protein domain of polymerase can interact specifically with a protein complex containing kinase activity and a tightly associated 35-kD protein (p35). This kinase is termed terminal-protein-associated kinase (TPAK). The phosphoamino acid analysis of phosphorylated p35 demonstrates that TPAK is a serine kinase. Analysis of deletion mutants shows that amino acids 1–95 of the terminal protein domain are required for the interaction with TPAK/p35 and phosphorylation of p35. TPAK/p35 are found predominantly in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, TPAK can be inhibited by heparin and manganese ions, but is resistant to spermidine, DRB, H89 or H7. These results indicate that TPAK is not protein kinase A or protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Dense‐core vesicles (DCVs) are secretory organelles that store and release modulatory neurotransmitters from neurons and endocrine cells. Recently, the conserved coiled‐coil protein CCCP‐1 was identified as a component of the DCV biogenesis pathway in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. CCCP‐1 binds the small GTPase RAB‐2 and colocalizes with it at the trans‐Golgi. Here, we report a structure‐function analysis of CCCP‐1 to identify domains of the protein important for its localization, binding to RAB‐2, and function in DCV biogenesis. We find that the CCCP‐1 C‐terminal domain (CC3) has multiple activities. CC3 is necessary and sufficient for CCCP‐1 localization and for binding to RAB‐2, and is required for the function of CCCP‐1 in DCV biogenesis. In addition, CCCP‐1 binds membranes directly through its CC3 domain, indicating that CC3 may comprise a previously uncharacterized lipid‐binding motif. We conclude that CCCP‐1 is a coiled‐coil protein that binds an activated Rab and localizes to the Golgi via its C‐terminus, properties similar to members of the golgin family of proteins. CCCP‐1 also shares biophysical features with golgins; it has an elongated shape and forms oligomers.   相似文献   

Intracellular Plasmodium parasites develop inside a parasitophorous vacuole (PV), a specialised compartment enclosed by a membrane (PVM) that contains proteins of both host and parasite origin. Although exported protein 1 (EXP1) is one of the earliest described parasitic PVM proteins, its function throughout the Plasmodium life cycle remains insufficiently understood. Here, we show that whereas the N‐terminus of Plasmodium berghei EXP1 (PbEXP1) is essential for parasite survival in the blood, parasites lacking PbEXP1's entire C‐terminal (CT) domain replicate normally in the blood but cause less severe pathology than their wild‐type counterparts. Moreover, truncation of PbEXP1's CT domain not only impairs parasite development in the mosquito but also abrogates PbEXP1 localization to the PVM of intrahepatic parasites, severely limiting their replication and preventing their egress into the blood. Our findings highlight the importance of EXP1 during the Plasmodium life cycle and identify this protein as a promising target for antiplasmodial intervention.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) is critical for the generation of nascent high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and plays important roles in cholesterol homeostasis. ABCA1 has two large extracellular domains (ECDs), which may interact directly with apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I). However, the molecular mechanisms underlying HDL formation and the importance of ABCA1–apoA-I interactions in HDL formation remain unclear. We investigated the ABCA1–apoA-I interaction in photo-activated crosslinking experiments using sulfo-SBED–labeled apoA-I. ApoA-I bound to cells expressing ABCA1, but not to untransfected cells or cells expressing non-functional ABCA1. Binding was inhibited by sulfo-SBED–labeled apoA-I, and crosslinking of sulfo-SBED–labeled apoA-I with ABCA1 was inhibited by non-labeled apoA-I, suggesting that sulfo-SBED–labeled apoA-I specifically binds and crosslinks with functional ABCA1. Proteolytic digestion of crosslinked ABCA1 revealed that apoA-I bound the N-terminal half of ABCA1, and that the first ECD of ABCA1 is an apoA-I binding site.

