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The Tat protein export system serves to export folded proteins harboring an N-terminal twin arginine signal peptide across the cytoplasmic membrane. In this study, we have used gene expression profiling of Escherichia coli supported by phenotypic analysis to investigate how cells respond to a defect in the Tat pathway. Previous work has demonstrated that strains mutated in genes encoding essential Tat pathway components are defective in the integrity of their cell envelope because of the mislocalization of two amidases involved in cell wall metabolism (Ize, B., Stanley, N. R., Buchanan, G., and Palmer, T. (2003) Mol. Microbiol. 48, 1183-1193). To distinguish between genes that are differentially expressed specifically because of the cell envelope defect and those that result from other effects of the tatC deletion, we also analyzed two different transposon mutants of the DeltatatC strain that have their outer membrane integrity restored. Approximately 50% of the genes that were differentially expressed in the tatC mutant are linked to the envelope defect, with the products of many of these genes involved in self-defense or protection mechanisms, including the production of exopolysaccharide. Among the changes that were not explicitly linked to envelope integrity, we characterized a role for the Tat system in iron acquisition and copper homeostasis. Finally, we have demonstrated that overproduction of the Tat substrate SufI saturates the Tat translocon and produces effects on global gene expression that are similar to those resulting from the DeltatatC mutation.  相似文献   

The cytosolic iron–sulfur (Fe-S) cluster assembly (CIA) pathway delivers Fe-S clusters to nuclear and cytosolic Fe-S proteins involved in essential cellular functions. Although the delivery process is regulated by the availability of iron and oxygen, it remains unclear how CIA components orchestrate the cluster transfer under varying cellular environments. Here, we utilized a targeted proteomics assay for monitoring CIA factors and substrates to characterize the CIA machinery. We find that nucleotide-binding protein 1 (NUBP1/NBP35), cytosolic iron–sulfur assembly component 3 (CIAO3/NARFL), and CIA substrates associate with nucleotide-binding protein 2 (NUBP2/CFD1), a component of the CIA scaffold complex. NUBP2 also weakly associates with the CIA targeting complex (MMS19, CIAO1, and CIAO2B) indicating the possible existence of a higher order complex. Interactions between CIAO3 and the CIA scaffold complex are strengthened upon iron supplementation or low oxygen tension, while iron chelation and reactive oxygen species weaken CIAO3 interactions with CIA components. We further demonstrate that CIAO3 mutants defective in Fe-S cluster binding fail to integrate into the higher order complexes. However, these mutants exhibit stronger associations with CIA substrates under conditions in which the association with the CIA targeting complex is reduced suggesting that CIAO3 and CIA substrates may associate in complexes independently of the CIA targeting complex. Together, our data suggest that CIA components potentially form a metabolon whose assembly is regulated by environmental cues and requires Fe-S cluster incorporation in CIAO3. These findings provide additional evidence that the CIA pathway adapts to changes in cellular environment through complex reorganization.  相似文献   

Abstract The abs mutants of Escherichia coli showed increased sensitivity to chloramphenicol, β-lactams, and many other unrelated antibacterial agents. The cell envelope was demonstrated to be more permeable to several β-lactams and dyes. The antibiotic hypersensitivity could be phenotypically suppressed by fucose and other deoxyhexoses. The abs mutation was located between Mel and purA at 94 minutes on the E. coli genetic map. The content of ethanolamine in the lipopolysaccharide increased in the abs mutant but the sugar fatty acid and phosphate composition of the lipopolysaccharide were unaltered. In addition, minor quantitative changes in envelope protein composition were observed.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacteroides fragilis populations were separated according to the size of surface structure. Subculture of the separated populations produced cultures enriched for 3 different structures; a large capsule, a small capsule and an electron-dense layer (EDL). The ability of these subpopulations to haemagglutinate (HA) erythrocytes from a number of species was examined. Populations which produced either a large or s small capsule did not have HA activity, whereas those with an extracellular EDL did. By mixing populations with EDL and those with either the large or small capsule, the degree of HA could be altered. HA was dependent on the proportion of EDL-bearing bacteria present. Fimbriae were not observed on electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of iron–sulfur (Fe–S) clusters in Bacillus subtilis is mediated by the SUF‐like system composed of the sufCDSUB gene products. This system is unique in that it is a chimeric machinery comprising homologues of E. coli SUF components (SufS, SufB, SufC and SufD) and an ISC component (IscU). B. subtilis SufS cysteine desulfurase transfers persulfide sulfur to SufU (the IscU homologue); however, it has remained controversial whether SufU serves as a scaffold for Fe–S cluster assembly, like IscU, or acts as a sulfur shuttle protein, like E. coli SufE. Here we report that reengineering of the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway in B. subtilis can offset the indispensability of the sufCDSUB operon, allowing the resultant Δsuf mutants to grow without detectable Fe–S proteins. Heterologous bidirectional complementation studies using B. subtilis and E. coli mutants showed that B. subtilis SufSU is interchangeable with E. coli SufSE but not with IscSU. In addition, functional similarity in SufB, SufC and SufD was observed between B. subtilis and E. coli. Our findings thus indicate that B. subtilis SufU is the protein that transfers sulfur from SufS to SufB, and that the SufBCD complex is the site of Fe–S cluster assembly.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli rnh mutants were isolated using localized mutagenesis and selective measurements of RNase H activity in mutagenized cell extracts with [3H]poly(rC)·poly(dG) as substrate. RNase H activity in extracts of one mutant, ON152 (rnh-91), was undetectable (less than 0.05% of that of wild-type cells). This mutant formed small colonies at 43 °C. At this temperature, accumulation of nascent fragments was more prominent in the rnh-91·polA4113 double mutant than in the polA4113 mutant; however, no accumulation was found in the rnh single mutant at 43° C. Unlike the 1–3 nucleotide primer RNA found on nascent fragments of polA4113 cells, primers from the rnh-91·polA4113 cells ranged from one to about ten bases. These results suggest that the 53 exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase I plays a major role in removal of primer RNA and that RNase H functions in an auxiliary role, excising the 5-portion of longer primers.The rnh mutant supports replication of ColE1-type plasmids. A possible mechanism of replication of such plasmids in rnh mutants and a role of RNase H in the initiation of chromosomal replication are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel bias in codon third-letter usage was found in Escherichia coli genes with low fractions of "optimal codons", by comparing intact sequences with control random sequences. Third-letter usage has been found to be biased according to preference in codon usage and to doublet preference from the following first letter. The present study examines third-letter usage in the context of the nucleotide sequence when these preferences are considered. In order to exclude any influence by these factors, the random sequences were generated such that the amino acid sequence, codon usage, and the doublet frequency in each gene were all preserved. Comparison of intact sequences with these randomly generated sequences reveals that third letters of codons show a strong preference for the purine/pyrimidine pattern of the next codons: purine (R) is preferred to pyrimidine (Y) at the third site when followed by an R-Y-R codon, and pyrimidine is preferred when followed by an R-R-Y, an R-Y-Y or a Y-R-Y codon. This bias is probably related to interactions of tRNA molecules in the ribosome.  相似文献   

