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This special issue of Molecular Microbiology marks the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ factors, proteins that subsequently emerged as the largest group of alternative σ factors and one of the three major pillars of signal transduction in bacteria, alongside one‐ and two‐component systems. A single bacterial genome can encode > 100 ECF σ factors, and combined with their cognate anti‐σ factors, they represent a modular design that primarily functions in transmembrane signal transduction. Here, we first describe the immediate events that led to the 1994 publication in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences USA, and then set them in the broader context of key events in the history of σ biology research.  相似文献   

Engineering of a xylose metabolic pathway in Corynebacterium glutamicum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aerobic microorganism Corynebacterium glutamicum was metabolically engineered to broaden its substrate utilization range to include the pentose sugar xylose, which is commonly found in agricultural residues and other lignocellulosic biomass. We demonstrated the functionality of the corynebacterial xylB gene encoding xylulokinase and constructed two recombinant C. glutamicum strains capable of utilizing xylose by cloning the Escherichia coli gene xylA encoding xylose isomerase, either alone (strain CRX1) or in combination with the E. coli gene xylB (strain CRX2). These genes were provided on a high-copy-number plasmid and were under the control of the constitutive promoter trc derived from plasmid pTrc99A. Both recombinant strains were able to grow in mineral medium containing xylose as the sole carbon source, but strain CRX2 grew faster on xylose than strain CRX1. We previously reported the use of oxygen deprivation conditions to arrest cell replication in C. glutamicum and divert carbon source utilization towards product production rather than towards vegetative functions (M. Inui, S. Murakami, S. Okino, H. Kawaguchi, A. A. Vertès, and H. Yukawa, J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 7:182-196, 2004). Under these conditions, strain CRX2 efficiently consumed xylose and produced predominantly lactic and succinic acids without growth. Moreover, in mineral medium containing a sugar mixture of 5% glucose and 2.5% xylose, oxygen-deprived strain CRX2 cells simultaneously consumed both sugars, demonstrating the absence of diauxic phenomena relative to the new xylA-xylB construct, albeit glucose-mediated regulation still exerted a measurable influence on xylose consumption kinetics.  相似文献   

When the cell envelope integrity is compromised, bacteria trigger signaling cascades resulting in the production of proteins that counteract these extracytoplasmic stresses. Here, we show that the two‐component system EsrSR regulates a cell envelope stress response in the Actinobacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum. The sensor kinase EsrS possesses an amino‐terminal phage shock protein C (PspC) domain, a property that sets EsrSR apart from all other two‐component systems characterized so far. An integral membrane protein, EsrI, whose gene is divergently transcribed to the esrSR gene locus and which interestingly also possesses a PspC domain, acts as an inhibitor of EsrSR under non‐stress conditions. The resulting EsrISR three‐component system is activated among others by antibiotics inhibiting the lipid II cycle, such as bacitracin and vancomycin, and it orchestrates a broad regulon including the esrI‐esrSR gene locus itself, genes encoding heat shock proteins, ABC transporters, and several putative membrane‐associated or secreted proteins of unknown function. Among those, the ABC transporter encoded by cg3322‐3320 was shown to be directly involved in bacitracin resistance of C. glutamicum. Since similar esrI‐esrSR loci are present in a large number of actinobacterial genomes, EsrISR represents a novel type of stress‐responsive system whose components are highly conserved in the phylum Actinobacteria.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum imports and phosphorylates glucose, fructose and sucrose by the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase carbohydrate uptake system (PTS). Recently, we have discovered how glucose can be utilized by C. glutamicum in a PTS-independent manner. PTS-independent glucose uptake is mediated by one of two inositol permeases (IolT1 or IolT2) and the second function of PTS, substrate phosphorylation, is catalyzed by one of two glucokinases (Glk or PpgK). PTS-deficient C. glutamicum strains exclusively utilizing glucose via this system grew comparably well on glucose minimal media as the parental strain. Furthermore, PTS-deficient L-lysine producing C. glutamicum strains overexpressing genes for inositol permease and glucokinase showed increased L-lysine production and reduced formation of by-products derived from pyruvate. Here, we discuss the impact of our findings on engineering strategies of C. glutamicum strains used in various biotechnological production processes.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum grows on a variety of carbohydrates and organic acids. Uptake of the preferred carbon source glucose via the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) is reduced during coutilization of glucose with acetate, sucrose, or fructose compared to growth on glucose as the sole carbon source. Here we show that the DeoR-type regulator SugR (NCgl1856) represses expression of ptsG, which encodes the glucose-specific PTS enzyme II. Overexpression of sugR resulted in reduced ptsG mRNA levels, decreased glucose utilization, and perturbed growth on media containing glucose. In mutants lacking sugR, expression of the ptsG'-'cat fusion was increased two- to sevenfold during growth on gluconeogenic carbon sources but remained similar during growth on glucose or other sugars. As shown by DNA microarray analysis, SugR also regulates expression of other genes, including ptsS and the putative NCgl1859-fruK-ptsF operon. Purified SugR bound to DNA regions upstream of ptsG, ptsS, and NCgl1859, and a 75-bp ptsG promoter fragment was sufficient for SugR binding. Fructose-6-phosphate interfered with binding of SugR to the ptsG promoter DNA. Thus, while during growth on gluconeogenic carbon sources SugR represses ptsG, ptsG expression is derepressed during growth on glucose or under other conditions characterized by high fructose-6-phosphate concentrations, representing one mechanism which allows C. glutamicum to adapt glucose uptake to carbon source availability.  相似文献   

