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This study evaluated the partitioning of ovomucoid from egg white, in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) composed of PEG 1500 and inorganic salt (lithium sulfate, sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, sodium carbonate or sodium citrate) at 25 °C. The results showed a great effect of the electrolyte nature on the partition coefficient. The partition coefficient value ranges from 0.02 to 6.0. The highest partition coefficients were obtained from systems composed of sodium carbonate and the lowest in systems composed of magnesium sulfate. In the system containing magnesium sulfate, a recovery percentage greater than 90% was obtained.  相似文献   

Rat carrier erythrocytes prepared by hypotonic dialysis (80 mOsm/kg) are a heterogeneous cell population that can be fractionated into two-well-defined cell subpopulations by a single partition step, in charge-sensitive dextran-poly(ethylene glycol) aqueous two-phase systems. One subpopulation (65% of total cells) has a decreased cell surface charge and is partitioned at the interface in a single step and then fractionated by counter-current distribution as a low-G subpopulation. The other subpopulation (35% of total cells) has charge surface properties more like those of the untreated control rat erythrocytes. These last cells are partitioned in the top phase in a single step and then fractionated by counter-current distribution as a high-G subpopulation. Partitioning is more effective in reducing cell heterogeneity in hypotonized rat erythrocyte populations than is density separation in Ficoll-paque which only separates a small less dense cell subpopulation (5% of total cells), with the most fragile cells, from a larger and more dense cell subpopulation (95% of total cells), with a mixture of fragile and normal cells. This simple cell separation procedure quickly reduces carrier erythrocyte heterogeneity in a single partitioning step so it can be used to prepare cells for in vivo studies.  相似文献   

The study includes partitioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems consisting of the polymer dextran and the non-ionic surfactant C12E5 (pentaethylene glycol mono-n-dodecyl ether). In this system a micelle-enriched phase is in equilibrium with a polymer-enriched phase. Charges can be introduced into the micelles by the addition of charged surfactants. The charge of the mixed micelles is easily varied in sign and magnitude independently of pH, by the addition of different amounts of negatively charged surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), or positively charged surfactant dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (DoTAC). A series of water-soluble model proteins (BSA, β-lactoglobulin, myoglobin, cytochrome c and lysozyme), with different net charges at pH 7.1, have been partitioned in non-charged systems and in systems with charged mixed micelles or charged polymer (dextran sulphate). It is shown that partition coefficients for charged proteins in dextran-C12E5 systems can be strongly affected by addition of charged surfactants (SDS, DoTAC) or polymer (dextran sulphate) and that the effects are directly correlated to protein net charge.  相似文献   

In this study an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and potassium phosphate was tested for the purification of lipase from Yarrowia lipolytica IMUFRJ 50682. Ultrafiltration and precipitation with acetone and kaolin were also used as traditional comparison methods Ultrafiltration was a good method with a purification factor of 6.55, but protease was also purified in this extract. For the precipitation with acetone and kaolin lower values of lipase and protease activity were found in relation to the original crude enzyme extract. Under the best conditions of ATPS (pH 6 and 4 °C), the purification fold was greater than 40 and selectivity was almost 500. Lipase was recovered in the salty phase which makes it easier to purify it. The optimum pH and temperature ranges for purified lipase with this system was 6–7 and 35–40 °C, respectively. Lipase thermostability was increased in relation to crude extract after the purification with the PEG/phosphate buffer system for temperatures lower than 50 °C. All enzyme extracts showed good stability to a wide pH range. Y. lipolytca lipase was successfully purified by using ATPS in a single downstream processing step and presented good process characteristics after this treatment.  相似文献   

Statistical models concerning partitioning of pectinase in polyethylene glycol 1000/Na2SO4 aqueous two-phase system were established with response surface methodology. Concentrations of polyethylene glycol 1000 and Na2SO4 were selected as independent variables to evaluate their impact on parameters of partitioning in aqueous two-phase system—the partition coefficient of pectinase, purification factor and pectinase yield. An experimental space where over 2.5-fold purification was achieved, followed by over 90% yield of pectinase. The established models showed good prediction of partitioning parameters.  相似文献   