Two temperature-sensitive autolysis-defective mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated and shown to be resistant to lysis induced by seminalplasmin, an antimicrobial protein from bovine seminal plasma, as well as to lysis induced by ampicillin, D-cycloserine and nocardicin, at 37 or 42 degrees C but not at 30 degrees C. The mutants were, however, sensitive to inhibition of RNA synthesis by seminalplasmin even at the nonpermissive temperature. Temperature-resistant revertants of the mutants were sensitive to lysis induced by the various antibiotics at 37 or 42 degrees C. The mutations in both strains were mapped at 58 min on the E. coli linkage map. The lysis resistance of the mutants was phenotypically suppressed by the addition of NaCl. Partial suppression of the lysis-resistant phenotype was also observed in a relA genetic background.  相似文献   

VceC is the outer membrane component of the major facilitator (MF) VceAB-VceC multiple-drug-resistant (MDR) efflux pump of Vibrio cholerae. TolC is the outer membrane component of the resistance-nodulation-division AcrAB-TolC efflux pump of Escherichia coli. Although these proteins share little amino acid sequence identity, their crystal structures can be readily superimposed upon one another. In this study, we have asked if TolC and VceC are interchangeable for the functioning of the AcrAB and VceAB pumps. We have found that TolC can replace VceC to form a functional VceAB-TolC MDR pump, but VceC cannot replace TolC to form a functional AcrAB-VceC pump. However, we have been able to isolate gain-of-function (gof) VceC mutants which can functionally interface with AcrAB. These mutations map to four different amino acids located at the periplasmic tip of VceC. Chemical cross-linkage experiments indicate that both wild-type and gof mutant VceC can physically interact with the AcrAB complex, suggesting that these gof mutations are not affecting the recruitment of VceC to the AcrAB complex but rather its ability to functionally interface with the AcrAB pump.  相似文献   

hopA mutants, which have been suggested to be defective in mini-F plasmid partitioning (H. Niki, C. Ichinose, T. Ogura, H. Mori, M. Morita, M. Hasegawa, N. Kusukawa, and S. Hiraga, J. Bacteriol. 170:5272-5278, 1988), were found to carry mutations in the gyrB gene, coding for the B subunit of DNA gyrase. In gyrB(HopA) mutants, relaxation of the superhelicity of plasmids, increased IncG incompatibility, and increased SopB protein production were observed. It is suggested that altered expression of the sop genes, which is due to relaxation of the mini-F plasmid DNA, causes both defective partitioning of the mini-F plasmids and increased IncG incompatibility in gyrB(HopA) mutants.  相似文献   

Abstract Escherichia coli exc mutants able to release the plasmid pBR322-encoded β-lactamase (EC into the extracellular medium have been isolated using a new in situ plate assay.
A preliminary characterization of the exc mutants was carried out: the presence of exc mutations was associated with a specific or pleiotropic pattern of excretion of periplasmic enzymes, an increased sensitivity to different growth inhibitors (EDTA, chloramphenicol, cholic acid) and a poor growth on various carbon sources.
After quantitative analysis, three groups of exc mutants were identified on the basis of their temperature-dependent or -independent pattern of growth and β-lactamase synthesis and excretion.  相似文献   

Eight independent temperature-sensitive mutants of the cell division protein FtsA have been studied. They fall into two classes in terms of their behaviour at 42 degrees C and recovery at 30 degrees C. The first class shows salt-dependent temperature-sensitivity and reversible inactivation of FtsA protein at 42 degrees C. The second shows irreversible inactivation which is not prevented by salt. Recovery of the ability to divide at 30 degrees C is rapid in mutants of the first group, but is delayed for approximately a generation time in the second group. This suggests that irreversible inactivation of FtsA causes extensive damage to the division machinery. The amino acid substitutions show clustering to a limited domain of the protein, and one particular substitution is found in three of the mutants.  相似文献   

We extended the study of Escherichia coli mutants defective in conjugation and showed that the mutants with altered lipopolysaccharide, which are defective as recipients with F-like donors, are also defective with the I-like plasmid R64-11. However, the extent of reduction in recipient ability for I-like donors does not correlate either with the effect on recipient ability for F-like donors or with the degree of alteration to the lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

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