The aerobic respiratory chain of the Gram-positive Corynebacterium glutamicum involves a bc(1) complex with a diheme cytochrome c(1) and a cytochrome aa(3) oxidase but no additional c-type cytochromes. Here we show that the two enzymes form a supercomplex, because affinity chromatography of either strep-tagged cytochrome b (QcrB) or strep-tagged subunit I (CtaD) of cytochrome aa(3) always resulted in the copurification of the subunits of the bc(1) complex (QcrA, QcrB, QcrC) and the aa(3) complex (CtaD, CtaC, CtaE). The isolated bc(1)-aa(3) supercomplexes had quinol oxidase activity, indicating functional electron transfer between cytochrome c(1) and the Cu(A) center of cytochrome aa(3). Besides the known bc(1) and aa(3) subunits, few additional proteins were copurified, one of which (CtaF) was identified as a fourth subunit of cytochrome aa(3). If either of the two CXXCH motifs for covalent heme attachment in cytochrome c(1) was changed to SXXSH, the resulting mutants showed severe growth defects, had no detectable c-type cytochrome, and their cytochrome b level was strongly reduced. This indicates that the attachment of both heme groups to apo-cytochrome c(1) is not only required for the activity but also for the assembly and/or stability of the bc(1) complex.  相似文献   

Directly using the promoter associated with 5′‐untranslated region of a high‐protein‐abundance gene from the genome may cause low expression activity of an expression system. A bicistronic expression part containing the short 5′ coding sequence of the source gene and an embedded Shine–Dalgarno sequence can cause higher expression levels of the recombinant gene in a bicistronic cassette. Here, we evaluated two methods to construct expression parts and exploited genomic sequence sources to provide specific functional sequences to complete the expression system. The architecture of the bicistronic part increased the expression levels of target genes and performed more reliably than conventional expression parts with the same promoter and 5′ untranslated region. For Corynebacterium glutamicum, the strongest bicistronic part, HP‐BEP4, was obtained from a heterologous sequence source, leading to a 2.24‐fold increase in the expression level of fluorescent protein over constitutively expressed pXMJ19 or the production of more than 100 mg/L single‐chain variable fragment (scFv). It could meet the needs of overexpressing key genes in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

Gastrokine 1 (GKN1) plays an important role in the gastric mucosal defense mechanism and also acts as a functional gastric tumor suppressor. In this study, we examined the effect of GKN1 on the expression of inflammatory mediators, including NF‐κB, COX‐2, and cytokines in GKN1‐transfected AGS cells and shGKN1‐transfected HFE‐145 cells. Lymphocyte migration and cell viability were also analyzed after treatment with GKN1 and inflammatory cytokines in AGS cells by transwell chemotaxis and an MTT assay, respectively. In GKN1‐transfected AGS cells, we observed inactivation and reduced expression of NF‐κB and COX‐2, whereas shGKN1‐transfected HFE‐145 cells showed activation and increased expression of NF‐κB and COX‐2. GKN1 expression induced production of inflammatory cytokines including IL‐8 and ‐17A, but decreased expression of IL‐6 and ‐10. We also found IL‐17A expression in 9 (13.6%) out of 166 gastric cancer tissues and its expression was closely associated with GKN1 expression. GKN1 also acted as a chemoattractant for the migration of Jurkat T cells and peripheral B lymphocytes in the transwell assay. In addition, GKN1 significantly reduced cell viability in both AGS and HFE‐145 cells. These data suggest that the GKN1 gene may inhibit progression of gastric epithelial cells to cancer cells by regulating NF‐κB signaling pathway and cytokine expression. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 1800–1809, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A biosynthetic pathway for poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] was developed in Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum by an acetoacetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthase (AACS) recently isolated from terpenoid-producing Streptomyces sp. strain CL190. Expression of AACS led to significant productions of P(3HB) in E. coli (10.5 wt %) and C. glutamicum (19.7 wt %).  相似文献   

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