Abbreviations: ABC: ATP-binding cassette; apoA-I: apolipoprotein A-I; ATP: adenosine triphosphate; CHAPS: 3-(3-cholamidepropyl)dimethylammonio-1- propanesulphonate; DTT: dithiothreitol; ECD: extra cellular domain; EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HA: hemagglutinin; HDL: high density lipoprotein; HEK: human embryonic kidney; HEPES: 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid; sulfo-SBED: (sulfosuccinimidyl-2-[6-(biotinamido)-2-(p-azidobenzamido)hexanoamido] ethyl-1,3?-dithiopropionate; NHS-ester, N-hydroxysuccinimide-ester  相似文献   

Bernard Collins  Ian A. Wilson 《Proteins》2014,82(10):2874-2878
Toll‐like receptors (TLRs) are important pattern recognition receptors that function in innate immunity. Elucidating the structure and signaling mechanisms of TLR9, a sensor of foreign and endogenous DNA, is essential for understanding its key role in immunity against microbial pathogens as well as in autoimmunity. Abundant evidence suggests that the TLR9‐CTD (C‐terminal domain) by itself is capable of DNA binding and signaling. The crystal structure of unliganded mouse TLR9‐CTD is presented. TLR9‐CTD exhibits one unique feature, a cluster of stacked aromatic and arginine side chains on its concave face. Overall, its structure is most related to the TLR8‐CTD, suggesting a similar mode of ligand binding and signaling. Proteins 2014; 82:2874–2878. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The matrix protein 1 (M1) is the most abundant structural protein in influenza A virus particles. It oligomerizes to form the matrix layer under the lipid membrane, sustaining stabilization of the morphology of the virion. The present study indicates that M1 forms oligomers based on a fourfold symmetrical oligomerization pattern. Further analysis revealed that the oligomerization pattern of M1 was controlled by a highly conserved region within the C‐terminal domain. Two polar residues of this region, serine‐183 (S183) and threonine‐185 (T185), were identified to be critical for the oligomerization pattern of M1. M1 point mutants suggest that single S183A or T185A substitution could result in the production of morphologically filamentous particles, while double substitutions, M1‐S183A/T185A, totally disrupted the fourfold symmetry and resulted in the failure of virus production. These data indicate that the polar groups in these residues are essential to control the oligomerization pattern of M1. Thus, the present study will aid in determining the mechanisms of influenza A virus matrix layer formation during virus morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Autotransporter (AT) proteins are a broad class of virulence factors from Gram‐negative pathogens. AT outer membrane (OM) secretion appears simple in many regards, yet the mechanism that enables transport of the central AT ‘passenger’ across the OM remains unclear. OM secretion efficiency for two AT passengers is enhanced by a ~ 20 kDa stable core at the C‐terminus of the passenger, but studies on a broader range of AT proteins are needed in order to determine whether a stability difference between the passenger N‐ and C‐terminus represents a truly common mechanistic feature. Yersinia pestis YapV is homologous to Shigella flexneri IcsA, and like IcsA, YapV recruits mammalian neural Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (N‐WASP). In vitro, the purified YapV passenger is functional and rich in β‐sheet structure, but lacks a ~ 20 kDa C‐terminal stable core. However, the N‐terminal 49 residues of the YapV passenger globally destabilize the entire YapV passenger, enhancing its OM secretion efficiency. These results indicate that the contributions of AT passenger sequences to OM secretion efficiency extend beyond a C‐terminal stable core, and highlight a role of the passenger N‐terminus in reducing passenger stability in order to facilitate OM secretion of some AT proteins.  相似文献   