The surface of spermatozoa plays a critical role in many stages involved in fertilisation. The plasma membrane undergoes important alterations in the male and female reproductive tract, which result in the ability of spermatozoa to fertilise eggs. One of these membrane modifications is sperm capacitation, a process by which sperm interacts with the zona pellucida receptors leading to the acrosome reaction. It has been proposed that the freezing process induces capacitation-like changes to spermatozoa, and that this premature capacitation could explain the reduction in longevity and fertilising capacity of cryopreserved mammalian spermatozoa. Our research focused on the relationship between membrane alterations occurring throughout freezing-thawing and the processes of capacitation and acrosome reaction. We used centrifugal countercurrent distribution (CCCD) analysis to compare the partition behaviour of ram spermatozoa that was either subjected to cold-shock or frozen-thawed with capacitated and acrosome reacted samples. In addition, the effect of the induced acrosome reaction on membrane integrity of ram spermatozoa was studied using biochemical markers and electron microscopy scanning. The CCCD analysis revealed important similarities between the surface characteristics of capacitated and cold-shocked sperm as well as between acrosome-reacted and frozen-thawed sperm. Cold-shocked and capacitated sperm showed an increased cell affinity for the lower dextran-rich phase as well as a decreased heterogeneity. Likewise, the induction of the acrosome reaction resulted in a loss of viability and an important decrease in cell surface heterogeneity compared to the untreated-control sample. Similar surface changes were found when semen samples were frozen with either Fiser or milk-yolk extender. These results confirm those obtained for membrane integrity by fluorescence markers. Thus, the high cell viability value found in the control sample (74.5%) was greatly decreased after cold-shock (22.2%), cryopreservation (26.38% Fiser medium, 24.8% milk-yolk medium) and acrosome reaction (6.6%), although it was preserved after inducing capacitation (46.7%). The study using electron microscopy scanning revealed dramatic structural alterations provoked by the induction of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Purification of a recombinant, thermostable alpha-amylase (MJA1) from the hyperthermophile, Methanococcus jannaschii, was investigated in the ethylene oxide-propylene oxide random copolymer (PEO-PPO)/(NH(4))(2)SO(4), and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)/(NH(4))(2)SO(4) aqueous two-phase systems. MJA1 partitioned in the top polymer-rich phase, while the remainder of proteins partitioned in the bottom salt-rich phase. It was found that enzyme recovery of up to 90% with a purification factor of 3.31 was achieved using a single aqueous two-phase extraction step. In addition, the partition behavior of pure amyloglucosidase in polymer/salt aqueous two-phase systems was also evaluated. All of the studied enzymes partitioned unevenly in these polymer/salt systems. This work is the first reported application of thermoseparating polymer aqueous two-phase systems for the purification of extremophile enzymes.  相似文献   

This study describes the application of aqueous two-phase partition using polyethylene glycol (PEG)-potassium phosphate systems for the direct recovery of proteins, and aggregates thereof, from mammalian brain tissue homogenates. Investigation of established methodologies for the purification of prion proteins (PrP) from bovine brain affected with transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) has identified an alternative purification regime based on aqueous two-phase partition. This circumvents energy-intensive and rate-limiting unit operations of ultracentrifugation conventionally used for isolation of PrP. Selectivity of various PEG-phosphate systems varied inversely with polymer molecular mass. The maximum protein recovery from bovine brain extracts was obtained with systems containing PEG 300. Manipulation of the aqueous environment, to back-extract protein product from the PEG-rich top phase into the phosphate-rich lower phase, enabled integration of ATPS with conventional hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) which selectively removes obdurate contaminating proteins (i.e. ferritin).  相似文献   

In the current study, the quantification of different model proteins in the presence of typical aqueous two-phase system components was investigated by using the Bradford and bicinchoninic acid (BCA) assays. Each phase-forming component above 1 and 5 wt% had considerable effects on the protein quantification in both assays, respectively, resulting in diminished protein recoveries/absorption values by increasing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)/salt concentration and PEG molecular weight. Therefore, a convenient dilution of both components (up to 1 and 5 wt%) before protein quantification is recommended in both assays, respectively, where the BCA assay is favored in comparison with the Bradford assay.  相似文献   

