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The density of distribution of callosal neurons in the rabbit sensomotor cortex was studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase into the symmetrical region of the cortex. The degree of inequality of distribution of labeled neurons was determined visually and by statistical analysis. Stained callosal neurons were mainly small and medium-sized pyramidal cells, located chiefly in layer III–IV, and substantially less frequently in layers V and VI. Different forms of grouping of labeled neurons were observed in layer III–IV: two cells at a time, five to eight cells arranged vertically, or in concentrations, whose width was usually 120–200µ, and separated by areas with reduced density. The results are regarded as confirmation of those drawn previously from results of electrophysiological investigations on the modular organization of callosal connections in the rabbit sensomotor cortex.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 451–457, July–August, 1984.  相似文献   

Acute experiments on nonanesthetized curare-treated rats with the recording of the neuronal activity of the cortex were conducted; a determination was made of the threshold doses in which diazepam influenced the spontaneous and induced activity of the neurons of the sensory-motor and optic cortex. Diazepam proved to depress the spontaneous and induced activity of the neurons of the sensory-motor and optic cortex. Diazepam proved to depress the spontaneous and induced activity of the neurons of the sensory-motor cortex in considerably lesser doses than the neuronal activity of the optic cortex. It is supposed that the neurons of the anterior portions of the cortex were more sensitive to diazepam than the neurons of the limbic structures and the reticular formation.  相似文献   

Antidromic responses of two callosal neurones to a local electrical stimulation of the rabbit sensorimotor cortex may be recorded simultaneously with one microelectrode in the homotopic cortical area. In such recording conditions the relative amplitude of extracellularly recorded action potentials of the two neurones is determined primarily by the distance between these neurones and the electrode's tip. In response to the stimulation of the symmetrical area transcallosal monosynaptic excitation of the callosal neurone may occur; two callosal neurones may exite monosynaptically one and the same recorded neurone. The results suggest the existence of clusters or columns, formed jointly by the bodies and terminals of callosal neurones; a functional interconnection between symmetrical clusters or columns may exist, in particular a positive feedback.  相似文献   

Topic organization of the dental representation was studied in experiments on rabbits by the method of induced potentials. Every tooth proved to be locally represented in the sensory-motor zone of the brain cortex. These zones do not overlap in the case of stimulation of the threshold strength. Topic dental projection region occupies a territory including fields Par I, Praecag, Preacgr, and PC.  相似文献   

The strength of interaction between neurons in the sensorimotor cortex of rabbits was compared before and after the formation of a hidden excitatory focus (dominant) in this cortical area. In control experiments the interactions between the neurons was significantly stronger in cases when the influence of the neurons with higher spike amplitude on the neurons generating lower-amplitude pulses was assessed. This difference disappeared in the dominant focus.  相似文献   

The study deals with synaptic and spike responses of neurones in the rat sensorimotor cortex to stimulation of the lateral and medial hypothalamus, locus coeruleus and raphe nuclei. The activity of 57 neurones was recorded, 41 of them intracellularly and quasi-intracellularly, in response to the stimulation of sites in these structures, which were previously identified as "emotionally/ significant. No considerable differences in the effects of the stimulation of different "emotiogenic" zones were found. The stimulation parameters, differing from the "behavioural" ones by a greater strength, elicited in the majority of neurones clear post-synaptic responses, often in the form of EPSP-IPSP. Latencies of the responses varied from 3 to 80 msec. The most stable and pronounced responses were obtained to the stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus. No significant correlations of the latencies of the responses to the stimulation of different "emotiogenic" structures were found.  相似文献   

Electrical activity of the sensomotor and visual areas of the neocortex during stimulation of the caudate nucleus was recorded in young rabbits aged 3–60 days and in adults. Single stimulation of the caudate nucleus was found to cause the appearance of characteristic bursts of spindle-like rhythmic activity ("caudate spindles"), described previously in cats and monkeys, in the adult rabbit cortex. The latent period of the caudate spindle was about 200 msec, its duration 1–3 sec, and the frequency of its oscillations of the order of 12 Hz. Caudate spindles were most marked in the sensomotor cortex of the ipsilateral hemisphere. In rabbits under 10 days old caudate spindles were not found even if the intensity of stimulation was increased many times. Starting from the age of 15 days bursts of rhythmic activity resembling caudate spindles, but with lower frequency (about 8 Hz), longer latent period (up to 350 msec), and also with a higher threshold, appeared in the sensomotor cortex. The definitive type of caudate spindles was established toward the end of the first month of postnatal life, corresponding to the time of formation and complication of conditioned-reflex activity in developing animals.Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 11–15, March, 1985.  相似文献   