The enterohepatic Epsilonproteobacterium Helicobacter hepaticus persistently colonizes the intestine of mice and causes chronic inflammatory symptoms in susceptible mouse strains. The bacterial factors causing intestinal inflammation are poorly characterized. A large genomic pathogenicity island, HHGI1, which encodes components of a type VI secretion system (T6SS), was previously shown to contribute to the colitogenic potential of H. hepaticus. We have now characterized the T6SS components Hcp, VgrG1, VgrG2 and VgrG3, encoded on HHGI1, including the potential impact of the T6SS on intestinal inflammation in a mouse T‐cell transfer model. The H. hepaticus T6SS components were expressed during the infection and secreted in a T6SS‐dependent manner, when the bacteria were cultured either in the presence or in the absence of mouse intestinal epithelial cells. Mutants deficient in VgrG1 displayed a significantly lower colitogenic potential in T‐cell‐transferred C57BL/6 Rag2?/? mice, despite an unaltered ability to colonize mice persistently. Intestinal microbiota analyses demonstrated only minor changes in mice infected with wild‐typeH. hepaticus as compared with mice infected with VgrG1‐deficient isogenic bacteria. In addition, competitive assays between both wild‐type and T6SS‐deficient H. hepaticus, and between wild‐type H. hepaticus and Campylobacter jejuni or Enterobacteriaceae species did not show an effect of the T6SS on interbacterial competitiveness. Therefore, we suggest that microbiota alterations did not play a major role in the changes of pro‐inflammatory potential mediated by the T6SS. Cellular innate pro‐inflammatory responses were increased by the secreted T6SS proteins VgrG1 and VgrG2. We therefore concluded that the type VI secretion component VgrG1 can modulate and specifically exacerbate the innate pro‐inflammatory effect of the chronic H. hepaticus infection.  相似文献   

Giantin is thought to form a complex with p115 and Golgi matrix protein 130, which is involved in the reassembly of Golgi cisternae and stacks at the end of mitosis. The complex is involved in the tethering of coat protomer I vesicles to Golgi membranes and the initial stacking of reforming cisternae. Here we show that the NH(2)-terminal 15% of Giantin suffices to bind p115 in vitro and in vivo and to block cell-free Golgi reassembly. Because Giantin is a long, rod-like protein anchored to the membrane by its extreme COOH terminus, these results support the idea of a long, flexible tether linking vesicles and cisternae.  相似文献   

Plant pathogens of the oomycete genus Phytophthora produce virulence factors, known as RxLR effector proteins that are transferred into host cells to suppress disease resistance. Here, we analyse the function of the highly conserved RxLR24 effector of Phytophthora brassicae. RxLR24 was expressed early in the interaction with Arabidopsis plants and ectopic expression in the host enhanced leaf colonization and zoosporangia formation. Co‐immunoprecipitation (Co‐IP) experiments followed by mass spectrometry identified different members of the RABA GTPase family as putative RxLR24 targets. Physical interaction of RxLR24 or its homologue from the potato pathogen Phytophthora infestans with different RABA GTPases of Arabidopsis or potato, respectively, was confirmed by reciprocal Co‐IP. In line with the function of RABA GTPases in vesicular secretion, RxLR24 co‐localized with RABA1a to vesicles and the plasma membrane. The effect of RxLR24 on the secretory process was analysed with fusion constructs of secreted antimicrobial proteins with a pH‐sensitive GFP tag. PATHOGENESIS RELATED PROTEIN 1 (PR‐1) and DEFENSIN (PDF1.2) were efficiently exported in control tissue, whereas in the presence of RxLR24 they both accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum. Together our results imply a virulence function of RxLR24 effectors as inhibitors of RABA GTPase‐mediated vesicular secretion of antimicrobial PR‐1, PDF1.2 and possibly other defence‐related compounds.  相似文献   

Cell motility is dependent on a dynamic meshwork of actin filaments that is remodelled continuously. A large number of associated proteins that are severs, cross‐links, or caps the filament ends have been identified and the actin cross‐linker α‐actinin has been implied in several important cellular processes. In Entamoeba histolytica, the etiological agent of human amoebiasis, α‐actinin is believed to be required for infection. To better understand the role of α‐actinin in the infectious process we have determined the solution structure of the C‐terminal calmodulin‐like domain using NMR. The final structure ensemble of the apo form shows two lobes, that both resemble other pairs of calcium‐binding EF‐hand motifs, connected with a mobile linker. Proteins 2016; 84:461–466. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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