The dynamic viscosities of aqueous polyethylene glycol, aqueous bovine serum albumin, and polyethylene glycol-bovine serum albumin-water solutions were measured at temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degree C. To estimate the viscosity values of polyethylene glycol-bovine serum albumin-water solutions, a one parameter Grunberg-like model which was satisfactorily used earlier by the present author for polyethylene glycol-dextran-water solutions was employed. The disposable parameter a for our temperature range was estimated as 3.71. The relative errors varying from 0.29 to 18.98 in absolute value indicates that the Grunberg-like model works perfectly for polymer-protein solutions as well.  相似文献   

Solvent extraction, utilizing an oil-water mixture (e.g, chloroform-water) and a suitable complexant, is a proven technology for the selective removal and recovery of metal ions from aqueous solutions. Aqueous biphasic systems (ABS), formed by mixing certain inorganic salts and water-soluble polymers, or by mixing two dissimilar water-soluble polymers, have been studied for more than 40 years for the gentle, non-denaturing separation of fragile biomolecules, yet ABS have been virtually ignored as a possible extraction technology for metal ions. In this report we review our metal ion partitioning work and discuss the three major types of partitioning: (1) those rare instances that the metal ion species present in a given solution partitions to the PEG-rich phase without an extractant; (2) the use of halide salts which produce a metal anion complex that partitions to the PEG-rich phase; and (3) the use of a water-soluble extractant which distributes to the PEG-rich phase. In addition, we correlate the partitioning behavior we observed with available thermodynamic data for metal ions and their complexes.  相似文献   

New aqueous liquid-liquid two-phase systems based on bovine serum albumin and sodium thiocyanate in combination with either poly(vinyl alcohol) or poly(ethylene glycol) were investigated. Phase diagrams are presented. Lactate dehydrogenase and some mitochondrial enzymes were partitioned in the systems. All the phase components used influenced, either positively or negatively, the activity of lactate dehydrogenase. The enzymes showed a strong preference for the albumin phase. Possible scientific and biotechnological uses are discussed.  相似文献   

Aqueous two-phase systems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Biphasic systems formed by mixing of two polymers or a polymer and a salt in water can be used for separation of cells, membranes, viruses, proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules. The partitioning between the two phases is dependent on the surface properties and conformation of the materials, and also on the composition of the two-phase system. The mechanism of partitioning is, however, complex and not easily predicted. Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have proven to be a useful tool for analysis of biomolecular and cellular surfaces and their interactions, fractionation of cell populations, product recovery in biotechnology, and so forth. Potential for environmental remediation has also been suggested. Because ATPS are easily scalable and are also able to hold high biomass load in comparison with other separation techniques, the application that has attracted most interest so far has been the large-scale recovery of proteins from crude feedstocks. As chemicals constitute the major cost factor for large-scale systems, use of easily recyclable phase components and the phase systems generated by a single-phase chemical in water are being studied.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(2):335-346
Selective purification still poses a challenge in the downstream processing of biomolecules such as proteins and especially enzymes. In this study a polyethylene glycol 3000 (PEG 3000)–phosphate aqueous two-phase system at 25 °C and pH 7 was successfully used for laccase purification and separation. Initially, the effect of phase forming components on enzyme activities in homogenous systems was studied. In the course of the extraction experiments tie lines, enzyme source, initial enzyme activities, phase ratio and sodium chloride concentrations were varied and their influence on the activity partitioning was determined. Partitioning results were validated using clear-native-PAGE and isoelectric focusing. Based on these results, the separation of laccases from Trametes versicolor and Pleurotus sapidus was investigated using the principle of superposition. Sodium chloride was used to adjust laccase partitioning in the applied aqueous two-phase system (ATPS). Finally, two modes of operation are proposed depending on the aim of the purification task. One mode with 0.133 g g−1 of PEG3000, 0.063 g g−1 of phosphate and without sodium chloride separates P. sapidus laccases from T. versicolor laccases with clearance factors of 5.23 and 6.45, respectively. The other mode of operation with 0.124 g g−1 of PEG3000, 0.063 g g−1 of phosphate and 0.013 g g−1 of sodium chloride enables a partitioning of both laccases into the bottom phase of the ATPS resulting in a purification factor of 2.74 and 96% activity recovery.  相似文献   