To test the possibility that the theta-rhythm may spread passively from the hippocampus into the neocortex in rabbits and to analyze the properties of these rhythms recorded from the surface of the neocortex, an investigation was made of activity recorded simultaneously from the hippocampus and various points of the neocortex, including from a strip of the sensomotor cortex isolated completely with respect to its nervous connections. The use of special correlation methods showed that an appreciable contribution to the potentials recorded from the isolated strip can be made by the passive conduction of hippocampal activity (provided that it generates a regular high-amplitude theta-rhythm). At the same time, potentials in a theta-rhythm may be generated in the isolated strip itself. The theta-rhythm recorded in the intact rabbit cortex may thus be of combined genesis: generated in the neocortex itself and spreading passively from the hippocampus through the brain tissues as through a volume conductor.  相似文献   

Characteristics of neuronal responses of the sensorimotor cortex to ionophoretically administered neuromediators (acetylcholine, L-glutamate) were studied in rabbit in the course of extinction of conditioned defensive reflex. In the majority of neurones the extinction of the conditioned reflex is accompanied by a drop of cholinosensitivity. In a number of neurones the extinction of reflexes either does not change the reaction to acetylcholine, or enhances it. The analysis of these reactions permits to assume the existence of a group of neurones directly involved in the formation, fixation and storage of the temporary connection.  相似文献   

In experiments on unrestrained rabbits interactions of sound (tone, click), light and pain excitation occurring during stimulation of the dental pulp in the neurons of the cortical sensomotor zone, in the area of representation of the dental afferents were studied by the microelectrode method. It was shown that bi- and polysensor convergence of excitation is realized in the cells of this area. It is suggested that convergence of excitation underlies the mechanisms of formation of the integral systemic pain reaction during stimulation of the dental receptors.  相似文献   

Histological and hypoxic changes in different tissue elements (neurones and glia), testifying to active disturbances of metabolic processes, are observed in the sensorimotor cerebral cortex of rabbits with experimental neurosis. These changes indicate a complex structural-metabolic rearrangement, occuring with this form of CNS pathology. The results of the study may be used for investigation of mechanisms compensating disturbances in the higher nervous activity and for pathogenetically grounded therapy.  相似文献   

In alert rabbits the activity of the motor cortex neurones was recorded with simultaneous application of acetylcholine to them in the process of defensive conditioning. Conditioned reorganization, mainly of activation type, were found in 60% of neurones. In most cases conditionally reacting cells were sensitive to acetylcholine. Ionophoretic application of the transmitter promoted the formation of conditioned neuronal responses and increased them in comparison with conditioned reactions evoked in absence of acetylcholine. It is supposed that the influence of acetylcholine on conditioned cellular process is realized due to its action on the state of excitability of the cortical neurones.  相似文献   

Unit responses of the sensomotor cortex to paired electrical stimulation and visual cortex, applied either simultaneously or after various delays (from 0 to 200 msec) depend on the order of application of the stimuli and on the interval between them. If stimulation of the sensomotor cortex was used in a conditioning role the response continued unchanged when the intervals between stimuli were increased to 200 msec. If, however, stimulation of the sensomotor cortex had a testing role interaction was observed between the stimuli so that responses to both first and second stimuli were blocked; this was exhibited most clearly for intervals of 40–80 msec between stimuli. The blocking effect persisted on some neurons with delays of up to 200 msec between stimuli, while the response of others to both the first and the second stimulus was restored.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 628–635, November–December, 1973.  相似文献   

Changes of pyramidal tract (PT) response were analyzed, reflecting the final result of cortical interaction in the process of combinations of direct stimulations of cortical surface in nonimmobilized and unanaesthetized rabbits. It has been shown that in a situation, modelling conditioning, changes take place of the first direct component--the D-component--of the PT response (reflecting the excitability of the PT neurones), as well as changes of the successive indirect synaptic component--I-component (reflecting the excitability of presynaptic cortical elements and of intracortical synaptic connections). I-component changes were significantly more expressed. In most cases the I-component of the response was increased. The obtained data testify to an increase of synaptic efficiency in the process of temporary connection formation and to possible change (increase or reduction) of excitability of PT neurones.  相似文献   

1. Noradrenaline, isoprenaline, and phenylephrine have been applied my microiontophoresis to neurones in the guinea pig cerebral cortex. All three compounds produced depression of neuronal firing, and all could be antagonized to some extent by phentolamine or propranolol. 2. The responses to isoprenaline were substantially reduced in size after a few applications. Noradrenaline and phenylephrine responses were partially reduced at the time of isoprenaline insensitivity, and the responses could now be blocked completely by phentolamine. 3. The results suggest that two kinds of receptors are present in the guinea pig cerebral cortex, with properties similar to alpha and beta receptors in the periphery. A single receptor with intermediate properties would not readily explain the present results. 4. The results are not consistent with the proposal that alpha receptors mediate neuronal excitation, and beta receptors inhibition in the cerebral cortex. 5. It is also suggested that the failure of some previous studies on guinea pig cortex in vitro to demonstrate the presence of beta receptors may be due to the particularly rapid desensitization of these receptors.  相似文献   

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