The effect of a synergized two-step subcritical water extraction (SWE) and simultaneous multi-frequency ultrasound-assisted alcohol/salt aqueous two-phase extraction (MFu-AATPE) on the yield, physicochemical, structural characteristics, and antioxidant activities of Lentinus edodes polysaccharides (LEPs) was investigated. Crude LEP extracted under subcritical extraction (31.14%) was purified using dual and triple frequency ultrasound-assisted aqueous two-phase systems giving a yield of 94.57% and 97% respectively. Compared with the dual-frequency sonication (20/40 kHz), the triple frequency sonication (20/40/60 kHz) gave maximum yield and improved the desalination rate by 33.6%. Congo red analysis revealed triple helix structures. Gas Chromatography analysis showed the existence of mannose, glucose, arabinose, xylose, and galactose whilst spectral similarities were observed through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. The average molecular weight (Mw) was 83.6170 Da, 2384 Da and 2387 Da for control, dual and triple frequency samples respectively. Ultrasound treated polysaccharides displayed stronger antioxidant activities against the 2.2-diphenyl;-1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2, 2ʹ-azino-bis 3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6 sulfonic acid (ABTS) and hydroxyl radicals, thus demonstrating their potency in reducing oxidation. However, the microstructure of the triple frequency treated sample was altered compared to the dual-frequency sample. Therefore, this study demonstrated the efficacy of SWE in crude LEPs extraction and illustrated MFu-AATPE as an efficient technique that selectively isolates polysaccharides and enhances extraction efficiencies.  相似文献   

The solution behaviour of selected proteins has been studied under conditions promoting precipitation, binding to mildly hydrophobic adsorbents or partition. Solvophobic theory may be used to describe these forms of protein partition. The tendency of a protein to partition therein is dependent upon surface properties of the protein solute mediated by the concentration and nature of added salts. As applied to partitioning in poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-salt systems this implies that linear (Brönsted) relationships apply only to proteins partitioned close to the critical point. At longer tie-line lengths protein partitioning is increasingly influenced by salting-out forces. This is confirmed by the observed behaviour of the proteins. The point at which this behaviour changes has been unambiguously defined enabling the direct comparison of phase transition of proteins during partition in all systems. The results obtained show that phase transition during adsorption and partition occur at similar concentrations of salt. This is less than that required to promote precipitation. It appears, from these limited studies, that top-phase preferring proteins are partitioned at salt concentrations above those required to cause adsorption. Proteins preferring the lower phase are partitioned at salt concentrations close to or below those required for adsorption. This raises questions regarding the solvated molecular form of the partitioned proteins and the definition of the partition coefficient.  相似文献   

The dynamic viscosities of dilute aqueous poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran, and poly(ethylene glycol)-dextran-water solutions have been measured. The poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran samples had average molecular masses of 8000 Da and 580 000 Da, respectively. To estimate the values of viscosity of poly(ethylene glycol)-dextran-water solutions, a Grunberg like equation has been proposed which takes into account the influence of poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran concentrations. The relative errors vary between 0.76 and 11.64 in absolute value.  相似文献   

The practical application of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) to process development has been exploited for several years for the recovery of biological products. Unfortunately, this has not resulted in an extensive presence of the technique in commercial processes. Some of the main identified reasons for such situation involve the full understanding of the mechanism governing phase formation and the behaviour of solute partitioning in ATPS processes, the cost of phase forming polymers and the necessary extended time to understand the technique for process development. In this review paper, some of the practical disadvantages attributed to ATPS are addressed. The practical approach exploited to design ATPS processes, the application to achieve process integration, the increasing use for the recovery of high-value products and the recent development of alternative low cost ATPS, are discussed. It is proposed that the potential trend in the application of ATPS processes for the recovery of biological products will involve the recovery of high-value bio-particulate products with medical applications. This proposed trend in the application of ATPS will address the urgent need to rapidly and economically bring new biopharmaceutical products to market using scaleable and efficient bioprocess technology.  相似文献   

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